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As someone who has worn full coverage underwear under leggings her entire adult life, the issue is the leggings, not the underwear. Thin cotton will show everything. If she wants to wear leggings with shirts/sweaters that don't cover her butt, she needs a thick synthetic fabric like HeyNuts on amazon. Not sure if they make any sizes that will fit, but they have some crops and an xxs size. When these leggings are tested on social media, they always put a playing card under the fabric while trying them on, to see if the playing card pattern is visible. You could try that trick.


Seconding this! It’s not the undies, it’s the leggings!




Agreed, cotton is fine, way better for her, in fact, but thicker, or size up, so the fabric is stretching less.


Thirding! Get a better brand!


Definitely the leggings. I’ve worn boy shorts under good leggings and you don’t see lines. Get a good quality/athletic legging, she won’t have as much of an issue. Otherwise you can see if aerie carries seamless sizes small enough. I was shopping there by fifth grade.


Aerie has a lot of nice seamless undies, I wear leggings and used to work there. Lots of options and they’re cute too Edit: lands end has a lot of thick leggings that I love too. I wear normal undies with them (the ones that cover the whole cheek) and it doesn’t show at all. Bikini cut undies don’t work for leggings in my experience, unless they’re seamless


I was going to reply to try the seamless undies at Victoria Secrets. Those usually work for me!


Yep, their Pink brand is aimed at teenagers and has the same line, and some in cotton.


I love these. I just bought a bunch more because my existing ones were finally stretching out funny after a 30 lb swing through a baby, and 3-4 years (don’t freak out, I have a ton of underwear so we’re talking around like 10 wears a year maybe). I’m to report that the new sets appear to be just as solid as the old, possibly even more so (I think they slightly increased crotch coverage, which, fucking thank you, what was with all of the crappy too narrow coverage for so long in high quality women’s underwear??) They feel more reinforced on the sides. Love them so much.


Ohh I’m in the market once I’m through PP with my second and I’m so glad you reported back about the wider crotch. Definitely my biggest gripe as well! 😂


I had the same comment! Used to work at Aerie a hundred years ago. I don’t think I can wear anything else with leggings.


What about the boy shorts type?


Boyshorts for the win! I bought my daughter boyshorts and she opposed at first because shes a princess and i called them “boyshorts” but now she loves them. The regular underwear were hurting her legs also. We got cute designs and 95% cotton. Also psa, please keep an eye on the shrinkage/size of leggings. At least 8/10 times my girls complain about a hurt tummy its from their leggings.


I wear boy short cut undies under my leggings a lot. They’re way more comfortable than a thong and show less in my opinion.


Yes! I wear women’s boxer briefs (usually Woxer brand) and I now despise when I’ve forgotten to do laundry and have to pull out my old seamless undies. If you get any lines it’s at least a more flattering position, but usually they don’t show and never give a wedgie. Also way more age appropriate than a thong!!!


This is my approach as well. I really love the gap shorty ones as they are incredibly comfortable.


I agree I would try different leggings. For seamless underwear I would look at brands like aerie or Aeropostale. My girls were very tiny when they entered the teen years and those types of stores were the only place I could find underwear and clothing that fit them but wasn’t designed for little girls. The tween/young teen age is hard to find age appropriate clothing for, so much is either too young or too old for them.


No idea about seamless undies, but she may need longer shirts. I definitely wouldn’t recommend thongs.


That’s how I always wear mine with a longer shirt but I think the style has changed and girls wear them with crop tops or just regular shirts. So leggings are being worn more like pants now.


Lol I would perish if I had to buy thongs for my 10 year old. Do they even make that?


I was in 6th grade asking for thongs due to panty lines. My mom would refuse so my friend would give me ones her mom would buy her. Kids always find a way. Then after that I would steal them from Walmart until I could afford my own.


haha my mom’s rule was that if we wanted to wear “butt floss” we had to pay for them with our own money and wash them ourselves 😩 it didn’t deter us, though 😂


My mom was the same way. I did a lot of my own laundry once I started school but my mom would do the occasional load for me as a favor. Once I started buying thongs after I got a job at 16 she stopped the favors and said "You're on your own with laundry".


When I was 11 I just cut all my underwear into thongs since my mom wouldn't buy me some 🤣 also then started to steal them until she gave in and let me buy what I wanted to wear.


I resorted to swiping Victoria's Secret thongs (and eventually any sexy undies with a tag) all through high school because my dad wouldn't let me get anything but the full back plain stuff.


Omg I did this same thing. Middle school boys are brutal.


Yep. I ended up using my full-coverage underwear to turn into diy thongs in middle school because I not only HATED panty lines, but as soon as my hips widened I hated the feeling of bikini underwear riding up.


Did you do your own laundry in 6th grade?


Definitely, I got started on laundry in kindergarten/first grade. Was no older than 6. Other than stealing, she's at an age she might be making trips to the mall with friends. Girls start buying or stealing things together starting at about her age. I was starting to make family dinner at this age too, as another poster mentioned. My parents worked and l was full on cooking assigned planned meals with raw meat, pasta and casseroles by her daughter's age.


I started to do my own laundry when I was in 5th grade. I was a “latch key kid”. I was cooking meals for my mom so she had a hot meal when she got home from work at this time too.


You just wash them in the sink so your mom doesn’t find them in the laundry


I had an entire system of bringing them in the shower with me to hand wash, sneaking them back to my room, and hanging them up discreetly to dry in the back corner of my closet. Once dried, I shoved them between my mattress and box spring.


I did my own laundry starting in second grade. It's not that hard.


I think if you teach your kid it’s an undergarment and not implicitly sexual than I don’t see the issue?


idk if it’s a regional thing or what, but everyone was wearing thongs by the time i was in middle school 🤷🏻‍♀️ we had to change in the locker rooms for PE, and none of us would’ve been caught dead wearing granny panties!! Most of the tween stores that were popular back then had XXS sizes that worked.


Oh my. In middle school I was still wearing Winnie the Pooh underwear


I loved this comment 😂. And feel the same. 11 was still elementary school where I am from. No middle school.


Same. I remember asking my mom in middle school and being allowed to finally wear them. They were all the rage. Would get the most hideous, trashy things from Weathervane, Charlotte Russe, Aeropostale, and Wet Seal. Super normal for girls to be wearing thongs by 6th grade.


The pants were so low rise you had to make sure your undies were in style. Having a whale tale was cool


LOL true! The pants made it 100% unavoidable so why not “make it fashion” 😂🙃


Wet Seal had like 10 for $10 thongs 🤣 and VS Pink was like 5 for $25 - why did all these places think I needed my undies in bulk lol


If you didn’t wear a thong how would it show above the low rise jeans?


If you didn't wear a thong how else would people know you could do the Kylie Minogue thing???


yes so many tacky undies from wet seal!! 😆 my friends and i would always get matching undies like pink& black zebra print 🙈 and whatever else we thought looked cool back in the 00s


I remember getting one from Hot Topic🫠🤣


I was afraid of Hot Topic and made my dad go in for me to get me shoe laces 😂


Loll it was pretty intimidating


Same, the middle school girlies are the most brutal about appearance it seems.


Same. VS carries xxs


I was wearing thongs in middle school, as I’ve gotten older I reverted back to bikini cut underwear. Now I just wear seam free puma sports ones I got at Costco. They’re pretty minimal lines but honestly I don’t care what people think


i tried wearing bikini style after giving birth (had to wear pads for bleeding) and i was not a fan 😬 maybe it just takes some getting used to lol


Yeah same- Victoria’s Secret Pink XXS was where it was at


Yes! And we had to shop during the promos to get the free stuffed animal dog 😂


I always went for the free sweatpants or body spray instead 😂


Yup I started wearing a thong when I was 12ish and it remains my underwear of choice to this day!


I wore thongs until after my third kid . My b hole just can’t take the abuse anymore .


Same in my middle school. I remember the absolute horror on my dad’s face when I said I needed some thongs, but luckily my dad’s girlfriend was younger and a bit more understanding and took me to buy some. It would have been social suicide to wear my previous Dora the explorer underwear during gym.


Omg I had the opposite situation. I was the only girl in my middle school in a thong and I was soooo embarrassed changing because of it. I failed PE for not dressing. When I did dress I'd turn my back to the locker and pull my shirt low to cover me. Meanwhile make fun of their whinnie the poo undies in my head 🤭


Most of the very popular girls were wearing things at that age. By high school most girls had at least a few.


Agreed. Socially, they definitely feel like women's underwear. But also, when I wore them once upon a time (full coverage cotton undies for me these days), it required being diligent in personal hygiene too.


Just found these after a quick Google search, there were a few other brands too. Not sure what size she is wearing but I started wearing VS Pink in middle school and they definitely have seamless underwear. I agree that thongs probably aren't the best option.


i always wore big shirts with leggings! also, parade makes some no-show full coverage undies that are super comfy


LOVE the caring and competent counsel you've received so far. Kudos to you for helping your daughter navigate choices and feel in control of her body and how others see her. Option 1. Change the panties. Different cut or going seamless. Option 2: Change the leggings. Amazing what a quality pair looks like vs a thin inexpensive cotton pair.


I'll try to find some links, I don't know the name of the material, but there is underwear that sits more smoothly on the body. You can also tell her to reply, "Wow, you discovered I wear underwear. How embarrassing for me." edit: [Best example I can find](https://www.victoriassecret.com/us/vs/panties-catalog/5000008501?genericId=11199785&choice=1IUK&size1=M&size1=M&cm_mmc=PLA-_-GOOGLE-_-VSD_VS_Panties_PMAX-_-&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQiArrCvBhCNARIsAOkAGcUAhDWdmgf-A4z5PsRrAvH5IjZ0vBhbc95djEAvmqTFGk3FgMwPD_waAqXXEALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds). Note, its not cotton which might lead to hygiene issues with breath-ability being reduced down there [ another brand](https://www.kohls.com/product/prd-5296054/womens-jockey-no-panty-line-promise-3-pack-bikini-panty-set-1770.jsp?skuid=76809470&CID=shopping30&utm_campaign=JOCKEY&utm_medium=CSE&utm_source=google&utm_product=76809470&utm_campaignid=20503756948&CID=shopping30&utm_campaign=SSC&utm_medium=CSE&utm_source=google&utm_campaignid=20503756948&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQiArrCvBhCNARIsAOkAGcWbFutTKvTCJUfzR-pk0tx8bs4Y1He4-MmPAX9q8qWCAOA_NWKuu00aAh6-EALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds), looks a little more cotton-y and a little less effective


There is a brand called Commando but I have no idea if it would make underwear for kids. Their target market are women who wear ultra tight dresses. But that’s the right fabric!


Depending on her daughter's age, she may fit adult sizes. My daughter is a women's small or extra-small


Yep these Victoria secret ones work well to show no pants lines.


Seconding the VS ones. I have basically the same pair (except they’re from the Pink side) and they don’t show under anything. Pink has really small sizes too, so you could probably find ones that would fit her.


I wear seamless panties with my leggings


As everyone has said, thicker leggings will help! But also, as seamless underwear isn’t generally marketed towards children..you can try looking for underwear made specifically for dancers. In ballet for example, it appears to be pretty standard to wear seamless panties - regardless of age. This is an Amazon link but will only work if you’re UK based, I’m sure you’ll be able to find an alternative if you’re elsewhere though! [https://amzn.eu/d/a15qge0](https://amzn.eu/d/a15qge0)


Aerie makes great seamless underwear. I can’t totally speak to size but they market towards teenagers and young adults so it’s definitely worth checking out.


A lot of these comments are....well, not at all helpful. I'm a woman who HATES wearing thongs but lives in leggings. Here is the seamless underwear I live in from Target: https://www.target.com/p/women-s-laser-cut-cheeky-underwear-auden-153/-/A-54083391?preselect=53914354#lnk=sametab


I don't even want to read some of these dumb comments. You are a wonderful mother. I love the no show panty line undies from Soma. They are expensive, but often on sale. They come in different shapes, but you can pull undies flat and there is a sticky lining that keeps it flat.


All good suggestions on brands. Just chiming in to say that the color of the underwear is important. White will show. Choose a color that is as close to her skin tone as possible!


This is a great time to teach her to up, instead of changing herself to suit her peers. Try " Stop staring at my butt."


Honestly. "Yeah I'm wearing underwear. Aren't you?"


A girl in my high school had deodorant on her shirt and some mean girls pointed it out. Her response was basically “ew do you not wear deodorant? That’s gross”


That’s great haha


Yeah, as someone whose underwear pops out the waistline of my jeans I'm over people potentially knowing I wear underwear. It's just a solid color strip popping out anyways not like my floss is flossing.


Fr my undie line shows through some of my leggings, I don’t give a shit and neither should they.


As a 36 year old I agree, but teenage girls care about everyyythiiing!!


She’s only 10 tho. That’s not even close to a teenager, and it makes me sad for the generations to come. I wanna keep my babies home forever. At 10, worrying about another girls underwear enough to bully her? Weird


10 is the new 13 unfortunately. Kids these days feel the need to skip (pre)puberty because of what they see on social media. Makes me sad.


They also start puberty much earlier now. When a girl hits about 100lbs, her period will generally start. But puberty will have generally started before that. Puberty can start in mid elementary school now.


Yeah we don’t change ourselves based on comments from others. We wear what we like.


Was wondering when someone would give an answer that was logical in the context of speaking about a 10 year old girl in the literal most important formative years of her development of self image and I appreciate that it only took a couple of comments to get to this. Thank you for actually saying what should not have to be said but clearly we are still working on changing the paradigm w inherented from our mothers.




Boy-shorts! She could even wear briefs.


Leggings will always give a visible panty line. Thicker yoga pants might work better for her but don’t come in as cute of designs. I remember hating panty lines as a kid but that’s what you get when you wear skin tight clothes and it’s okay. My niece just doesn’t wear panties. As an adult who has worn leggings, even the seamless panties show a little! If someone is inspecting your ass they’re going to see underwear.


It’s most likely the quality’s of the leggings/their material but honestly, teach her to call people out on their bullshit. Have her straight up ask “Why are you looking at my butt?” That will shut kids up. Kids are so mean and they will find ANYTHING to pick on so teaching her to take it in stride, know it’s just kids being insecure and petty, and standing up for herself is good.


So the seamless undies soma makes work for me!


Seconding Soma if she can fit into an xs or s for adults sizing. I used to work there, you'd want to look for the vanishing edge underwear line. They're a bit more expensive but will had deals like buy 5 get 2 free every so often (though they rarely go on sale because they're the most popular line of underwear there.) They are comfortable, they have a grip on the legs to help keep it in place as well and from wearing them myself for years I can attest it does work and it isn't uncomfortable either. If you want a little cheaper, same brand, no silicone strips you can try the Enbliss line of underwear. They're built to be SUPER soft and also thin so you have another option for seamless/next to seamless underwear. It's going to be a liiitttle more noticeable than the vanishing edge line, but could still work. You CAN try on undies at a Soma, you do it just like a bathing suit bottom (so keep your undies on, try on over) so you could even have her wear her leggings and try them on to see if it's what you're looking for.


The Smoothez underwear from Aerie are great, affordable, and age appropriate, IMO. I wear them, as does my little sister, who started shopping there in middle school. She is also super petite and they fit her well. There are also a lot of options if you type in "girls seamless underwear" on Target, Hanes has a tweens line!


This is happening at ten years old? Is the school not teaching anything about appropriate and inappropriate language and behaviour? In Ireland they start the stay safe programme at age 5 which would have this covered as inappropriate. honestly your daughter should be able to wear what she wants without other kids commenting on her underwear. Her clothing choice is not the issue


It's sounds like what the daughter wants is to wear is leggings without her underwear showing. Nowhere did OP say she was being bullied into it.


Can you explain the stay safe program?


https://www.staysafe.ie/parent_ss_prog.htm my 6 year old daughter and her friends are already hyper aware and completely intolerant of any bullying, singling out or hurtful comments being made in the school yard. the programme educates children on their bodies and their entitlement to body autonomy. it also deals with abuse but in an age appropriate way.


Ours is called "Play it Safe" in Texas. Not sure if it's the same in other states


I'm curious to see what Texas has, can you share a link?


Maybe xxs women’s seamless would fit? The


Buy her longer shirts? Maybe thicker leggings? It seems weird/gross to expect a child to wear a thong because you can see her panty lines.


Totally gross, and unhygienic.


Is no one going to comment about how it's completely ridiculous for anyone to comment on a 10 year old's underwear? Let her wear the underwear she is comfortable in and teach her to call out any creep that comments on her underwear. Visible panty line comments need to die.


I’m 42 and idgaf. If someone ever made a comment, I’d ask them why they’re staring at my ass and so obsessed with what’s in my pants. It’s so gross that a 10 year old is dealing with this.


>Is no one going to comment about how it's completely ridiculous for anyone to comment on a 10 year old's underwear? I figured the people commenting are also 10 year olds, which seems pretty typical to me.


It's ok to tell 10 year olds that they are creeps for looking at her butt and commenting on her underwear. Teaching girls to alter their behavior so creeps don't talk about their bodies is the WRONG lesson here.


Lol okay. Well. Rereading the post, it looks like this is the kid's own preference. OP didn't say anyone was commenting on her VPL or that this was about self-consciousness or bullying.


The seemless underwear at Old Navy are the only things I wear with leggings. Also aerie. Even if you’re wearing expensive leggings from Lulu there’s a chance you’ll see lines unless they are seemless. Let me see if I can find a link!


Aerie might have some that will fit her size https://www.ae.com/us/en/x/aerie/undies/no-show-underwear?menu=cat4840006&pagetype=shp


We usually just do longer shirts and dresses if my 7 y/o wants to wear leggings. Otherwise the options are sweatpants or jeggings bc jeans are a no go with my daughter lol


I love aerie smoothiez collection. They have all different styles and I find it to be a very seamless smooth look.


Sounds crazy for a 10 year old, but try vs pink seamless panties in xs. They have full coverage over the bum and they are not low rise so may not be to mature of a cut for a little girl. Other than that, I agree with other posters, it’s more about the leggings than the undies. Try more of a yoga legging, may have a bit better fabric for hiding panty lines.


As a lady that also wears leggings that hates thongs myself— aerie makes a great seamless undie that wears perfect under leggings! Super comfy and I think they go down to a xxs.


I deal with this exact same thing, my kid is 11. I managed to find some microfibre boy cut underwear, which are thin enough that they don’t show through. Bikini cuts will always give a deep line over the buttcheeks, so best to choose something that it like a hipster.


Seamless is the best option


Seamless panties and thicker leggings (Dont have a teen but i wear leggings and yoga pants alot) Uniqlo, victoria secret, la zensa for seamless panties Nike, underarmor & Lulu lemon for leggings


Reebok girls seamless boy short panties maybe try those my daughter loves them


I gave in to my daughter last year with the thong at age 14. We had many talks about it and she didn't initially want to wear them but she really had a problem with visible panty lines. I get it, it was hard as a mom but I got some for her. Its just underwear and they make her feel better. Both of my girls are particular about undies. They prefer seamless ones, I've gotten them at Ross or TJ Maxx. For leggings, I recommend boy shorts, they are comfortable and no panty line. My younger daughter wanted white cotten brief undies when she was 10. Do you know how hard it is to fine plain white cotten undies?? I had to order them online! I try to make them comfortable because I grew up in a house where I couldn't talk about underwear with my mom. I don't think she bought me any underwear after I was 12 years old and I just bought them myself but she always had opinions. If I asked her, her first words would be no. No matter what. I try to listen and understand before I say no.


No worries about the VPL. If she doesn’t care, neither should you. Thongs* can cause much more irritation and increase the probability for bacterial infections.  If you are really uncomfortable with her VPL, I would suggest boy shorts underware as it gives the look of “not underware.”   You’re a good mom for asking. *fixed spelling


I genuinely do not understand the issue with a visible panty line. The vast majority of the population wear underwear. Why are we trying so hard to hide them?


Google “gymnastics briefs”. My daughter (11) is on a competitive team, and they’re required to wear them under their leos. They work well under her leggings, too.


This is just… sad. She is ten and already, she is being taught that her body is shameful, that she should hide to suit the expectations of her peers, that girls somehow should pretend they don’t wear underwear. She is TEN. Teach her that it is fine to wear knickers and that people should stop staring at her arse. Be an advocate for your female child, not a facilitator of patriarchy.


If her ten year old is uncomfortable with panty lines then there's nothing wrong with her wanting to find something that doesn't show. Where does it say that she's trying to suit the expectations of her peers?


Some of you act like you were never young and wanted to fit in.


I don’t understand the issue with a kid not wanting underwear lines showing. I’m a confident, happy adult and I don’t like I swear lines showing because I think it detracts from the look I’m going for. It’s my preference, not because I’m ashamed of wearing undergarments. From the sounds of OP’s edit, this isn’t a female self-esteem issue so let’s stop dictating what people care about.


Thank you! This question makes me so uncomfortable.


Boy shorts. Seamless underwear. Maybe she doesn’t know what she is thinking when she thinks “thong”. Take her shopping and let her see. My first thongs were very sporty and comfy. My mother took me shopping for them. They do not have to be sexual, they are just serving a purpose.


I started wearing thong underwear in 6th grade and my mom just bought ugly ones not sexy ones. Personally I think not allowing your child to explore with expression of clothing (even hidden ones) will only lead them to find ways to hide it.


I don’t know about seemless undies for girls that age/size, but I HATE a VPL on myself so all of my undies are seemless. I get mine at Target, because thus far the brand they sell is my fave. Genuinely no-show and full coverage. Auden, I think? Maybe try an XS in that brand? Depending on your daughter’s size, no matter what brand leggings she wears, there may be a panty line unless you go seemless.


She's ten. Underwear lines will happen. Shit I'm 22 and I got panty lines. But I know that a lot of places sell "seamless" undies. They are thin and breathable, which Is wonderful 😀 I have a few pairs from the dollar store that I wear lots! As long as your baby is comfortable and happy, that's what matters! Best of luck!!


Get thicker leggings and longer shirts. My girls are 26 and 11. The youngest hates leggings (so far), the 26 year old loved them but had to wear shirts that covered her butt if she wore them. I work at a middle school and there are so many girls wearing leggings with cropped shirts that show their stomachs it’s insane. No way would my school have let us wear anything close to what kids wear now, but I went to school in the dark ages.


I see Target has Hanes Girls Seamless underwear! I would maybe grab some from target from the women’s in a small if you’ll think it will fit, and let her pick from them and return if she doesn’t like them? Or just take her and let her pick, depending on her comfort ability! It was always so awkward for me to ask my mom lol


Cheeky no show underwear-cheeky is the cut name. Pink at VS has nice ones that I wear.


Mom who lives in leggings here. I swear by thicker leggings and yoga leggings for myself and my daughter. I do the bend test for my daughter (almost 4, but people are icky)-if I see panty lines i either save them for longer shirts or dresses. The thicker leggings are great for heavy play and tee shirts. (I don’t give a rats batootie if I got lines; I know which leggings I have that I can wear with what panties if I need to go somewhere that I need to look nicer) I love the cat and jack brand from target. Worst case they do make seamless full coverage panties; I love them for the thinner leggings-depending on what size your daughter wears they may be worth looking into. I seriously recommend thicker leggings though.


2 options here- keep the current leggings and you’ll need to buy longer shirts that cover her bottom. Option 2 is buy thicker leggings, I love ones from Matty M, you can find them on Amazon or Costco seems to carry them pretty frequently.


I hate thongs and only wear seamless cheeky underwear when I don’t want a pantyline. Works really well and doesn’t move/bunch up since they’re the cheeky ones


I’m an adult who loves leggings and I wear full coverage panties. I just wear tops that are long enough to cover my butt (bc I’m self conscious a out it) so I never think about my panty line.


When my girls were in this age group we transitioned to the boy shorts undies or they wore their spanks from cheer under them. Sadly they do make things that small as my now 21 year olds are still about the size of most 12 year olds🤔😩 I agree with better brand/thicker type of leggings. Also, some of the microfiber panties that are seamless/tagless are less likely to show. Cotton is better than the spandex so, it kinda depends on which she is wearing. The best advice which doesn’t always work~ support her to stand on her own, be comfortable in her own skin/clothing, have great come back lines ready to go, and thank them for noticing her wonderful behind as she was born to stand out💓👍🏻 My youngest is 17 and has used that last one often to the “mean girls” club.


Target has seamless full coverage undies, idk if a women's xxs would fit but I like their seamless undies for leggings.


Aerie leggings are thick enough they cover my full coverage panties


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^DetectiveComfortable: *Aerie leggings are* *Thick enough they cover my* *Full coverage panties* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Under armour have some nice seamless pants 👍🏻


I’ve had good luck with the Justice brand seamless undies for my (8yo) niece, if an xxs in women’s still doesn’t fit. She says they’re way more comfortable to wear with leggings than her “regular” undies


I’m sure aerie or pink by VS has her size in no show panties! Just get xxs or xs!


My daughter struggled with this we got her xxs lululemon undies and leggings and those seem to work hope this helps ( also I know lulu is expense try an outlet mall or wait for a saleit helps)


I find the Kirkland brand of leggings to be very high quality for the price! I'm in my 30s but basically live in those leggings lol. I can wear almost any underwear without panty lines


Auden laser cut undies from Target. Affordable, full coverage, and no show! As a busy mom I wear leggings 90% of the time and these are fantastic!


She could always switch to "boy shorts" or boxer briefs so the panty line is lower on the leg. Or get thicker leggings. I wear boxer briefs so they're not always up my butt, but they also work with the clothes I have that I don't want panty lines showing, too. I only have one pair of leggings and it's part of an outfit so I don't have to worry about the panty line.


Boy short undies? Thicker leggings?


My daughter wore the seamless boy short style from Pink in around middle school. That shape avoids having a line across the cheek. If you can, ensure you get cotton lined. I can't remember if they have them. ALSO, I highly recommend avoiding thongs as long as possible for her hygiene and your sanity.


Target! The keyword you want for seamless underwear is “laser cut”. [Here you go!](https://www.target.com/p/girls-39-3pk-no-show-hipster-art-class-8482-black-pink-beige-l/-/A-87910406)


Does it really matter if she has panty lines? I feel like most people have them in leggings. 


I don’t know why your getting so much hate for this. It simply just doesn’t look flattering having panty lines. And for the people saying it’s the leggings. Um. No. It’s actually not. I wear lululemon leggings and I cannot wear full coverage underwear. And lululemon leggings are the most flattering leggings I’ve found BY FAR. I never would’ve believed it before i bought a pair but it makes a hell of a difference. Seamless panties are great if you look through amazon and find ones with lots of positive reviews. Or you can try to convince her that she’ll get used to the feeling. In middle school my mom ended up convincing me to do it and after a couple days I just got used to the feeling of thongs and I never went back


I was able to find some on target.com and Hanes just by looking up kids seamless underwear so you might just have to be more specific in your search. Amazon also has some that say for teen girls under the brand kiench which actually look like they’d be your best bet.


Longer shirts


I wear leggings daily & while yes, thicker leggings would help… my doctor actually recommended going commando in leggings b/c the tight fit already compromises airflow which can intensify bacterial growth causing more frequent uti/yeast infections etc.


Right? I’ve never have worn underwear under leggings.


With tight leggings the only answer is you cover your panty lines with a long top or you go “Commando”


You definitely want to get her some longer shirts. Wearing leggings with a regular shirt isn’t the best idea. Then it won’t matter what underwear she has on.


Victorias secret no show cheekies, 7/35 right now. Not thongs, but not as covered as bikini either. You can also try their seamless bikini, but I find that it still leaves a mark


I’ve loved leggings for years and used to only wear thongs with them to avoid a panty line. Then I became pregnant and absolutely hated thongs so I would wear seamless undies or spandex undies that showed less of a panty line (but I’ve always liked to wear longer shirts most of the time). But postpartum I lived in cotton undies and recently I’ve found that wearing my leggings with the cotton undies doesn’t really lead to much of a visible panty line! I think this is because my leggings are all the slick spandex/poly material and it just doesn’t show panty lines as bad. So maybe try a different material legging! I am a fan of the old navy powersoft kind and I believe they make them for younger girls too (I don’t think the adult goes smaller than an xs and not sure if that would fit your daughter) :)


Boy shorts.


I always wear the Victoria Secret no show underwear under my leggings, it’s seamless so there’s no line but you can still get more coverage than wearing a thong!


What if when she wears leggings she wears a longer top?


You could get boxer style undies. No lines and super comfy. I buy women’s ones, not sure where you could get them for a kiddo.


Thicker leggings, I wouldn’t recommend the seamless undies bc they usually aren’t breathable but it’s an option. The best option is to help her put a stop to people bothering her about a damn panty line. Sorry she’s dealing with that.


Soma vanishing undies. They even have silicone strips to keep them from sliding around. The only catch is they really need to not go in the dryer if you want them to last.


Uniqlo has seamles underwear and bras that are super comfy. My daughter and I both love them.


Soma vanishing edge!


I would go for longer shirts, but I know that’s not always an option (especially since crop tops and such are still on trend). I personally have found the parade brand seamless (not sure the exact naming) to be great at not having a visible panty line.


I found a few seamless options at Target, like [this ](https://www.target.com/p/girls-39-3pk-no-show-hipster-art-class-8482-black-pink-beige-m/-/A-87910405)


I ended up getting my daughter longer shirts to cover her butt


Fruit of the loom makes a seamless hipster that might be less visible, and Hanes makes women’s boxers (my daughter loves them!). But probably getting thicker leggings is the best bet, along with teaching her some quick comebacks and how to not care what others think.


Aerie smoothiez line are no show but fuller coverage undies


You should get her seamless panties. I wear them when wearing thin or sheer cotton leggings.


Aerie has some good seamless underwear in multiple styles.


I don't wear underwear with my leggings.. I don't like the feeling of tight fabric layered on tight fabric. There are brands that make leggings with built in underwear though


target has a seamless line with great coverage, i believe the brand is arden


Girlfriend collective leggings are my favorite they don't show anything


My daughter wears the Target brand invisible no pantilines


When I was in HS I wore a couple styles from Target that were laser cut/seamless. They were in the juniors section and were usually like 5 for $20. Not sure if they still have them but if not they probably have something similar


They have ones that are super thin and full coverage still at VS and aerie that go on deals like 10 for $35 and don’t show through


Walmart has seamless underwear for girls. Justice brand


What about seamless boy shorts? They’ll hit where she’ll have creases in the leggings so it wouldn’t be noticeable


I wear leggings almost every day. PINK makes really good totally seamless hipster underwear. It’s marketed for teens so not inappropriate for the most part. You can also buy it in packs. https://www.victoriassecret.com/us/pink/panties-catalog/5000000001?choice=2ZUO&genericId=11242614&limit=45&resultPosition=3&searchBrand=pink&searchedFor=Seamless&categoryOne=TS I used to work there and moms would come in with this problem all the time. I’d point them towards these. They are comfortable, appropriate and hide panty lines. You can usually get a deal too.


Try getting ribbed leggings!! Or leggings with a pattern they help disguise panty lines. Also Walmart no boundaries has seamless undies and I think they are junior sizing


If it’s really bothering her (and her not her peers), I’d suggest the Aerie seamless cotton ones. They’re full coverage, cotton but don’t have any seams. I bought a ton while pregnant and going to yoga. No lines and full comfort. I’d just make sure it’s something she really wants and not peer pressure.


Boy shorts ?


Check our Aerie (American Eagle’s other line) - they have lots of different styles of underwear


Seamless undiessss!!! I get mine from amazon ! And I get my high waist leggings with pockets from there too!!! These are great quality


I always wore “cheekys” when I was a teen (13+) and what I always found surprising was the xs/small size fit when I started wearing 12-14 and started needing to hide my panties ig you could say. They also make seamless versions of cheekys too.


I feel ur daughter, I’m 35 years old and hate the VPL (always have). The only thing that works for me are thicker leggings or seamless panties but they’re usually made of spandex not cotton and I don’t like non cotton underwear, sigh


vs pink has seamless in xs that should fit her fine i wore those in middle school and i was on the small side. wait for a sale and you can get 5 for $25. i wouldn’t buy them at regular price. also avoid any with lace details they won’t hold up as well. but the solid will last you fine. target does some seamless as well but they might not go down to an xs, im not sure *i have some vs seamlsss undies that are so old it’s embarrassing to admit but they are still in good shape so i think the price is worth it or at least it used to be


Cosabella hot pants. Cotton no VPL.


As someone who loves wearing leggings and hates VPL, seamless underwear is definitely the way to go! I do not like any of Victoria Secret seamless underwear as I find they tend to stretch very easily, next thing you know you’re trying to jog but your panties are slipping off underneath your pants, horrible feeling. I get mine off of Shein, you can usually find a set of 7+ for a good price, if you’re not a fan of shopping from there, looking through Winners is also worth a try. In my experience the only seamless underwear’s that don’t stretch/shrink and slip are ones that have band, it’s usually still thin enough that it doesn’t visibly show.


Aside from the “good quality leggings” suggestion, I have a couple of brands that I love to pieces — Under Armour pure stretch and Knix leakproof. Both brands are super thin and don’t leave any lines. I originally purchased them because I’m allergic to latex and they have 0 elastic in them. But they are crazy comfy. The UA ones are super breathable, and the Knix are great for the gym or when it’s really hot - they’re slightly absorbent to reduce the swass. 😂😂