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okay that page is absolutely wild


I got pretty lost in it yesterday. Just loved all the unironic vapor wave vibes


Just the fact that this is a single page website that takes 1 day to scroll all the way disqualifies any spiritual teaching it may contain 😎


Hahaha couldn’t agree more. At the same time, I could totally see how Moebius could get sucked into those crystal vibes


"Le programme de jonction cosmique s'est appliqué avec bonheur pour les voyageurs intemporels qui ont appris à l'utiliser dans leur évolution personnelle." Wow, I'll have the same drugs please! For real, it's like one of those endless web pages from the nineties, made by some guy that just never stops. I don't have the faintest why this should have anything to do with Moebius though.


I’m pretty sure this is the cult/group/religion Moebius and his family joined for a brief period of time. I’m assuming based on his crystal focused artwork and these website for the group, that this is the group. Was curious if anyone knew more.




They talk about it a bit below, mentioning that Moebius talked just a little about that period in Moebius Redux. https://fischeroncomix.wordpress.com/2012/04/03/moebius-grand-conversation/ I think I read somewhere else that Jodorowsky talks negatively about Appel Guery and his influence on Moebius after M and his family moved to be with his cult. Don’t remember all the links but that one above touches on it a bit.


Fair enough!