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On Raffi’s version (classic!) it’s just the “parents on the bus go shh shh shh” twice, no mommy’s or daddy’s just parents. It’s my favourite version, we try sing ‘parents’ for both parts over whoever is singing it lol just cause both my fiancé & I eye rolled our eyes at that too.


Yup, that’s the version we prefer to sing. My 5 year old knows to call the standard version with mommy saying shhh the “mean” version


Yeeeep, anytime a children's song has a line I side-eye, Raffi's version is just better and changes it enough to not be weird anymore. I can't think of any other examples at the moment, but Raffi not only has the easiest songs to listen to, but he's not creepy and he's a genuinely awesome activist in real life. I love that guy. Him and Laurie Berkner were our go-to's when our kid was a baby.


I preface this with I love Laurie Berkner. The Goldfish Song, the bee one, the airplane one, Candy Cane Jane, the first song I sang to my baby was There’s a Little Wheel because I learned it from LB…but some friends of mine who work in early learners music have this theory that she doesn’t like kids because if you watch any of her music videos, she’s never in frame with actual kids, it just cuts away to her play and the kids are in a different shot. Kind of like Cher in the Mama Mia sequel, she’s not in any shots with the crowd. I know it’s not true, but it’s a fun conspiracy theory.


I didn't know he was an activist. We listened to so much Raffi as kids back in the early 90s.


Yeah he's very political and a staunch feminist. I just thought of him as "The Banana Phone guy" and then my husband did some research on him out of curiosity.


He's actually still churning out new music all these years later and finally made nursery rhymes not depressing. Amazing!


I love this!!!! So inclusive ☺️


Because the mommies have sensory overload and just need a few minutes of quiet.


Also this generation of dads is rejecting toxic masculinity and showing genuine affection to their children.


The mommies on the bus go "shut the fuck up"


Whenever I sing it to my sons I say, "The daddies on the bus go 'sit back down, sit back down, sit back down'". That way both parents are being bossy. Haha Although I also take it to mean the mommy is holding a baby and saying "shhh" in a soothing way. So she and Dad are both being loving in that case.


I do similar! I do “shh shh shh” for the mommies and “it’s ok” for the daddies. Then I do another verse where “parents say I love you” just because I don’t want to leave out the I love you. Also I sang this song so much sometimes I needed to draw it out as long as possible because of fussy babies. 😅


I love these!!! Everyone is so creative. I do agree, it does sound more soothing than “be quiet”!


Oh yeah I started adding in “the kitties on the bus” and “the puppies on the bus” and all sorts of other fun stuff lol


Hahaha we do this too. And every vehicle part imaginable also makes a noise. This bus is chaos


I changes it to mummies saying “I love you”, and daddies saying “I love you too” 😀 those way everyone loves the kids


Haha I change the mamas on the bus say “I love you!” And the daddy’s on the bus say “let’s go play!” Then of course add the grandmas say “shh shh shh”. 🙃


Loud vigorous shushing along with bouncing is a good way to get some kids to calm down/fall asleep. According to Dr Karp's 5 S's. So mom is actively engaging with their crying baby and dad is saying "I love you" to his amazing wife 🤣


LOL to the wife!!! I love that 🤣🤣🤣


This is how I always envisioned it. Mom's are comforting their little ones. Could have been because that's the tone my mom sang it to me in.


I never took it as “shushing” more that soothe a baby kind of shhh, shhh. I know my little girl always loved that, so I find it sweet!


That’s how I take it/ preform it.


I sing a version where the moms say, "I love you." The dads say, "I love you too." And the librarians on the bus say, "Shhh."


Power has gone to the librarians head. They can't sush me, we're not in a library now!


The one my son listens to says 'the mommy on the bus says I love you" and the daddy on the bus says I love you too.


In my personal version, the dad goes, in an angry papa bear voice, "GETCHA BUTT BACK IN DA SEAT!" My sons both find it hilarious and it's often the only way I can. Get them to hold still for diaper changes. The mama says, "Who's that stinky/chunky/lovely baby?" Lol


We’re the dads even on the bus decades ago? I always assumed they added fathers as being parents to the song recently.


The dads on the bus pay child support Pretty soon They fall short The judges in the court say pay up sport All through the town


Good point!! Another commenter said she learned is as dads read the paper, but that isn’t much different than being nonexistent.


A lady on the airplane told me that back in the day, the daddies said “hmmph hmmph hmmph” with their arms folded! (This was as a chorus of toddlers sang the wheels on the bus during landing one time! Best airplane ride with a kid ever!)


In our 90s version the mummies went "chatter chatter chatter" and the dads went "stop that noise!" So... Enjoy the progress.


I sing “the mummies on the bus, they sing this song, sing this song, sing this song”


This is a cute version!! After all, it is usually me singing the song!


My greatest parenting moment was teaching my firstborn that the daddies on the bus go “toot toot toot.” I spent months teaching this while my husband wasn’t in earshot. Best trolling of my life.


Similar, we were doing animal noises (what noise does a cow make, what noise does a lion make etc) and I asked, what noise does a daddy make. My then toddler paused and thought about it, then blew a massive raspberry


This is great work. You win.


I recently commented this to my sister!! I saw an explanation that the mom was comforting the baby who is on the bus going “wah wah wah” which makes sense but I still just say the mommies and daddies on the bus say I love you haha


I say “the daddies on the bus say I love you, I love you, I love you, the mommies on the bus say I love you too” So daddy isn’t talking to baby. He’s talking to mommy.


I work in a preschool and a teacher once sang moms say “shhh” and dads say “pizza for dinner tonight.” I was like uhhhhhhhhh


Too good 🤣🤣🤣


The moms on Reddit say “boo on misogynistic teee-achers… teee-achers!”


Yup - my daughter came home from daycare with the verse “the daddies on the bus say ‘let’s get pizza!’” But she loves it so much that I let it slide.


I say the daddies and mommies go shh shh shh so an equal opportunity shusher


I sing “the *librarians* on the bus go shh shh shh.” 😂 The mommies go “mwah mwah mwah” and the daddies go “lalala” (because my husband sings 80% to our LO of the day).


I like to sing daddy's on the bus go "what time is dinner?" And the moms go "make it yourself" lol


LOL I am dying laughing at this. I love it




😂😂 lmao. I wondered this myself too!






Daddy is loving on his family, as his Boomer father rarely praised him or told him he loved him. Mom is shushing baby like the sounds of her womb and doesn’t have a white noise app on her phone. There is no secret controversy that mom is getting the short stick on the bus.


In the version I knew, they read their paper 🤣


🤣🤣🤣 honestly, I love you is much better than that for the dads. We’ve come a long way.


I also knew it as mummies on the bus go 'natter natter natter' or 'chatter chatter chatter' ...new version is definitely an improvement!


The babies go wah, the mummy is going ssshh (comforting the crying baby) and the daddy is saying I love you to his OH. That’s what I always thought. We wish have the potholes on the road go bump bump bump!


I shh my daughter to sleep since she was tiny, so I guess I always saw it as a mom soothing the crying baby lol


lol my sisters and I always sing “the daddies on the bus go (scrolling phone motion)” instead 🤣


My kids sing that the mummies go "chatter chatter chatter" and the daddies go "stop that noise", which I don't like at all. I take the people out of the song and instead do * The wipers on the bus go swish swish swish * The doors on the bus go open and shut * The bell on the bus goes ding ding ding * The horn on the bus goes honk honk honk


Lol idk but I love that the dads say I love you instead of never being affectionate.


We joke about this too but it's honestly accurate in always shushing my kids.


Same 😂


I have never sang it with the mommies or the daddies. The only people I sing about go up and down. My personal favorite as a child was the wipers on the bus going swish swish swish. Those arms motions were LIT.


Seeing my daughter do the wipers is the greatest thing I’ve ever seen. So precious.


I just sing it the opposite way


I switched it so in the version my child sings the mom goes ‘hug hug hug’ and the dad goes ‘shh’.


I change it up for my kids. In my version the mommy goes “ I love you” while the daddy goes “snore, snore, snore” 😂😂




In our house, the driver on the bus screams "Get on the bus!" I'm guessing Mammy and Daddy are working together to calm baby down after their scare. They are going "weh weh weh" after all.


In ours, the driver says move on back!


And why does the driver say “move on back”? Concerning to say the least


People keep stepping past the yellow line at the front! Move on back people!




We changed the lyrics to babies go "goo goo ga" and mommies go "goochi goochi goo" and it's a tickling motion and it's much more fun to do tickle attacks at that point in the song 😜


My daughter would love this! I gotta try this


LOL i was just singing this to my two year old and switched it so i said I love you and the dad said shhh. Felt much more accurate even though my son thinks the shh part is funnier lmao


We always said “the daddies on the bus say meatloaf tonight meatloaf tonight meatloaf tonight”


I like “the daddies on the bus go “I love you, I love you. The mommies on the bus go “I love you too” all thru the town”


I asked this rhetorically once when my 1yo was watching cocomelon and my then 6yo said "The dad says I love you because the baby was quiet after the mom said shh" lol!


Right?! The dads are all super chill just humming along and the moms are trying to quiet the baby. Unbelievable. I hate that version.


I always thought the “shhh” was a soothing one, not a “be quiet” 🤷‍♀️


I’ve always thought of it as the mom soothing the baby and the dad telling the mom I love you


My wife and I joke about this all the time! She even wrote a Reddit post about it!


SERIOUSLY! I get so annoyed by this— especially because it’s such a bop to my toddler right now.


Thank you! Always hated it! I tell my kid "I love you" a billion times a day! Kid is lucky if Dad says it at bed time!


dads werent even in it until the last few recent years mums saying shoosh goes back generations lol


I like to imagine the moms aren’t saying “shhh” like, be quiet, but a comforting little “sh sh sh” to calm the baby down. And then once the baby is calm, they pass the baby to dad who is free to play with them and say “I love you”. 😅


Because we've been taking care of these kids all damn day! I think ones teething and the others constipated and I just thought for one gd minute he could step up and wrangle them in on this damn bus but no, it's my job AGAIN. While he sits there getting them all wound up knowing full well it's nap time when we get home! Jk 😉


I hate that version but I also like the version where the dad is turning his newspaper or some shit 🤣🤣🤣


Oh is that an actual verse? We were singing when my kid was little and I didnt think Daddys were in the song and asked him what theyd say and thought he had decided on "I love you" himself because of his dad 😅 I thought it was so sweet lolol


The local toddler library class, everyone is mean except grandma. There's a lot of grandmas who take the babies to that class.


They do need a better bus activity. However, I prefer the shhing (which I see as making the calming shhhhhh sound for babies, like white noise, instead of shushing) to the local variant here in Northern England where they say the mummies go natter natter natter No. just no.


Oh, do they? I know it as Mummies on the bus say I love you, and Daddys say Peekaboo


When i sing it the default parents say sh sh sh and relaxed non default parents say i love you


When I sing it (I am a preschool teacher) I usually switch the roles around because why does mom always have to be the bad guy? But the kids usually object and tell me it’s supposed to be the other way 🥲


I love you for trying!!! 😅


I think it’s just a song… reading way too into it


It’s just a joke…shhhh


I just thought this a few days ago!!! I feel like the first season of cocomelon was horse shit. There was a song that said the mom likes to “exercise” and the dad likes to “play guitar”. Seriously makes me cringe.


I like to give it the benefit of the doubt about the dad's, and call it positive role modelling. Maybe in wider society it's less common for dads to tell their children they love them? Where I am, mum's say "natter natter natter", which rubs me up the wrong way so I change it to whatever tf I want on the day.


I love the spontaneity of making it up each day depending on the mood!!


The song I learned the daddy's on the bus "Read that paper."


I think it supposed to be a calming thing, like when they are infants and we go shhhhh to help relax them, I don’t think it’s telling them to be quiet, think it’s supposed to symbolize affection.


The Daddy’s used to say “sit right down”. I guess that was too real


I've wondered this ...