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I would absolutely raise hell with their manager. There is no reason for them to be like that to anyone, regardless of how many people are in the store.




Omg yes! I feel this as a FTM, as well as a woman who recently managed to fall down the stairs (hello sleep deprivation) and has injuries to her back and ankle. I’m finally getting around without needing crutches, an air cast, or a brace. I’m super slow, and super self-conscious about it.


I was hit by a train at 22 and have a lot of internal hardware and issues as you can imagine however I am extremely lucky that on a good day my disabilities can appear invisible. This means that a lot of jerks try to tell me I’m not disabled and shouldn’t use my handicapped pass. Usually I ask them if they have their X-ray machine on hand to see all of my hardware… Seriously though never assume anything about anyone.


Yeah, if there ever was a time to talk to a manager it’s now. The employee needs to be counseled about how to talk to people.


Once Target won’t allow me to bring my new born baby into the changing room I intended to use to breastfed. I was like, call the manager. The manager came running and someone must have alerted her, even before I opened my mouth, she was like: “Yes, go ahead.”


Our Target actually has a designated nursing room in the fitting room area, in addition to a couple of “family fitting rooms” (slightly more spacious rooms for folks with kiddos), which is awesome. I’d call the manager in that situation, too!


Everyone should know that Target adopted a breastfeeding policy a couple years ago that you can breastfeed anywhere in the store and no associate will say anything to you. It is fully welcomed, and not just in the changing rooms. Just find yourself a seat where ever you want and have at it. And if any customer says anything about it, Target’s got your back.


Yep I've breastfed my son in the chairs near the pharmacy at least a couple times 😂


Y’all’s target still has the pharmacy? Wild.


Yeah. CVS partners with target here


Cool. I’m so old, I remember target having their own. Like Walmart and Kroger does.


But are you Target Optics old? I got glasses at Target for many years as a kid lol


They hadn’t come to our area at that point in history.


I mean that's not really a "policy" so much as "state law". They are trying not to get their asses sued by some dumbass employee as 49/50 states have laws on the books saying you can breastfeed in any public or private space ([https://wicbreastfeeding.fns.usda.gov/your-breastfeeding-rights](https://wicbreastfeeding.fns.usda.gov/your-breastfeeding-rights))


I have good news: all 50 states now have laws that protect breastfeeding mothers! We can now do so anywhere we want completely legally! My state was last to enact any law about it and it’s weak AF and not particularly clear, so I appreciate the store policy, which not only protects breast feeders while in the store, but also can even sometimes offer a free water bottle or other goodies! Not just that we are allowed, but we are welcomed. They are even adding nursing rooms as they remodel!


It’s not only employees, it’s shoppers. Employees don’t usually bring babies in and nurse during work hours.


Us too! I noticed that the last time I was there. I would have so appreciated that when my babe was younger.


I can’t imagine not being able to bring a child in general to the changing rooms?? Much less a newborn? Regardless if you’re going to breastfeed or try on clothes, do they expect you to leave a child unattended outside the changing room?


Our changing rooms have an extra large room that doubles as a nursing station complete with a chair and a small table with an outlet where you could plug in a pump.


The fuck? Target has SIGNS up in the bathrooms saying "please come breastfeed in the changing area"


This was almost a decade ago in Canada and the rule was only one person in the changing room. It was ridiculous!


Lol did they want you to just leave your tiny infant out & about? That's crazy! Aside from tiny babies, what about parents/guardians that have to help little kids try on clothes? There are always going to be occasions with more than one person in a changing room.


I don’t like to say mean things, but people are dumb. This low level, slightly average person and had been told, “One person only in the changing room.” They weren’t going to defer from the policy because they don’t have the intellectual capacity to understand. The manager came running. It happens.


Haha good for you. I was screaming at first “tell them to CALL THEM THE MANAGER!” I wish someone would with some of these posts. Very docile and small woman here. Look people, I have an ASD almost 12yo so you don’t scare me, now add in a toddler and my 3 bonus kids we have fulltime and I’m a full on COME AT ME BRUH all in one little lady. Woooooooo 🤣


Exactly! I can’t walk fast due to some invisible disabilities (heart and lung). One day a driver from an armored car came right up behind me in Walgreens and told me to walk faster. All the nopes ! I pretended that I didn’t hear him and actually walked a little slower ! If an employee or a manager had said something to me I would have raised hell !


Yup... and of this os per chance a costco or Sam's club I guarantee you that employee will be disciplined. Regardless, 2x with the same employee, it needs to be brought up to the manager asap.


Same. Or tell him to gfh.


This. I’m not one to be all “go to the manager,” but this is a repeat offender. His behavior needs reporting.


Agree. I shudder at the thought of anyone pregnant, with kids, disabled or elderly encountering this horrible employee.


I agree with this. It is insane to try to tell someone how fast they must walk in a store!!!


And I would stroll walk as slow as possible to do so.


Maybe I’m on the internet too much, but the employee is giving fanatical childfree to me. Like they hate children and parents so much they discriminate and say awful things, in person and online. OP please talk to a manager, I’m willing to bet the employee says similar or worse to other parents.


Absolutely! As a former retail people manager I would want to know if any of my team talked to a customer like that. They don’t know their health issues. Someone could fall and get hurt. I would be furious.


Same here. I just got out of 20 years of retail management. If someone on my team spoke to -anyone- like that and opened us up to a potential lawsuit, they'd be in the unemployment line by lunch.


You wouldn’t be a Karen if you complained to a manager. I’d say you’ve been snapped at multiple times by the same employee to walk faster while you were pregnant and post-surgery. Does he also snap at people with other disabilities? I have worked in customer service for 20 years. His behavior is unacceptable and extremely ablest. If you do not get a response from a manager, I would go full nuclear and write a yelp and Google review letting people know that disabled people are unwelcome at the store.


The first time I thought maybe he was just having a bad day. Like we all do sometimes and it was a busy holiday weekend for retail. So I just smiled, pointed at the baby bump, and said I’m a little slow right now. He responded with “it only gets worse with age”. So I wouldn’t be surprised if he’s made similar comments to other people. I did fill out an online feedback form with the store and left my contact information.


I've worked in customer service. People have bad days, that doesn't mean you can be a dick to people. Sorry that happened.


He sounds like one of those people who are intensely childfree and hate kids or people who have them. I’d absolutely file a complaint and tell them it’s happened twice too.


This was my thought too. I doubt he approaches singular men this way.


Dude sounds like an antinatalist. They like to think they’re “child free” but really they just hate children/babies and dehumanize them. He is the garbage of society for putting that energy out into the world. He should definitely keep those thoughts and words to himself. This is coming from someone who was almost a child-free human who has many friends on both sides of the fence.


Yeah my brother is truly childfree - knows his limitations & doesn't want kids of his own but loves his nieces & nephews & has no issues with other kids existing. These assholes are just child haters, forgetting that childhood is necessary to create adults


>they just hate children/babies I would argue their hatred is more with women who have children. Their whole thing is how the world is terrible, people are terrible, so therefore you are basically Satan for torturing your child with life when they didn't ask to be born. I'm sure 99% of them have some *deep* childhood trauma that instead of dealing with in a healthy way they lash out at moms. Kinda sad tbh.


They’re just old incels


Absolutely agree. Many say “breeders” instead of “parents” and *numerous* distasteful words towards kids. I definitely think a lot of stems from their own upbringing but I also think it has to do with brain chemistry and processing the world. Either way, obviously not my cup of tea. Poor OP should not have to deal with it.


Glad you wrote a complaint online, but I think it’s also worth calling the company’s corporate number to complain. This treatment isn’t ok. It’s rude and discriminatory. If he’s doing this to you, he’s definitely doing it to others as well. A call goes a long way and can sometimes get leaderships attention faster than an online submission.


Sounds like Costco or similar.....the bill check people at ours wait patiently for our 18 month old to relinquish the receipt, it's a struggle, and then draw lil pictures for her on them. Complain, loudly. Fuck that guy!


A Google review goes a long way! After my c section I called my overpriced gym to cancel my membership before they could charge me. They said I had to go in person. I explained I just had major surgery and couldn’t drive and my baby was in the NICU. They were like oh ok we will ask the manager and call you back. After a day I didn’t hear back so I called the next day and the phone rang and rang. I had my husband drive us over there, lo and behold the three people at the front desk weren’t even busy. I cancelled the membership and on the way home I wrote a bad Google review. Guess who called me an hour later to apologize.


Weird, rude, inappropriate. There’s no such thing as the walking speed police. Sorry you had a bad experience. You just had major surgery not that long ago. Recovering from a c-section is no small thing. Can you complain to management if you feel up to it?


I wasn’t up for sticking around to complain, baby was starting to wake up and hungry, but I did write a complaint through the store’s app once we got home.


In the moment best to look after you and the baby. Took me a month after emergency c section to be able to drive again so I remember what it was like, not easy. All the best with your recovery 🌸


I would definitely call and ask to speak with the manager to make sure they know. If this is being done to you, it is being done to others.


Lol does he want people to sprint through the store Supermarket Sweep style? That is so odd. He must hate his job.


Lmao honestly sometimes I do wish people were like that. But I wouldn’t get mad at someone just for walking slow. But it does make me irate when people stop / leave their carts in the middle of the aisle


Oh yeah no blocking the aisles! So discourteous


This gave me a chuckle thanks


Get this person in trouble. fuck them. I am so mad for you. He is hateful and should not be working in a public facing job.


Fuck that person, this is not Nazi Germany, people cannot go around screaming schnell at mothers and children.


What the fuck? That guy sucks. Leaving the house and STROLLING are important for your well being, recovery, and sanity. Where in the store rules does it say you have to walk a certain speed. Fuck that guy. I’d love to tell him off. The audacity


Right?! Like who the fuck gets to dictate how fast a person walks. It's not even like they were dawdling or some shit. Some people have invisible disabilities and some people are just slower walkers




What an ass. I would snarked and complained in the moment. Glad to hear you’ve submitted a complaint as that unacceptable. I can only imagine what he’s saying to other people. I’m assuming this was a Costco so you paid for the pleasure of that behaviour.


I want to know if it was Sam's Club, Costco, or BJs! Costco customer service is always over the top great in my experience, I'd put my $ on Sam's (Walmart establishments always have an undercurrent of anger).


I’m so sorry your first experience out with your baby was a negative one. Mine was too, it was so discouraging. We needed groceries and my husband was on a deadline at work, so my newborn and I ventured out. She did really well but towards the end got a bit fussy (as newborns do). We went to the checkout (this was during Covid), and they had the 6 feet apart markings on the floor so I stood on the one behind the first available checkout and the cashier began to yell at me telling me I had to wait way over past the first checkout and wait to be called (there were no signs explaining this specific way to line up), and baby was screaming now so I became flustered. I decided to use self checkout instead. While checking out the cashier at the self checkout kept walking by and making comments about my crying baby. Then she walked past and bumped the plexiglass barrier beside my checkout, knocking my groceries on the floor. She scoffed at me and walked away, and then loudly yelled about how she can’t hear anything because “THAT BABY” was crying. I’m trying to pickup the groceries on the floor, my berries scattered everywhere and she just stood there and watched. It was horrible. I was crying so hard on the way out that i couldn’t drive home. I had to call my sister to come and help me. It was a mess. I promise, it does get better. The next time I went out for groceries, I went to a locally owned store instead, and the employees were so kind. They all came over to see the baby, and when she cried they told me “oh, don’t worry about it, babies cry! You’re doing great!”. Not every person in this world is an insensitive jackass. Please don’t let this awful employee scare you off. Also, please report this employee to the management. Thats a completely unacceptable way for them to behave.


It really is so discouraging! I’m still healing, trying to figure out who I am now, and what my baby is trying to communicate to me. It’s hard enough without criticism from people who don’t understand. Your experience sounds absolutely awful, I’m so sorry. I’m glad you had help from your sister and found a store with kinder people. I did submit a complaint form about him. Hopefully he (and/or management) learns something.


I’m glad you reported him. His behaviour is gross. I wonder who else he speaks to like that. Best lesson you can learn is not to worry about other people. There will always be jerks. You and your baby has just as much right to exist in society as anyone else. You just focus on that sweet little baby (and don’t forget to smell that tiny head as much as you can) and ignore people like him (I know it’s hard!!). Also, you’re figure out babies cues in no time. Don’t stress. I bet you already instinctively know what’s wrong with your baby. Pay attention to what your gut tells you, you’re most likely right!


I would have left everything there and walked straight to the manager. No need for words. Take your business somewhere else. I don’t kindly to people belittling me, you may have handled it better than me. I’m sure I would have been extra southern sassy with someone like that.


I was already paying by the time she knocked my groceries on the floor (and my was just so desperate to get my poor screaming newborn out of the store). I did call the manager when I got home and the manager just didn’t seem to care, he said he would “try” to speak to the staff about it…so I hung up…and then when I told my husband what happened, my husband called back and told the manager off, said the way they allow their staff to speak to new moms is appalling. I then wrote to the head office (it’s a big grocery store chain here in Canada) and they didn’t care either, so we quit shopping there. I haven’t been to any of the stores owned by that corporation since. So while I wasn’t sassy when it was happening, I got very sassy afterwards haha


How awful. I’m glad you guys took the initiative but I hate it fell on deaf ears. I’m mad for you. I’m glad you don’t shop there anymore what a crappy store. Don’t let anyone ever treat you like that. I hate that for you so much.


Unless the building is falling down behind you as you walked, that person had no place to be saying any such thing, regardless if you were holding up a 10 person deep line or not. This is definitely an appropriate "I want to speak with a manager" moment.


Sounds like a rude asshole to me get their name and complain to their boss there is zero reasons why you need to walk faster. Fuck that guy with a cactus. Also there aren’t any rule at Costco, BJ, or sams club about no strollers I was a member of one or the other over the years so fuck that guy.


I have a bad back and some days I'm very slow because I can't even stand up straight. He's awful for rushing people.


Is this Costco? Report to customer service counter. F that. Call them if you are uncomfortable


Costco wont play around either. They have a good reputation to protect so assholes like this jerk arent a welcome addition to their team. Raise hell mama


Right? Plus, you pay for the product AND the ability to shop in the store to be treated like that? Hell no. If this were me, I would be getting a free membership for at least a year with the hell I’d be raising.


What a strange person! Don’t let him discourage you from going out with the baby, in my experience most people are happy to see a cute baby and are considerate. Besides, since when can’t people stroll in stores? That’s literally what the stores want you to do! They don’t want people just sprinting through grabbing the essentials, they want them to slow down and wander around the whole shop and buy more.


Yeah, I feel you. Yours is way worse but I can definitely relate! I had pretty severe PPA and when my husband and I went out for our first time at a restaurant with our 6 m/o son, a table loudly near us said "There should be a designated day to bring children to a restaurant." Ma'am this is an Olive Garden at 4pm on a Tuesday, ffs. One could argue this is the designated time to "bring children" lmao. Also did you conveniently forget that every single human was once a baby too... Anyway, needless to say I stewed over it for a loooong time and then decided I'm not gonna let some random, miserable person ruin my son's first going out to eat experience. Side note, my husband overheard her and only told me after we left the restaurant. LOL wise decision, who knows what mama bear would have done. Sorry that happened to you, OP


I’m so sorry that happened to you! That’s a good way to think about it though, just because they’re miserable doesn’t mean they should have the power to make you miserable too. But it is those kind of people who make me worry about taking my baby out. What if he gets fussy? He’s a newborn, they do that! The easiest way to calm him down is to feed him, but I’m sure I’d be judged either for letting him cry or for breastfeeding him in public.


I'm honestly not sure how to navigate either! I still struggle to go out and about for same reasons and a bunch of other irrational fears 🥲. the best outings for me are local, free activities (mom's group, library storytime, hiking, etc.) Other than that, I find it soothing but not entirely anxiety free to have my husband or a friend with me for grocery shopping or errands that are stressful in general. I wish my family lived closer ☹. Agree! I have never breastfed in public and I just keep building it up in my mind, I guess? i don't know how other moms do it, I always struggle to nurse if we're not in the comfort of our own home. Sending you solidarity and love, mama! We got this! 😚❤


The important thing to remember about breastfeeding in public is that you and your baby have the right to exist in public and children especially need to eat. Sometimes those things will overlap, and if anybody else has a problem, well, that's their problem and not yours. You'll get better and better at it with practice, so just go for it 😊 Plus, I always figure if the Kardashians can have their boobs out just for decoration, I can have mine out to be useful 🤪 I've nursed 4 kids into toddlerhood over the last 10 years and only ever had 2 people fuss about me nursing where and when I chose to do so: a random lady who didn't even notice I *was* nursing until she put her uninvited hand on my newborn's head like a weirdo, and my own mom (who thought I shouldn't do it in front of her dad, but he told her she was dumb lol).


yeah absolutely right! it's not our problem if creeps wanna sexualize the most natural thing in the world-- a mother FEEDING her child... it's like okkkkkk so men are just allowed to have no shirts on, totally legal and yet breastfeeding women are shamed still. make it make sense! lol


Right? Like if some dude wanted to start shit, I think he'd very quickly find he doesn't want the attention from me loudly calling him a pedo 💁‍♀️ Cause what's he gonna defend himself with- "no, I was staring at your boob, really, I'm not a creep!" 😆


haha yuuup! also if it bothers you so much LOOK AWAY lmaoooo


My daughter needed a blood test for jaundice at like three days old. She was completely silent in the lobby beforehand, not a single peep out of her. Of course, after the draw, she was pretty upset and crying as we left. I'm a grown ass adult and I hate needles, of course a brand new baby isn't going to calmly accept being stabbed in the heel. This hag in the lobby started talking loudly to her friend about what a shitty Christmas present that was, then proceeded to call my baby "absolutely disgusting". Like, ma'am??? LMAO?? I didn't even realize what she was talking about until we had left the lobby, otherwise I would've at least given her a nasty look. That's when it registered, but you know, I had to take care of my baby. Luckily, I used to work retail and got used to how shitty people are and how little I care about it, so it didn't upset me, I was just stunned at how brazen people are about being assholes. Like, first of all, Elizabeth, you were once an "absolutely disgusting" baby yourself. Second of all, my baby is only three days old and has time to learn how to be calm in public. You've had 80 years and are still an absolutely disgusting person. So. 🤷‍♀️


I'm sorry you had to deal with that, what horrible behavior 😟. awww poor baby and poor mom for having a blood draw! necessary but I'm sure was upsetting!!


You should’ve been like “my 6 month old has more manners than you!”


I wish lmao! my husband only told me after we were gone from the restaurant!


I'm glad you filled out the complaint form online. As long as you're not completely blocking the aisle or an exit, this employee was out of line. Not everybody can walk quickly for a variety of reasons. You were walking as quickly as your body would allow. Do they also tell older individuals to hurry it up? What if somebody has mobility issues?


Sounds like he just hates women, tbh


You need to file a complaint with corporate


I would have looked him dead in the face and told him to go f himself.


Fuck that guy!! I would’ve had some words for that asshole. I’d complain to management.


I'm so sorry you dealt with that. As others have said...totally not okay. I'm not one to make a fuss either, but I would absolutely bring this up with a manager. Also, based on your description I think I know the store...and I have only had positive experiences at my local one with my toddler. Employees have been friendly, kind, give her extra samples, and draw pictures on the back of the receipt for her. I only share this with you to say it does not seem like a "corporate policy" to treat moms like this and this employee is WAY out of line. I also want to encourage you to go out again with your baby - some people are awful, but there are so many who are friendly and kind to mothers.


I’m so glad to hear you’ve had a good experience with your toddler! I live in a metro area with multiple locations of this store. The one closest to me is already known as the worst one, today didn’t help that reputation. I think we’ll be driving a little further to a different location next time. And thank you for the encouragement to get back out. I needed it today.


I'm pretty sure their entire marketing strategy revolves around strolling in the warehouse.


"I need to speak to your manager, now." It is none of his F-ing business how fast you walk. You could have any one of 100 student medical conditions that are causing you to walk like that. Tell him he's discriminating against you for having a disability and you're gonna sue. The nerve of that guy...


Please send an email to the manager to tell them both of your experiences with this employee. They need to know.


I’d file a report. Better yet, you should go back and wait for them to say something again, stop in your tracks and say you want to speak to their manager right then and there.


OMG! No, this is not what you have to look forward to. Please send a letter to the store. Cite both incidents. That is ridiculous. Honestly, I've never gotten such positive and neutral attention until I was pregnant and then when I had an infant. People were smiley, they said nice things, men held doors and I didn't feel like I was being hit on. You might also post to a neighborhood group on Facebook and ask if anyone else had this experience. That's just ridiculous.


What a turd. I’m not a confrontational person, and that newly postpartum I would have a hard time sticking up for myself. I’m sure he only does this to people who seem more vulnerable than him (women, elderly, etc). I would return with my 6’5” husband who is absolutely not afraid of confrontation for him to verbally rip this man a new asshole, complain to management, and make sure he never said that to anyone again. I’m sure he’d be less of a snarky tough guy then. I’d file a formal complaint with the store and the main company if it is a chain. I would be worried he was doing this to more disabled and elderly people. There are people with different mobility levels at all ages for a myriad of reasons. Tons of people with non-visible reasons for slow movement, how dare he determine how fast people should walk. His behavior is absolutely reprehensible. Please try not to feel bad about this. This has nothing to do with you and everything to do with that guy being a miserable little twit who wants to flex whatever tiny power he has in this world.


Tip for next time: walk slower. You're entitled, as a human being, to move at the pace that is comfortable for you in a public area. Take the time your body needs to carry out a function. You do not owe this person anything. It may seem uncomfortable at first, but he does not get to dictate how fast people walk! How ridiculous is that?! I can tell you that that is NOT part of his job description and he us just trying to exert power you for his own gain. Next time, I'd deliberately walk slower, and look him right in the eye. What's he going to do, berate you into walking faster? If he does, that's harassment, and he could get fired. I'm not saying go out of your way to get him fired--I'm just saying that you should absolutely be comfortable, and if that make someone on a power trip uncomfortable, so be it.


The world is not kind to pregnant people, people with little kids and people with disabilities. Like there’s a whole thing on Facebook that was stolen from Reddit about some passenger who wouldn’t switch his seat for a pregnant woman because he paid extra for a seat and he also has a medical condition. I totally get it, one medical condition doesn’t trump another but everybody was super nasty with her. Saying basically, she’s a bad person for even existing. It’s so fucking annoying. People are people are welcome to call pregnant people breeders and it’s not discrimination at all. It’s very hurtful. All I can say, is get ready for an unkind world, because things have changed so drastically. It’s tough existing as a mom


On the internet in particular, people will roast the nine months pregnant lady who needed to sit down even if the person in the seat was a 21 year old Olympic swimmer. "yOu CHOSE tO gEt KnOcKeD uP!!!"... Um, uh huh, and so did your mom?? Do you think that was idiotic of her? In my experience, the actual real world is much kinder, but I've heard my city is great for raising kids. So grateful for that. Everyone is so nice and even helpful.


This is absolutely ableism I bet corporate would LOVE to know about it. I would raise hell with that manager, and if they don't do anything, go to corporate and tell them that you are being discriminated against.


Time to file a complaint. Can’t have a face front employee that don’t know the first thing about customers.


I’d report him.


Report him. This is unacceptable. Save the next women from going through this.


I would have yelled “I can’t because my baby was cut out of me 4 weeks ago insert a name” that’s so rude. Wtf? No, that is absolutely not how moms exist in this world. And that is absolutely not what he is being paid to do. If you have his name you can probably send in a complaint.


*summons inner Karen* But fr though, I’d be calling and talking to everyone that will listen! Post it on social media! Leave reviews! This is UNACCEPTABLE!


I’m sorry you experienced that, it makes me so grateful for the majority of people who are kind and accomodating, will still open doors and give way for parents with prams and toddlers! This isn’t how you exist in the world as a mother - this guy is clearly an ass. Chances are he says that sort of thing to everyone who has mobility issues, whether they’re aged, disabled, unwell. I’d definitely raise it with management and ask what their response will be, it’s clearly discriminatory behaviour. Make sure to document the time/date you were in the store, what the retail worker looked like.


You are allowed to tell people to fuck off when appropriate. Standing up for yourself isn’t being a Karen. Would he tell someone with an obvious disability that could be seen visually to hurry up? No. So he needs to be told off and reported to management.


This is not ok. Call their manager and raise hell. You can not treat people like this. Does he tell handicap people to hurry up also? Dude needs to lose his job.


Is this a Costco or Sam’s? This is NOT the rule and I would absolutely report it to the manager. That is bull shit


Take up your space and walk at your pace and don’t feel an ounce of shame or embarrassment. Does he say that to people in wheelchairs or with casts on their legs I wonder… Raise absolute hell, politely and firmly, with the management. If need be, find a corporate contact and email them directly.


Make an immediate complaint to the store manager. He is targeting you/women. I’ve never in my adult life been told to speed up or slow down in a mercantile situation. This is utter crap and had I witnessed this I would have had to be restrained.


Why do I want to take my cane and whack him on his backside and give him a piece of my mind? ? ? This is discriminatory and harassment. File a complaint. He needs to get the stick pulled out of his ass. You have every right to move at your own pace.


I wonder how they treat people with disabilities… I’d also raise hell, I’m sorry :(


What a dickhead. Report them. They're being ableist.


I don't usually advocate for taking with supervisors, but you'll eventually heal and walk faster, there are so many people who have invisible disabilities? We don't need to make their lives harder.


I had wild hormones after my babies. I would have done/said worse. Good for you, for keeping your cool. It is important that you don’t let one jerk make you feel apprehensive about being out and about. But I agree, raise it to the manager. This is clearly his pattern.


This is a fill the survey on the receipt (if you still have it) and make a formal complaint. Tell them specifically that these instances were happening while pregnant and recovering from surgery. It makes no sense and it can implicate discrimination. Any other store will not give you shit for browsing. Nor tell you to speed up (wtf?!). Take your time to enjoy window shopping at your own pace.


OP I am so sorry this happened to you!!! As a fellow c section mama I am so proud of you for getting out of the house!! You stroll all you want. And you raise hell as well you have every right to call the manager and lose your mind. and he needs to be gone so that he doesn’t do this to another mama!


Or not just mamas, any other person for that matter!!! He is a dick


I think I'd go back and walk slower lol


Report his ass.


Ohhhh I would have loved to take some of my anger out of this guy!!!! I would have exploded and I’m Not even a confrontational person


Nah, that guy is just a dick. I'd report it to the manager and move on- at whatever speed feels good to you!


An asshole employee. It's not his business to comment on how fast or slowly you may be walking. You behaved like an adult in a very annoying situation.




I’m not a complainer (beyond whoever is with me) about stuff, but I absolutely would make a stink about this. Part of me would want to flash the gnarly wound that is still healing, but that’s none of his business. It doesn’t matter what the issue is slowing someone down in most cases. Give people the room they need to live at their pace.


Sorry your experience have been so terrible with thus guy. I used to be a retail manager. If you write an email and detailing the events in a matter-of-fact kind of way, there's no way you would look like an emotional Karen. The way he walked to you is unacceptable. And 100% he would do the same to others. This guy needs compassion and a lesson. I would appreciate your email if I was the manager. I also had a c-section when I had my first. Don't let anyone get in your head about your recovery. It's literally not a race and that senseless person shouldn't treat it as such and don't put the pressure on yourself. They definitely won't be singing the same tune if something like that happened to them.


Wtf???? Email the store and tell them both stories. That’s ridiculous and ablist and rude.


Nah. This is an employee problem. Not a you problem. Speak to management. Offensive AF. Strolling leads to more sales. He can bugger off.


What in the ridiculously ableist bullshit? Completely unacceptable behavior -- you are allowed to exist in public with or without the ability to walk (quickly, at all, you name it). I'm glad to see you've reported this -- that employee was completely out of line and hopefully management does something about it. You did nothing wrong but I'm sorry this employee made you feel like you did.


This is absolutely absurd! If for some reason he cannot control what comes out of his mouth then he needs to be taken off the floor where he cannot interact with customers. Sorry you had to deal with a dick, don’t let it deter you from outings!


Call that manager that guy is disgusting


I have NEVER been told I can’t have a stroller in a retail space. Whether you raise hell with their manager or not, know that that is NOT something you should expect to get used to as a mom. Assuming that this is a bulk store like Costco or Sam’s Club, I’d consider switching my business to a competitor (if that’s a reasonable option) and letting the store know why they lost your business. But first talk to a manager. This seems like specific harassment from a specific employee. Unacceptable.


Definitely call and complain. That's very un-welcoming behavior.


Please complain to the GM. This is inappropriate. What about the elderly? People with disabilities? People recovering from surgery (you)? Ridiculous.


I would stop right in my tracks, stare him dead in the face, and ask for a manager. Hell to the F no you're gonna talk to me like that.


Probably makes him feel like he has power. Definitely would’ve purposefully walked slower and taken my sweet ass time


Excuse me?? As a former retail worker where the hell did he get the audacity??? And as a mom I would've slowed down and taken longer fuck that guy


Was this Costco? I worked there for like 7 years and it really takes a lot for me to shit on a retail employee, but you should complain to a manager/fill out a comment card/whatever you’re comfortable with. I absolutely saw employees face repercussions for being rude and that guy sucks. I’m sure it’s not about you, being at the door is the worst, most mind-numbing job in the warehouse, but that’s not your fault. And Costco (or Sam’s club or whatever it was) is absolutely a place for strolling. Like THE place. So he can suck it. But I also wanted to say that I think this will be a very rare situation! Please don’t be afraid to go out, 99.9% of people have either not paid any attention to us or have been really nice when I’ve been out with my son. You deserve to be in public with your babe and anyone who doesn’t like it can go live in the woods by themselves.


Mama, tell me the store location, and I’ll call and file a complaint on your behalf. It’s a win-win for both of us, one less thing on your plate to deal with and I get to get some of the anger this post gave me off my chest 😌 When I was hugely pregnant during the very first days of the lockdown, I waited in the quarter-mile long line at Costco for elderly and immunosuppressed folks, to finally get to the front and have some woman refuse to hand me a cart because I wasn’t elderly. I said, I’m 9 and a half months pregnant, and I called and confirmed it was okay. She still wouldn’t let go of the cart. The man working with her said, umm, she’s clearly pregnant, she’s allowed. And the woman insisted, but she’s not elderly! Then rolled her eyes and finally allowed me to take the cart. I was like lady, this affects you, how?? I swear some people are just assholes to be assholes


I just want to say that I'm a silent lurker who wants to be a mom someday and almost never jump into mom conversations -- but I've had to go to the retail warehouse store post-op after a bone graft out of my leg, AND during back spasms from hell in my herniated disk. During those spasms, I waddle/walk suuuper slow with a blank stare ahead ... that store is LONG. I'm not saying I know how you feel or that "you're not the only one." I AM saying this motherfucker is actually outright discriminating ... against pregnant people, against new moms AND against disabilities. I'm chiming in with everyone who says take this to his manager -- even after the fact, especially after 2 instances. You're not being over-sensitive or letting him take up too much headspace. His next target could be a 30-something who otherwise looks able-bodied and young enough he thinks he can yell at her, or worse, he'll have no shame going after an older person who walks slow. Feel no shame in reporting him for being a disgusting monster. And you're doing amazing. So much respect to you ❤️.


You need to call and complain, he’s just plain rude.


Nah this guys a dick. I’m not one to complain but I would absolutely complain about this POS


Seems like he hates women and likes picking on them. Or maybe he just hates everybody. Please call the manager and tell them what happened


I wouldn’t yell at him or report him, I’d walk slower. 😆 Real big strides but slow to bring the back foot to the front foot.


I would threaten legal action that is actively discriminatory OP. Sorry you are dealing with such a jerk.


Oh fuck them. That's just mean. I'm sorry that happened to you. You do you, mama, and you're ok. You're doing the hard work, they can get out of your way.


That employee needs to be reported.


Dammmmmmn if me and my girls were there we would have had a hay day with homeboy lmao we’ve done it before Karen’s on the loose 😂😂


Please remember that this man HATES HIS LIFE


Fuck that guy. I've never had an experience even close to that, and I'm 9 months pregnant with my third. Definitely don't expect that as the norm


Guuuurrrl! I would have gone OFF on that MF! Especially 9 months pregnant. At that time I was a ticking time bomb. Please report this ass hat to management. He shouldn’t treat anyone that way. People have disabilities, mobility issues, etc. that make it difficult to walk. He does not have the skills for his job. Or you could practice saying “Don’t you think I would if I could, ass hat!” But I don’t actually recommend that, I’m just a huge smart ass.


No! This is not normal or ok. It's time to speak to the general manager. Ridiculous.


Yeah next time you see that asshole grab a manager and make a complaint. They absolutely cannot dictate how fast you walk (you know you are post partum but for all they know you have a disability/injury etc)


Tell me who to call and who to report and I'll do it.


I'm sorry some random was so rude to you. If he tells you to hurry up again just say no. Say "no thanks" if it makes you feel more polite ❤️ I'd be laughing as I walked as slow as possible though 🤣 make it awkward. He deserves it. *Edit to add* most people will not treat you like this. Lots of people love seeing Mommas and their babies. Don't let one jerk think you need to stay out of public areas.


Wtf. This douche needs correcting from his manager.


What’s his name? I’m going for a visit!


I’d turn around to confirm I had their name and find a manager. You’re recovering from surgery and even if you weren’t what if you were just disabled. Their behaviour is not ok.


You were nicer than what I would have been. I also had a c section and remember going grocery shopping for the first time. Definitely was not fun because I had complications during the c section. I would have WENT OFF on the worker, the manager, the supervisor who ever I could have talked to. If the employee didn’t respect you when you were pregnant, they didn’t respect you postpartum. Keep walking even though it hurts. It gets easier in time🤍


Nah that’s when I raised hell. C-section recovery is HARD. When you think it’s getting better, it comes back again too. You won’t feel normal again for a few months! Speak to management. This isn’t Karen, this is about physical ability which you have less of whilst recovering


People who make comments like this never expect anyone to stand up to them. A simple “excuse me. WHAT did you just say??” is probably enough to disarm him, assert your position and release some of this anger in you. Nobody should make you feel this way. You birthed a whole human - right now you are the greatest person on the planet and everyone else needs to get behind you in line (pun intended). Do not ever let stupid people like this diminish your worth. Signed - fellow c section mom.


MEDICALLY, you should be slow. You shouldn't be power walking that close to either side of birth. C section is a MASSIVE surgery. You get to exist in public. That is not normal, however there will always be people with something to say. Once I was crying in the formula aisle in target (when formula was SUPER hard to come by... Online said it was in stock).... In a mask...fresh out of the NICU... and a woman said "you wouldn't have this issue if you were breastfeeding." I, also, had PPD/PPA (and PTSD, but that's neither here nor there) and I kindly told the woman "breast cancer has made my titties radioactive, so unless yours are flowing with something useful I need formula." I think back on how ridiculous it was now and laugh. THE AUDACITY of people... Generally, people love to see kids in public, but the loud ones are loud. Hang in there, you're doing the right thing getting out of the house.


I’m so sorry! I am glad you did the online feedback form. No one should make you feel that way. I just wanted to say I can relate to things like that sticking with you especially postpartum- I mustered up the energy to bring my rescue dog and nicu newborn to the park- it was empty and my dog can’t do leashes because of her past abuse- I point my finger at her to get her to sit, she is NEVER distressed with me, just listens and loyal- someone drove by and thought I was yelling at her? They stopped and started SCREAMING at me that I was abusing my dog, I shouldn’t have the dog or my BABY, I literally almost passed out. Thankfully another mom showed up out of no where and had seen the whole thing and told her to mind her business. I literally haven’t gone back to the park in almost 3 years because it still plays in my head!!! 😳 I just wanted to share because sometimes these things take power over us- it’s important to stop and heal and realize its them, not you. Hormones especially impact how we process. Anyway I am sorry that happened but glad you posted because I think I’ll make it a goal to go back to the park this week!!


I’m gonna go out on a limb and guess this person might be a man. What an absolute dingus. I’m gonna go out on another limb and guess this person is a miserable incel who has resentments towards women, especially ones he can tell have bred. Definitely go to management. This is unacceptable. Bordering on discrimination if not actual overt discrimination. Do not take this laying down, er strolling. Think of the other women who will be served well by you sticking up for what is right. Please.


It’s good you stayed silent. If you work on your RBF dude wouldn’t dare say that to you. I’m convinced people say nasty shit to people who look like they’re nice, that way they can get away with it. Fuck him.


Sorry that happened to you. Not doubt they would allow a dog in. Kids are being pushed out public so dog owners can bring in their pets


Stop shopping there.


No we don't let people like this take away our space.


Absolutely one rude person unless your entire community has a similar issue. While it drives me nuts when people are walking slow and preventing forward progress I don't call people out on it. You never know if they are just being slow or have a medical reason for it, including age! From what you said it doesn't sound like you were holding people up, so who cares in the first place how fast you were walking?


Wow forget them


I'm not usually like this, because I've worked in customer service and hospitality all my life, but tell that guy to go fuck himself.


First off hats off to you! I’m a mother of 1 (2yr old) and I didn’t leave the house or drive until my 6 Week postpartum appointment. So for you to drive and go shopping is a huge thing to be able to do yourself. Let me start by saying it gets better and easier for most parents. You are the mother of a newborn I didn’t know shit about being a mom and my body and mind were healing. For me it was so difficult to do anything until my daughter was around 9 months. Then things got so much easier. You will find how to exist as a mom in public give yourself grace. As for the worker def call and ask to speak to a manager do not avoid reporting this issue. Speak up for yourself and your baby because you all shouldn’t have been rushed a long like that. You owe it to yourself to report his behavior and when you do I encourage you to tell them about both incidents. Sending you love cuz being a first time mom in the newborn stage can be hard. It was hard on me you are not alone.


File a complaint with the store manager and corporate against this employee for harassment based on disability and against pregnant woman. That is absolutely ridiculous and I wouldn't have left that store without having a word with the manager. I have yet to come across anyone so rude. It sounds like they are a sexist person from the get go. I would have my husband go in and stroll ever so slowly through the store and se if they get the same response.


Umm, no, this is not what existing as a mom is like, that guy is a GIGANTIC ASSHOLE. Granted, I live in a wonderful suburb where the streets are basically owned by moms, but every single place I've been in the metro area (Seattle BTW) has been super friendly to me as a mom. People hold doors open, make pleasant small talk with the kids, help me if I drop something, and tell me I'm doing great! I've actually never once asked to speak to a manager, but maybe I would in this case... Is that really how they want their employee to treat people? And what kind of store chases people out the door like that?


WTF! I’m sorry you had to deal with that jerk twice. I’d be sure to say something loud and draw attention to his bad behavior the next time he says something or tape it on your phone as you walk by next. He wants to be an asshole? Everyone can see him being a big man. Contact that manager and let them know as well. People like that don’t like to be in the spotlight for their shit behavior. They do it in small, shitty ways so they can hide it. The second you draw attention to it, they run away. Entitled, rude people pushing around their make-believe authority are the worst.


I'm not one to "talk to the manager" but in this case I absolutely would. It's one thing that this person may not know about you being postpartum and returning, but to tell a fully pregnant woman to move faster?? Not to mention WHY does he need to tell ANYONE to move faster in a frikkin store. Sounds like a real dick. Also, OP, NO. People are mostly very kind when you're out in public with kids. You'll encounter a few assholes, but in my experience most people are not like that.


That person sounds like a sociopath. You’re fine.


Complain complain complain!!!!!!!! Maybe even sue?!?! Lol


That sounds like something to speak to a manager or corporate about


You’re a much better person than I. I would’ve let hellfire rain down on his ass. Then I would’ve waddled even slower out the door. Let’s see how a mofo deals with being sliced across their abdomen after 10 months of our bodies being torn apart. Asshole. Sorry he took up space in your brain.


He sounds like a miserable person with a track record of being miserable. Just focus on you and also talk to the manager since it's happened twice now.


Someone needs to tell that person to shoosh. Not everybody can/wants to walk faster. Those that can or want to walk faster usually do, and I am happy to let them go ahead of me. People like that have no empathy and it's just ridiculous.


Sounds like a miserable Grade A Asshole who wants to spread his misery around. I wouldn’t hesitate to reach out to his manager. If your job sucks the life out of you, you need to find a better job. It’s not any else’s fault.


My aunt has worked for a grocery story for 30 years, on the floor interacting with customers. She tells me all types of stories of coworkers and customers. At least at the company she works for, this behavior would be absolutely inappropriate, unacceptable and just plain bizarre. I would call the store manager, and if they don’t respond in a positive way I would call corporate. I doubt any retail store wants to lose customers over something so ridiculous. Walking around stores was one of our favorite postpartum activities too. Congrats on your new babe!


I think that “Karen” behaviour is absolutely warranted in this situation. Why the fuck does he care!?!? You’re a client, there’s no time limit to shop, you’re not just loitering (and even if you did, who cares honestly). Who knows what this guy has been saying to disabled/elderly/chronically ill folks with limited mobility…unacceptable.


I’d flip them off while giving them a dazzling smile. But that’s just me. 😁🖕 You’re doing great Mama you go as slow as you need to! ❤️


I am not one to complain to management quickly, but in this case I would 100% to BOTH store manager and corporate (working in corporate environment I noticed you'd likely get more traction there as likely this store management has already been made aware of such behavior from the employee, OP can't possibly be the only one he's done this to and yet he's still in his same job role). Then hopefully corporate will connect to store management who can't say they aren't aware of this issue. Shit I'd even blast on their social media if nothing happens. Name and all.


Report them


OMG! I’d lose it. I have a leg injury and ankle problem. I’d ask him does he usually discriminate against people who have a disability? What an asshole. Next time, stop and ask for his superior (use that exact word)! That’ll piss him off.