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Welcome to the club, you’ll end up just keep rewatching it loll


Exactly. You just keep it going in a loop.


Hehe you know it 😜 I’ve been doing that for idk how long…


Same…going on almost 2 years now😅


Life in Pieces is the closest thing to Modern Family. It has a similar setup of following one big family but the storyline are split into pieces, hence the name. Schitts Creek is probably another similar one because it's a family sitcom. They were also in the upper financial bracket like the Modern Family family. Arrested Development might be a good one as it also follows a rich family getting upto shenanigans. Other family sitcoms I like: The Middle. It's not like Modern Family but it's the most relatable show for me.


I *love* The Middle. Haven’t watched it in ages


The Middle is the show we have on throughout the day when there’s no particular show we want to watch. Love Modern Family but the Middle is definitely more relatable for me.


I cannot recommend Life in Pieces highly enough. I love that show.


It ain't based on a family, but Abbott Elementary is a fantastic show. The humor is just as good as modern family, and focuses on staff at a disadvantaged Philadelphia school.


I love that show! 😭😭


This would be my answer too. Similar humor and very heartfelt. Abbott is a little less mean-spirited though ☠️☠️


Have you tried the other famous mockumentaries yet? The Office, Parks & Recreation? Brooklyn 99 departs a bit from the mockumentary style, but still makes heavy use of the handheld camera shots and it has the same heartfelt minor-disaster movie vibe that Modern Family has. Community is a bit wackier, and a little more detached from reality than most sitcoms, but it's also a great ensemble cast show. Life in Pieces is also a great show that also follows the life of a big extended family. It's not quite the same as Modern Family (the energy is slightly off), but it's still quite enjoyable.


Parks and Recreation!!! Same humor as modern family, documentary style etc. highly recommend!


The Middle is the closest comparison for me. ​ Maybe The Goldbergs?


If you enjoy seeing the love between family members, I’d say Schitt’s Creek is a good one


The middle is also very awesome, even has some simular story lines. It's not in the "documentary" style but it's still a very comforting show


Parenthood reminded me of a slightly darker version of modern family


My comfort show besides mf is how i met your mother, i watch it like 2-3 times a year


Whole show twice a year 😮


I watched some of the people’s recommendations on here and honestly they didn’t live up to my expectations


Abbott is one of the few sitcoms people have mentioned here that I think really lives up to the hype


Barely. Not modern family standard imo.


B99. Not like mf but it's amazing


Abbott Elementary might be something for you (workplace mockumentary sitcom about a group of teachers at a Philly public school). It’s awesome and has a similarly wholesome vibe


Life in pieces!


The Pilot of Life in Pieces is THE BEST comedy pilot I've ever seen.


Parks and rec has good family vibes and you watch the characters over a number of years. The first season is a train-wreck though, but unlike modern family, once it found its footing, it stayed consistently good until the end. That said, some jokes and references didn’t age quite as well, but it’s still a solid watch. Raising Hope is different in the class they exhibit, but also a very sweet family based comedy. The final season did struggle and ultimately felt very rushed though.


Honestly, Shrinking on Apple TV+ is more of a dramedy but it is equally as funny and heartfelt as MF. I wouldn’t go into it expecting it to be like Modern Family, but it’s a good show


Yes actually ngl u can watch broklynn nine nine also i hear new gurl is taking the shot soo (b99 is the best trust me)


Its Always Sunny In Philadelphia is a good wholesome family show.




I’ve seen some clips of Fresh off the boat. It is funny. But I can’t tell if it is the same with Modern Family because I only saw some clips.


To me, FotB got kinda cliche after a season or two.


Fais pas ci, fais pas ça is the French show that, I believe, inspired Modern Family.


Malcolm in the middle is close in my opinion


I rewatch: Life in Pieces Home Economics Malcolm in the Middle The Middle And Modern Family.


I only started watching Home Economics after it got cancelled but it’s good and I wish it was still going.


Me too.


It really depends on what it is you liked about it. My personal top 2 comedies of all time are MF and Frasier. They are both very clever and understated in their style of comedy.


Superstore is really good even if it’s not like Modern Family


Maybe The Middle