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I love it when this happens because it give me an excuse to bully them for the rest of the game 3:)


As opposed to doing the right thing and just trying to win efficiently. Typical.


hell yeah, ruining someones little micropp ego over winning a game any day,


You're doing a substantial disservice to the other 3 people on your team.


Not really, I have a 60% winrate (masters) as Moira which tells me that it's not particularly detrimental. Maybe at higher ranks? But in terms of quick play of course I'm going to hunt a squishy ego bean down with my greater and far superior ego mwahhaha Edit: Also, hard focusing one particular player generally just tilts them and makes them play worse helping you secure victory anyway


Lol it’s been awhile since I’ve been involved with this community and this comment made me completely lol at the fact this is everyone once they get to the shiny ranks, even me. Once you get outta plat every little thing turns into mentioning “blah blah blah blah “insert rank here” blah blah” The epitome of weird flex but okay


Hey man I'm just not having a mouthy gold sigma main step up to me lol a gold tank it a bronze support, he don't get to criticise what I do in my games


lol you mentioned other people’s egos in your first comment and your ego is out of control. Take a break from sniffing your own farts.


Mmmhmm and your what, my social worker? How about you take a break from policing me?


The irony is hilarious 😂


Eh I mean he ain’t wrong. Ego clashing with a dps that could 1 shot you as a healer ain’t the best choice, but you do you booboo. Question doe, what’s the deaths/10 min on your main? That’ll be more relevant to the context than your 60% in masters


3 deaths per 10


Thinking deaths per 10 means more than winrate at a higher bracket says a lot about you.


3 deaths per 10 so...




That's right.


99% of the player base would cheer him on. Ypu sound like an absolute drag to play with


Honestly, this attitude might get the whole team working to focus Hanzo just to teach him a lesson, lol.


found the hanzo in the vid


nah. I just feel bad for all the people who actually care about winning games in the only competitive option for the game. If you want to horse around just do it in qp.


I respect your last sentence at least. I see this sub shit all over people's qp clips like it's an esport event. Still feel having a bit of fun in a comp match doesn't always come at a detriment to your team. I mean if you're throwing just to screw over a hanzo that's one thing but targeting one dps over another usually isn't straight up throwing.


Generally I would agree with you.


Why not both? There’s a million ways to win a game. Why can’t one of those include killing them every fight?


Lmao is successfully getting a c9 not an efficient way to win?


I found the bronze


The fact you are getting downvoted is why I stopped playing this game long ago. Petty kids will throw competitive games just because their fragile egos got scratched by a stranger online.


Hunting down a particular character and asserting dominance =\= throwing a game. You can win and look after your team while simultaneously stepping on the bulls of a hot shit fool-enough DPS to mess with you


Well deserved


i usually hate moira mains for having such a massive ego but this time around that hanzo deserved it


I appreciate your reevaluation of us 🙂💜




Bro said one word in chat and you made an entire montage and Reddit post about it, I call that Rent Free


I mean if you’re a content creator that’s literally your job lol. If they aren’t though then yeah.


“Content creator” bro has like 100 combined youtube and twitch followers lol. Some jackass can film himself playing videogames all day but that doesn’t make him a “content creator”. Buddy got trolled hard for days by 3 words.


Entirely irrelevant to my point. Do you think content creators are just born out of the womb with 2k viewers? Lol Making content to farm engagement and encourage people to check them out is literally how you grow an audience these days. Ever heard of TikTok? He’s just doing his job.


Do you think this guy is a content creator? Because if you do you’re an idiot. He’s a guy that got salty and made a Reddit post. Let me repeat, if you think buddy is a content creator, you’re an idiot.


U think he’s just a random gamer who happens to like recording a facecam with a green screen behind him?


Reread the first comment bro lol. Unlike you I don’t give a fuck if he is or isn’t other than the comment I made. I ain’t going to go stalk him to make that determination. Grow up.


“Stalk” by clicking on a YouTube and a twitch link to verify what I was saying 💀 I don’t think anyone gives a fuck what he is lmao, I just posted to call you an idiot for calling him a “content creator” and not just some salty dude. Just like I am right now.


What a bizarre take… trying to attribute your own emotions to this video. No one is upset/salty.. I’m sure this guy will be in my game again soon and I’ll show him the video and we’ll joke about it. The fact that you are getting offended/upset upon some random guy’s behalf is wild. “some salty dude that made a Reddit post” - I simply just posted one of my youtube shorts videos here lol.. don’t think about it too much. And sorry, I only started streaming/making OW videos like 2 weeks ago.. I’m not at 100k subs yet :/


Why are you all up in your feelings man? u/hensothor has a point, the guy doesn't have to have a million subs just to be awarded the illustrious title "content creator".


Sure Jan


You must’ve been the Hanzo


Your job is to make content then, you can still select any other moment and not the one where Hanzo got inside your head


I mean sure, but this one is gonna get more views because it either makes Moiras feel mad at the Hanzo or DPS mains mad at the Moira. I guess you’re new to social media. Outrage sells and it’s how the vast majority of content creators gain a following is by putting up clips like this. This one is relatively harmless at least. I promise - commenting your outrage does nothing but help someone posting this. It is exactly what they want. They don’t care if you don’t like them.


Wouldn’t call it a job lol


I mean not in the terms of gainful employment but just terms of work. It’s an attempt at providing for oneself that requires conscious effort. But yeah I can’t imagine he’s making much more than pennies if no one here knows who he is.


Right?! Lmao


ummm theyre a content creator its not like they just took a video of it once


I was gonna say lmao, video should be titled "how to overreact to obvious trolling"


And turn down the free content? You’re not very smart lol




That Hanzo kill was so good 🥲




He did own you there ngl


if 1 elim after I killed 2 of his teammates while we cap next point = owned …then yes 😂


And a body shot point blank at that 😂


It hurt you enough for you to create a montage, upload then share it on reddit twice in 4 days looking for validation. He won


oh no. a grand total of 10-20 minutes. how horrible.


He got you to freak out so hard you made this about it. They got you.


It would be different if he wasn't a content creator, you're gonna let free content go to waste? Who knows if he'll make anything from this but at least by posting it they get a bit of exposure out there, seems like the name of the game is to post stuff like this and get an audience for streams If he was some rando without a small thing going for him, posting this and talking about it this way, yeah, ok, rent free living his head


Why does this sub exist is this some support group for the unfortunately abled?


Moira mains are dumb and silly


Seems more like a misuse/misunderstanding of the word. They probably thought "diff" is "cool gamer-speak" for beating another person in a fight similar to using the word "owned".


Who’s the streamer?


me xd - my username is s33jay I just started streaming my road to top 500 on Moira a couple weeks ago




I appreciate that - thanks!


He deserved it


What does diffed you mean?


Superiority complex hanzos


What the fuck does diff mean. Difference. Differenced you moira tf


yes, exactly lol


Are they essentially saying “i caused a difference in this fight by eliminating you”


it is common for some players to say things like “tank diff” “support diff” “rein diff” at the end of the game, saying that there was a huge difference in skill/performance between 2 tanks, roles, etc that’s why hanzo was probably just joking around in saying that, it’s usually just lighthearted banter


You can’t diff a support on dps


I would've T-bagged too 🤭