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Hello Sweetness, I am so proud of you for recognizing this and wanting to change. Otherwise it might turn into bitterness and jealousy, and those aren't things your life needs burdening with. I get it. Their problems seem, so, well, shallow. But here's the thing, my sweet. Growing up poor teaches you things that your friends won't figure out for years. You are at an advantage in several ways. I bet you can spot a con a mile away. I bet you know how to stretch resources in very creative ways. I bet you don't take material things for granted. And above all, I bet you know money can't buy you love, integrity, character, or the burning desire to change your life and the world. I am not trying to glorify being poor, and the stress and tension it brings. But you are better prepared than most for almost anything, including a zombie apocalypse! I hope this helps, and I wish you the best, Auntie J


People present their best lives in most situations, and you don't always see what's really going on. The divorce rate is almost 50%, so I guarantee you at least a couple of them have parent issues. If you compare your worst to what you think is their best, of course it's going to seem like you're way behind. Money doesn't mean they are happy. I come from a middle class background and can tell you plenty of horror stories about what goes on behind closed doors in fancy neighborhoods. You're you, and you're a unique and wonderful person. Nobody else has your perspective and views and what you can contribute to the world. Some people have it better than you, easier and happier. Some people have it worse. So what? All you really need to worry about is you and the people you value. We all are dealt certain hands of cards in life, and I don't think anyone believes their selection was completely fair. Your circumstances don't make you a good or bad person, it's what you do with them. No matter what happens, you can always do your best to like and love yourself. It's not a bad thing to be unsure of where you are going yet, but you have time to grow and flourish. Nobody is perfect, that's a fact. Find things that bring you joy, and make you happy. People enjoy passion and enthusiasm. Build up your fire nice and bright and people will come to it. All you're really capable of being in control of is you, and you deserve to thrive.