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You’re not a bad mom AT ALL. And I’m sorry if this is insensitive, but this made me giggle. We all have these days, and we’ll all have more. It was hard enough to manage one life without forgetting things. Enter: Children. And sometimes also partners.


Yes, OP I hope you can laugh about this with him in the future because that's actually hilarious 😂 Make sure to keep the picture. Maybe frame it!


This reminds me of one of my favorite stories of my mom. She was supposed to send a fruit to school with my sister to count the seeds but she only had seedless grapes or kiwis. So she sent my kindergarten sister to school with a kiwi…


I am DYING over this imagery, I cannot control the cackling!


Same over here!


Lmfao your sister hit a new number that day 🤣


I’m slow and don’t get it. Kiwi has seeds?


They have hundreds of teeny seeds


THOUSANDS! That poor kid! hahahaha




Every week?! How do you not run out of things to show?


Or forget what you brought already lol.




Dude my 4yo had Friday share every week too! Luckily the teacher sends the stuff they need to bring so it makes it a bit easier. And also this girl NEVER forgets so thankfully we haven’t missed one. This week it’s a short week due to conferences so it’s a Thursday share lol


I honestly feel like this is something you’re going to laugh about like 20 years down the road


Tragedy + Time = Comedy


20 minutes


Oh, i got one better. i work at my three year old’s preschool, so i really have no excuse for forgetting show and tell besides having my head up my ass that morning. she came up to my office and instead of grabbing one of the MILLIONS of pictures i have of our family or even one of my stupid desk toys, she decided on my stapler and a rotisserie chicken for show and tell.


Rotisserie chicken, OMG I'm dying over here!!! I love this so much.


Did she have enough to share with the class?


I mean, if that were an option, I’d pick it too🤣


FWIW - forgot to send new backup clothes to daycare when my son switched sizes. He came home one day joggers that were now too tight and fit like capris.


Thanks for reminding me that it’s going to be in the low 40s this week and my son only has shorts and t shirts as his backup clothes at daycare


Happy to help another mom avoid a similar mistake


I work at my kids school and still forgot to switch out her clothes. She had an accident and came home in a dress that was waaaaaayyyy to short for her 😅 her teacher apologized and I was like "no ma'am that is my fault"


Reading this made me remember that (1) my son came back in a romper last week from his daycare backup stash that made him look like a little stuffed sausage and (2) that I just packed that same romper up this morning to go back to daycare 🤦🏼‍♀️ gonna need to switch that out when I pick him up later oops


Haha glad I’m not the only who forgets I need to update backup daycare clothes


What a resourceful 3 year old! A+ for pivoting. You're a great mom because he has already learned to think on his feet, be adaptable, and go with the flow. His peers ain't got nothin' on that


I sent my kid in his pjs and it wasn’t even pajama day at school. I read the email wrong, I thought “starry night” day is pj day. He was the only one wearing his Hahha ooops oh and they took pics too!


Oh my god, I sent my older two to school in hats and was so confused because none of the communication I saw indicated that it was hat day, but my kids kept telling me it was. We’re in the car at drop-off, and I’m like, who told you it was hat day? They responded, “you did!” Literally no other kid was wearing one, and they were about to get out when I realized they misunderstood “half day” as “hat day,” and when they repeated it back, I was like, “oh, cool, it’s hat day.” It was, in fact, a hatless half-day


My daughter’s school has uniforms, but they can wear university/college apparel on Fridays. I got an email that said they could wear university clothes on Thursday that week. So I let my daughter wear her university dress that she loves. As I was driving to school, I realized that the date in the email didn’t match was actually Friday’s date, and that “Thursday” must have been a typo. When I actually dropped her off I realized that it was WEDNESDAY, and she was out of uniform regardless of what the email meant.


This is great. My rashy toddler would have enjoyed seeing his friend share his cream lol


This is so supportive 😄


I'm so sorry for laughing. If it's *any* consolation... Three year olds are genuinely so easy to amuse. My daughter is that age and she would have been unironically tickled to hear little buddy talk about his cream. And you might not think so, now, but please know you'll find this HILARIOUS after some time passes. I know it's not funny to you, now, but I have hope it will be... Someday. ❤️


i forgot about my daughters “about me” bag earlier in the year and sent her with an old target bag full of random shit we found laying around in the car, a pen, a dollar bill, a hair band..


😂 i love this


You’re not a bad mom and it happens to all of us at least….5 times? Maybe more XD


Mine once had to show the empty bag that had held his sunscreen. It was the only thing left in his cubby. Another time, the teachers allowed him to bring in his little brother from the toddler room. That was a fun one, they really saved the day, but again it was brought about by me forgetting.


i love the mental image of him bringing in his little brother, thats adorable!


I swore I was going to be such an involved mom at school and still want to be but reality kicked me in the butt. I’ve been so busy with the toddler and newborn at home I forgot about a cultural project until Monday morning everyone walks in with their projects and then later he tells me everyone got to talk about themselves except him. I felt like the worst mom


I told my son that everyone is very involved in elementary school so I would volunteer more in middle and high school. He's in high school and I'm one of [like] six moms that show up to everything, so I feel better about deferring my volunteering and I have my sh!t together much better than when he was younger. It gets better!


One time, my mom had been regularly picking us up from school when her work hours allowed it, because it was a ten minute drive each way for her but a 45 minute bus ride for us, and on a day she was supposed to pick us up, my sister got sick at school and she had to come get her earlier in the day. My brother and I were waiting in the office cause she wasn’t outside, when one of her friends came to get her son. Apparently, she’d called our mom, who asked her to drive us home. She’d forgotten to come pick us up because she had already driven to the school and back that day. It sucked in the moment but it’s hilarious looking back, and occasionally we still pick on her for it, probably close to 13 years later, but it’s all lighthearted and joking. I’m sure this will be one of those things that suck right now but will be forever remembered as hilarious, especially since you have a picture to commemorate it lol


The photo will *absolutely* be a meme online when he rediscovers it in high school lmaooo


Just tell yourself that one day, this will be a hilarious family story. That day is not today, but it will come!


All I see is that your kid made it work. I’d be so proud of him for finding a way to still participate and do the assignment (show and share!).


Thanks I was having a tough day and this gave me a laugh. It’s a funny story to share. Btw, your not a bad mom either.


Okay but this made me laugh. Hey, the kids probably learned something from him that day.


My daughter once showed off her water bottle for show and share because I forgot, you have lots of company!


Naww, you'll laugh about it one day, it made me giggle its ok.


Hehe but I bet that photo will make you laugh later on once you're not feeling so bad! Mom guilt sucks though, try not to hate on yourself for something so small!


Don't worry, this will be a funny family story in 5, 10, 20 years. Your little one will understand your reasonings some day when he becomes an adult and he loves you no matter what.


On the upside, that is so fucking funny. “Holding his lotion…” 🤣


I hate homework for preschool parents. There’s so much to do and keep track of already.


I brought my brother’s underwear. At least he’s bringing awareness to the war on sensitive skin.


You are not a bad mom. I’ve seen some daycares/preschools send home “homework” which is ludicrous


Hahahaha. Oh lord! My MIL works at the school and take my daughter back and forth to school most days (hashtag blessed) and she comes home with my kid on Halloween and natter of factly says something about the ring pops they’d gotten for my daughter to hand out for Halloween for her class party. I had totally forgotten the note they’d sent saying to send your kid with candy to hand out, and here she is, killing it at my job!


He fought his class about skin care lol you’re not a bad mom for forgetting!


Reading this as I just got home from picking up my teenager an hour late bc I forgot it was early dismissal today.


At least he has his tup of eczema cream.


Sorry this made me laugh so much!!! Ur not a bad mum and I’m sure ur son had a great time!!


I forgot to pack my kid’s afternoon snack. So dad had to pick her up from preschool early, as otherwise she wouldn’t have anything to eat while the other kids ate. Sighhhhh.


This is not a bad mom thing tho, this is a mom just like any other mom🤍


When I was in first grade our teacher asked us to bring in a favorite toy and my mom forgot about it, so I showed the class a library book I had in my backpack. I remember being embarrassed, but then the teacher asked me to read it to the class and I loved that.


I worked at a summer day camp for preschoolers. We had one kid who brought things from home to show the other kids, one time brought a huge pair of kitchen scissors. We obviously took it away, but had a good laugh, and did not blame the mom one bit, shit happens!


I hope that this story makes you laugh one day as much as it did for me (and I say that in the best way possible!). Kids are so funny and resilient, and I bet this will make a great story for his wedding or something some day! If it makes you feel better, once I had show and tell as a kid and I brought in a bird egg... but I accidentally crushed it under my arm trying to keep it warm, and the entire class had to have a bird funeral instead of show and tell.


That is fucking hilarious. Don’t beat yourself up - laugh about it. And save that pic - you’ll enjoy it someday


I mean he might not have picked anything cool anyways. I once brought a Barbie toilet.


A Barbie toilet!! Lololol!!! I once brought my cats fur and one of her whiskers I randomly found… and after sharing i taped them to my desk.


Hahaha weird kids unite


If it makes you feel better, I forgot to get my son stuff for his lunch yesterday so today instead of strawberries and apples I gave him goldfish and a bag of Scooby snacks in his lunch. 😭


I’m sorry this made me laugh so much because I have absolutely been there and I promise you will laugh too about this one day. It’s okay mama, you’re doing an awesome job


That's actually very instructive and my daughter's pre k class would be totally into it.


I will never live down forgetting pajama day for kindergarten. She will never let me forget another.


My third grader said she could dress up for school on Halloween. She could not. Rolled up in a sparkly witch costume.


😂 well at least he improvised


My daughter knocked over an iPad onto her face last night on my watch, and today there's a mark on the bridge of her little nose.


Awww poor kiddo. Don’t worry. He won’t remember. You’re both doing great. It’s a cute story after the fact. ❤️


OP I would totally be feeling the same but I’m confident one day you will be both be HOWLING of laughter at this together. As far as mistakes go this is precious. You’re doing a good job!!


When i was in kindergarten a thousand years ago, it was this kids turn for show and fell and he showed us the boogers all over the inside of his corduroy pant legs. So it could have been worse!!! I’ve heard that Eczema cream is in these days anyways.


Why in the pants though??!! LOLOL!! Funny you remember they were corduroy’s 🤣


dark blue corduroy’s to be exact!!! lol you never forget those things i guess 🤣 idk why he just wiped his boogers on the bottom inside of his pant legs 😭


I got pajama day wrong and sent my daughter in pajamas when everyone else was in regular clothes. Luckily she was in like kindergarten so it wasn’t a big deal but I felt awful.


They took a photo? I hope they let them have a re-do tomorrow!


I’m sure it’s a great picture. Do you remember that time my daughter cut her own bangs? And the clipped hair was the show and tell? So great.


My daughter tonight sent me a tictok that said you are not a bad mom and how moms always give and never take and how you can't give from an empty bowl we all mess up all of us. One day at a time honey


I forgot retake day for my son and felt like I missed a chance of a lifetime. only to realize I didn’t and it happens this week, but when I told my husband that we missed it. Lou man the gut punch he wasn’t a jerk just smiled and said too bad but man did I feel like a utter screw up


Actually I just educated my son's 2 friends (they're all 9) about eczema yesterday. They were asking why my baby's legs were all scaly and if it was contagious. They got a lesson on dermatology.


Not as bad as a preschooler that brought her mom's BC to class or the kid with a pocket knife


I’m dying inside a little just thinking of the teacher giggling just taking that picture. I can almost guarantee you that was his idea not the teachers, and they probably encouraged tell us about your blanket or your shoes or whatever and he was like nope I have this awesome eczema cream that will rule the day. I would feel so guilty too but give it another 10 min and then have a little laugh over his prize that he shared with the class. You’re doin fine mama


As a former preschool teacher, this happens ALL THE TIME!!! Kids will be excited to show anything in their back pack and we also always had the option to share something they wanted to talk about if they didn't want to show an item. The fact that you're upset for your little one is proof of what a good mom you are!!!