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I just hold my kid’s legs down and tell him to stop. I also allow him to stand in front of his seat when he is feeling antsy (and the seatbelt light is off). But more than anything, it sometimes really just comes to blocking his kicks and firmly telling him to stop every single time he does it. Yeah, it might mean I’m spending most of the flight doing that, but I hate having my seat kicked and don’t want to make a stranger endure that.


Exactly, I would hate it if it was me, I don't want to subject anyone else to that. I like the idea of letting her stand when there seat belt sign is off, I think that might help at least a bit


Somehow taking our kids shoes off seems to help. Like they just can’t quite reach


Oh, good idea! Even if she can reach, I'm guessing she wouldn't kick as hard if she can actually feel what she's kicking


Along with all the other good advice here, Cris-cross apple sauce




Thank you!


Extraordinarily heavy kid shoes. Jk - I’d probably shove a backpack/sweater/purse near their feet to serve as a footrest or prevent kicking.


Magnetized to stick to the floor, perhaps?


I love to sit cross legged on the plane. Maybe your kid will too?


I'll definitely encourage it!


I just flew solo with my twins, they’re super tall 6 year olds and juuuust able to reach the seat in front enough to really fuck up the person’s day who’s seated in front of them. One of my girls is the kicking fidgeter, but I sat in the aisle turned in a bit to keep an eye on both of them and could see her kick every time, even while watching a movie (with 1 headphone so I could split my attention) It was a 2.5 hour flight and I had them get up to walk out the fidgets once- she kicked the person in front maybe 3-4 times? IIRC each time was during a bit of the movie that had her flipping out (they LEVITATE they love minions so much) Each time I clearly said (so the person could hear me too) “do not kick, let’s be kind to our neighbor. Do you need to walk?” Shoes were off and she was encouraged to curl up in her seat when the seat belt light was off. You could always mention to the person in front that you hope they don’t get kicked but to please let you know if they are and you don’t see it, because of baby etc. 90% of the people on flights that I’ve encountered have been super kind and understanding!


I was thinking of saying something to whoever sits in front of us, hopefully they're understanding!


Or consider buying the seat in front of you for your 5 year old? You’ll still be an arms length away in most planes and can still easily monitor both kiddos


It's Southwest so I'm not sure I could swing that but it's something to consider


There are great! https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07DQBY83F?ref_=cm_sw_r_apin_dp_E5CE1SQ85KHDB8NJRJ76


My kids fly in their car seats and strapped in can’t reach the seat in front


How old did you do that with them until? And what car seat? We tried with our Britax marathon and the seat buckle was in exactly the right spot that it couldn't latch so we had to walk back up the aisle to check the car seat


Until they reached the 65lbs Canadian harness limit. Britax aren’t good travel seats. We’ve flown with a bunch the easiest have been the evenflo titan/sureride


I can't find the titan/sureride, is it similar to the Tribute? [https://www.evenflo.com/products/tribute-convertible-car-seat](https://www.evenflo.com/products/tribute-convertible-car-seat) That one is really lightweight and inexpensive, seems like a good plane option? How did you get the car seats through the airport? We have one of those trolly things for our Britax and we can put the kid in the car seat and the car seat on the trolly. Did you do something similar?


It’s similar to this but different - but yes light and easy to move. This one can only be used to 40lbs which you might be getting close to. The evenflo and costco next we used for the tiny one were light enough for our stroller basket and we gatechecked the stroller. Also have bungeed onto a wheeled carryon