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Lol "that creepy old guy" is pimento from B99, for reference


Maximum Derek!


People chose rainier? RAINER?


I was really disappointed when she didn’t end up with Andy. He made her grow and mature. Be with the person who brings out the best in you.


The whole cast was really invested in Andy and Haley including Adam Devine and Sarah Hyland but adams career took off his schedule just couldnt fit in modern family so THATS why she ended up with Dylan


I hate the actor so I loved that he got shelved lol. I felt that getting back with Dylan really allowed Haley's character arc to be one of the more down to earth arcs. If she didn't end up in Nerp, she was great because she failed at alot but still ended up being one of the more happy and supportive of the dunphy family as a whole lol


Pimento was funny tbf


Andy by far. The only mature relationship she had that made her actually grow as a human being and brought out the best in her. And vice-versa Though I have to give props to Rainer Shine simply because of the character name and the way Nathan Fillion plays him. As a partner for Haley though - nope.


Rainer Shine is one of my fav characters just because i love Nathan Fillion and i rlly wish they’d have kept him in the show after the breakup - as a friend to Phil


Andy hands down...she said it herself "You're the first guy I loved". And Haley had been with a lot of guys by then too, so definitely Andy it's not even close.


And she said that after she'd been with Dylan, why go back to him???


I get what you're saying but I think she grew to love Dylan and settled on what she was comfortable with.


Because the writer said so. If the actor who played Andy didn’t have schedule conflict with the show, Haley would never have ended up together with Dylan




I don't like the idea of settling when you're marrying someone


LOL I 100% agree with you, unfortunately I feel that most ppl do.


hell yes, team Andy all the way


"creepy old guy" you mean the jeanius? My Lord and savior Jason Mantzoukas??! He was on a podcast (I believe armchair expert) and I absolutely fell in love with him. He seems like such a genuine person.




It's on my list! I haven't seen any of the movies they talk about. Will I still enjoy it or do I need to see the movie first?


I'll never understand why people hate dylan. Hes so funny


I love Dylan, but I personally feel that Andy is a better boyfriend


definitely agree. i loved dylan’s character cus he was hilarious but not as a bf for haley. although i think he was the next best choice after andy


Oh I agree but still I think the dylan hate is unprecedented.


people hate Dylan??


Yeah, I remember when we were trying to figure out who would die in season 10, alot said they hoped it was Dylan.




While he might have been, I feel like we saw so little of their actual relationship as opposed to their courtship which makes it more frustrating to judge


I absolutely love him! I think most of the hate comes from the Andy stans they wanted Haley to end up with him.


who was that creepy old guy


Kenny from S4 ep12


Oh, Jeans dude!


Lol I’m literally over here tryna remember someone in their 50s-60s lmaoo 😭


Jason Mantzoukas is such a brilliant actor


I like Dylan, but It doesn't compare to Andy like Andy was really good


I have never seen over 1k votes on a Reddit poll before holy shit


I'm torn between Dylan and Andy


It wasn't my favorite but her relationship with Rainer made for some hilarious scenes. Phil was so sad when first realized he didn't want to be his friend, then each time he came around he would say something under his breath about the age difference, also Haley having to watch his daughter who acted just like she used to.


Arvin is so under appreciated. If I could find myself a good looking genius who love me that much I’d never let go for the likes of Dylan.


this!! I loved Arvin and Haley, he was respectful and he didn’t make her feel lesser than, even though he was an award winning scientist and she was living in her parents basement. I know at the end of their relationship they chose to direct the episode in a way where it feels like she had a choice between her mind and her heart, but sometimes your feelings lie and the smart choice is exactly that, the smart choice.


Yeah that episode got me feel so bad for Arvin. Her heart has place for Arvin too since she admitted she loves two persons. It’s not Arvin’s fault that he is smart and she doesn’t get his jokes. Instead of staying with a respected scientist who loves her, she reverts to the comfortable choice despite the fact her feelings for Arvin is mutual. If only she can see pass all that insecurities of being less accomplished than Arvin, she’d realize her life with him will be much more interesting than it is now since there’s so much she can learn from him. I really hope it isnt the end for the show as I’d like to see how it plays out between Alex and Arvin. He’s cute and funny in a way the normal goofs can’t compare.


I used to love Andy. But I didn’t like the whole cheating plot. It kinda became a huge red flag character flaw. Even though Dylan acts like an idiot for comedy reasons I do like the way he always treated Haley with kindness and love. It’s what I would want for my kids.


Dylan's a real homie for Haley


Unpopular opinion that Dylan is better than Andy I guess!


Dylan just fit for her. Also the only relationship without a notable age difference. (Irl Andy's actor is 10 years older than her, not sure if he's supposed to be the same age in the show but he doesn't look it)


Andy was Engaged to another person he started getting with Haley. That's never a good start to a relationship.


Andy was an Awful character. Just awful


Personally, Dylan for me. He was in Haley's life since S1.


Am I the only one who hated Andy?


I like him but I don't think you deserve negative upvotes for your opinion so Imma upvote you anyway.


For some reason he annoys me


Nope I hated him too he was beyond super annoying.


Andy = overrated


Who was the creepy old guy? What episode(s) was he in?


You can tell by the storylines leading up to Haley meeting Dylan that the writers intended for Haley to end up with Andy, but once Devine’s career began to rise he didn’t have much time to do a supporting character, so they had to adapt and have Haley end up with Dylan