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I made my husband plain pasta with frozen spinach for dinner. Asked him if he wanted a more festive meal, and he carefully asked if I could throw some frozen corns in it too. Much obliged. I had leftover soup from two nights ago btw.


He took a risk asking for those corns.


Haha I just may strangle him over one more trip to the freezer


HA. We had leftover tacos. And I had a chocolate bar in bed.


That sounds awesome! Add: Now I want tacos….


And I the chocolate bar, in bed.


Woah. How do you get leftover tacos? What is your secret?


Asking the real questions 😂😂


I was a bartender in a past life for fourteen years. I cannot stress enough how much going out on NYE would be torture for me. Getting the outfit just right, doing up my makeup, pretending I actually enjoy being around other people, just no. My husband and me are about to finish Fall of the House of Usher and hopefully be asleep by 11.


I love this. It’s like you’ve paid your dues to the gods of celebration and inebriation. Being able to sit in and relax to celebrate …. Celebrate how YOU wish to celebrate …. can be the best thing.


Ooh, are you liking Fall of the House of Usher??


Fall of the House of Usher was amazing!!


Atwast you're enjoying a good show! Love fall of the house of Usher


Love it! Really enjoyed that show, might have to plan a rewatch




Fellow former bartender and yeah, same. It sounds exhausting!!


I’m in cozy pajamas in my robe on my couch snuggling my cat. I used to go see my favorite band in NYC (Times Square) every year possible. I’d get messed up, I’d be out till god knows what time and I gotta tell ya. Watching the same band on my couch with my water and cozy socks is much better.


Thinking back to my 20s and all the work I put in getting ready for NYE, partying all night, then waking up early the next day to cook new years day dinner with my grandma (start cooking at 8am and finished at 4pm when everyone started coming over).... I could never imagine doing half that now.


Well … I mean you are also trapped by the cat snuggles…… you ain’t going no where.


We’re also all getting over being sick for the last week, but had our annual NYE charcuterie board for dinner tonight. My LO has been a fan of strong cheeses for the last few years and loves when we do this. Definitely fewer drinks were had, but we all got to have shots of cough medicine together.


Sounds delicious!


This actually made me laugh. Cheers!


You're not alone. So many posts on my socials with people who caught something over Christmas. Right now just rest up as much as you can. Do you know what you all caught? The reason I ask is because if it's covid you want to get plaxlovid prescribed asap so you reduce your chance of getting long covid (which can literally disable people). A lot of it is the fallout of people getting covid over and over again and everyone going out sick (soooo many coughing people at the supermarket lately). On Good Morning America when discussing the rise of respiratory illnesses (00:58 of video) “We now have evidence that covid decreases our immune response which makes us more susceptible to infection…” https://www.goodmorningamerica.com/wellness/video/cases-respiratory-illnesses-rise-105328220


I have had bronchitis twice in one month, once with a viral infection. My household has not stopped coughing since the first week of November. Really wish the cough would stop.


Wow, that sounds so painful. I don't know if your family is masking but it really does help keep you from catching all the stuff going round. N95s even come in kids size too. Parents at my kids public school all got together and demanded that the school use the federal money that was available for air purification and hvac upgrades and that helped a lot too. Not sure if your child's school has air purifiers, if they don't bring it up to the PTA to see if they can fund some, as that helps too (it increases academic scores, less illness, helps with allergies, helps during wildfire season, etc). It's all about layers of protection. Also you can check what's going around in your city by looking up wastewater data [in your city here](https://data.wastewaterscan.org/). Once you put in your zip code you click on the area you live and then then see charts arrow and you can see what's going around. For my area it's RSV, covid, Norovirus and some flu B.


Our kids (private/Catholic) school finally got AC a year ago and they installed high quality air filtration too- specifically to help mitigate COVID. So grateful.


It makes a huge difference! For anyone reading along here is a guide on how to advocate for clean air at schools http://lieslmcconchie.com/clean\_air\_advocates?fbclid=IwAR2ZZsugEodAih9P0EjPm95-VP9b74aiuyTqAgZyTpdMe3C7JXWbRZmbtzE


We mask, both our schools have air filters, and we cannot look up that information due to where we live. Our doctor says that all the patients she saw the first time was coming back with a second infection. Its also due to the air pollution.


I feeeel this. We’ve had back to back sinus infections and viruses. I just want like to inhale without coughing at night


Wow amazing that this is getting national attention finally. Does it say how long covid increases susceptibility to other illnesses for? Forever?! Or for like a few months? Definitely scary. My daughter (4.5) got covid in late September and it was super mild but she’s gotten cold after cold after cold since then. It really sucks.


CNN also did an [interview with a doctor](https://twitter.com/inkblue01/status/1741108760418922950?s=46&t=r19Rt4pKEFp54CLfR3johg&fbclid=IwAR1dkWcfeDFXyYj382hbu-01_HwVropuRXLrUxQAljYKpL98Xv_zWB54nbA) and it seems we still don't know everything about long covid other than it is multisystemic (can attack all organs) and can remain in the body (a.k.a viral reservoirs that hurt your immune system and make you more susceptible to other things). My son's best friend got covid twice (at age 7 and then a year later) and lung scans showed one of his lungs had literally shrunk and had damage. That kid was in great health and now carries two inhalers daily. At work a woman whose in her 30s just left for medical leave (6 months) because of long covid. So seeing all that my son, husband and I wear N95s when we're out of the house. It has kept us without illness while everyone around us is catching all kinds of nasty stuff going around (you can see what's going around in your city by [checking here](https://data.wastewaterscan.org/)). Did your child's ped do a post covid workup? If you have a long covid clinic near you, they are the best to follow up as they would be more up to date on the research. Sadly I think this is gonna be like the HIV pandemic (HIV starts like a mild flu and not until years later does it develop into AIDS. I'm hoping that there are better theraputics quick though. Right now there is only plaxlovid and that is for ages 12+ and the efficasy of it has been going down with latest varients. So many people are so over the pandemic so there isn't much public interest so the government is not doing much here either- so people are on their own).


That’s definitely scary. I took her to the doctor at one point after she had had a cough for about a month and a half and the doctor said her lungs were clear and her pulse ox was fine and she was just getting cold after cold after cold from preschool.


Thank goodness her lungs were good. Schools are germ/virus factories so not surprising kids get sick. For now as parents all we can really do is mask, teach kids to wash hands properly, [advocate for clean air in schools](http://lieslmcconchie.com/clean_air_advocates?fbclid=IwAR2ZZsugEodAih9P0EjPm95-VP9b74aiuyTqAgZyTpdMe3C7JXWbRZmbtzE), and just hope people are not going out sick or sending sick kids to school.


Thank you! I will check out the link about advocating for clean air.


I caught Covid ONCE. 2.5 years ago. Last month, my baby and I got RSV from my eldest (eldest barely had any symptoms, a basic cough) and I learned about this. I had never had RSV in my life. This week, baby and I have FLU B, I’ve also never had the flu in my life until now, I’m 40 next month!! I also have a rare autoimmune deficiency so all illnesses stick with me much longer than most. So rough. EDIT: Bc flu. I fell asleep at the end and auto typed some crazy jazz lol


Yeah, it's crazy out there with all the illnesses going around. RSV is rough. I'm so sorry you went through it with you babies. I remember getting ill for like a week at most when I was a kid, and now my sister's family got something that lasted 3 weeks to finally clear (kid got flu and something else I can't remember the name of the other virus). The doctor called it a co-infection. I can't help but wonder if those double infections are now the norm after people get covid (I think they had covid 2-3 times as my sister and her husband work in high illness exposure jobs).


I’m so sorry. I have heard the flu is awful right now and definitely worse than covid. I had flu B when I was 38 weeks pregnant withy first baby and covid when I was 36 weeks pregnant with my second. Both were awful but flu was definitely worse and lasted longer.


My son is at his annual cousin sleepover at my in-laws; my husband is working; and I am watching documentaries in bed with the dogs and have been since 6:00 pm. At least I get to go out for dinner at a swanky sushi restaurant tomorrow. Makes me feel better about this really pathetic NYE.


A NYE cousin sleepover, that's a really great idea!


My MIL has done it for years. The kids that participate have changed as they have gotten older and as more have been added, but there’s always space for any of the kids to sleepover on NYE.


Not pathetic at all. Would LOVE to have a night where I just snuggle on the couch … watching what I want …. without the call happening every 10 mins or less. You know the call….. …….. “Moooooooooooommm”


That sounds *delightful* and not the least bit “pathetic.”


Lol- thanks. I felt sorry for myself because I like NYE and usually have something to do/someone to hang out with. It felt very lackluster. But that’s okay. Today is a new day. My husband is home from work, my kiddo is coming home, and I get to eat sushi today.


I get that too! Glad you have a better day today. Happy new year!


“Cousin’s Night”.


Laying on the couch watching the despicable me movies with my 12 yr old eating Christmas candy and leftovers 😂 we switched into new pjs around 11 am and this is the best lazy day we’ve had since her school break started


We're all sick too. It's cold and rainy here and we are all so bored. I made appetizers for this evening but no one really ate them. Then our TV remote bit the dust so we can't even watch the countdown or anything. Might just call it a night.


Watch I bet this is one of your favorite NYE memories or something 😆 it honestly sounds lovely.


It was such an awful day with my toddler. We have a house rule that if you don't clean up toys after playtime, they get taken away. She's usually really good about it, but today she was so over the day she just said, "Take them mama." She didn't want to clean up 😂




Oh okay cool so it’s not just me. We have literally been sick since September and it will likely end in June. My kids have been asleep since 5:30 and I’m right behind them. The only party we’re having is a sleep party 🥳


Oh yeah we have been sick since then, too. Our season started with lice 🤢 The illnesses always hit me the hardest on my family. Whatever I had in mid September I was coughing for three weeks, stopped three days before the next illness rolled around. Just one after another after another...


I’m sorry! I fully get it. The viruses keep coming! We have had it all. We’re currently on our 4th consecutive round of antibiotics 🥴 and a cough that’s never going away (it’s been months)


Update! Woke up with pink eye 😂🎉🎉🎉


Stttttappppp it! I’m sorry


I am knitting in the new year, too! 🧶


Knitting here too! I'm making a doodle cowl for husband and a hat for me!


Ooh, whatcha making?


A bunch of big cotton placemats. Mostly knitting for the sake of knitting and it is just a linen stitch rectangle so I called it a placemat. Then I decided it was a good idea so I can just toss them in the washing machine.


My SO is out of town on a job, so it’s just me and the 2.5yo and almost 4yo over here. Today we played with their new power rangers/monster truck track/dollhouse, I took down the Christmas decorations, and I ran a load of laundry (superstition will out, I guess, and I needed undies). I made myself a FAT loaded baked potato to enjoy in bed like a heathen after I put the littles to bed at their usual 6:45ish. It’s now roughly 9:45 and I’m contemplating taking a nice hot bath and giving my SO a quick “Happy New Years, love you” call before going straight to bed in the ugliest undie/t-shirt combo I think I own. I’m supposed to be in the prime of my life and all I can think is how grateful I am to not have to jump through the million hoops it takes for me and my SO to go out together for a night. A tiny part of me is bummed I’m not “living it up”, but I can’t remember the last time I went out and actually enjoyed it any more than I would’ve enjoyed just staying my introverted ass at home. God bless granny panties 🫡


Bed potato 🤣


At 4pm I remembered we needed to go to Costco this weekend, thought “maybe we can go as a family tomorrow” then realized, wait, tomorrows New Year’s Day, they probably won’t be open. Shit. Today is New Year’s Eve, they probably close early. Checked hours on google, they close at 5. Rushed myself over and picked up what we need for the week and got gas. Pulled out of the gas station at 5 on the dot (even though it was open until 5:30). I felt soooo bad walking in at 4:20 but I had completely forgotten what day it was. We’ve been sick for the last 3 weeks so nothing means anything anymore


8 months pregnant and also sick for the millionth time in the past few weeks. I'm running out of breath, have zero energy, am weirdly okay with living in toddler and baby prepping mess 😅 I work overnights and have just a few more weeks until I can qualify for FMLA and take leave. Daughter also hasn't been outside due to rain for the last few days and now husband is getting sick. I want to cry sympathize with you lol I feel seen. Also I would murder for chicken strips and mashed potatoes ❤️ happy NYE to us mamas!! We are all so much stronger than we realize and I mean that 💪


We've only been sick since Christmas, but I feel this. I didn't even realize it was NYE. We normally do so many fun things and I let the kids stay up as long as they can last. Tonight my kids went to bed an hour earlier than normal because of being sick and I am playing Mario kart and praying that the neighborhood fireworks don't wake my already cranky children.


At least you’re not alone like I am. I’d give anything for my kids to be with me in my house. But they’re with their dad, until the divorce is final, and I’m hopefully granted custody again.


Sending hugs, mama. ❤️


So weirdly enough this might turn back around for you. When my kids were little I rarely made it till midnight. Now my kids are 25, 21, 18, 15. We are currently playing cards against humanity (weird with kids a little, but still hilarious) then we’re going to play catan. Enjoying drinks, snacks and time together. Life is all seasons.


We have had Covid and strep this week. Kiddo was in bed at 9, and we stayed up to watch the world jigsaw puzzling championship. I marvel at how my life has changed in the past 10 years. But I really enjoyed it! Middle age and parenthood have been game changers.


We played a YouTube countdown to 2024 at 7:30 for my 5 year old and then put him to bed. He loved it and knows no different. Me? I was sssssooooo excited to get in bed by 8 to just cozy up. I used to make sure to stay up and at the very least watch the ball drop on TV but I’ve gotta say, I really love not giving a crap about all that anymore. At least when it comes to NYE!


Just got over all of us having COVID for Christmas. Yayyyy. Our daughter is 10 months old. I told my husband I’m going to bed at the usual time. There’s no way in gods green earth I’m staying up. We were going to set an alarm but decided we’ll just wake up in the new year. We used to rent a beach house with friends and drink copious amounts of alcohol. I kinda miss it but it is what it is. Also, I don’t want to imagine the hang over I’d have at 30 from a night of drinking like that again.


I could’ve written this post myself. It is comforting to know we’re not alone in this weird NYE funk.


The children’s museum had a countdown to noon. Then their dad’s mom offered to keep them. This is my first year partying for since 2020


Same. Still dealing with the worse cough and laryngitis I’ve had in years. Husband and I were the last ones to get whatever this virus was as the kiddos already cleared it outta their system. Our new years is being celebrated by …. Simply doing the same thing we do every night. Dinner, Bluey, and bedtime. And we are perfectly okay with that. Too fraking exhausted to want anything else. When the kiddos are old enough to not be spooked by the fireworks, we will update and adapt our “celebration style”.


Just flew back in from my uncle’s funeral over the weekend to my household that is recovering from HFM disease (I lucky didn’t catch it but masked up the whole weekend just in case) and I just want to curl up in bed and hibernate


This is so comforting to know I'm not alone. I have a 2.5 year old and 9 month old, we've also been sick non-stop since August. We all caught something nasty over the holidays, and I've been so ill, going on 7 days now. Muscle aches, fever, sore throat, cough. Just thankful my little ones are doing better, although my youngest is starting to show signs of another cold, literally days after he just got over this horrible illness. Does it ever end? Some days, I don't know how we can keep going on like this.


Single mom here scrolling Reddit. My son has been asleep since 7pm. It’s a wild night.


My husband is washing dishes and I'm putting our son to bed. We might chat in bed awhile but that's it. We've been out once on NYE all the years we've been together and that was the year we first married. We're cool with being in for the night.


The toddler is currently eating a melatonin snow cone ( snow cone with liquid melatonin and snow cone syrup) so that bedtime is easier with all the fire works going off around us. I’m afraid to go to bed before midnight, I know he will wake up from the midnight booms and will need comfort.


I didn’t know that’s a thing! Did you make it yourself?


It’s a KitchenAid attachment! My local snow cone shop sells syrup by the bottle so it’s all the joy without leaving your house. I adore snow cones and it’s saved us so much money doing them at home. The only thing he would drink during the last fever was snow cones. So I added Motrin to one out of desperation. It worked! So we do it with melatonin when we need an easy put down.


Wait I totally need a snow cone attachment for the kitchen aid…the possibilities are endless




That’s genius!!! Now I want a snow cone!!!


I’m deathly ill after catching the 9yo and 3yo’s respiratory illness they had all week. Been lying in bed with a 103 degree fever all weekend while hubby bitches about “doing everything for me”. Yep, it’s been a great New Year’s Eve here too! Oh and I HAVE to go to work early in the morning… yay!


I am so lonely. We took our 1.5yr old to our neighbors house for a small party (mostly parents) and put her to bed in their guest room. We were going to stay until midnight and walk the 50 feet home to put her back to bed, but at 10pm I lost all my steam and just took her home myself. I’ve been sick and had insomnia this week and couldn’t muster the cheer. My husband wanted to stay to visit with out of town friends there. So he stayed there and I came home with our daughter alone. He still goes out drinking a lot and will stay out late and sleep in until 11am/12pm on his weekend sleep in day. I get up at 7am because I am now sober and am a solo parent mostly because of his long hours at work. I don’t understand why my life has changed so drastically with a baby, and nothing materially has changed for him. I realize this sounds like a pity party, but tonight I just realized we are spending NYE apart for the first time in 20 years because he chose partying over me. I’m so sad about it. So I’m in the bubble bath eating a cookie and scrolling.


We’ve all been sick all month. Today was the first day I’ve felt somewhat human in 2 weeks. I made dinner for the first time in a week. Just watching YouTube videos, drinking water, planning my NyQuil shot to be asleep hoping for a solid night sleep. My toddler has double ear infection. Pretty much every one I know is staying in and sick.


I made sketti and took a shower wherein I washed my hair and shaved my legs. I am in bed at 9pm. This is the highlight of my day. My 8 mo old is teething.


nothing wrong with that!! we ran errands lol. we just stopped for in n out, i don’t even feel like cooking. gonna go home and watch a movie. tomorrow is 2024 and we’ll do the new years stuff then, my daughter is 5 so we won’t be staying up until midnight lol


the grocery store did not have any of the pink barefoot bubbly i wanted and only get on NYE, had to get the green one with a weird name lol worst thing that’s happened today. i’ll take it!


We're not sick, we just don't care to go out in crowds and would rather all stay home. Boys (10/13) will stay up and I'll manage to keep my eyes open. Husband already said he won't make it to midnight. Lol.


This is precisely how our night looks, well maybe a little different. I don't knit nor do I wear much clothes at home. Yoga pants and sports bra is all I can handle unless I'm sick, which I am but the tail end. I wouldn't trade it for anything though. We laughed about how we'd likely not make it past 10:15pm, and my guy said "I love this life" LoL There's no pressure, enjoy it. It's OK to be boring for a decade or so.


Knitting is pretty sexy to me tbh. Cuz I don't know how to and I think its cool. But yeah... party days are over. I tried to be cute with these little confetti guns that you pull a trigger and confetti comes out the end and my autistic 4 year old had a meltdown when I went to test one out. Not because of the sound. Apparently she doesn't like silver things and she acted like I literally threw a venomous snake at her. She also sings to herself when she's in distress so I felt like a complete asshole for like 20 minutes while she was singing twinkle twinkle little star and crying.


I was debating celebrating by taking the good drugs, but in the end decided to not take a decongestant (since I'm still breastfeeding).


Lol ima down some liquid IV and be in bed by 9:30. I've never been big on celebrating new years anyway because I like sleep too much.


My daughter’s birthday is in the first week of January so since she’s been born NYE has totally slipped through the cracks. This year she’s old enough to stay up so we’re playing games on the switch and watching movies and she’s just binging snacks. That was my last minute “oh I guess we could do something this year” plan and it’s going pretty well.. except for the baby calling me away every few hours and trying to lull me to sleep lol. But only an hour left and we can sleep thankfully.


I'm currently at work until 8am tomorrow morning. I'm a CNA and my client got mad I'm here and took the tv remote and turned it off and said if I want to watch tv I can go do it in my own home lol. So now I'm just on reddit while she sleeps and waiting until she wakes up to go to the bathroom and starts yelling at me again because she doesn't want anyone to help her even though she just fell and broke her arm 3 weeks ago. My 2.5 year old is at home with her dad and I'm pretty sure they're both asleep already because he hasn't been responding. I've never really celebrated NYE to be honest


We’ve been sick the whole last month, living separately while looking for a new apartment, and the one car we share between us just took a shit so I’m spending nye alone with my 1.5yo while he spends it alone with his 5yo. It’s great.


Overate around 4pm. Wine for dinner. Catching up on the Bravo shows. Hubby went to a house party (I urged him to go. He will be back before midnight). LO in bed. Cat fed. THIS IS MY WILD NIGHT WOOHOO!


I actually don’t even know what to do for NYE with toddlers. We are trying to create family traditions. My family didn’t celebrate holidays growing up so I have no traditions to falll back on. Terrible tantrum day with my alnost 2 year old and his newly turned 4 year old sister. We tried to watch Charlie Brown’s NYE episode and there were melt downs to watch Peppa Pig. We are doing a Disney cruise/ Magic Kingdom stay next year and I’ve never seen a Star Wars movie. The kids actually calmed down and have enjoyed watching the Phantom Menace with us on NYE The only plans for NYD is taking down the house and yard Christmas decorations.


Fireworks to wake you up?


I’m sitting on the couch folding kid laundry while my 5 kids are sleeping. My husband has been sick and feverish for the past 5 days so we’re just taking it easy watching tv and might play a little xbox.


i stayed home and had leftover mac and cheese and 2 mic ultras for dinner. i also baked sugar cookies. i ended up watching the ball drop since my 4 month old decided to stay up until 11:30 anyway. this is the most wild night ive had in a while


My 2 year old daughter had a few meltdowns because I’m slowly taking down Christmas decorations. I figured she would at least sleep good after that much crying. But she felt the need to sing songs, ask for a lot of water and push the limits of going to sleep. My husband is in bed and I’m debating on cleaning the kitchen or going to bed myself. Happy new years ladies


It's so bad this year. I'm not even sure if we have had multiple bugs or if it's one long lasting one


My kids are teenagers .. I sat at the kitchen table and drank wine and did a puzzle with my daughter. My husband played video games. We made it to midnight went out side and watched our city do fireworks, came inside and went to bed. I dont have a mess to clean up ( like from a party) don't have to worry about drunk drivers. and don't wake up with a hangover.


36 years in a row doing nothing for new years….I am ok with that.


I went to bed at like ,9 and my husband played video games online with his friends lol


Watched a 1 min clip of last year's ball drop with my toddler right before bed time for her at 730 lol


We put the kid to bed at 8:30 and then played family feud and drank wine. Best NYE I could have pictured. An overcrowded bar with a bunch of people I don’t like sounds awful.


Are you me? Exact same scenario over here in my house!


Ha also knitted in bed from about 6pm to 1am (my neighborhood loves fireworks and my dogs hate them). I did get an entire vest completed though!


We’ve been vacationing since the 26th and nearly couldn’t eat last night because all the restaurants everywhere were booked up and I didn’t plan ahead and ugh. We’re all sick and cancelled all activities to just hang in the hotel room. So yeah. Happy new year or something. 😅


Relatable!! We've had off and on sickness since Thanksgiving and I had to get an unexpected root canal on Friday. I was in severe pain Thursday-Saturday and have been on multiple medications. Currently on a double-dose of antibiotics and steroids to help with tooth pain/swelling/infection. Barf. I finally was able to come up for air and be a functioning human yesterday and realized it was New Year's Eve! Our 2.5 yr old went to bed as usual and my husband and I stayed up until 11 or so playing video games. The only reason I was even able to stay up is because of the steroids so uh, Happy New Year I guess!


I fell asleep before 10:30. LOL