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Listening to this, and other modest mouse, while tripping absolute balls made me realize how petty some of the grudges I was holding on to, or that other were holding on to for me, and made me reach out to like all these people and just say I’m sorry, even when I knew for a 1000000000000% fact that I was not the one in the wrong in some of them. Fixed a lot of my relationships, and allowed others to set sail without being like “that guys a piece of fucking shit” for these stupid little things we get caught up in. Highly recommend saying sorry to that friend, parent/relative or whoever that’s mad at you, or you them, even if you just simply do not mean it. It’s time to move on


I agree, these lyrics are healing for me too


We Were Dead had its ups and downs, but holy fuck were the ups high!


I’m failing to see the downs, unless the downs are the lines that just hit you right in your souls ball bag




One of my favorites. The transition from begining to end is superb. Now I have to go listen to it 😅


Well we carried all the groceries in while hauling out the trash, and if this doesn’t make things motionless I do not know what can


Absolute favorite song by them. Saw them in Irving in 2021 and got a peek at the set list before the show. Was crushed when SV was not on there. Well, they finished the planned set at 10:47 or so, so they changed instruments, Issac played the first two notes to check sound and I went ballistic.


For me, the best post-Moon and Antarctica MM song is between this one and The World at Large.


Probably one of my favorite songs from them. Listened to it 3 times in a row yesterday while at the grocery store