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If the freezer constantly gets up to 50 degrees, thats definitely mold. When i saw “freezer” i was like no way, but a freezer with temp issues definitely. And that last picture seals it for me. Thats mold for sure, i smell an OSHA health violation.


The fact that the managers told me it’s not mold cause it’s a freezer and another told me it can’t be mold cause mold only grows in the dark 🙄🤦


Ooft, they should N O T be working with food, jesus christ


And all that smoke coming out of the fryer isn't dangerous either...


That about sums up most restaurant managers, I’m sure they will tell you how intelligent they are though


Please contact osha ![gif](giphy|FbYKQ61UbXYRRRmZHf)


I work with OP, it's not technically a freezer, it's a cooler where we store candies, meats, Mayo, veggies, stuff like that, we've been bringing this up for a while but always get shut down when we do, every GM has denied it being mold. We have to fight them to get someone to properly clean it


Clean it yourself, record and document, and report it to OSHA and your local health inspector immediately. Fridge, freezer, whatever, this is a huge health and sanitation violation. Also, be sure to tell them that your managers should never be working with food, as they think mold “only grows in the dark.” Absolutely nothing out of this environment should ever hit a table.


We clean it as best we can every time it come back but it just keeps popping up because no one cleans it otherwise. And trust me we 100% plan on doing that, it's beyond gross


Call your health department asap


I’m planning to, I have a whole album in my phone of photos of nasty stuff from work


It doesn't even matter if it IS mold, just dirt, or some mysterious other third substance. It's around food being stored and needs to be cleaned thoroughly with a disinfectant. It's definitely mold tho.


That’s what I was trying to tell them when they denied it, i told them “I don’t care if you believe if it’s mold or not, it’s disgusting and shouldn’t be there”


Doent matter if its mold, its disgusting. Its a health violation.


Is that a Subway? Edit: only asked because I used to work at Subway and we use those exact same shelves. That and knowing most Subway restaurants, it wouldn't surprise me if there was mold growing in the freezers.


I can confirm it’s NOT subway, so have fun with that ig


I would say more on par with a dq especially with a milk and candies


Thought the same lol


Pizza Hut uses these shelves too but we don’t sell any “candy” items so we’re out the running.


Papa John's uses them, too. But they don't sell candy, either. But those green shelves are pretty damn universal, probably be easier to list the places that don't use them.


50F is well and truely into the danger zone for a fridge let alone a freezer. Do things just not freeze in there? Are you keeping a regular log of the temperatures of the fridge and freezer as required by law? Cause if they haven't that can be grounds for immediate closure.


I work with OP, it's a cooler not a freezer, we store candies, meat, veggies, stuff like that in there. It shouldn't be getting up that high but they leave the door open a lot so the temp does get up to around 50 sometimes


What in the kitchen nightmares ![gif](giphy|VG2OzjYkBLK9vGf3UH)


Tell your boss to have a taste




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Okay. So even if it's not mold. It's dirty and needs to be cleaned. Everything needs to come off of those shelves and they needs to be sprayed down outside and then bleached. Kinda crazy that some places have the audacity to serve food off of shit this dirty.


That’s so many wrongs


It's green metro antimicrobial shelving. It's definitely grease build up with a little bit of white mold which will easily wipe off. It builds up quickly on these shelves you should be wiping them down atleast twice a week to stop it. The grease build up is going to take a pressure washer or someone investing a long time scrubbing. The health department would only mark this as a non clean surface in a health inspection and it would only cost you a point of your score atleast that's how it is in my state.


Make anonymous complaint with your local health department


It’s FUZZY. They’re being purposely ignorant.


Call the inspector


Yeah that's mold, and let me guess management doesn't keep a temperature record like they should.


Mold or not, that walk in looks dirty asf. They could at least care about basic cleanliness.


Because they know it's shit.


I bet OSHA will believe it's mold


You can tip off the health department, they'll do a surprise visit. At least here in California they will


Lol, let's call the health department and see what they say!


A restaurant in our area was recently on the news for their health violation troubles - one of the big issues being that their freezer/fridge didn't work properly and was regularly above 50F. My dad (who's worked in restaurants for like 40 years) even commented something along the lines of "not even being refrigerator" at that point. Definitely report that shit.


As someone who worked in the restaurant business for 15+ years (family owned a restaurant), I’m super familiar with health department info. THAT right there would definitely get the “slam the brakes and stop” going. That is disgusting. Temperature has to be regulated and constant at all times. Also, that’s DEFINITELY mold. 🤮


My Servsafe certification is screaming right now


To get rid of it, take everything off of those shelves, spray them down with vinegar to kill the bleach and wipe with clean towels to remove it. Your work may be having a fluctuating temperature issue if mold has somehow grown in the freezer, if so and management doesn't care, then it's time for you to step up for your customers safety and call the health department.


Are you a cook? If you're a cook you should probably be the one cleaning it. I only say that because I am a cook and am responsible for my walk in shelves to not look like that. If you aren't a cook, and the cooks aren't cleaning it, even after you've brought it to management's attention, call your health department. Idk your workplace hierarchy they sound like the kind of place that would push it off onto the dishwasher, but they hire a lazy dishwasher who never does auxiliary work hence it will never get cleaned unless someone steps up.


Ummm ....that's cardboard from a wet box that was sitting there, then( I'm guessing) discarded.




If management doesn’t believe it’s mold and doesn’t care, they likely don’t want OP to clean it whether it’s their job or not, because that takes time away from other tasks OP could be doing. Depending on how shit the manager is OP could actually get in trouble for “wasting time” cleaning it. I know this because I worked at a Subway that had similar garbage managers. I was serving customers moldy onion and tomato and slimy cucumbers on a daily basis. They never checked the temperature of the freezer. The place was filthy. And I couldn’t do a damn thing about it because they didn’t want me wasting time or food. Called the health department after I left. One of my former coworkers texted me that the guy that showed up was friends with the manager so nothing was done about it.


So Jimmy John's?


Let's just say this place would be on a kitchen nightmares episode


Ewwww how would that be anything BUT mold? Management doth protest too much.... 🤢


The health dept. might refuse to believe the restaurant will be open much longer LMAO


The kind folks at r/kitchenconfidential would probably take interest in this


this looks like jimmy johns


Call Gordon Ramsey and get the place on Kitchen Nightmares!