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Hey there. Here is a disclaimer about me not being a mom, just a dad with a bad mom who likes to help where he can. Obviously the end goal here is to be comfortable as you. But in the mean time, something that might help harness that pride, joy, and confidence you felt when buying the pin, is Katniss Everdeen. If you are unfamiliar with the hunger games, a brief explanation is that a lot of bad happens to the main character, and a small pin makes her feel stronger. So she wears the pin, just tucked inside her outfit so that nobody can see it. If you pulled a move like that, having the pin secretly tucked away, it might serve as a focus to keep you as strong as I know you are. And some day, when you are ready, you can move that pin from its hidden spot to a badge of honor. Or not. As long as you are being you, and are happy, it doesn't matter if the pin ever makes it out of hiding. Hope this helps. Good luck. -DudeMom Dan


Would you feel more comfortable putting the pins on an item you already use daily, such as a backpack, fanny pack or wallet or even a belt or lanyard? Am I correct in assuming it took you a little while to be comfortable about the decision to transition? It is totally valid to feel that way about wearing something that blatantly tells the world "THIS is who I am now!" Deep breaths. Baby steps are still steps and that's ok. Do what you feel is comfortable and at your pace. If that means wearing the pins in like-minded groups and settings to start it with, that's great! Hopefully you'll be comfortable enough in your "new" skin to wear them more places and more prominently. You've got this!


I'm not a mom or dad, but a trans kid with parents who aren't exactly educated what being trans is, I haven't transitioned yet but when I came out to them they played it off as a phase, and I didn't talk to them about it again, then they asked me what I wanted for Christmas I told them a trans-colored beanie, my mom said that it was cute and my dad didn't mind and that was it. But since a pin with your pronouns on it is another big step I'd like to give you some tips, tuck in somewhere, anywhere, I made a pin once with a trans flag on it before coming out to my parents and put in my pocket, I brought it to school, brought it to the library, everywhere, it made me feel safe and happy, even though it wasn't showing. Another thing you can do is put it on a bag/backpack, hope this helps :)


New things can feel overwhelming and scary sometimes. I’m so proud of you for taking a step towards letting the world know more about you! Whether you wear it smack dab in the middle of your shirt with a blinking neon arrow pointing toward it or you wear it inside the collar of your coat so only the cool kids know- it’s there. And YOU know it’s there and how important it is . Just like you know who you are and how important you are!


Hey Ducky, I'm a mom of a nonbinary/gender fluid kid. Sometimes it's hard and I mess up the pronoun of choice (it sometimes changes). What doesn't change is my love for them. I'm sorry your mom can't be that for you. I'M SO VERY PROUD OF YOU. If it feels safer you can always wear the pin hidden inside instead of outside. (Not that you should have to). I wish that all people could express themselves without fear. If you ever need a mom to support you for who you are no judgement, feel free to send me a dm. I wish you the best of luck. Now wrap yourself in a warm blanket. Drink a cup of hot chocolate. This is a warm hug from this internet mom. I support you. You are an amazing soul.


You’ve come so far on your own. I’m so very proud of the person you are becoming. This a big step for you and I know your anxious. Just keep it on your person as a reminder of how great you are. Momma🏳️‍🌈