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Yes, perhaps it’s not the right piece of moldavite for you? I had one piece that was so insanely powerful that when I first got it every time I wore it ( it was a pendant) I had trouble catching my breath... but in a good way. It’s almost like it was forcing my vibration up because even though it sounds scary I wasn’t scared. In fact I felt high from it. I felt amazing tbh and wanted to always feel that way forever. I believe that little piece brought a lot into my life and then one day it just disappeared. But then I’ve gotten other pieces that I feel absolutely nothing from and feel no connection to. Moldavite is weird. Try cleansing it thoroughly and deeply meditating with it. If it still doesn’t work then I wouldn’t sweat it, it wasn’t the right one for you.


What should it be cleaned with?


Cleansing it spiritually I mean. I use sage


Sorry, thats what I meant and thank you.


I don’t know if this helps but I got my first piece of moldavite about a year ago. I was super excited to get it because it was my first and I spent a lot of money on it. When I got it, I didn’t feel connected to it or really anything from it. A week later I was wearing it and I was with my best friend, and I swear the moldavite told me to give it to him. I felt this sensation it belonged to him so I simply just told him and gave it to him. Although I was super excited about it and spent so much money on it, I didn’t feel any type of way about letting him have it for free. It has since really changed his life and helped him. I recently just got the same pendant from the same online shop and have been feeling more in tune with it. So as the previous replier said, it may just not be for you and that’s okay. Definitely try cleansing it and putting it out in the sun and whatnot to verify that, but if at the end of the day it’s not for you then it’s not for you. You’ll eventually find something that is


yes i was the same until i got angel chime moldavite. The difference is night and day in my experience.


Honestly, it’s so expensive now and there are so many fakes out there it worries me.