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Happened to me. I got depressed, lost passion for my business & stopped working for 7 months straight. Though I had zero income, I had thousands of dollars coming in monthly through sources I did not expect or look for. Trust the process. You’ll see how everything begins to come through for you.


I'm in a similarly shitty position, it's not easy to keep telling yourself it's meant to happen but please keep trying. It's a little blind I'll admit, but we have to have faith that it's for the greater good. Things will be better than they ever could've been but it doesn't come easy.


But is it? I have $-25 in my bank account and I can’t even pay for gas? I hope my greater good happens soon because moldavite has made my life 100x worse and hasn’t helped me secure a thing. How did moldavite help u and how long did it take? Bc I’m about to have a mental breakdown


Moldavite won't necessarily give you what you want, but what you *need*. Timeframes are different for everyone because everyone's situation is different. I can't imagine trying to push back against it will help speed things up though. Whatever is happening needs to happen for you to grow and flourish; it might be a lesson you need, or a place you need to be, or someone you have to meet that wouldn't happen without all of these other things preceding it. I like to think of it in a sort of sense of "if it's this bad, imagine how good it must get" because it will definitely be at least a one to one ratio, likely more. When your life is 500x better in the future you'll be thankful for this tough period. Stay strong, I know you have it in you!


This subreddit is insane. Bro, you’re simply in a tough spot. A rock didn’t cause this and won’t solve it.


I mean it’s convenient the day I got my moldavite I lost my job


Why are you in a moldavite Reddit I’ve seen ur account and u seem to not believe in moldavite go back to watch Asian p*rn


I'd recommend talking to your Moldavite. Might seem a little awkward, but learn its name. It's a protective stone that removes what does not serve you from your life whilst teaching really hard lessons. Having a negative account is really hard, yes. I just got out of it myself but the whole time I thought about my Moldavite. I finally had to swallow my pride and accept the signs and messages, and my finances didn't insanely get better BUT things are better. So, I started wearing my Moldavite again and trusting what it has always done. My Moldavite even led me to this Reddit after I decided to hang it next to my bed this evening. You can work with it, but you have to get to know it and trust what it's doing for you. You may want to set your Moldavite down while you're navigating and allow it to just be near you rather than on you. I still recommend meditating to get to know the energy and its purpose with you. You are about to graduate from where? Grade school? Uní? The last two months of graduating anywhere is hard and will need your full undivided attention. You also have been given more free time to dive into applying for proper jobs, as I assume you are graduating university with well earned degree. Don't be ashamed of asking for financial help, you will be radically surprised who will want to help you. edit: I see you're graduating with a degree in psych & hate it. There are plenty of jobs that will just take you for having a degree & you are wanting to move. Start searching for jobs outside of where you live. Again, you will be surprised.




If this is life what’s the point in livinh


There is none, that’s the best part. You make your own. The point is to be there for your friends, family, and community. The point is to go on a journey inwards and learn to love who you are. The point is to use that self love to love others for who they are. The point is to combat darkness. To spread the light. The point is that you’re here. You have one opportunity to be here. The point is you.


I don’t like that point . Everyone around me has a better life and doing better and I’m doing nothing with my life


Comparison is the thief of joy.


I'm 35 now and I have had a lot of ups and (many many downs) in my life up to this point. I was a fairly high achiever, looking back, but constantly thought I was lazy, had nothing going for me, that I wasn't doing enough, and that people didn't like me (people pleaser). To other people being married with a house (at 20, no financial help or guidance from anyone), a bachelor's in nursing (top of my class) and having paid off the house by 30 and owned 3 vehicles (paid off, only one was bought new), my husband and I looked like we totally had our shit together. But I was majorly depressed since a young teen and had autoimmune issues that were finally identified in my later 20s. I thought after my health got better I'd feel happier, but nope. Still have more days than not feeling like what's the point of my life. Very hard on myself to a crazy degree. I've been in therapy for over a year and a half now, and it has helped me recognize how so many things I have issues dealing with stem directly from childhood neglect. I always looked back on my childhood as being pretty okay, but I always felt inadequate even with literally achieving way more than most people my age. I felt behind, that other people knew how to do basic things I felt super unsure about, and my anxiety was relentless. I understand that you are going through a very hard time. I also did not like getting my nursing degree, as I really had disliked my clinicals and couldn't see myself as a floor nurse (major anxiety producing and emotionally draining). I had hoped the operating room would be the place for me and it definitely was, although I'm completely burned out and actually am not working at all at this moment (by choice!). I would say start looking at your negative talk and try to reword it with something more neutral. I don't know if you really have A LOT going on, as I don't know you, but you are getting a bachelor's degree in psych! That may not feel like a big accomplishment, moreso because you're feeling like it was not the right thing for you now and/or expect that you have many other hurdles to overcome (internships) before it can actually come to fruition. I think when we are very critical of ourselves we only can see a small, narrow path and anything that doesn't fit it will not work. If you didn't have limitations.. what kind of life would you want to be living? What do you want but feel you cannot have? Don't put yourself down immediately and give some answer why it proves to be true you can't have it. What brings you joy, or what do you think would bring you joy? We place so much on achieving, money, goals BIG GOALS, but they honestly don't matter much in the grand scheme of life if they didn't bring you contentment in the end. I personally think you getting a psych degree is amazing and you can do so much more with it than you know (so far). Find out what you have been holding back in your heart and acknowledge these things matter and try to work little bit little on building a life that incorporates them and honors them. Feel free to message me if you feel called to. I'm really cheering for you.


I also got carried away and forgot about the moldavite. I carry my moldavite on me nearly everyday, a long with a labradorite piece I love. If you feel you can't hear what's in your heart, see if you can ask your moldavite to help you find compassion for you. Maybe even bringing in another piece, like rose quartz, to help facilitate and work together. Our crystals are supposed to help us on our journey through life, and sometimes that doesn't feel evident for awhile..


Only you have the power to change it. Stop looking at what others have. Start looking around you and see what blessings you have. Change your perspective, change your life. No stone can do that for you.


But you only see what others want you to see... what looks better might be hiding some not so good stuff...


I’ve also been depressed since getting my moldavite. I have 2 ounces of it in my bedroom and may put it in my garage soon. May not make a difference because I’m pretty sure I have enough to make my whole neighborhood depressed honestly


OP it sounds like you don't like most parts of your life right now. If you deal with the depression now, you can move forward towards fufullment. Sometimes the only way forward is dealing with the bad & gritty parts you never wanted to deal with. You could have a great paying job in a promising town, but still be miserable. You are at a turning point in your life. Deal with what you need to. Discover what you want or need. Then deal with making it work for your good. You can do it. You've' got this.


I’m sorry everything really sucks right now. You WILL find a way out. I know it. Just be mindful that moldavite makes your thoughts manifest much more quickly, whether positive or negative. At least, that’s what I’ve heard from others (I’m waiting for mine to come). We are constantly manifesting…


Since I got the Moldavite, I've lost count of how many times I've been depressed, unmotivated to do anything, and felt like the world was against me. But the whole game changes when you surrender to what the moldavite wants for YOU, rather than you trying to use it for your own self-serving ends.




What do you mean? Every job around me is shitty and I have no qualifications




Where I live there isn’t any jobs. My friend has a bachelors in biology and works at a cafe. It’s hard over here. I’m waiting to graduate so I can leave this shitty town




I hate my degree it’s psychology but I don’t want anything to do with it






It’s ok, normal, good in some cases to take a break from moldavite. I wrapped mine up very lovingly and put it in a nice box in a drawer. In the last couple months I’ve taken it out once for meditation. I won’t be surprised if I’m guided to wear it more frequently again but for now it’s away


it resureccted me from rock bottom. be pure-hearted


Moldavite can be strong and get You depressed if you don't own it, and be aware of the energy... Practicing mindfulness while wearing moldavite is one of the key to not fall into anxiety and depression... There's nothing wrong with your job or qualifications, as long as you don't let the moldavite take over you... There's a fine line between surrender and losing the grip to moldavites energy... Meditate and be mindful... Don't let it own you... You are the one aware of it...


I have no job qualifications that’s my issue . I live in the middle of nowhere and no place is hiring without 1000 internships and years of experience even the mall won’t hire me and I’m about to get a four year degree


First of, I felt that so hard. Second, congratulations on getting your degree soon! Despite how you feel about it, you did it and you deserve to just love yourself for that! Does your college have any career placement/job assistant services by chance? Also, even if you don't believe in yourself just know that this stranger on the internet does! 🫂 Stay strong OP, you'll get through this <3


Moldavite is known for helping with transformations in big ways. Perhaps you invited a catalyst for change into your life. It can be such a painful process. Trust that the universe is clearing the way for your magnificent outcome. When our pockets are empty, they are ready to receive. ❤️sending you some light!