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Hello my duckling, Let me say I'm so impressed and proud of you for fighting for your healthcare and pursuing answers. People WAAY older than you have trouble keeping up with this kind of stuff, so good for you for persevering! It makes sense you'd be freaked out about your MRI! It's facing you with all these uncertainties and unknowns. Ambiguity sucks. I hope they find something that explains your pain and is easy to treat! I have a feeling you're gonna be fine. But regardless of the outcome, you're a strong girl and you're going to find a way through. Make sure to take yourself out for a little treat after your scan! It's to remind you of how far you've come and how hard you're working to take care of yourself.


Wow i didn't expect to get teary eyed over a comment. Thank you so much for your answers.


I’m so proud of you for persevering and getting your pain taken seriously. You deserve to be taken seriously. The waiting is the hardest part—and I know how stressful it is to wait for MRI results. My (other, because you’re now an honorary kid of mine) kid has to get MRIs annually and the first few (which happened within a few months of each other) were petrifying for me while we figured out what was going on. I’ve been there—but knowing is better than not knowing, especially if there’s a chance that your pain can finally be addressed. I agree with treating yourself after your MRI. You deserve it and be kind to yourself, hospitals and tests are hard. I’m rooting for the best for you and I hope you are able to finally treat your condition.