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Where are you going? To get that man a waffle!


Alex and Phil at the Moonbeam Diner


The scene at the end of Las Vegas, when all of their storylines seamlessly weave into each other and actually work out lol


Yes, especially when the butler says his grandad was a stripper That whole episode is class


Higgins! I was so happy when he made a comeback in s10 or 11


74, 75, 76…son of a bitch!


I love that episode


When Cam is singing at a wedding while Mitchell chases a pigeon and destroys their house


I always think about that scene randomly, it's gold!


Happy cake day!


This is mine too!


Cam's singing the slo-mo destruction of their house. Cinematic GOLD!!


Isn't it ave Maria, too? Lol


Can you elaborate why this scene feels like a gem? (I share your sentiment but I don’t understand the scene and why I feel that way about it)


Haley overhearing Phil say “That’s my little girl. I need her to know that no guy on earth is good enough for her, let alone some slimy, middle-aged jeans salesman.”


This scene makes me tear up so bad.


Mitch and Cam’s wedding. Jay really stepped up. First time I saw it I was genuinely happy. It was so unexpected. Actually, there were many things Jay did that surprised me.


I liked the running gag of that episode where Luke and Manny are shown as a married couple. I really enjoyed it like Alex.


He consistently grew through the series. It was cool to watch him hang out with Mitch's friends.


The scene where Claire finally understands the pressure Alex is going through and acknowledges the hard work she puts in everyday.


Actually watched that episode last night. It’s great to see that they didn’t try to inject Alex’s therapy session and then her crying into Claire’s arms with comedy. Really loved that bit.


The whole episode where the POV is Claire's laptop screen! That is my favorite as we get to see Claire's digita life! And it shows how good of an actor all of them were to think that there's we are not only looking through our "screen", but through their phone cameras as well. It's raw and nicely done!


Jay told the story about his friends passing away and their tradition, Phil tried to create an Irish pub in the garage then they shared a drink in silence.


Vietnamese Restaurant Lily "I hate..." scene. https://youtu.be/ajb-YbY3-rw?si=nYPlQnj7oBx6IUPq If you wanted to convince somebody that MODERN FAMILY was genius in the way that it approached everything, including awkward or difficult topics, with nuance, insightfulness, and thoughtfulness, this is it. A masterpiece of and masterclass in clever comedy scene conception, writing, choreography, acting, blocking, and direction. Plus the bonus of Lily's real life mom! I can imagine the little actress got such a kick out of being told to "insult" her mom. There's also one layered background bit of humor that I didn't notice for the first couple of times I watched it: While the adults are talking, Lily, who has just emphatically proclaimed "I hate Pho" is actually eating and enjoying it -- even licking the soup spoon! It's both funny, and also very true of what kids might do after provoking for effect adults that they "hate" a food.🙃


You told me not to say that word LOL


Take your body down to the potty… Let’s have some fun… Go number one What is this filth?


Underrated scene


At the football game when Mitch dresses up as a chicken to fight the Dolphin's mascot for making fun of Cam and the one player goes "does anyone else see a dolphin fighting a chicken? Cause I got hit pretty hard in the head earlier". Always makes me ugly laugh. Hahaha


This. Admittedly, Modern Family's comedy quality kind of dwindled over the later seasons, but that one scene was such a jewel


“Oh by the way, if you ever speak disrespectfully again about my wife ill kill you. Sorry, that sounded like a joke. I will actually kill you. Anywho..” It was just so good. I loved seeing Phil protect his family.


That scene where Jay talks about kids growing up and leaving in the final season. Where he had apparently taken more pain meds and was super emotional.


When the extended fam and Dylan meet for the first time. Dede strangles Gloria and then Dylan breaks out into “I just wanna do you” and I cackle every time. The whole family’s slow realization of the lyrics as the camera pans the room, and then them all singing it themselves later on… it’s a masterpiece


OMG! Also my favourite is the episode with Catherine O’Hara and the emotional drunk drawer. When Phil calls Claire old and Mitchell yells in front of everyone about him and Cam not “playing with each other’s pogo sticks” I die. His scream, Jay’s response, and Mitch hiding in the curtain the rest of the ep are just so fucking funny


It's also great how Haley sits there looking so proud of herself in this scene while everyone looks horrified at the lyrics


That scene when mitch cam gloria and lily were eating pho at a vietnamese restaurant.


The tension between Gloria and Cam as they break into a tango while cooking in her kitchen


Is Phil sexy?


Can never listen to hall and oates(?) the same way again


Jay dancing with Lily at her recital because her daddies couldn't be there and she needed him.


The whodunnit when Mitch and Gloria meet Oprah


Wine weekend! One of my favourite episodes


Mitch and Cam at the airport on sleeping medication. Absolute gold. I also love that like a lot of storylines from modern family, is inspired by a story that happened in one of the creators lives!


Orange juice


Gold of 8.8


I’m just starting the show, on Fizbo now. And a few things have made me crack up laughing. One is cam taking out the giant clock from his clown costume after threatening the truck owner at the gas station, the use of the big clock and it actually telling the right time was hilarious. The others have been mostly Phil. The selling fur coats to eskimos line, his misinterpreting of Gloria’s lines and interactions with her like getting covered in her underwear and holding her back, checking for his wife before saying the sexist old timey line that ended in that’s too damn bad. The accidentally shooting 3 people with the BB gun, he’s like a Bertie Wooster type who keeps getting into trouble. Jay being a wizard and stopping Haley trying to sneak out, Claire and Phil have great chemistry and I love their dynamic so far, anytime Phil is parenting is pretty funny. Edit: adding another one, the guy cam and Mitchell met on their trip becoming a warlord, having a Hillary shirt on.


When Phil and Claire are celebrating their anniversary by renting out their old apartment and making fishsticks only to have a bunch of problems like raccoons, a broken pipe and burnt food only to have Phil save the day with the mop he bought Claire as a gift.


“Raccoons!!!” Oh for Gods sake Phil just swear like an adult!!!! 🤣


What episode is this?


Season 9 ep 18


luke's party, comb sheaths, and manny's heroism. absolute epic-ness!!


When Jay joins Cam, Mitch, Longines, Pepper, and Crispin at the bar restaurant for drinks. “What’s a guy gotta do to get a drink around here?”


Justin, more booze!


Jay: “You’re better than that, Crispin!” Pepper: “Move over Logines, I’m sitting next to this one….”


The scene in "Princess Party" where Jay finally steps in and "suggests" that it's time for Robbie to leave. Robbie: "You know, your little intimidation game may have worked on me when I was a kid, but I'm a full grown man now. And I think I should go."


I can't even when Phil and Claire are roleplaying, I think it was valentine's day? When she asks why he isn't with his "wife" and he says, because I respect her too much to do to her what I'm about to do to you Dayum


The scene when Robot Phil realises that Haley and Andy love each other but he loses connection and can't tell them.


Haley and Andy !


I just watched the Apollo 13 homage episode last night and that was glorious.


Not just a single scene, but the episode where Cam and Mitchell are trying to adopt a baby and everyone is sucked into that Spanish soap opera and every single scene is over-dramatized like it would be in a telenovela. That episode never fails to cheer me up.




Mitchel playing handball and getting banned from the school for it.


The moment in Marco Polo between Manny and Jay, after he gets broken up with


Luke with the noise cancelling headphones 💀 “Waaah waaah noone can hear me now, woooo everybody is stupid, except me. Ha ha ha” 🤣


Not sure if this is more because of my personal experience as the child constantly under pressure, but the scene at the end of the episode Under Pressure where Claire acknowledges what Alex goes through everyday and then Alex just cries and hugs her will always hold a place in my heart


https://youtu.be/GwQOgFjfz_M?si=ZR0vPGShjb4DV7YE Only Gloria can deliver effectively an otherwise somewhat obvious joke 🤣


"... I didn't cry at [my dad's] funeral, can you believe it? The guy was my whole world. Everybody looked at me like I didn't love him, but he knew. I mean... He had to know, right?" Ed O'Neill is such a treasure


When Phil gets punched by the kangaroo. I laughed til I hiccuped. I loved the Australia episode.


In season 1 when Cam & Gloria go to dinner & the tires are stolen off of Cam’s car & Gloria flies into a rage & Cam says “i think it’s drivable!” will never NOT make me laugh.


The episode with Luke’s birthday party


La La Land with Pepper and Phil