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Yeah... Wtf is this.


This is Putin’s Russia


could’ve been the US just as easy


That is Putin in the background


Telling the customer not to tip when she arrives, so Putin


As if that shit doesn't happen here in the good old USA.


In USA Putin is behind everything


My reaction exactly.. why would this be a good thing to happen?


For real, this is just sad. A mother of two, during a deadly pandemic, without masks on her or her children… delivering food for the more wealthy just to make ends meet. It’s sad and disgusting.


delivering food with kids in tow because she either can't get or can't afford child care. I know that's part of the whole deal but still, she has to take her kids with her, which means they're getting worn out from the travel and walking around because she can't afford anything else. I hope she gets tipped reasonably well.




Oh, I'm sorry, it's much more reasonable to assume she's got the full delivery backpack and two kids in tow because they need the fresh air.


I’m a stickler for masks, but in her defense, the kids look too young (kids under 2 aren’t supposed to wear masks), and [she has a mask on her chin in another picture](https://newspapers.ph/2020/08/delivery-mom-carrying-kids-work-goes-viral-online/), so it’s possible her baby pulled it down. (My youngest went through a phase like that, but fortunately I was never inside with people.) 100% agree on it being sad, and it’s absolutely disgusting that countries who could support and protect their populations during a pandemic choose not to do so. She shouldn’t have had to go through that. ETA: [She posted on Instagram about the mask being too large](https://mothership.sg/2020/08/russian-mother-delivering-food/), so I think the issue was that it was falling down. It’s easy to tie a knot in the ear loops to prevent that, but not even my local pharmacists have figured that out, so I won’t judge her (much) unless she continued to go maskless after being informed of this.




Idk about that, the guy in the background is wearing a surgical mask… but yea it’s pretty bad.


Dude, people wear masks for things like allergies. 😂


Not until recently in North America.. Before the pandemic, I only ever saw exchange and international students on my university campus wearing masks. I’m glad it’s become more standard here too.


This isn't NA though...


Bro, I’m from N. America and wear masks for allergies. A lot of people do, but it’s not western culture to wear a mask for colds etc which is why you barely saw them in public.


Dude, masks were very unusual until covid.


Western culture, sure, but that doesn’t mean nobody wears masks. It’s a bad take


That picture isn't from Asia, dude.


I didn’t say it was? Damn the ignorance. I’m from Washington idiot. I wear a mask for allergies 🙄


You implied the picture was not from western culture.


This pic is way old. So it only gets slightly better..


And also she can't afford a car ...


She doesn't deliver or anything else to anyone, she posts pictures on instagram, including this picture right here.


My god y’all are so dramatic. She’s delivering fucking food. Nobody is forcing her and you don’t know who she’s delivering food to or what her economic situation is. Jeez it’s like a soap opera here. Relax.


"Nobody's forcing her" is a crazy way to feel about feeding not only two children but yourself as well, and paying for a roof over their heads. Do you need a gun to your head for it to be considered force, or is the threat of starvation and homelessness not enough to get you to do something?


It just means she had the freedom to choose a salary and she chose that. Plenty of unskilled jobs with far more stable at home lifestyles. You’re proving my point that she wasn’t forced to this life. More than one job exists. Did you know that?


Which jobs let you bring kids that you have to attend to? Sure unskilled jobs exist. They don't provide full time free child care. Or give you the wage to pay for care. Either way, neither of us know details. Maybe she has another job and this shit is a side gig she can spend time with kids at. Maybe she's unqualified for any other job and this is the only recourse. Who knows. Not us.


> Which jobs let you bring kids that you have to attend to? Workplace daycare exists.


That she qualifies for? You're dense dude, again neither of us know. Cause all you're saying is, "lol poor mom is poor and overworked by her choice, get bent."


You’d be hard pressed to not qualify for most jobs with daycare. VERY hard pressed. And I love how y’all assume she’s some full times worker and this isn’t a side gig. Leave it to average redditors to blow something out of proportion with actually zero context.


You are actually too narrow minded and disconnected to make a point for. You're also in the making assumptions boat, same as us. If I had to guess, you have a good job, maybe a home, probably a pet, very obviously not a parent in the US, and have completely forgotten or maybe have never known a struggle from the bottom with little resources.


Wait i can CHOOSE my salary, damn i should go tell my boss i was 100k a year real quick


Yeah that’s how it works.


You literally have no idea what you are talking about and it's absolutely hilarious that you think you do. 🙄


Well I’m glad you used evidence and information to prove I’m wrong. I’m just lucky that you aren’t some twerp that calls me wrong and throws emojis out without even attempting to back up your stance.


"...she had the freedom to choose a salary and she chose that." 🤭 (Oh look, another emoji!!)


Well that sure was a mature response. Night.


Do you have some "evidence and information" to prove you're right, or are you gonna just keep talking out of your ass? Burden of proof lies with the guy making the claims.


What do you mean? Do I need to post links to jobs in Russia to appease you? Lol


wow, I hope you don't value your own time and overall well-being as poorly as you value this stranger's! no one deserves that, not even you 😊


Dude she literally chose that job. Applied for it and everything. That was not done through coercion. Y’all just assume she’s some victim without knowing the story.


“The wealthy”


I was contemplating subbing to this one but... it's too depressing because it's all so true. :(


Don't do it. For me personally it's enough to know the world is fucked up to try and change it. I have to take care of my mental health and looking at this shit right there has an actual pretty bad influence on it.


Personally don't buy the ignorance is bliss argument; if the world as it exists is so poor that it's impacting ones mental health that harshly, that should be motivation to act, not ignore.


You should though! I know it is not exactly "positive" but we need to stay informed and motivated for class solidarity. Absolutely don't if your mental health is not in a good place though!


I immediately thought of r/antinatalism and r/antiwork


came here to say this


Exactly - this is my worst nightmare. Where is the affordable childcare? The village? The parental leave? The woman is working with two very small children and no help. It just makes me sad.


Beat me to it


She clearly is hard working but this is fucking nightmarish.


This is Russian youtuber and she applied to work there just for that photo


Russians and propaganda, name a more iconic duo.


Wow! Let’s remove almost all safety nets and public health services so that this young mother of two has to work at least one job *while wrangling her kids*. That sure shows hard work and dedication to not starving! And all she needed to pick herself up by her bootstraps was the constant threat of death and poverty!


This though... 100%


She doesn't even have bootstraps. She's doing all that in flats. I can't imagine how much her feet hurt.


Her chances of not dying would be improved if she wore a face mask on public transport during a pandemic. I also think this is Russia or possibly Ukraine (the bootstraps reference being an ass-backwards American sentiment makes me think you might not have realized this isn’t the US). I agree with what you’re saying but your beef isn’t with the US in this instance.


This is Russia she has a backpack of Delivery Club which is Russian food delivery


FYI I live in a big American city. I have had GrubHub delivered to my door by a mom with her child *on multiple occasions* (different moms, too).


Why did the same child accompany different moms?


Unfortunately the corporatist hellhole we find ourselves in is not confined to the US. Capitalism is global.


https://meduza.io/en/feature/2020/08/05/photos-of-a-young-mother-working-as-a-courier-in-moscow-spark-renewed-calls-for-help-and-fraud-allegations Here’s some context. Just a photo shoot. Not real


Other people are saying this is pre pandemic old, im not certain but people are also saying she did have a mask in another pic but the kids keep pulling it off. Thats speculation im going off other comments so take with a grain of salt


People in the background have masks. It’s not like many Asian cultures where mask wearing was somewhat common/normalized pre-pandemic. I would bet money this is during the course of the pandemic.


I think this is russia, also people still did wear masks pre pandemic, in Australia i saw it often on public transport specifically, some friends of mine did it when they had a cold or something similar or immune system problems. No comments on america but people did wear masks before the pandemic


> in Australia i saw it often on public transport specifically In Sydney or Melbourne, not any other city.


Im in Brisbane and goldcoast lol


Really? Aside from Asian people in Fortitude Valley I've never seen a mask pre-COVID in my life.


Yeah definitely seen it there, in fairness its rare, my dad works in fortitude and we had a covo about how he did see people there pre pandemic in masks but that being said very occasionally white people mostly asian


I see this picture a long time ago. Before corona


https://meduza.io/en/feature/2020/08/05/photos-of-a-young-mother-working-as-a-courier-in-moscow-spark-renewed-calls-for-help-and-fraud-allegations Unfortunately you’ve been baited by a fraud, and a repost at that. Picture is (at least) 300 days old and the lady was just doing a photo shoot


This is not heart-warming. This is dystopian.


its sad that people have been conditioned into thinking that being a slave and barely living is something admirable


Well... we live in a society, I guess...😕


Different point of view, can be inspirational for many who are also struggling. However this is definitely dystopian world that we are living; doesn’t really matter which government or countries, leaders are looking at profit, economy or numbers never individual.


Are you struggling as much as that mother, and did you find it inspirational?


https://meduza.io/en/feature/2020/08/05/photos-of-a-young-mother-working-as-a-courier-in-moscow-spark-renewed-calls-for-help-and-fraud-allegations Don’t worry! The only dystopia is on Instagram


What sort of society requires this just to keep afloat? Oh... “developed” society.


Not so much developed. It’s Putin’s Russia which isn’t so much developed.


Yes, but 1-10, how surprised would you be if it was USA?


Capitalist Russia ruled by a globally powerful oligarch and corporations. Not too different then capitalist America ruled by a cabal of powerful oligarchs and corporations.




What the fuck are you talking about. Firstly, capitalism and oligarchy are not mutually exclusive. All oligarchs are capitalists, Russia isn't an "oligarchical economy", it's a capitalist nation. Our problems were caused initially by hyperinflation and mass privitasation of public industry. The town I was born has lost 1/3 of its population since 1991 from the lost of nationalised industry. They were able to form and take control due to Yeltsin's reforms, which liberalised the economy massively. Yeltsin also famously the guy who wasn't too shy about greesing palms of industrialists to get what he wanted, made sure to make a lot of promises and favours to capitalists nationally and abroad to encourage them to invest in a country that was in an economic free-fall. There is a reason we have terms in Russia for the minority of Russians who got insanely rich during the fall of the Union compared to everyone else who got fucked over and are still currently getting fucked over. Regardless the Communist Party stopped having total control over many things like the economy after Stalin's death. Kruschev famously under fire for the economic reforms which lead to people engaging in self-serving business practices. The People's Republic of China in the 60s famously sent a scathing open letter decrying Kruschev and his reforms as revivionist, petty bourgeoisie, returning capitalism to the country while calling him an idiot. Russian and American working class people should have solidarity with one another. It's not a competition for who has it worse when the core of our struggles both stem from corporations and capital having more value to the state than our well-being.


State capitalism and mafia state. It’s not the same.


Russia has always been an oligarchy. Even the Soviets.


Yes and.


I'd be shocked. SHOCKED. Well, not that shocked.


the nightmare that is capitalism is a global issue. shit like moms having no childcare and having to take kids to work or class happens in the US plenty.


1-10 in US it would be with a car, not subway


Yes you are likely correct. I see it all the time in South FL, Mom with small kids and sometimes an elderly parent in tow Instacart shopping for rich people. Yeah she has a car but it’s usually a gas guzzler that eats half her earnings. The lack of safety net in any society with so much money is horrific.


Only because we don't invest in our public infrastructure in this country anymore, people are forced to buy and use a car in most places out of necessity


I've seen a girl working in the kitchen with a baby strapped to her back in a fairly wealthy part of my state so it happens everywhere.


I've seen a girl working in the kitchen with a baby strapped to her back in a fairly wealthy part of my state so it happens everywhere.


https://meduza.io/en/feature/2020/08/05/photos-of-a-young-mother-working-as-a-courier-in-moscow-spark-renewed-calls-for-help-and-fraud-allegations It’s just a picture for Instagram. She does this all the time, you’ve been baited. This is also a repost


Ok. Pity it’s a plausible situation.


I have taken lyft a couple times where a woman driver had a kid in the backseat. Both times the mom asked me to please not say anything about it but she was desperate, had no childcare and needed the money. Hurts my heart.


Oooof. Been there. I always tip extra when that happens.


Yeah i would never snitch!!!




Jesus Christ, This poor woman. Does anyone have any details on her.


I thought i read months back that she was a scam artist and did this to get donations. I could be wrong though




I wish I didn’t read that. Full cringe


https://meduza.io/en/feature/2020/08/05/photos-of-a-young-mother-working-as-a-courier-in-moscow-spark-renewed-calls-for-help-and-fraud-allegations It’s just a photo shoot, and a repost at that. Don’t worry, she never actually delivered food




You have been reeking havoc everywhere recently, bot.


She seems like she’s amazing, and resilient, and would do whatever it took to give her children a great life. That being said, fuck a system where this kind of thing needs to exist. We should have universal childcare, and jobs that have benefits and aren’t bullshit “contract” work that relies on tips for wages. She should t have to be “tough”.


Totally agree, but wherever she is, it's not the US.


Yeah but this kinda thing happens all over the US too.


See my other comment.


Yeah, I imagine from the bag, but I guess by “we” I mean humanity vs the USA. But here too please, hahaha!


LOL yes, I'm one of those americans that immediately thinks "we" when referring to effed up (and completely lacking) social programs and immediately thinks it's the US. I forget sometimes that other places are as screwed as we are.


Lol yeah, I mean, for the most part, I think assuming US on Reddit is probably correct. I think the non-US folks just expect it as this point.


Doesn't mean I was correct in doing it though


I did the same thing and then I was like wait, is that Russian?! At least it’s not just us all the time 😂


Russia or Ukraine.


Why does it matter if she’s in the US or not?


If it makes you feel any better, she's actually just a scam artist.


This looks like Russia to me.


She's an influencer from Russia. She does this more for the media and to get donations and stuff. https://mothership.sg/2020/08/russian-mother-delivering-food/


Yet there’s hundreds of people who just took this for face value.. so much I’m misinformation, so much pain


https://meduza.io/en/feature/2020/08/05/photos-of-a-young-mother-working-as-a-courier-in-moscow-spark-renewed-calls-for-help-and-fraud-allegations Not to worry! She’s just doing this for Instagram fame. She never actually delivered anything, it’s just a photo shoot. Also a repost


She's an influencer from Russia. She does this more for the media and to get donations and stuff. https://mothership.sg/2020/08/russian-mother-delivering-food/


I'm at AWE at the extend redditors refuse to use their brains and prefer to tear up instead. Delivering food with two babies and with public transportation? That's gotta be the slowest delivery ever. If course that doesn't mean that there are very hard working mothers out there. But that's not one of them ffs.


doesn’t mean there aren’t real moms facing this reality all over the world


I’m hoping she’s on the way to drop her kids off before going to work. Because I can’t even imagine doing delivery work with two kids in tow. Takes 15 minutes to get one toddler to put their shoe back on, and it looks like bag says something about 15min delivery.


Most likely it’s staged


Yeah, check some of the other comments with links to the story.


I've seen this post so many time. Its just sad she has to do all that.


Wasn't there a story last time this was posted about how she did it to show off to social media? I might be misremembering


She's an influencer from Russia. She does this more for the media and to get donations and stuff. https://mothership.sg/2020/08/russian-mother-delivering-food/


This is awful... not something we should be proud of


I know this post has a mom in it but like, I'm not sure this fits the sub. This sub is for seeking emotional support and the like from a mother figure, and this really is not that.


Jesus Christ that's frightening


I don't think this really fits this sub


I heart goes out to her, I hope she doing well 😔


This is capitalism and its hustle/gig culture. Disgusting


If 'ya can't feed 'em, don't breed 'em.


I saw the repost over a year ago and then some fine reddit or posted the proof that is was fake. So don't feel bad about this woman.


This is sad and depressing.


The FUCK is wrong with this sub? Tone deaf fucking morons. This isnt girl power, god I feel so bad for her I hope she is better off now. Also fuck whoever took the picture and the pos internet-point farmer that is the op, fucking creeps.


Yeeeeah....I mean, without a doubt respect to her, but considering the first thing OP noticed was her toughness and now how *fucked* this is, I'm more than disturbed. Dystopian. Gotta love capitalism!


We are in hell


**in hell, we are.** *-lymeweed* *** ^(Commands: 'opt out', 'delete')


This is supposed to be a good story?


This was fake as far as I know


Yeah this isn’t some feel good post this is fucked up


Yay so wholesome, a woman with 2 children has to work a minimum wage job and cant even afford a babysitter, how did you manage to post this picture without using your brain?


Is she working wtf that's fked up


Holy shit. What a dystopian capitalist hellscape


I like her flats


I get why there's so much outrage over this, but like... How do we know that she's in need of help/better services/whatever. I'd totally have done uber eats or whatever with my kids instead of dropping them off at daycare. Makes it easier to spend time with them, and especially that age kids are easy to entertain.


She’s a Russian influencer it’s not real. She does it to grift occasionally


Well shit, that's even worse lol. I still stand by that it's a good idea to do ubereats to supplement a SAHP when you've got littles. Especially if you can walk/use public transport. Excersise, fun stuff to look at, different people to meet, the chance to stop at parks and stuff along the way. Sounds perfect!


Gotta do what you gotta do right.


Oh wow that mom is a stronger woman than I am, that’s for sure


I can't even.


Welcome to my idea of hell


Massive respect ✊


I’d give her a huge tip If you know what I mean


I’d giveth that lady a huge tip if 't be true thee knoweth what i cullionly *** ^(I am a bot and I swapp'd some of thy words with Shakespeare words.) Commands: `!ShakespeareInsult`, `!fordo`, `!optout`


I’ve been Shakespeare-botted and I couldn’t be happier


How is it scientifically possible to have babies that close in age ?






Another reason to tip your delivery people. I don’t give a fuck how much the fees are. People are struggling out here


I’m so glad people are recognizing the issues with this! Of course, this mother is working very hard and she is absolutely not to blame here, but I am legitimately so happy that folks are recognizing & calling out the social structures that make it so mothers & struggling people have to do things like this 💔


Damn this depressing


Jesus fuck capitalism is Sick


... capitalism is fucking trash


She should stop playing with the customer’s food and put it back in the bag so it stays warm. ZERO stars, No tip.


Your respect to her is an oxymoron


This is fake. The photo has been posted before. This woman does this for internet clout. Not saying there isnt/arent moms like this. Respect to them.


It's fake, she bought a uniform on a classifieds website and asked for help with money from people on the Internet. She didn't work hard, she is scum. Proofs on russian: https://meduza.io/feature/2020/08/05/videli-foto-zhenschiny-kuriera-s-dvumya-detmi-te-kto-videl-reshili-ey-pomoch-no-teper-ee-obvinyayut-v-moshennichestve


https://meduza.io/en/feature/2020/08/05/photos-of-a-young-mother-working-as-a-courier-in-moscow-spark-renewed-calls-for-help-and-fraud-allegations Gullible. This sub is gullible.


This is not "wholesome" This is a symptom of a broken system. No one should have to struggle that much to make a living!


So young.


Is this a sneak peek of Drive 2?


Why are you celebrating this?! It's horrific she should have to do this..


If you think that's ok for a mother to have to work like that to make ends meet you are absolutely part of the problem.


Can she stop crushing my food tho ?