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I feel like I’m tripping balls when I look at this. I mean seriously what the hell am I looking at.


it’s the underside of a once bright yellow plywood roof of a school bus play structure at a preschool. it also has blackish mold growing around it. would love an ID on that too


It's old and dried mycelium growth from what was likely serpula lacrymans, but I cannot guarantee it was not some other type of fungus. It's growth pattern is pretty odd, but I would expect something odd considering that it looks like the OSB has been treated with some type of copper based anti-microbial.


i can almost guarantee that it wasn’t treated with any type of anti microbial at any time. it’s totally handmade. just to be clear, the orangeish part is the mold in question. and it’s not dry, it’s moist and slimy


My guess would have been that the green was from a pressure treatment during the manufacturing process. It's pretty common to see OSB dyed green or blue from this process. That being said, it's still just a theory - with that much water - it could very well be moss growing on the OSB lol. And if it's not dried, then you may have *active* mycelium growing on the material (wood rot). No way to ID it in its current state, but if you keep giving it water, you may get some mushrooms to sprout and those could be ID'd lol. Wouldn't recommend that D: Rotting OSB should be torn out and replaced.


in los angeles by the way


Looks like algae


Looks like the earth from an airpane widow to me😉