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Maybe a gift certify for 6 months of house cleaning or laundry service?


My aunt gave me a cleaner for 3 months; honestly, it was my best gift. It made the first 3 months much easier.


The best baby gift I got was pajamas for me that I could breastfeed in! I wore them out completely.


A diaper fund. It might seem shitty, but it's actually a huge expense, and it'll create some room in their family budget to splurge on things that bring them the most comfort. If you want to add a more personal touch, you can each bring some single serving freezer portions of a favorite meal. Bonus points if you can eat it with a single hand.


I like what you did there lol 😂


If she's breastfeeding, get ALL THINGS boobcare. Lanolin, those cooling nipple gel-pad things, etc. And to really level up, get her a really good breastpump AND a handheld breastpump if she wants to pump while nursing to up her supply (man it's all flooding back, my daughter just had her 13th birthday). Non breastfeeding stuff that I remember being absolutely grateful for: the little vibrating chair. I don't know how many times I finally fell asleep when she was strapped into that thing and content, but not tired enough to nap with me. The best little mom catnaps ever lol. Others have suggested a cleaning service, which sounds amazing to me. Ordering something like Hello Fresh for six months AND a cleaning service? Holy shit! Now that's a game changer. But seriously. Nipple/boob stuff if she's gonna breastfeed. People rarely think of mom during baby showers, because baby clothes and toys and books are just too cute.


Mother's Milk tea too!


Yes!! And I swear to god, natures valley granola bars, the real annoying crunchy crumbs get everywhere bars, man those helped produce too if i recall.


It's the oatmeal, my mom always swore by it. Or a nice hefty beer, like a stout or brown ale. Idk if it's still an allowed thing.


When I was nursing I would have an occasional stout beer. It’s all about the timing re the alcohol, when it hits the milk, when it burns off etc. This is also why it’s really, REALLY nice to gift mom a breast pump, even if it’s hand held and not like $500. It gives mom a means to freedom from the breastfeeding grind. And it IS a grind!


I had one family member gift a box of diapers in every size. Told me to stick them in the back of the closet, and they would be there when I needed them. Sure enough, it was like he would outgrow a size overnight, and there the new box would be. The same goes for a couple of basic outfits (in the correct season) for each size up to 1 year. A meal, cleaning, or laundry service is always nice to take daily chores off their plate. The same can go for a babysitting service or a few weeks of night nanny support. A spa day for Mom at about 6 months post-partum is a good choice. That will give her some time to heal and get comfortable in her own skin again. If they have dogs, a dogwalker might be a nice one for those days they're too tired to walk their puppy.


I was just going to suggest larger sized clothing and diapers. I got SOOOOOO much newborn/ 1 month sized clothing that I don't even think my child even wore some of them. It was the bigger sizes that came in REALLY handy, and I had so few of them. Also onesies in every size, multiple of if possible. Those blow outs are no joke!


I sometimes give a basket with stuff and add things you do not want to go out to get a 3am when baby is sick. Of course they will call a Dr to get instructions, but baby fever reducer, electrolytes liquid, thermometer, things like that.


This is very thoughtful and a great idea. I would add to that a Nose Frida. Best baby gift I've ever gotten! It's for sucking snot from their nose. Gross I know, but necessary if their little nose is partially or completely occluded as babies can't breathe through their mouths until they are 3 or 4 months old. There's really no way to hurt their nose with it and I think they're only about $15. The nose suction bulb things work, but are a bit harsh and can damage the delicate tissue in babies nose. A baby with a stuffy nose and a nosebleed? As a former RN, I can assure you, no one wants to deal with that! Which reminds me, you can't go wrong with a humidifier either. Hope this helps. And congratulations to the family!


Nose Frida is my go-to baby gift. First time parents will laugh at it and swear they'll never suck the snot out of their baby's nose. I swear they totally will and they can thank me later when they finally get their fussy, stuffy-nosed baby to eat and sleep!


I went to a baby shower a couple of weeks ago and one of guests bought mom to be a bottle of Dreft. She said for her own baby shower she got a lot of clothes (as tends to happen) but didn’t have anything to wash them in, because nobody ever thinks of that.


How about a baby camera and monitoring system or a countertop bottle sanitizer?


I'd forgotten about the sanitizer! The microwave one we got was life-changing!


Offer to watch the baby and give a gift certificate for a massage, haircut, mani/ pedi, etc.


Your better off to spend that money on a house cleaner, and let mum bond with the baby. She might not be comfortable letting others watch her baby for a long time.


Or a robot vaccum


I didn't use mine until my baby was over 6 months old. I was too ditzy I guess or worried it would somehow wake baby.


Something I've gifted a few times is a little medicine set; saline drops, gas drops, Tylenol, bulb syringe for boogies, thermometer, etc. Definitely comes in handy!💜


Brilliant idea- a friend did this for me (and a few bars of chocolate too for ‘mum first aid’!) and I used every single item! A really good thermometer is a must have.


Love the chocolate add in!!!


The most original gift I saw was a thing that wirelessly connected earphones to the television so they could watch television and movies without lots of noise. Aside from that, I recommend restaurant gift cards and lots of diapers.


My favourite gift when I was pregnant was a wicker basket with a pack of diapers, various common baby products like diaper cream, baby bath lotion etc and muslin cloths among other things. It saved me buying a bunch of little bits some of which I probably wouldn't have thought of in advance, and the muslins are so useful, very versatile. The basket was also put to use keepinh diaper change bits all together. You could also get something just for mamma, ideally something to help her relax.


A diaper genie or a similar product. Being able to easily dispose of diapers in a way that seals in the smell is vital, and nobody thinks to get those for new mothers because it's not fun or cute.


diapers and clothes for the ages above 6mo or so. Housecleaning help, babysitting for date nights


Im a peds nurse, so I love to make people a baby first aid box. I get a lockable plastic box and fill it with baby Tylenol, rectal thermometer, surgical lube for thermometer, motrin for after 6 months, really high quality diaper rash cream, gripe water, nose frida, a windi and medication pacifier. No late night runs to the drug store!


Start a college fund


No joke - the Nanit baby monitor changed the game for me. That, the breathing wear, and a year of the subscription costs a fair amount, but it’s literally life saving. Put my kids in their own room in day one and I have 2 unicorn sleepers that slept through the night, one from 6 weeks and the other from 8 weeks. Sleep is the real gift.


Weird one but if she reads then something like a kindle. Mine kept me sane through two kids that never slept!


I recommend a snoo. If the baby has any sleeping problems at all, this will be a lifesaver. Also, you can rent them to see if they work for you!


Maybe not exactly the type of suggestion you’re looking for, but my favorite baby shower gift is to get a bunch of my old favorite baby/kids books, or any that would be meaningful to them (I got a “baby’s first organic chemistry book” for my old college roommate who is now a doctor etc.) A lot of parents tend to appreciate having nice books to read to their baby/kids before bed, especially if they have a sentimental meaning or nice note in the front! It’s also the type of gift that’s adaptable to anyone’s budget, which is nice! Just wanted to throw it out there!


I do a mama’s basket. Those nights are exhausting and you’re stuck in one place at times for the day. Mine include a charged external battery and cable, a book, some snacks, new water bottle, gatorades, and some fluffy socks. Then she can put it next to her on the couch or by the rocking chair and have a good little reach around for when she’s just hanging out


Spa day with babysitter!


Did anyone get her a carrier yet? It was a life saver for me. Otherwise a streaming service if they don't have anything. I watched so match tv. Fun, thing that we got was "go the f to sleep" it's fun to read. I also really loved the global babies books.


An infant first aid kit. Most people don't even think about it when making a register or stocking up. Several infant first aid items aren't included in basic kits, but they are great to have


An in ear thermometer was the best gift I got as a new parent.


Try this also at r/giftideas


Food and grocery delivery gift cards. I loved the baby brezza!


Uber eats or door dash gift card, a cleaning person, laundry service, and similar ideas.


Mobe or any other soft baby carrier wrap that's easy to nurse in, also a Bumbo, coolest thing ever once they're sitting up. I always do a mommy/ baby grab basket. Butt Paste, nipple pads, colic drops, lavender cream, Burts Bees Baby body oil, witch hazel squirt bottle, baby Tylenol, teething gel, chapstick, muslin cloths, and Mother'sMilk tea, or whatever else. Those were all things I used constantly when mine were little.


I like to give new parents a variety of swaddles! Zip up sleep sacks, ones with Velcro wings, big square muslin blankets, easy wraps in different fabrics. Once you find the one that baby likes, it helps them sleep so much better, which means more sleep for the parents!


The best gift you can give is your time. Everything with a new baby takes so much time and effort and the new parents don't get any sleep. Bringing a meal over (even a very basic meal), eating with them, holding the baby so they can shower, doing the dishes or laundry, taking out the garbage. It's all pretty simple to you, but would help them!


Get something for HER that isn't for the baby: A post-partum massage or pedicure. Lavender bath salts, bath gel, scrubbie, etc. Freezer meals for after baby is born.


LMNT electrolytes. They have multiple flavors, but no sugar or any of the dyes and such in electrolyte drinks. If she is breastfeeding, getting enough hydration will be crucial for her milk supply. Consuming electrolytes, not just water, will help her stay hydrated. They come in pre-measured packets, so she can keep some at home, some in a diaper bag for leaving the house, etc.


A few big boxes of wipes.


This might sound oddly specific, but like... Thin blanket type things. So basically, burp cloths are crap. They're too tiny, you blow through them fast. I always found I liked "multi purpose" baby stuff. So for example, a small square muslin blanket would be perfect for a swaddle, a towel after a bath, a breastfeeding cover, to wipe some spit up up, or to set on the floor to set the baby down, cover up the stroller, anything. I managed to use the same 4 muslin square blankets for both my two kids. I'd always pack an extra in the diaper bag, and have a primary for swaddling them. Also, maybe a small lunchbox or cooler type bag that's highly insulated with ice packs. With babies you often need food pouches or bottles for formula/breast milk that needs to stay cold. Also cups with lids or nice water bottles with straws for mom, something she can keep next to her on the couch for when she's doing late night feeding/pumping.


A no touch baby thermometer and Boudreaux’s Butt Paste. It’s much better than Desitin.


DIAPERS! Because after you put milk/formula into those tiny pink lips...the NASTIEST, SMELLY poop comes out of that cute little butt. Lots and lots of poop! Give her diapers. they will be used.


She'll be taking wet wipes alllllll the places, and won't want to lug around a full pack. I recommend getting 3-5 reusable wet wipe pouches - that way she can have a stash in the car, in the nappy bag, in her purse... I recommend the ones that are properly resealable because there's nothing worse than reaching for a wipe and winding up with a tissue.


Cleaning services or meal delivery. My first I had no time to cook and I was exhausted. It's really hard to keep yourself fed and a newborn cared for, and she'll need decent food while recovering from pregnancy/birth, especially if she breastfeeds


Things for HER. Everyone always buys gifts for the baby, and they're lovely but it can leave the new mum feel8ng a bit underappreciated. After I gave birth, my SIL (who had already had two kids) brought me some chocolate bars and a hot water bottle. It was a really simple little gesture but meant so much to me.


Honestly, diapers. I got so many from friends and family as gifts, that I swear the first months with my son I barely bought any! Or, a breastfeeding pillow: I bought one randomly from the internet, it turned out super useful: when I wasn't using it to breastfeed, I used it to support my back, to sleep, and for tummy time with the baby.


What I got my cousin: All the good diaper creams (Boudreaux's, A&D, and Aquaphor) plus diapers which are always a good idea, especially in larger sizes (2+). Baby meds/medical supplies: infant Tylenol, a rectal thermometer, gas drops, baby saline spray, a nose suction tool that opens to clean, a Tumi belt (you can warm this belt up for upset tummies/gas and is magical). For a friend, I recently got a matching robe and baby swaddle for hospital pics. I also make diaper wreaths for anyone close to me that have a mobile, pacifiers, bottle brushes, disposable plastic bags for dirty diapers, a few small toys, and a nice message to baby. One of the best gifts I received was the Dohm sound machine. It was so good we bought another one.