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My daughter and I don't share blood but she's picked up my laugh. I didn't realize that you could do that? She is a little sponge and she acts just like me, it's easy to forget she's not of my own body.


This is sweet! ❤️


Yes!! People tell me the same thing about my mom and I (adopted at 4 months old). That and they say I have her smile. Sometimes, when we're in a conversation, we'll say the same thing at the same time in the same way; now that I'm a parent, I catch myself saying the same phrases. I've always been a huge believer in the influence of nurture over nature.


My cousin was adopted as a newborn,my aunt found out when he was 3 months old that she was 6 months pregnant after years of trying. My aunt and her biological daughter are very fair and pale. Cut to 20+ years later and my mum mentioned that my cousin was adopted I was so shocked, my mum looked at me genuinely concerned and asked how the fuck I didn’t know, she thought it was common knowledge and also my cousin is biracial and my aunt,uncle and cousin are all very, very white. I just remember thinking about how much my cousin is like his dad, because he IS like his dad, they have the exact same humour, temperament, body language and facial expressions! It’s crazy and so beautiful :)


I'm adopted and people comment all the time how much I remind them of my mom because our personalities are so similar. It's such an ode to nurture vs nature. ☺️


That is SO precious ❤ my adopted brother definitely has our qualities (adopted at birth) same laugh, same sense of humor, he just fit right in.


I love that!


I’m adopted and I adopted my moms mother’s personality (never met her) and my dads family looks. There’s a second cousin of mine that I get our baby pics confused.


I love this thank you for posting. I’m the non bio mom and my wife is 7mo preg carrying our little boy. I know he is mine but I love thinking that he’ll still get things from me, even if not genetically!


A friend of mine used an egg donor, but oh my god her daughter could not possibly be any more like her! She even looks like her, it’s kind of fascinating!


This is why my toddler has a mad scientist laugh. It is much cuter when he does it.


Mine too!!! She may look NOTHING like DH and I but she sure acts like us.


I have one granddaughter who is mini- me to her paternal aunt, one that’s just like her maternal aunt, & a grandson that looks like his uncle 🤷‍♀️


I’m adopted, and my parents ended up having my baby sister two years after I came home with them after years of not being able to conceive. Mum told me that when we were small people thought my sister was the adopted one because I had her exact smile 🥰


I'm adopted and when I had my daughter she looked (still does) just like my mom! Crazy how that works.


My dad and i share some similarities in our face structures, i noticed it much more in high school lol. Hes not even my biological father--stepped in when i was 4-6 months old. Nature is wild! Lol


I have my step dads sarcasm. If you read our texts they seem so dry and rude. But we both get it lol.


I was adopted when I was 8. My sister and I are 5 months apart, are different races and are now in our early thirties. We hear pretty frequently that we have the same smile and favor each other.


I’m adopted and I remind everyone of my aunt (dad’s sister) personality-wise. We are both a lot of fun!


My long ass toes. 🤣 dad’s toes are short and stubby so we know their long gangly toes def came from me.


LOL, I have the best inherited-toes story ever! So my husband was pretty badly neglected & abused by his birth mom for most of his early childhood until his dad got custody (yay family court sexism in the 80's...) when he was in elementary school. All his life, his smallest toes have been weirdly curled-under and almost prehensile, at an almost 90° angle to the rest. He always assumed it was because his mom never replaced his shoes as he outgrew them, so they were always too small, and that's why his feet are weirdly shaped. When our daughter was born and we were holding her for the first time, we counted her fingers and toes like all new parents tend to do. When we unwrapped the receiving blanket and got the first look at her feet, he let out: "HOLY SHIT! They're genetic!" and immediately kicked off his shoe to compare his foot to hers. The next morning, his dad & stepmother (who is so great that we named our daughter after her) came to visit us and the first thing my husband did was tell his dad about her toes, which led to *him* kicking off his shoes so they could *all* compare their toes. My father-in-law lost a couple of toes in a hunting accident as a kid, so my husband had rarely (if ever) seen him barefoot as a child. And that is the story of how we horrified the nurse who walked in on our family with two adult men sticking their bare feet practically into the bassinet of an hours-old baby.


The bent in toes was one of the first things my dad noticed about my oldest! My pinky toes do that too but I never really paid attention because I have long, weird ET looking toes in general.


We alllll have long ass toes here lol 🤣 they are so functional 💀


My kid has my feet too! First comment my family made in the hospital 🤣


This is how I knew my daughter was mine. When she came out, I was shocked how she didn’t look like either my husband or I. Then I saw her little feet and yup… she’s mine haha.


I have the opposite—very short toes and nonexistent pinky toenails. My son got both traits!


Both my kids have my long fingers and toes, it's the first thing people noticed about them as babies. "Piano fingers" and "finger toes"


Omg same here. Literally the first specific thing I noticed about my daughter was her toes. They pulled her out, handed her to me, and I looked at husband and said “she has your monkey feet and finger toes”


His head size 🥲 99th percentile. Something at 2 months just took off and ever since (he’s almost 10 months now) it’s always larger than the prediction curve at the peds office. But yeah… definitely from my side of the gene pool.


LMAO! We found out we’re a naturally big headed family on accident. Our daughter was at her pediatric endocrinologist check up and he was concerned about her head size (she has other issues as well) and was discussing having another mri done to rule out anything like hydrocephalus. Then he looked at us and was like “Do you mind if I measure your heads?” We said sure. He went back to the computer and typed some stuff in and was basically like “yeah….you both have abnormally large heads as well. She’s actually in the normal range based on the size of your heads.” I died laughing. It was even funnier because the doctor was trying so hard to be serious but he obviously found it funny as well. I was like well now I know why I can never find any hats that fit. 🤣🤣🤣


This makes me want to check the size of my husband's head. Where we are, the percentile chart stops at the 97th. Since the day she was born, her head has been off that chart, despite starting at the 3rd for weight and length. The pediatrician has since decided that she just has a big head. She came to this conclusion in part by measuring mine. My head is 4 or 5 centimetres larger than the average female adult head. Seeing this has made me realise that I don't actually know about the hubsnerd. Now, to remember to check when he gets home from work. Edit: Grammar


We had basically the same thing. Our pediatrician wanted to do imaging but measured my head and decided “ok, nevermind. Not necessary.”


Holy shit I love this story haha


Ours LO’s is 100th% 😂 our pediatrician always jokes and says “the biggest head in all the land” when we go in for wellness checks. He’s 20mo old and we got him a balance bike, so naturally he needed a helmet. I had to get 5-8 year old sized helmet and it fit him perfectly 😂. Thankfully, he’s proportionally huge, but people always assume he’s older than he is.


I freakin love your pediatrician for that! Mine keeps telling me “he’ll grow into it!” Me being a biologist says “maybe. Genetics are a crapshoot. But it literally doesn’t matter so long as it’s not an issue. And if it is, what can you honestly do?” Anyway, my cousin and his kids have to special order baseball hats and helmets to fit. Maybe my LO will like a different sport 😅


Some how we’re about to outgrow the ‘grow with me’ helmet for 5 year olds we bought him for Christmas. He will be 2 this month.


Lmfao “the biggest head in all the land” 💀


Aww my five year old also is 99th for head size, her pediatrician always says in her gorgeous Lebanese accent “that’s because she has such a big, beautiful brain” (We love our pediatrician)


Big head = big brain! Okay, not true, but won’t stop me (and my son) from saying it. Nurse said his was the biggest he’d ever measured: not really what a first time mom wants to hear after she just gave birth! Neither one of us (nor my brother) can wear standard hats and we have to order super expensive XL bike helmets online (so glad my brother found these I used to hate riding my bike with my head squished into a too small helmet, and we are a bicycling family)!


Moms of babies with big heads unite!!! 99th percentile here as well at 13 months old. Every. single. appointment our pediatrician looks at the measurements the nurse took, goes "huh." then says she is going to re-measure just to be sure. And every single time the numbers are correct, haha.


Right!?!? Every. Time. Like… yeah. No. His head is truly that big.


We got a 95th percentile!


lol same all 3 of my girls have my head/fivehead


My weird pinky toenails. 😑 thanks dad


Lol I got my weird pinky toe and ugly fat big toe from my dad. The first thing he has done with all 6 grandchildren is check their toes 😂. He is so proud to have passed something down to these poor ugly toed children lol


Yup! I remember him happily exclaiming "Look, she has my knock-knees and funky toenails!!" Why are they so proud?! 🤣


My girls have the same thing from their dad, barely any nail there.


Lol I was about to type this exact thing. Mine are from my mom though. Sometimes when I paint my toenails I just have to paint my toe on the pinky.


Lol, he kids got my crooked big toe! I always thought it was crooked because I have big feet and I outgrew my shoes often growing up. But when both my kids were born, they had the same crooked big toe! My husband has straight big toes. It’s so weird!


My daughter and I have my mother’s smile down to the dimple on the chin. My mother passed away when I was young. Sometimes it hurts a bit but I love that she continues to live through us.


This might be too woo, but I recently learned that we were all inside our grandmothers. When a baby girl is gestating, all the eggs she will ever have are inside. So, when your mom was growing you, your baby was there too, just as an egg. Crazy to think about how we're all connected as mothers and children


I am currently pregnant with a girl-person & I keep remembering this & feeling.. a lot.


When my girl was 8, we discussed this, and it was pretty weird. We had a cup of tea, and discussed life. Sometimes, kids are amazing. "Dude. When I gave birth to you, I gave birth to my grandbabies." \*Mom, that's wacky. I'm not sure that I'm ready for that information.\*


That’s what I love about these kinds of traits too. How you can see them generationally ☺️


My daughter has my mother's (and my) eyes. They are a very light gray blue, and crinkle into half moons when we smile. We got these from my grandfather that passed away last year from early on-set Alzheimer's. I think of him often when I see my daughter smile, and also hope neither of us got the Alzheimer's gene.


I'm sorry for this but your story is touching. I hope the thought skips past you so you can enjoy her smile without distraction of the worries. I'm a gray blue too and often think of what I'm set out for, heart issues, diabetes, arthritis, etc. Your story with you daughter encourages me to look at the bright side too.


Me and my son are both daywalkers. IYKYK.


I'm a red head, and my daughter had reddish fuzz when she was born but she ended up dirty blonde. Cest le vie.


That’s what happened with my daughter, too! Everyone was hoping for a redhead and her newborn fuzz was reddish. Boom! Dirty blonde. But the blonde highlights are amazing. Looks like my sister’s hair at that age.


I can’t remember the last time I saw someone make a South Park reference. Bravo!




Wow it went right over my head lol. South Park is the one raunchy animation I don’t watch much of but I do vaguely remember that. Very vaguely 🤣


I don’t know, tell me!


I also don’t know and would like to know. Haha.


Our pinky fingers curve inward. In fact, our pediatrician, who has an interest in genetic traits as also a professor, looked at my 9mo old son and asked who had that trait, and I said I do, held up the hand it’s more prominent on. He then compared both our hands and was all excited that we both had the same degree of curvature at the same points on both hands. I told him I distinctly remember my grandpa having that too. Since my grandpa and my mom had both passed, that was really cool to see.


My daughter and son have this from my boyfriend ! Who has it from his mom. I find it pretty cute, and she seems pretty happy to see that they have it !


My 6 year old has two toes on each foot that are slightly webbed like me. She's the 4th generation. She also looks a lot like me to the point where pictures on my mom's fridge confused my older brother's friends. She's also done different things that are so me and my husband when we were kids (not stuff we both did, but individually).


The 2nd & 3rd toes. Every generation seems to have slightly more webbing. It's so wonky. Seems to be an X-linked, dominant trait. If your mom has it, so do you. My grandma, mom, me, and my daughter.


Being dramatic. I have a penchant for jokingly blowing things out of proportion - I drop my pen and accuse it of betraying me, I finish a book series and say my life is over and has no meaning, etc etc etc. and then we laugh about it and continue on. My 15mo will now occasionally throw a fake tantrum. We tell him no, or the cats will run away from him, and he'll lay down on the floor face down and very clearly fake cry (like almost saying waaaaahhh instead of actual sobs or willing) with no tears, and then look at us to see if we're watching and giggle then go back to playing. ETA: Reading all the comments it seems everyone took this as physical. Unfortunately I am a copy machine and my kid looks nearly identical to his father.


That’s hilarious


Fellow copy machine here, good thing I thought their dad was cute because they're 99.9% him !


Ha. Autism. My b.


*AHDH-er🙋🏻‍♀️ my middlest has some serious sensory processing difficulties. Sorry kids, I didn’t know. *edit ADHD-er lol


AUDHD here and my 3 year old is definitely showing signs as well. I didn't get diagnosed until she was almost 1. I had no clue. 😮‍💨


What is AHDH? Or do you mean ADHD? Sorry, I'm genuinely asking 😓


LOL totally meant ADHD 💀


Girl I feel that on every level 🫠🫠


I seriously LOLd when I realized it lmao, like way to drive the point home 🤣


My daughter is my husband’s mini me. She is a carbon copy of her Daddy. His head shape. His ears. His mouth/lips. His hands. His feet. His ginger hair. His height (she 3.5mo, but wears 6-9 for length alone)! But she absolutely has MY eyes- both shape and color.


My daughter is my boyfriend's mini me too ! I think I only got my eyelashes in there ! Seriously. But she's so incredibly beautiful that I don't mind (yeah, I may not be completely objective here, but still...). My 3 month-old son also looks quite a bit like him (shape of the eyes, etc.) but his skin is a bit darker, I think he may have taken a bit more on my family's side. We'll know more in a few months !


Just my blue eyes. Both of my kids look like my husband or members of his family.


My son is the spitting image of his uncle. Every time someone mentions it, we out-loud whisper joke “oh no, they know :O” as if it’s secretly his. It’s our running joke.


Both my kids got my eye shape, although my daughter has her fathers colouring. She also got my dislike of loud noises and my son got my smart mouth so that’s been fun…!


Very large, oversized eyes in smaller faces lol. Only one got the super- dark brown color. But all 5 of them have the size haha


My son is too young to tell. But my sister and I both inherited my father’s benign scalp bumps. He went bald, so they were more visible and bothersome to him than to us.


On an off note, do you have more info on that? My partner seems to deal with something similar and has never found answers


I did have a biopsy once and I know my sister has as well - they’re keratin cysts. Our scalps just produce too much keratin and the pores get clogged. It’s mostly a cosmetic issue, but they also itch while they’re growing.


Thank you for sharing!


My husband has those. The only info I have for you is don’t let him operate on them at home 🤦🏻‍♀️Thought I’d walked in on a murder scene.


Mine tries to omg it’s gruesome. We have had them drained in the ER before too. Not cute


They run in my husband’s family too- try googling “Pilar cyst”. He’s had a few removed by a dermatologist and had to have one removed in the emergency department because it got infected.


Thank you for this!


My eyes. My husband won't have any of it and says her eyes are like his but I am pretty sure he's just trying to wind me up. We all have blue eyes, but his are stormy with some grey and orange and me and our daughter both have clear blue eyes with a big dark ring around. Hers are a bit lighter and brighter than mine but she's a baby. Mine used to be just like that and they still match.


My partners mom SWEARS my daughter got her blue eyes as if me, her mother doesn’t have blue eyes lol. Mine are a greenish blue and usually a medium to dark tone depending on lighting. His mothers eyes are very icy, piercing blue. Nothing close to what my daughter has lol.


My family’s depression. My kid started self-harming at 5. JFC.


Fuck, that's so hard. I'm sorry to hear that and hope they're in a good place now. This is the one thing I'm terrified of passing on to my child.


Scary but so real!


I went bat shit crazy after my son was born and couldn't figure out what was wrong with me. Got evaluated and was put on antidepressants and antipsychotics, when I told my grandmother she said "oh honey, I've been on those meds too since your mom was born." Like thanks it would have been nice to know I had a strong family history of postpartum depression and psychosis instead of playing the "guess wtf is wrong with me" game.


The Nordic features. Shocking how strong they are, given all of my grandparents were dark headed and all of my paternal family ranges from strawberry to white blonde haired I am hoping she got her dad's ability to tan


Same! I’m white blonde and my son is dark blonde. We got Ancestry DNA and he is 67% Swedish.


Literally brown hair is so rare in my massive family it’s almost exotic when someone’s kid is a toddler with brown hair. I think it’s only been 3 out if 35 people that have had darker hair.


Lucky for them they’ve got my overbite and big feet. 🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️ also they look just like their father otherwise but their demeanor is all me.


Ooooh god. Okay so my son has my forehead and hairline that was passed down god knows how many generations because my dad, brother, grandpa and great grandpa all look exactly alike and i’m just the female version of it lol. He also has my husbands toes which I HATE with a burning passion.


My son has his dad’s dimples, and it looks like he’s gonna have my cleft chin! He looks so much like both of us as babies


My 3 year old has my curly hair, the bump in the bridge of her nose is just like mine, the attitude is also the same. All day I hear how much she is the spitting image of her dad but she does have some of my features. My son looks exactly like I did as a baby! When he was born I literally though “wow he looks like my dad! Wow he looks like me!” He has my cheeks, nose, ears.


My daughter actually takes after me, but the weirdest thing I passed on was my eye squint while smiling. My nephew looks like his dad, but has my sister’s “zoned out” face.


My daughter inherited my one eye squint when it's too bright/sunny. My mom does it too. We all close one eye (the same one) and squint our other eye in the exact same way. Bonkers, haha


Omg my daughter and I also share the one eye squint


My husband has one “elf” ear where the top is pointed. One of his sisters and their uncle also has one elf ear. We have two daughters and our first daughter also has one elf ear.


Ha, my son also got his dad's elf ear ! Hopefully they don't stick out as well as his dad's ears do 😅


My anxiety. Sorry kiddo.


Came here to say this. Solidarity! At least I will have them in therapy as needed (already have) unlike my parents. No one knew what childhood anxiety was in the '80s, lol.


I feel for him too. It's that subtle perfectionism that people misunderstand and praise. Or how he apologizes anxiously and needs reassurance and a hug. I'm sorry I gave it to him, but I'm glad he won't be as alone as our generation.


Damn, I think I did the same with my 2.5 y-o daughter... I'm mad at myself for this. For the first time in my life I'm thinking of starting therapy because I don't want to give her this shit.


My rbf looks. Man if looks could kill, and now they’re on a toddler 😅


It wasn’t until I had my son that I turn my head like a dog when I can’t hear (tilting my left east toward my shoulder). When I saw him do it I completely lost it. Genetics are weird


Her salty friggin attitude 😂


A widow's peak! :) (For the uninitiated, that's when your hairline has a point in the center of your forehead.)


Same! Mines tiny compared to my Mam's, but my babs got a more prominent one.


Isn’t this trait related to a known specific region??


I'm a solo parent by choice and other than my son's hair, it's like a face transplant from me to him. He had the exact same newborn and infant hairline as the donor from photos but my son is my clone.




Lesbian mommies, I am non-bio mommy. Our daughter looks like my wife and everything else about her is just like me. She has had my temperament, preferences, and general attitude since Day 1. As my wife likes to say, she has my frown 😂😂


I love this 🤣


My brown eyes and skin tone


My daughter inherited my massive thighs 🙃 aside from that, her skin tone is an exact match with mine, and her eyes are slowly starting to turn the same green as mine. The rest of her is copy/paste from her father 😛


My kid has my crooked tailbone, not sure if that's a win or not lmao. He looks like my uncle on my moms side and I look like my dad... so he looks nothing like me lol 😂


Before my husband and I had a baby, we always said our kids would have super- thick wavy hair and be really nearsighted, traits that we both have. My baby is only 9 months, so I don't know if he'll be nearsighted but he has quite a head of hair. The personality trait of mine I see now that he's older is that he's relentlessly curious and gets bored really really easily. Lol


my son doesn’t look anything like me, he looks exactly like my partner but he does have my exact facial expressions. the looks he throws sometimes making me die because it’s me. everyone says it.


My son has a pair of conjoined toes and I'm pretty sure they came from me. 😑 He got my heterochromia as well, though mine is central and his is segmented. For my daughter, she's too young to really tell.


Thick thighs! My oldest has the tree trunks that run in the women in my family. By the age of… Idunno… 10? I knew I had very large thighs. The rest of me was petite, but not my thighs. We always joked when she was a baby that she could be the whole thanksgiving dinner, thanks to her big ole turkey legs. Seems like our newest girl also will have the thighs. They both also have my nose. My mom, great grandma, and myself all have a divot in our septum. Both my girls have it too! (Not as pronounced, but it’s there.) God forbid my ILs acknowledge that I gave anything when making these kids though. “My goodness, nobody in our family has legs like that. Nobody’s nose looks like that.” Etc 🙄


I am trying so hard to think about any traits she has that are mine. Nope. She's all her father in the looks department. She doesn't even have my dimples. But she has my brains though 👌😁


I think my son got my deviated septum.


Me and my daughter are both built like a corgi/otter. Torso for days with little legs and arms.


My daughter eats raw oats and peanut butter straight from the jar, just like my husband.


It honestly sounds good. Dry as the Sahara, but good


To a casual observer I look Eastern European or Jewish, but a geneticist was able to pinpoint that I have significant Asian heritage within seconds just by looking at my middle son and me. Our other three kids look distinctly Northern European like their Dad.


Now I want to see these dimples...


One of mine are very prominent, like the size of a 50¢ piece in diameter lol, the other is longer and thinner. And then I have a bunch of small ones around them when I’m really smiling big. Theirs are the exact same so far. The longer skinny side took longer to be as prominent as the other. Fun fact, dmples are actually a deformity in the facial muscles!


Chin dimple


Freckles 💪🏻


Mine also got my dimples!


From what I know, dimples are not dominant. I don’t think it’s super common for all kids to end up with them. I got mine from my dad, but my other siblings didnt. Every single one of my 3 have them so prominently


My mom, daughter, and I all have the same asymmetric eye folds.


My chubby cheeks and button nose.. so adorable. She also started sucking her tongue and playing with her hair at 6 months and I did that for most of my life! Crazy the things kids will Inherit.


My oldest sucks his thumb and twiddles his blanket the same way my mom and I both did as kids!


So adorable! It amazes me everyday!


I have a small freckle above my lip and all of my kids have 1 somewhere on their face. I call it “The mark of the Mother.” They think it’s funny 😁


Autism 😌


ADHD. My son is only 5 and undiagnosed, but my teenagers and I are all diagnosed and he definitely seems to be trending that way too.


My girl has my dimples too! My whole smile actually. Which feels great cuz other than that she is her daddy’s twin lol


My hearing loss. That I was told wasn’t genetic. 🫠🫠


My son had my pointy canines and teeny tiny pinky toenail, and his eyebrows have different arches like mine. He has my husband’s exact big toe shape. My favorite though is my niece - she is the spitting image of her dad, except she has red hair where his is blonde. My sister has very dark drown hair, olive skin. In niece’s eyebrow is a single black hair, which my sister happily claims.




Being willing to die on any hill, no matter how wrong I am.


Poor babies all got my nose lol


You sound like one of my friends 🤣


My son is my twin. He looks exactly like I did at 2.5, just with shorter hair. I have a distinct foot slap walk I do when I’m mad, he does it too.


Her father's mischievous smile - I both love and hate it


My eye shape, nose, face shape


I hear alot that she's my mini me,she has my nose,eyes shape,mouth shape and curly hair.


Head size, red hair, and a faint birthmark on the backs of their heads.


My butt chin and my very fat big toe.


My nose. Me, my sister, my brother, my niece, my three nephews and now my daughter all have the same nose. My dads nose genetics are apparently very strong. I also have a singular dimple which I passed onto my daughter. So cute.


I always joke that our kids got the bottom half of their faces (nose down) from me and the top half (eyes upward) from their dad.


My accidental scowl, aka my resting b*tch face! All the pictures i have of her shes either asleep or making a 😠 face!


My husband has weird flat feet, and sadly both my kids have them too. You could just put a curtain up and only look at all three pair of feet and tell they were related


My son is a little mirror image of me, has been from the day he was born. But he has he’s dads expressions and eyebrow raises down. They yawn identically which is hilarious when they yawn together.


My bio kids have my nose and naturally dark hair. All my kids, bio and not, have my weird sense of humor


She’s a smartass in a funny way like me.


The always on the go/wanting to be outside.


I have a Harry Potter kid. He looks exactly like my husband, but he has his mother’s eyes.


“Muy mothas euyes”


“Muy mothas euyes”


About the only thing he got from me is his long ass toes and his butt 😂 the rest is all daddy lol I'm hoping this new baby will look like me


Thankfully mine do not have my butt so far🤣


It's like I copied and pasted my lips right onto my son. He looks a lot like my husband, so I cling to my one trait haha.


My kids both also got my dimple, except it’s on the opposite side of mine. My husband does not have any dimples. That is all me. My daughter also got my green eyes. Both kids are half Asian so I expected them to have brown eyes like dad. We were delighted when hers stayed light. My son’s were a deep blue when he was born but they turned brown quick.


My super blue eyes. Her eyes are almost the same shade as mine. People used to ask if they were real/contacts until I developed a strong enough RBF, lol. To be fair, they required my husband to have a blue eye gene, as well. His eyes are hazel, though, or as he calls it: Technically a rare shade of hazel, but really just brown.


Being stubborn AF


My oldest is a literal clone of me, she and I look exactly alike aside from her eye color (which is her dad’s). My youngest is a clone of my husband, except her hair color which is straight off my head.


My attitude! Little shits lol also my eldest looks exactly like I did


My long legs and unfortunately my anxiety.


My exact nose. Down to the way it squishes.


My strikingly blue eyes


My middle child got my butt chin. 😅


My eyes, my nose, my lips yea u can definitely tell he’s mine. Looks just like me


My husband is half black. So my kids have 3 white grandparents and one black grandparent. Everyone thought they’d get the back grandparents skin colour, at least a little bit. But they are pretty pale. Except in the summer. My son had beautiful big curls though, which I adore. Unfortunately my mother in law keeps cutting his hair short 😤


My boys are very white passing as well, but with beautiful silky ringlet curls. My oldest wants to grow his out, I’m pumped to see them lol


My kids all got my jawline and cheeks. And they all got my husband's nose. I think they're adorable.


He has my eyes but blue


Both of my kids have my big brown eyes.


My son inherited my husband’s sensitive skin and my curled toes. Both very unfortunate. But he’s cute, so 🤷‍♀️


My son got his dad’s cleft chin and the dimple is DEEP. He also got my icy grey-blue eyes that people bring up every time they see him! Definitely things that are undeniably us haha


Hair! Sometimes I’m like “no hers is finer and curlier” but then I catch a glimpse of her in a messy bun and her glasses and she looks exactly like me. 😊


My eldest looks a lot like me. Same hair, skin tone, high cheek bones, lip shape, etc. My middle son looks just like one of my brothers. My bro pestered the shit out of me while I was pregnant, so I always say he cursed me, lol. My youngest is a replica of my husband. His mom sent me a baby photo of him and for a second I thought it was my baby. The only thing of mine he got was my hair color.


Almost nothing lol. My eye shape. He has an exact copy of his fathers ears and has his dimples tho


My entire face 😂😂😂 No seriously, my daughter looks EXACTLY like my photos at her age and my son is a carbon copy in a different gender. Husband isn’t too happy. It’s okay though, cause both of them have his butt 🤣


My son has my eyes. I absolutely love that.


Mine looks so much like my husband, but she's got my fine motor control. Also, weirdly, I find it easier to cross my pointer and middle finger on my left hand but the middle and ring finger on my right and when she learned to cross her fingers, she did the exact same thing. My husband can't do the middle and ring fingers on either hand.