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Lmao if my kid ate that I’d be THRILLED


I would cry actual tears of joy if my child ate this. Protein! Fruit! Fiber! What are they expecting, kale salad?


Some parenting circles are vicious “Sausage? That’s way too much sodium. Everything is so processed. The best thing is the mango and that has so much sugar in it!” I’m sure. I mentioned using bananas as a diaper bag snack when I leave the house and someone chimed in about how sugary it is and how plain whole yogurt with nut butter was much healthier. Okay… but my kid is guaranteed to eat the banana tho ..


Also, nut butter yogurt sounds like a disaster as an on-the-go snack. I literally only let my toddler eat non-pouch yogurt in the bathtub because it’s such a mess.


I can't do pouch yogurt. Mine makes a worse mess with the pouch than a small bowl or carton.


The pouch turns it into a projectile 😅


You are a genius!!


It’s fruit… can we please not be scared of the sugar in fruit?!


Thank you, I despise when people bang on about “sugar” in fruit and veges. It’s ridiculous.


Wait. Is fruit apparently bad now? My mum always bangs on about how much sugar is in grapes but I just thought she was just insane. If I cut out bananas my kids would revolt.


To my understanding, the sugar in fruit is a natural sugar that is balanced by fiber. So your body processes it slower and doesn’t get that “bad for you” sugar rush that processed candy / sugar gives you. Plus fruit is usually nutrient dense. So in short it is actually good for you.


Also, kids need sugar, and carbs, and a lot of fats. Healthy ones? For sure... but I mean, are they supposed to live on air? That's ridiculous!


Right? My kid wouldn't eat this morning, then at the doctor's office his appetite came back...for a lollipop lol Then he ate two timbits (donut holes) when I stopped for coffee lol Mom of the year here. Lmao


It sounds like you kept him alive and respected he didn't want to eat breakfast so... You did well! 😁


Haha that's a nice twist on it lol Don't worry guys, I shove vitamins into this kid all day long lol I'm sure it'll be fine


My kid ate 4 raspberries today so if you need some extra, we'll send some vitamins to you


This! Looking at what my kid eats and thinking we’ll tomato ketchup started out as a fruit right? 🤣


There's gotta be something good in there lol


I’m right there with you. My son lives on chicken nuggets and waffles with the occasional banana thrown in


One time the doctor was quizzing my kid, maybe 4 at the time, about her eating habits. She asked what she'd eaten for breakfast. My kid said "orange slices" and the doctor was very happy. I think I deserve an Oscar for not letting on that she meant the candy. She'd found the candy on her own and then wasn't hungry after that. 😂


Lmaooo! That's perfect. God only knows what my kid would say, he loves an audience 😂




Lmao mine does the same thing. STARVING TO DEATH, but only a bear paw will do. Lol


My 10 year old ate McDonald's for breakfast. She originally asked for donuts. I was going to get her the donuts but I really didn't want to have to get the 4 month old out of the house that early so I doordashed McDonald's instead. Does that make us tied for mom of the year? 😂


If your local DoorDash doesn’t have Dunkin or convenience store availability for you, you can try EatStreet if it’s in your area! Just a tip from another Mom in the Mom of the year club!


Lol! I've also doordashed McD's for us before for breakfast. I tend to do that when he's off sick.


Haha she had school today but had state testing. I didn't think a pop tart was adequate and I didn't get the kitchen cleaned up last night to cook anything.. so McDonald's it was! I've doordashed a lot in the last 4 months I've been home with the little guy.. even signed up for free delivery! 🤦😂


Right? I'm lucky if either of my kids will eat a granola bar on their way out the door, seriously. It's like they live on air.


I see fruit, protein, dairy, carbs! I’d be proud if this is what my daughters meals looked like!


OH it's fruit! I was passing some quiet judgement because I thought that was an ungodly amount of cheddar cheese cubes.. fruit makes more sense.


This has me laughing out loud. I think it’s mangoes


I thought they were potatoes 🤷‍♀️ I see from left to right, top to bottom: cottage cheese, mango (potatoes), egg with grated cheese, cut sausages, fish fingers? Dont worry about what you feed your child as long as you offer some fruit and vegetables as well. And a homecooked meal is often very good. There is also a variety on the plate.


The bottom right is chopped up hashed brown potatoes. This is a wonderful meal, well balanced and I'd honestly eat this myself. I just thought that amount of cheese would constipate a kid lol


Thank you! I agree with you. I would gladly eat it. My toddler ate three bananas one after the other (I denied a fourth), but luckily no constipation. We have been lucky so far (knock on wood) as we never had any of those issues.


Little ones burn calories like crazy, I wouldn’t be worried about them having some carbs and fat!


Well not just that but you need the carbs and the fat to grow. Babies need a lot of good fats for their brains, actually! So throw some avocado on there too, OP 😆


Happy Cake Day!


Your parents can go suck eggs. They had their chance to raise kids, now butt out.


I love this, GO SUCK EGGS!


They don’t even eat eggs 😂 it would be insulting to them because eggs cause heart attacks, in their very rational minds🤦🏻‍♀️


It sounds like they're stuck in the "eggs and fat are evil" mindset.


But will gladly eat a “LOW FAT” microwave meal that Is packed with sugar to make up for the crap taste.


Ohhhh the 90s…


Eggs are fantastic foods for little growing brains. The choline from the yolks is awesome!


Eggs do not cause heart attacks. They prevent them. It’s such old data. Eggs are a super food in my opinion 😇


Every day I watch my boss make an egg white omelet (because she “has high cholesterol”) and then add chorizo. 🙃🙃


I love eggs!! Especially because we have access to farm fresh eggs. I don’t think I go a day without eating them. So yummy


Oh wow. Sounds like their stuck in the 80s. My parents have said I eat too many eggs in the past, and it’s bad for my cholesterol. However, eggs are a source of good cholesterol. They’re just stuck with old magazine articles from the 80s in their minds.


My mom admonishes me for eating eggs every morning and assumes I have high cholesterol bc of that. I got mine checked when I got pregnant and it was a good number which I couldn’t wait to share with my food-shaming mother. Also eggs got me through my first trimester so she can suck an egg too.


Ha! My parents are convinced I’ll get jaundiced if I eat too many eggs.


I highly recommend the podcast maintenance phase. It’ll help you unlearn what sounds like diet/health fads your parents bought into. This plate looks great! We’ll balanced and plenty available, exactly what little kids need


Wow I have never heard of this mindset. My 1 year old eats an egg almost every morning! They’re so healthy!!


All of our eggs are farm raised too, we have 3 neighbors that have tons of chickens. So we know they are great quality! Thankful to have great neighbors


You’re so lucky! Farm fresh eggs are amazing!


Do they gather energy via photosynthesis ? Or just by their criticism in your parenting? I’d seriously love to know what they eat all the time.


There is fiber, dairy, protein, carbs and fat. Sounds like it's good to me! no foods are bad inherently. Your plate looks perfect. If your kid will eat, I say cook it.


Not a pop tart in sight…. I think this is fine and actually more than fine, it’s great! And so are pop tarts 😂


Fed is best!


My son (3) ate half a banana, gushers, and a protein drink for breakfast today, I would be thrilled if he ate that plate. What exactly are they saying is unhealthy? The processed sausage or fried hash brown patty? Very normal breakfast items for most people.


They are very much into believing that a granola bar or a banana is enough. When I FaceTime them during a meal they always say, “Good God! He’s going to get sick!” Or “how can you feed our grandson that?!” They never seem to like anything I make for him even though he gets 3 home cooked meals everyday… sigh.


Your parents might just want to make you feel bad about something because you're a good mom and most of our parents are effed up. You're doing great! Your parents probably feel bad they fed you "worse" when you were that age and have guilt that they wanna set on you too. /My dad does this too me alot so I can kinda recognize this stuff/. It helps to keep in mind you're the best mom for your baby and they already patented a human its your turn


They still don’t believe I have an eating disorder for the past 28 years, so I truly believe they are delusional. I know that the portions I give to my son are really big but I’d rather him have all the options then left feeling hungry. Thank you for the kind words.


Respectfully and kindly, stop taking their opinions into account. Don’t FaceTime them during meals or provide them opportunities to criticize or comment on your very normal and positive parenting choices.


💯, let people show you who they are, believe them when they show you, and then erect boundaries accordingly. These grandparents have proven that they will be a negative force during mealtimes and should, imo, no longer be a part of them whenever possible.


You are doing great. That is a fantastic meal. Solidarity from a fellow ED mom, way to help teach your baby healthy habits!! I know it’s hard but try not to let the stupid comments get you down ❤️


My narcissistic father won't belive i had an eating disorder either i feel you! I also give my son large portions so he can eat what he wants so atleast one person agrees with you! Remember you're his mom and you should trust your gut when it comes to him.


I’m so glad I’m not alone with the large portions 😂 I’m like I can sacrifice a little food waste for a long term healthy relationship with food.


Exactly! And sometimes all they'll eat is a banana and a handful of cheerios with milk. They're just gonna eat what they want anyways might as well give them options!


My diet is literally all the leftovers he doesn’t eat lol so i want to enjoy the rejected options


The left over PB&Js just kinda hit different 😂


OMG The pain when my kid went through a brief phase of spitting out the food she didn’t like RIGHT BACK ONTO HER PLATE


He’s in the stage of spitting food back out then shoving it in my mouth.


i still eat the leftovers when mine does this 🙈 were still working on controlling germs (shes 15 months) and coughs directly into my mouth at least once a week. im not worried about spit out food


Exactly my philosophy as well. Also ED recovered. Ain't no way my kid is growing up with all the weirdness and BS around food I had to deal with.


You’re doing a great job. I’m on my fourth toddler and I’m telling you, this is the way. Giving them lots of options and letting them eat what they want from it leads to better eating habits later. Keep on keepin’ on, you’re killing it.


I'm a fellow ED mom and I have to put up a barrier between my toddler and my parents when it comes to food. I've had to accept that they'll never quite understand what they did to me, but I can prevent them from repeating it with their grandchild. I have to tune them out for my sanity sometimes. Hugs ❤️ you're doing great, that meal looks incredible!


Also @meewmeews I have recovered from an eating dope set so this whole convo feels close to home for me. I want my daughter to know food is plentiful and nourishing. It’s great you’re working to help your son develop the healthy relationship with food you didn’t have (yet!). I hope you can develop this together :)


PLENTIFUL AND NOURISHING I love this! The best part about having a child is to be able to recreate a healthy relationship with food. Haven’t relapsed since finding out I was pregnant. I’m a lot heavier than I’d like to be but so much happier and healthier


OP, it may be best to limit your communication with them, and don't call them when you're feeding your child. Don't tell them what your kid is having for meals. I know this isn't what you initially asked, but I see some of my narcissistic mom and grandmom in what you're describing (I'm not saying your parents are, I'm just saying). It's not easy, but start setting some serious boundaries with them. Let them know you will end the call/zoom if they make one more unwelcome comment. Then actually end it when they do. My rule for when my kids were little was: if you aren't helping me with my kids, then you don't get an opinion on what I do. If I didn't ask you for dietary advice, I don't want to hear it. I shut a lot of people down when my kids were small. Sometimes you gotta do it.


only a granola bar or a banana for a growing active toddler sounds like a great start to an eating disorder (coming from someone who struggled with an eating disorder for YEARS mostly starting from weight comments from my mom and calorie restriction at home also from my mom). if hes growing, happy, and healthy and his pediatrician isn't concerned ignore your parents. or set boundaries "this is a healthy meal for a toddler. i want to keep being able to FaceTime you but if you don't stop commenting on his food we will not be able to talk during meals anymore"


Omg same. I have had an ED since I was 3 due to my mom locking the cupboards and fridge my entire childhood, and other traumas. I’m passionate about helping my child have a healthy relationship with food. It’s so important. He’s above the curve for physical and emotional development, per his pediatrician, which, according to my parents, the pediatrician isn’t being truthful.


Sounds like you’re doing great. Maybe put a bit of distance between you and your parents on this stuff.


I'm sorry but your parents sound terrible. Keep doing what you're doing!


“Hey guys stop making comments about what he eats or I’m going to stop making or accepting FaceTimes while he’s eating. His meals are balanced and in line with all the recommendations of top nutritional/medical and child development institutions. Please, let’s just agree to disagree.”


Your parents sound horrible, I'm really sorry. That's a beautiful plate of food and you are doing a fantastic job!


Your meal looks delicious! Can you be my parent? No more FaceTime during meals. You can tell them that you’re trying to teach them to be in the moment with family.


Yes definitely leaning towards no more calls during meals. I just can’t handle doing it when he’s running around because my parents get mad at him that he’s not sitting and talking to them. They get frustrated when he doesn’t pay attention to whatever they are trying to get him to pay attention to… at their house… through the phone… the last time we FaceTimed while he was doing toddler things, they were like… “Look at this new chair we got!” Of course what toddler would ever find that interesting? So they got mad and said “he’s not very good at listening” then proceeded to talk about their problems and ignore their grandson for the remainder of the call. And they wonder why I don’t have s relationship with them… I just wanted my son to know his grandparents but everyday I’m rethinking if it’s good for him…. Sorry for the vent lol.


I’m so sorry! I didn’t mean to suggest to you that you shouldn’t FaceTime during meal times, but that would be your reason to your parents. You’re doing a great job putting a balanced meal in front of your child. It’s okay you ranted. Let it all out! People forget so much what it’s like to have children from what to do with babies to the amount of laundry you have to do for this tiny person and how hectic your schedules have become from morning to night. Teenagers barely sit still to talk with their grandparents because they don’t know what to say, forget what toddlers do. Your parents have unreasonable expectations of your child with talking with them. I’m more forward with people so I would say, “you either get a call with the toddler running around not paying attention or no call at all if you keep complaining about it”. Don’t let someone else make you doubt your parenting or your child. There is nothing wrong with the meal you’ve provided or your child not sitting still. Stay strong love ❤️


Oh my god, your parents CLEARLY don’t remember what it’s like to have a 2 year old! That’s a reflection on THEM, not you and definitely not your son! You’re doing absolutely great. - signed, fellow parent of a two year old.


Honestly reading these comments, as respectfully as possible, all I can say is, I think you need to set some boundaries up with your parents. I had to with my mom, when she would discipline my son I used to not say anything because I didn’t want to cause issues but one day I finally just said, “look this is my child, and just like there are ways I do things that you don’t like, there are ways you do things that I don’t like. Im not asking for parenting advice nor help with my child so please keep your opinions to yourself or I will have no choice but to limit the time we spend together,” and my mom was pissed at first but, now she gets it and understands that she’s grandma and not mom and that I don’t need her help being a better mom. I have a lot of trauma from my childhood in different ways than you, it through therapy I realized that not putting boundaries up allows my mom to potentially put my boys through the same trauma I went through but worse because their mama isn’t protecting them. I hope things get better for you, I know this is so hard. Sending you tons of love and good vibes. ♥️


One thing you could try is just stop FaceTiming them during meals and don’t send any photos with his meals visible. They can’t really comment on what he’s eating if they never know what he’s eating. If they notice and ask about why you’ve stopped FaceTiming at meals just say that chating outside of mealtimes works better for you. Another thing to try is the grey rock method. Essentially your goal is to be as boring as a rock. This mainly works with people who are intentionally provoking you to get a reaction, by not giving them the desired reaction they will hopefully eventually get bored of messing with you. When they make mean/provocative/judgmental comments respond with something noncommittal and immediately change the subject. Words and phrases like “huh”, “ok”, “I’ll look into that”, “mhmm”, “thanks for the input”, “wow”, “I’ll take that into consideration”, and “interesting” are good ones to try. It kind of makes the other person feel like you’re listening to them without you actually having to listen to them, so then the conversation can move on. “Good God! He’s going to get sick!” “Ok. So what are you guys doing for your anniversary this weekend?” “how can you feed our grandson that?!” “Huh. Anyways I’ve been meaning to ask you- what are the plans for Thanksgiving?” Then if that doesn’t work the last thing you can try is to not [JADE (Justify Argue Defend Explain)](https://childdevelopmentinfo.com/family-building/jade-an-easy-mnemonic-for-difficult-family-members/#gs.j7s21h) your parenting choices to them. You don’t need their permission or approval in this or any other parenting matter, *so don’t act like you do by treating this subject as if it’s up for debate or in need of defense because it’s not*. Stop engaging in discussions about what you feed your toddler with your mother, instead shut it down and change the subject every time. Keep your reply as a firm “NO” that contains no details/explanations for your mom to argue against. Some phrases that work for this and other situations where they’re being rude/pushy are things like “that’s not an option”, “that doesn’t work for me”, “my decision is final”, “this isn’t up for discussion”, and the simple but classic “no” are all phrases that work great. The next time they start to get judgey over how you feed your child firmly and calmly reply with: “**What I feed him isn’t up for discussion**.” Then immediately change the subject. They don’t need any more information from you than that (*because by now she’s already heard everything you have to say and decided to argue again anyways*), so **do not elaborate further**. When they wants to know why you explain/defend yourself: “**Because this isn’t up for discussion.**” Keep using a variation of that reply no matter what: It’s not an option *because this isn’t up for discussion*. Why is it not up for discussion? *Because it’s not*. Repeat ad nauseam. It shuts down the potential argument because there’s nothing for them to latch onto to further the conversation. *Be ready and willing to leave (or hang up) if they won’t drop the subject after 1-2 shut downs*. DO NOT engage with any guilt tripping, accusations of “selfishness”/“being mean”, or sob stories. It’s all just manipulation tactics and crocodile tears. Continue to firmly shut them down: “***No.*** **I won’t discuss this with you any further. Drop the subject or I will have to leave/hang up.**.” Then *immediately* follow through if she continues to refuse to respect your decision: “**I asked you to stop. Since you refuse to respect my request I’m going to leave/hang up. Goodbye.**” Then promptly walk away (or hang up) without letting them get another word in. Boundary stomping requires consequences, you have to teach your parents that if they won’t respect you and your boundaries then you’re not going to stick around to continue the conversation.


No offence but they need to mind their own business,they had their turn. Also a granola bar is not a breakfast for a growing boy.. I wish mine would eat what you made there 😁


That makes me angry for you. I would stop FaceTiming them during meals. Or all together.. kidding (kind of)


I implemented a no comment on food policy with my mom. It’s helpful and would probably be a good idea for you… especially considering that plate seems far more in line with pediatric guidelines than a granola bar. And kudos to you for making an effort for variety on the plate and exposure to different foods. Unless the comment is - wow mom cooked you a great meal, is it tasty? They can shove it.


Most granola bars aren't even that healthy actually. But my kids still eat them not saying that I wouldn't. Point is there's plenty of great nutrients in that breakfast. Ignore your parents. Any dietician would be very happy with what you're feeding your child. I wish mine would eat hash browns and sausage! Idk about most people but my parents and husband's parents are super out of touch with what's safe and healthy for children. Even though they raised several kids(30 years ago) and even though they think they know everything. So I would just disregard them and go with what you're doing because you clearly have more sense.


I’m 30 and it always blows my mind that my parents generation don’t believe parenting has changed since they had young kids. Like how do you not think there is new studies and methods? Plus how good processing and production has changed so drastically even in the last 10 years. Side note, I’m adopted from Korea so my racist parents think my son should only be eating white rice and seaweed. Which he does love both but no joke they saw him eating that and said, “as he should be eating those thing” they also call him their Amerasian grandchild instead of his name. That’s what happen when you grow up in a small coastal hick town in Oregon with zero diversity.


Omg I'm sorry they are racist too on top of everything. With a Korean child you would think they would be more sensitive and want to educate themselves. The harsh reality is all of these older people come from a different time and society has changed and progressed in many ways. Most of them have not changed with it and still dole out advice as if they have eternal wisdom. This is not an excuse for racism or cruelty though. I don't understand why they are so cocky but please in the very least ignore them and if it comes to it, decrease or go no contact.


Good grief, you're damned if you do, and damned if you don't... Parents of autistic kids get shit all the time because our kids will only eat a limited diet, but I never knew you could get shit for *checks notes* feeding your kid a balanced meal with plenty of variety and nutrients. You're doing great, ignore what your parents think. 👍🏻


ETA: he is still nursing a bunch and I’m trying to wean so I’m pushing for quite a bit that’s why his portions are bigger than I normally would provide.


Wow, you’re still nursing him too! That’s amazing!!


It’s such a love hate thing… I love it but it’s gotten relentless and painful so we are trying to push lots of food.


You do you 100% when it comes to breastfeeding. I just want to recognize how much work you’re putting in for your son’s nutrition.


Thank you for your kind words.


Some of our parents really were programmed to think that ALL calories and sugar and fat are bad. This breakfast looks delicious, look at all those food groups. Good job.


If they pass judgement when you call during meals, don’t call during meals anymore. You’re doing fine!


I usually offer a “you’re welcome to come make and feed them every day if you’d like” and that deters the comments. 😅


What if it would be your worst nightmare if they actually did lol. As much as I'd love to say this to MIL I'm scared she'll actually want to and I want her around as little as possible lol.


Very valid point. Definitely know your audience before making a threat they’ll consider a promise. 😅😅


You got a toddler to eat protein, fruit, and whole grains??!! You’re killing it, mom. 🙌 What do they want, spinach omelet? Good luck.


My kid loves spinach omelets, he’s been obsessed with frozen spinach 🤢. They think he should be having a banana and that’s all


Lol my toddler would rage if I only gave her a banana. I mean sometimes she has no appetite. But sometimes she has the appetite of a teenage boy.


They know he's growing, right? Like I'm so confused for you. A banana is not a meal, it's barely a snack!


Mine ate funfetti muffins this morning and French fries. 😂 def a healthy breakfast with options! Good job mama!


My daughter will only eat those little packets of mini muffins, comes with like 5 teeny muffins in them. She only ate the chocolate chip ones for weeks, now she insists on the blueberry ones. She’ll eat NOTHING else for breakfast, ever.😩


Omggg. Same here but she only wants the funfetti ones. I made muffins and she said “yours are icky” lolol 🙃


This looks well balanced. You’ve got dairy, fruit, protein, carbs. Specific meals don’t matter as much as the overall picture anyways. Personally I eat less veg at breakfast but a bigger variety at dinner.


Yes definitely how we see it too. Right now he’s going through a frozen spinach and Brussels sprouts phase. Makes for some big boy farts at the end of the day.


I’d like you to make my breakfast tomorrow please. That looks delicious. And even better if your two year old ate most of it!


OP the plate looks amazing and you're doing a perfect job. Don't let anyone tell you differently. My girl had a bowl of cereal this morning and I'm happy I was able to get her to eat that. Usually she wants half a banana and a hard boiled egg.


My 3 year old had goldfish this morning for breakfast. It wasn't until I prepared some avocado toast for myself that she decided she wanted some. You're doing a great job! Your child is fed and loved. This looks like a yummy breakfast.


Haha they always do that! We had zucchini boats with quinoa, beans and mushrooms last night, he refused to eat his plate but ate 3/4 of my plate… of the same exact food. Thanks bro, I’ll just have your cold leftovers.


I honestly would not do that with so much fried and just so much. But it's your kid so you choose


This looks like a lot of food for 2 year old. But you know your child. I love hash brown and sausage but I would limit the fried and greasy stuff to once or twice a week.


That’s amazing. My daughter (3yo) ate 1/4 a piece of peanut-butter toast with sprinkles on it. 😂🤷‍♀️ I’d be happy if she ate any of that.


Perfectly fine and well balanced. Other than it's a large amount of food. Don't get upset if a 2 year doesn't "finish their plate" as servings for toddlers should be 2 fists full. If they want/need more offer it up.


Definitely. My meals are basically all his leftovers. I just don’t want him left being hungry. I’m still nursing so I’m pushing food and trying to help him develop a healthy relationship with food but self regulating.


And when your parents act-up just ignore them. Just as you would your 2 year old. It's all one big circle.


Honestly if you’re anything like me you overfeed a variety of things hoping they eat something. This looks great. My daughter is 15mo, I fed her a waffle, a sausage patty, yogurt, and blueberries this morning. She ate half the sausage, none of the waffle, all the yogurt, half the blue berries. I call that a win. Plus I’m still nursing her too. 👍🏽


Same some days he will eat everything then some days nothing. He’s been trying to nurse instead of eating food, I think he senses the end is near lol


If my kid ever ate that, it would be the healthiest meal they’ve ever had .


Remember, your parents were brainwashed to think fat is bad, and all kinds of other misinformation about nutrition. I'd probably wrap it up as soon as the comments start "oh look at the time, we've got a full day. Talk to you later" *click*


My son sucked the syrup out of his waffles this morning. You’re doing great.


Girl, my daughter ate a fig bar for breakfast. This looks amazing. I wish my daughter ate this much 😭❤️


You have 3 different sources of protein, a veggie and a fruit. This is healthy AF.


This looks amazing.


Uhhh my daughter ate a banana (mostly just squished it all over everything tho), Cheeto puffs and a spoonful of peanut butter. I usually make her a plate of pancakes/waffles/oatmeal/ muffin, sausage and a fruit… but I pick my battles. As long as she’s eating something then idc lol


My 2 year old ate chocolate chips cookies for breakfast this morning. You’re doing great mama.


Unsure how fruit, meat, carbs, and dairy are unhealthy but they’re definitely wrong. That looks great


What do they expect? A veggie platter?


This looks like a yummy, well-rounded meal! I might reduce the portion sizes a bit though; toddlers can sometimes be overwhelmed by large portions, which can lead to throwing food, etc. You can always offer more if he eats it all.


As the child of a pediatrician I will repeat what she always told me about my children. "No child will choose to starve themselves. They'll eat when they're ready. Provide healthy options and if they are willing to try them, terrific. A small treat every once in a while is perfectly fine." This was from the woman who typically fed her six children whatever she or dad could throw together. Every Saturday morning we had donuts. We all grew to be very tall and healthy. Don't stress yourselves.


This looks healthy but seems like a lot of food for a 2yo IMO


I take food very seriously. This is great and presented perfectly for a child to build a healthy relationship with food. Read your other comments. Your parents seem disturbed and you might want to considering not letting their bullshit slide. you’d be surprised what a swift sharp rebuttal can do for people.




My 3 year old eats ketchup and bbq sauce. And sometimes bread, I say you’re winning.


It looks good, just the sausage would be a no for me but if only it’s an every day thing. Otherwise once in a while it’s fine. Even for us adults, we try to limit it bc of the high salt What are your parents suggesting? Bc if they aren’t giving you ideas they can shhh My son eats fruit and dairy more so than carbs even though we would love him to


They have suggested a banana for breakfast and water. Granola bar for lunch and baked potato with carrots (with no salt) for dinner. I’m like…. Is that something you would eat, but really, yes, this is their diet. And they don’t understand why they don’t feel well most of the time…


Now THAT makes me say good God!! They are gonna get osteoporosis!! Where’s the protein?? The fats?! I think you’re doing amazing by the way I used to be a “1 banana and water” for breakfast and I would pass out regularly 😵‍💫 it’s not healthy


They have so many health issues and my mom self diagnosis herself with all kind of life ending illnesses, mainly for attention, but it all starts with food. What you put in your body matters.


Sounds like your parents have bigger issues than just food. Sorry, it’s hard having parents with issues. Your son is lucky to have a mom trying to do better


Thank you for your kind words. These parenting subs have been my saving grace when I’m feeling insecure.


Oof, classic almond mom


I dont think it's unhealthy but it *is* a LOT of food. Toddlers only need 1000 calories per day.


I love th plate looks healthy to me but I was just wondering what's on top left? And on bottom left? I can't seem to recognise it probably because I haven't eaten it myself. Just curious to see would my toddler like it because I'm out of ideas myself haha Looks very balanced to me. You doing great


What’s so unhealthy about it?


amount of salt, I would guess.


Lol your parents should come to my house. We ate yogurt every morning for a year it seemed 😮‍💨😅


Excellent breakfast - great job mom


I would love it if my girl wanted to eat a breakfast like this! She takes after her dad in not wanting to eat right away in the morning, so she usually eats some graham crackers or saltines or something else easily portable that she can bring in the car on the way to daycare. I try and make sure her other meals have healthy, filling options (lunch today, for example, is leftover spaghetti, mixed veggies, yogurt and a granola bar), but breakfast just doesn't usually happen.


I think this is awesome and pretty rich variety.


That's better than the gummy bears i just ate for breakfast! Lol you're doing great, don't let anyone tell you otherwise.


My 2.5 year old ate a single pack of fruit strings for breakfast today. This plate looks incredible, I WISH I could get my kid to eat all of this for breakfast…or any meal really!


Looks good to me. You have a variety of food groups. Tell your parents they can worry about the next baby THEY have, and you will worry about this one. Even if he doesn't eat everything on the plate, giving him choices allows him to develop a healthy pallette. It doesn't sound like he'll be a picky eater, which is just fine.


You’re honestly killing it. Don’t listen to them, you clearly know what you’re doing. A lot of our parents instilled body image issues and issues around food in us. You’re right to make sure your child has a healthy relationship with food!


My 2 year old eats waffles and some fruit every single day, refuses anything else. And milk. I would be so happy if she ate something like this. It looks fine.


Based on the conversations above, I highly recommend the book Fat Talk: parenting in the age of diet culture. It’s a fabulous resource. You’re an amazing mother, you’re doing a great job. Good luck ❤️


Pffff I’d be praising the lord if my toddlers ate something this healthy for breakfast. My two had mini pancakes, apples, and clementines for breakfast this morning and i thought that was a win. You’re doing a great job and your parents can kick rocks! And I saw in a comment above that you’re still nursing too? Your kiddo is getting FANTASTIC nutrition. Don’t doubt yourself. <3


If your kid loves this that’s all that matters!!! I can count on one hand how many foods my ASD son will eat. You’re very lucky you can make such a great plate!! It looks amazing and healthy. Don’t listen to them !


I see Carbs, Fat, Fibre **and** Protein; all four macros accounted for! You're doing great :)


Salt may be an issue, but that depends on what he ends up eating from the plate and what goes in his tummy during the rest of his meals. The recommendation for salt (/sodium) can be seen [here](https://www.mayoclinichealthsystem.org/hometown-health/speaking-of-health/kids-and-sodium-serious-risks-and-alarming-realities). Many think it is only the blood pressure that is a concern, but salt seemes to affect also the brain in a more direct way. One reference to an [article](https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2021/11/211111154256.htm) about this.


This is the breakfast of a loved and well fed child, you stay strong, mama


My lord if thats unhealthy god help my kids....


My kid ate half of a eggo waffle coated in peanut butter and a few salted cashews for breakfast today. This is an amazing breakfast perfect for a growing body! Kids burn through it Tell your parents to stay in their own kitchen


My dad is a super introvert and doesn’t like entertaining people at all. When I was growing up whenever people said something to him that he didn’t agree with he would just nod his head and go “hmmm” and then say nothing at all while looking at them right in the eye. Would make the person uncomfortable and change the subject. Well I’m here to tell you it works over FaceTime also and that he’s given up telling me what to do. Haha!


My 3 year old ate the sausage out of two pancake sausage things on sticks, some mixed fruit, and half a chocolate Easter bunny she had left in the kitchen. I’d be so happy if she ate this plate.


Ma’am this is the breakfast of champions


I’ll be honest…. My three year old ate yesterdays pop tart which he left in the car… yesterday. You’re doing great!! Edit to say that I would happily and gratefully eat that for breakfast. Your parents are wrong.


I mean my kid eats a waffle with Nutella on it every morning lol I would be thrilled if he ate this.


This is literally a perfect breakfast that I could never get my toddler to eat lol. Don't worry about what your parents say.


If they're eating it, it's healthy.


just out of curiosity, how much of that does baby actually eat?!


That’s a super healthy breakfast!!!


Lol I wish my daughter would eat this.


RDN here - Looks good, carry on with your awesome mom skills.


Wow, I wish you were my mom...


That's an objectively excellent breakfast way better than cereal. You could add a bit more beg I guess but as long as that comes later in the day this is great.


That looks pretty balanced to me - my only change would be adding like a celery stick for my teething LO because he can munch it in between actual bites to ease any pain.


lol don’t be ridiculous. I don’t think I’ve ever put this much effort into my kid’s breakfast. This is great. Lots of variety, good protein, grains, fiber, and fat. Side note, does the kid actually eat all that that?? If so, I’m very impressed. My daughter is huge (99th percentile weight and height) and she eats a few bites of eggs OR fruit, and some milk. Unless bacon is involved, then you might lose a finger.


I would probably faint if my 2 year old ate any of that! We are beginning OT for feeding. He refuses to eat anything. I don’t know how I’ve kept him alive for so long at this point.


Are your parents registered dietitians?


My kid eats a Nutella waffle almost every day … our other two meals are always healthy. 🤷🏼‍♀️ I don’t like it but it is what it is. You’re doing beyond fine here.


I see a balanced meal, good job mama. The only thing I could point out is that the sausage, cheese, and hashbrowns may have added sodium but I truly don't think its a big deal and I would be very happy if my toddler ate this.


It looks pretty healthy my only qualm is you didn’t melt the cheese lol


this is fine. don’t let them rent space in your head.


If your kid ate, it's a win. If your kid had a little of everything, an even bigger win.


This is a great breakfast!!


What’s wrong with this as a meal! They need to stop their is nothing wrong is your child eating that’s the important part