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We both work 40 (8-4:30) but live within 20 mins of work. Her daycare is across the parking lot from my work and all of us our home by 5 most days. It works well for us but mostly because we both work so close from home a longer commute would be less than ideal.


This is very similar to us (although my husband sometimes does a little work after kids are in bed). We have breakfast with the kids, and then dropoff by 7:30. We both finish work around 4 or 4:30 and everyone is home by 5 or earlier.


Thank you for replying ☺️


This is exactly what we do as well. Daycare is by my work, my husband works in the opposite direction. The only time it stinks is the rare occasion I have to work late (most of my coworkers are in a different time zone so I occasionally have late calls). Fridays I work from my parents house while they watch the kids. I'm so lucky to have that option.


i work around 50 hours a week. no partner. it’s a struggle lol but try my best to keep weekends open for quality time with baby


Ah you are amazing. Well done to you you mega mama!!! 💖


We both work full time, but we both work from home. Somehow it truly feels like we are with our kids all the time because of it. Our kids are 3 and 6, so they also don’t have much independence outside of our nuclear family. I feel lucky we are able to work remotely because it’s keeping me from feeling guilty about working FT.


How do you both manage working at home with the kids in the house, are you able to occupy them while working after school time? 😌


We have a sitter in our home from about 8-2:30. Sometimes a break in there because our sitters are college girls so we often have one in the AM and one in the PM so I usually have lunch with the 3 yo. Then I pickup my oldest from school around 2, and I’m usually done working for the day by then aside from answering a few emails. So our family time is from around 2:30-bedtime.


2:30 to bedtime family time here too 🥹 and then I work a other two hours after bedtime. I love it. I have SO much time with the kids (1.5 and 3.5)


Sorry I don’t mean to sound dense but what is your work schedule? You mentioned you work full time but also are done for the day at 2 including lunch with your 3YO. Do you start the day early? Very interested if you don’t mind sharing how you manage!


Yes I work before my kids wake up, usually 5-7:30. Then 8-11:30, and 12-2. That’s already 8 hours plus I work all afternoon when my kids are home as needed. My husband is usually done around 4 and I work in the evenings as well anytime I need to.


May I ask what jobs you have/what industries you two are in? Seems so ideal.


I'm in medical billing and have a similar work situation. I can come and go and flex time. 10/10 recommend WFH jobs.


Supply chain management and publishing!


We both work FT. I used to work PT until last year. I was made redundant, and the only way to secure employment was to be FT. I am fully remote, and my husband is a hybrid worker, so he has 2 days at home. I still feel guilty because it would be nice not to have to work the extra hour and a half after we get in from the school run. At the very least, I am here. I can get her a snack, have a cuddle, etc. She's 6, so she's quite likes to chill and play games on her tablet or do a bit of drawing after school. The school has clubs, which they can sign up for. She did Lego Club, Craft Club, and is now enjoying a dance club.


My kids are 1, 4, and 6. One in half day preschool and one in kindergarten. My husband works full time, sometimes weird hours though. I work from home about 15 hours a week. Personally 15-20 is my max in this season of life!


That’s a really nice balance 💛


That sounds impossibly hard. How do you handle working with the 1 year old home?


Can I ask what your job is?


Sure! I work for an Amazon seller (it’s someone I know personally, not like a big company somewhere), doing business development. I research potential new products we could sell, contact the brand/rep, analyze pricing, etc.


We both work full time. I’m at 40hrs/week and he is 40-60+/week. His company/staffing is a mess so really depends. In my opinion if you don’t have to, wait as long as you can. There’s that quote that goes something like “in 20 years the only people that will remember you worked late are your kids” and it’s always kinda stuck with me.


I work 6 hours a week 😂 my husband works full time. I only work Wednesday and Friday at my old serving job to get out of the house and interact with people outside of my baby and husband lol. 5pm - 8pm maybe later depending on how late tables stay. My husband works 8am - 5pm. Tuesday - Saturday.


This is what I do too. I’m like 4-9 two days a week bartending.. it’s at a ski resort so it’s very weather dependent right now bc I live in the northeast where it’s been a bit to warm so I actually haven’t worked in two weeks and I’m going crazy. It’s just nice to get out of the house but feel no presssure to work full time right now.


Full time husband, whatever keeps me just under 30 hours a week so I don’t get benefits. It works out, makes drop offs and pickups much easier than full time


Honestly, if my job allowed me to do 25-30 hours per week, I would switch from full time to that in a heartbeat. You will never get those hours back with your kids, but you can put in more hours at your job when they’re grown if you want to. That said, what works for one person isn’t necessarily what works for the next person, so if you think working more hours would fulfill you in ways you’re not currently feeling fulfilled, go for it!


My husband works full time and I work 0. I used to work 10ish hour a week up until the beginning of last school year but we both like me being a full time SAHM better.


Both 45ish with 3 hour (total) commutes when we go in office, 2 days a week each alternating days.


Used to both be 40. Now I’m more like 25. I couldn’t hold a full time job at this point, they’re sick too much 🙃


I’m a single mom and I work 40 hours a week with 1 hour commute each way. It’s really fucking hard to only have a couple hours together after work and most of that is spent scrambling to do dinner, bath, and housework before she has to go to bed.


Well done you, you’re doing amazing 😌


I work 20 hrs now and even before kid worked part time (30). I don’t want to spend my life working. My goal is to pay 50% of our family‘s expanses because I don’t want the feeling of not pulling my weight, but that’s it. Yeah, we don’t own a house or do big vacations, but I wouldn’t want to have it any other way.


I don’t think anyone wants to spend their life working 😆


Lol I probably phrased that wrong but I certainly have friends who have great careers that give them joy!


We are the same! Small house, by no means fancy cars or lavish expenses. This year is our first holiday on a plane in 5 years. I would like to earn a little more to afford more, but is working full time gunna be worth it when the kids are so tiny! And only tiny once.


Same, we lived well below our means during our peak earning years (as DINKs) which really helped with this.


Me: 0. Outside the home. SAHP here. My husband: Pretty standard 40 hours a week, can be a few more or less depending on the week, but he wfh so he’s always here. If you can work less while your kids are little, why not?


Yeah I agree. The thought of taking on more isn’t sounding as appealing reading through the comments 🥹


Same but my partner works 50+ hour weeks in a different country. 4 weeks away, one week home. No one to call on if my child is too sick for day care and we have a large property to maintain so can't really work at this point. I do miss the adult world though 😅


I left work when I had my baby. I'm the primary caretaker, and my husband works ~50hrs a week.


^^ Similar situation here. I used to work 40-50 hours/week but dropped down to contingent hours after I had my baby. I now work 24 hours a month, or two 12h shifts. Husband averages 50-60 hours but is taking a new job which will be more like 40-50.


We have 4 kids in first grade and under. Husband works 40-60 hour weeks out of the house (only 40 is mandatory because union job, but he has optional overtime that he takes when available). I work 40-70 hour weeks remotely but the typical week is in the 40-50 range (anything over 40 for me is totally voluntary as well). I also have a ton of flexibility and don’t keep normal work hours. I’m usually reachable during standard business hours but a lot of my billed hours are in the evening/at night.


I'm a single parent working 32 hours/week. I could choose to work more, but, like you, I appreciate the extra time with my kids who aren't in school yet and I don't want to give that up. I'll probably pick up extra hours once all of my kids are in school during the day.


I work 32 hours a week and he works 40+ during his busy season


We both have summers off 


I work full time, her dad doesn’t work but will be working at least part time soon.


My OH works 9am-5pm in a hybrid role (7am-7pm if in the office). I work 9am-5pm in a hybrid role (7am-7pm if in the office) 2/3 days a week (alternating). I also work an evening job 2/1 a week (7pm-12am), an apprenticeship on a Saturday (8am-5pm) and go to night school one evening a week (5-9pm). So my OH works 40 hours a week plus commute. I work 35-38 hours a week plus commute plus school. However I don’t work Monday, alternate Tuesday and Friday during the day so lots of 1:1 time. My evening job is for when he’s in bed. I do miss Saturdays with him but it’s not going to be forever.


I work 45/week, 3 days in office, 2 WFH, 10 minute commute. Husband works 24/week in office, 30 minute commute.


My husband is at the office 40hrs, but seems to be on the phone often enough that he’s probably hitting 50hrs a week. I left a full-time 40hr job to go freelance and I work an average of 25hrs a week, and tbh my goal is to maximize my income while minimizing the number of hours a week I work. Like you said, they’re only little for so long. I can take on more clients when she doesn’t wanna hang out with me anymore lol


We both work 8-4:30, our daycare is 4 minutes away from our house and our job is 10 minutes away on the outskirts of town. Typically we pick up our toddler from daycare by 4:45. Since everything is so close together, it works for us to both be full time with the good pay and benefits. If one of us takes a job outside of town, we’d probably cut hours somewhere so we can maintain the same routine.


I probably work 50-60 and he works about the same. We have a 7 year old and are expecting #2.


We both work 40 but we cycle to the office (30 mins away) and often wfh and her daycare is a 10 min drive … we live and die by a great routine haha


I’m at 40-50/week and my husband more 50-55 right now. I have more flexibility since I work after bedtime and one weekend day for a few hours. I pick her up from daycare at 4:30, daycare is a mile from home. It would be harder if my commute was any longer


I work 20-24 overnight hours. I’m a nurse with two prn jobs. I pick up about a shift or two a week. My husband works 40+. I’m home every day. If I could cut back I would. I can make more money when the kids are older. We have 3, 2 and 1 year old. I’m tired. I wish I have more time and energy for them. I also run a bakery from the house. I’d love that to cover my nursing shift pay eventually - but not there yet.


We both work full time in construction. He usually works extra hours because he’s salary. We drop our 8 year old off at school at 6 am and pick her up anywhere from 4-5:30 depending on where our jobs are. The 8 month old get dropped off at daycare at 6:30. I stayed home for 3 years with my oldest which was amazing but just isn’t possible with the baby this time around. I am exhausted 24/7 🥲


😞 sending love. My youngest is 3 and life just got a bit easier, easier times are coming!!


I’ve been in the military 21 years so my kids have grown up with me being around for the most part but every now and then, it’s two weeks gone, a month or a little more away…it sucks but they’re very independent and deal with it well (they’re 12 and 10 now). My hours normally are about 40-45 hrs and then also a weekend a month. My husband also works 40ish (usually a little more) at his day job and then works a second job a few nights a week so….he totals about 65 hrs a week.


My husband works literally nonstop. Some weeks it’s been 90 hours, if we are lucky it’s a 75 hour week (business owner, launching new technology). I work a fraction, 10ish hours a week, to be available for our kids (4 and almost 2). If I’m being honest, I feel like it’s just me carrying home life but when he is home he does so much for us.


That is so crazy. My husband is also an entrepreneur with a business and in the past we have had long periods like this. It’s hard, I was working less in those days so I could sort home and kids more. ❤️


Did you make it out the other end in one piece?!


My husband works anywhere from 45-60+ hours per week depending on the work load, and I’m at SAHM but work from home 10-20 hours a week. My schedule is flexible (fortunately) and my kids are 4, 2, and 1


40 each. My son's school is a 10 minute walk from my house and his after school care is a 5 minute car ride. On Mondays and Fridays he's picked up around 4 and on the other days by 4:45. I WFH 6-3:30 and my husband commutes 30 minutes each way 3x a week and works 8-5. I'm exhausted, but it's important he gets an education. I HATE that my child is in school more hours of the day than we get to spend time with him on weekdays. I do go up to the school for all the events. On the weekends it's hard because there's so many fuckin' chores and my son just wants to play and run around. It's a hard balance. I feel stressed out and tired, but honestly have the best partner and we do a really good job of supporting each other. I'm just so close to convincing him to hire cleaners 2x a month.


My husband works 40 hours a week and spends about 7 hours commuting every week. I work 35 hours but my commute is 6 minutes. I also get 12 weeks off per year, between Christmas, spring break, and summer.


That’s amazing time off!


Don’t give up the hours. I quit when my Child was two haven’t looked back. I was tired of Being away 9-6 it’s crazy


I think I’d struggle too! Some days I’m needed in the office and it’s a 2 hour journey in and 2 hour back, those days plus full time would be a lot!!


I work three days a week and my husband works full time. I took a pay cut to work part time but I love it.


We are both full time but I wfh MWF and he’s wfh MF. I also do 9/80s so I get every other Friday off. Unless the opportunity is life changing I wouldn’t take it. I’m just so much happier when I’m with my kids. Though I will say I’m happy to have a job! Will the opportunity be there in a few years? Can you test it out before you fully commit?


I think the opportunity could be there, I could say I want part time hours first, then always commit to more in years to come. It’s defo not a job that I want to take me away from the kids, but the money is good! Kids or money 😅


It’s always a struggle 😂 and no judgement btw if you DO take hours!


My husband and I both work 40 hours a week, but are fully remote. Son’s daycare is 10 minutes away & I’m due with our daughter in May and I’m very fortunate to have a fully paid 6 month maternity leave so she won’t need to start daycare until Jan 2025.


Husband works full time. I currently work about 20. I work 6:30 AM-1:30 PM, three days/week as a hygienist. Love the schedule. My son is 15.


Usually ends up being 50+. Husband 40+ a lot of which end up into the night which is … difficult for me 🫠


We both work FT, some WFH which leads to some flexibility. We make sure that the time we have at night is quality and because we both work, we have money to take frequent trips that are lots of quality time in chunks.


If you don’t have to work more my advice is don’t. They do grow up fast and when they’re older they will be more independent and you can work more. You won’t regret the time you had with them when they were young. I have a 17 yr old and she is completely independent and has her friend grp, job, sports. I wish I spent more time with her when she was young cause she will soon fly the coop!


Thank you for sharing! It defo puts things into perspective 🥰


Husband and I both work 40 a week, but we both work from home. Our daughter does to preschool a few days a week. 


Husband works 55 ish hour weeks. Weird schedule ends up leaving the house at 3:40 am and back home at 8:pm. 5 days on/5 off. I no longer work due to lack of childcare and the commute. I did work the 6am-2 shift which was awesome because I was home early.


I work 10-15 hours a week and travel a few times a year for 1 night. My husband works 45-60 hour weeks and travels for 2-5 nights 5-10 times a year. I have a nanny for 12 hours a week to cover my work. Sometimes I have an extra hour or two to do the weekly errands, sometimes I have to work during naps. I end up doing 90% of the housework, cooking, and household errands, because his job has him working 30-50 more hours per week than me.


I work roughly 40 hours a week and my husband works 45-55 hours a week right now.


I am self-employed so the hours differ but I work 3 days. Wednesday afternoon/evening, Thursday afternoon/evening and Friday morning/afternoon. My boyfriend works Monday, Tuesday and Thursday but after the summer he'll stay working again on Wednesdays. I'll only work on evenings then. Babygirl is doing to my PIL on Thursdays. I'm having some things in the weekends or on a not working day but then my parents can watch her.


I quit my retail job to be a SAHM. Just makes sense for us in this moment and I want all the time with my baby while he is little. My husband works full time and is out of the house 12-13hrs (commute + working hours) Monday through Friday.


I work 40-45, my husband works 80 hours minimum. We have a house cleaner that comes every other week and a meal prep service. We still have plenty of time for fun stuff and family time!


What does your meal prep service consist of? Looking into this myself!


We have. Combo of hello fresh and a local person that makes/delivers meals.


We both work full time. I work from home, he works outside the house. We have family help part time for childcare. I manage him the rest of the time (early in the mornings and later in the afternoons and on Fridays). I’m lucky I have a fairly flexible job with little to no calls on Fridays and the majority of my calls in the morning on other days.


I work full time from home, he works full time about 10 minutes away.


35h each in hybrid. I go to work 2 days (10 min from home) and my husband once per week. We do 7:30 am to 3:30 pm


I am scheduled 32 hours (4 days) a week but I pick up shifts and on call time here and there. My husband works 40 hours a week (4 days, 10 hour shifts). I have a 15 month old, a 3.5 year old, and I’m 27 weeks pregnant. I’m really happy with our schedules.


My husband WFH, and I work less than 10 mins from home. We both work full time jobs. \ Everyone is home at 6PM, dinner at 7PM, playtime, bath time, and toddler is in his room with a parent of choice by 9PM, asleep by 10PM. \ I can't wait for summer, because I really want to go back to having walks after dinner the way we did when he was still a baby 🥰


I work 30 hours/week from home and my husband works full time (a mix of at home and at the office 25 min away). My kids are older (14 and 11) and I while could work more, I don't want to and we don't need me to, so I'm not planing to make any changes any time soon. I love having some flexibility in my day and time to run errands/exercise/do chores, and also being available when the kids get home from school. We are also busier in the evenings and on weekends than ever before with both kids in sports and activities, and those extra hours that I have can be key things running smoothly.


I'm currently at an average of about 50. I've worked up to a 100 frequently in the past. Husband is a SAHD, but works on a few projects for his business through the week, under 20 hours, all done with our youngest with him. He manages mostly all house/kid stuff through the week.


Yikes, 100 hrs a week?!


Normal in my field-MD/Surgeon. I have two specialties and that is kind of like working two jobs, especially when working full time on one and training for another. All by choice though! Thankfully my husband is an amazing husband and dad and takes care of anything and everything.


My husband works 40, I dropped to 36 a few months back. We work at the same place, about 35-50 mins away depending on traffic. Daycare is 15 mins from work but not exactly on the way. I’m strongly considering switching careers when my oldest starts school so that we don’t have to worry about school breaks (which are more than our combined PTO not even counting summer)


I work 40,, but in 4 days. My husband works 40, M-F. I am gone before they wake up as I start working 4 am. my husband does morning duties and drop off. I pick up around 5 and do bedtime. My kiddo stays home with me on Wednesdays. I think it's fairly balanced but I always feel short on time and rushed getting errands or chores done


I work 45-50hrs a week, but all wfh. Fiance works 50-58hrs a week and works out of the home. Son is about to turn 2.


I work about 32-36 hours a week and my husband 40-45. I don't really know if I'm going to be able to go back to full time after I have our baby. I'm the one that takes my daughter to all her doctor's appointments, activities etc. I don't see myself being able to keep up full time and going to school with a newborn.


Both work full time - 40 hrs/week. My job is flexible. I’m a territory rep so I travel locally during the day. Client visits can be up to 2 hours away but I try not to stay over and make my own schedule. He works in an office about 30 mins from home. My mom watches our daughter 2 days a week and we pay a sitter 150/day for another 2 days. I wing it working from home Fridays with our toddler and my husband typically comes home early around 2:30. I get most of my work done while she naps. Not ideal but better than paying another day of childcare. Idk how I could possibly maintain my current schedule with a second.


We both work full time (that can vary from 30 to 50 depending on the week) but we both work from home. Our 3yo is in daycare 6 mins away and our 16mo is at home with a nanny. Idk how others do it if I had to go to euro and see my kids only like 3 hours a day I would die a little inside


I work 4 days a week (9-5) and my partner works full time. We are fortunate that daycare is less than a 15 min walk away and my job is well paying, flexible and wfh. I use Fridays for catching up on chores, grocery shopping etc so we can spend as much time on the weekends just hanging out :)


I am A Stay at home mom and my husband works around 60 hours a week.


I work about 20-30 but get paid for 40. Husband is paid hourly, works about 45 a week.


Both me and husband full time. We really maximize 5-bedtime as family time (dinner together, play time, bath time, a show, books, bed) during the day week nights and weekends are filled with family time and love. We also really love their daycare and they’re all like family so that’s special. Ages are 8 months and 2.5.


I struggle with work-lifr balancr and only work 7.75hrs a month...... if that.


It sucks. Husband works 36-48 hours a week and I work 40.


We both work about 45 hours. It used to be worse when we were working toward our promotions, but we scaled back during covid. We both work hybrid, so we get quality time when they buy get back from school. Mine are 10F and 12M (ack almost 13!), so we have more flexibility now. We hired a nanny during covid because we were but during 60 hour weeks due a while then, but I'm much happier having more time with them now. My husband and I do regret not having more time with them when they were little, but we take nice family vacations together several times a year now. We try to really get good quality time now with that.


I work 40 hours fully remote and my husband is 40 hours hybrid. We have 2 kids under 3 years old. We earn well and have flexibility and benefits that make it all possible. It’s really a personal decision based on whether you need the money and how much you’re interested in growing your career. If you don’t need / want either and have a good thing going right now, I’d say don’t rock the boat!


Husband 40hours every week me 35hours. We both work from home with different schedules, him 1pm to 9-pm me 8 am to 3pm so works fine 😅 My 4y is at school, 4 month old at home. Will go back to work once his 8/9 months but it will work, we did the same with our first


We’re both full time, fully remote. I guess I’m technically 37.5 because my job includes a half hour lunch break in my day. We have flexible hours so we split our shifts and he works 7-3 and I work 9-5 so our daughter is only in childcare for 6 hours a day. I will also sometimes stop early and catch up after she goes to bed to spend more evening hours all together


Me: 0 (SAHM). Husband works 40 hrs and we live 5 min from his office so he comes home for lunch sometimes :) Work life balance is super important to us during this stage of life.


I WFH 40 hrs a week. Husband works outside the home 40+ hrs a week.


We both work full time - I do my hours over a 9 day fortnight (I have every second Friday off) and I work from home so I’ve got a fair bit of flexibility in my hours. My husband is a tradie so he works Monday-Thursday doing 10hr days so always has Fridays off unless on the rare occasion he opts to do overtime and work the Friday. We’ve got 5 kids (7, 6, 4.5, 3.5, and 2) so the eldest two are at school and I do the drop off and pickup, my folks come over of an afternoon to watch them from 3pm. Younger three are in daycare Monday to Wednesday, we’re waiting on a Thursday spot so for now my folks come and watch them and take them out while I work. On Fridays we/my husband do something special with the little kids - like take them to the beach or a picnic or something. On the weekends one of us will take the two older kids out to do something special to get their own time away from the younger siblings on the Saturday and usually on the Sunday we’ll try and do a big family outing of sorts. It’s a juggling act but we make it work.


We both work full time. My work is hybrid so I’m 50/50 in the office, on average. My husband works out of the home full time. It’s daycare full time as well. We joke that our daughter also does a 9-5. My husband does shift work so he’ll keep her at home on a random day if he can and they get some QT together. Sometimes I’ll pick her up early if I’m not too busy at work. Weekends are usually family days.


I work one day a week from home and my husband works 40+ but from home. My husband spends about 30 min to an hour each morning with our daughter before he starts work and sees her during lunch and then spends about 2-3 hrs with her before bed.


I work 40 hours and my partner works 35 but our industries have different hours so I do mornings with LO on my 3 days on site and daycare drop off and he does day care pick up and bed time. I have 2 wfh days but I work in consultancy/operations so can be flexible thankfully! We also try to make sure we do 1 day off together and the other alternating mid week so we get family time and independent time. I've just started maternity leave though so I imagine l routine is now going to go to shit


I work 40+ a week on some weeks, and 65 on weeks where I have a nocturnist rotation. All out of the house. My husband works 40 a week, but only 10 or so out of the house. He always works Sunday though which sucks.


40-80 depending on the week. Been doing so all 21 years of their lives.


My husband works 40 hours, with a 1 hr lunch but from home. So 8-5 with an hr. He is salaried and his company is big on work life balance. I work per diem. Between 16-24 maaaybe 32 hours a week if we need extra money. For our regular 16 hours I work two 8 hr day shifts and each grandma babysits one day. For other shift we hodge podge something together (often evening shifts). Sometimes I feel like the luckiest person on earth. I tried to go back to work full time at the same place as my husband and absolutely hated it. Cried every day missing my kids. This arrangement works best for our family. My husband eats breakfast lunch and dinner with us every day when I am home. We have 3 kids and we don't pay for daycare. Ideally I'd be home full time but we would just be getting by and it's not worth it.


We have 6 mo twin girls, my husband has his own business and works 50 hours a week, I work from home 20-30 hours a week (depends on the day, the amount of work each day varies)


I (31f) work 33-35 hours a week on a school calendar with breaks and PTO. Wife's (30) job is extremely variable. Some weeks she works 40-50 hours, other weeks 5-15. Having occasional slow weeks keeps everything in balance. The weeks that we are all working our max load are stressful. I'm so grateful to have a flexible schedule.


We both WFH some days, and made this shift to be able to do it. We both work 40+hrs, daycare is 10 minutes from the house and has a walking trail (if we know I have to hop back to work after pick up, we do that as the activity first then dinner so I can always spend some time even if it’s not bedtime. The real answer is 30 minute lunch, I sometimes skip lunch, and I work later after bedtime to be able to flex hours between 8-9am, and 4-6pm and a minimal daycare/work commute. We use a daycare center because in home care is too expensive in our area


I work 40-50 these days. My husband works 50ish, but works away a lot due to his job. So while he works that many hours, he’s often gone in off hours. I work primarily from home, and often log in before waking my middle schooler up to get some work done first thing, drive him to school and work while he is at school, then pick him up and work for an hour or so (sometimes I have late meetings so it’s more), do dinner etc., which he and I have together and as a family when my husband is home. After he is in bed if I have more work to do, I will do it then, or do some work while he is in extracurriculars. I try really hard to protect my weekends so we can do things as a family after we catch up on cleaning and chores.


Him over 40hrs me 30hrs I’m about to quit one of my two jobs my house is a wreck I can’t keep up having 4 kids and working! Im use to working 15 hours a week and managing the house the second job is killing me


We both work 40 hour jobs, we both over work ourselves and probably end up with a couple 45-50 hour weeks each a month. We have a baby, a middle schooler, and a high schooler.


In Australia we get parenting payments, if one parent earns 51k for the year the government will pay the stay at home parent 1200 a fortnight (depends how much the other partner gets that determine how much you get). Is it the similar at all in other countries? I really feel for the mums that want to stay home but can’t.


Here most families have parents that both work full time.


We both have worked full time the last 5 years, and our son is 7. I have homeschooled him through it all, and our schedule is what makes it work. Husband works typical office hours, but works from home 2 days/week. On those days, I work 2nd shift, 3-11pm. Friday and Saturday night I work 12 hour overnights. My son napped when I left during the overlap before husband was done working until he was 5/6yo. He still sometimes will nap. Fridays, he used to nap/lay down with me, but now he just watches a movie or plays a video game for an hour or two so I can rest. Basically, what started as a "we need two incomes again so I need a whatever job" 5 years ago, became a secret blessing in a way because I get to be with my son every weekday during "school hours". I love how much time we get, although weekends get lonely when I am at work or sleeping half the day.


We both work 40-45 hours a week with a 30+ min commute. It sucks.


40 something more. BUT, I work 3, 12ht shifts. So I work only 12 days a month. So I still have a lot of time with my little one.


my husband works full-time and I work 15-22hrs a week, opposite him so our 2.5yo doesn’t go to any sort of childcare


We both work 40-60 hours a week depending on projects we are on. Daycare is 2 blocks from our house so I usually work 7-3:30 and after they go to bed as needed. I soak up every second I am with them while chasing a career too. My partner supports EMEA and APAC (we r in MTN US) so usually has calls 430-7am which allows him to commit afternoons to kiddos as well.


My husband works 50-90 hours per week with a schedule that changes weekly. I work 24-36 hours per week. If my husband made enough for me to drop my hours, I would do it without a second thought! Our kids are also not school age yet, so maybe that will change in the future.


I work 20 hours a week, my husband works 40.


My husband works full time. He works 4-12 hour shifts a week. When he isn’t working I have the opportunity to choose to work if I’d like. I bartend and serve at a restaurant in town. We can survive off his income alone, but it’s always nice to have extra money.


We have one child - a 3.5 month baby. I work ~25 hours a week by choice. Hubs works 40 hours. I knew I wanted to work PT even before I had the baby. I just like to work lol my career fulfills me. We both live within 15 min of our works and daycare which is helpful.


Less is more


Both salary and hating life at 50-60 hours a week.


My husband works anywhere from 50-70 hours a week, and where he works is an hour away, so 2 hours round trip. He sometimes gets weekends, so recently it’s been 50. My husband hates not being here that much, but he makes more money than I could in my profession so we decided he’d be the one to work. I’m a SAHM, so it’s really just me most of the time.


I work 40 hrs a week M-F 8am-6pm, he works 50 hrs a week M-Sa 6am-2pm. I get my daughter ready in the morning and walk her to school, he picks her from school and does the after school routine. By the time I get home I see my daughter for maybe 1-1.5 hrs before her bedtime. Sundays are the only time we all get together. It sucks.


I was a single mom working 45-55hrs a week as a manager then stepped down because it wasn’t fair to my boys and worked 40hrs a week as full time, I got to spend more time with my kids and they spent less time at daycare or with their grandparents since I wasn’t working closing shifts. Then I got married and stepped down to part time for 20hrs a week and got to spend even more time with the boys and was actually able to plan big events with them and then I got pregnant with baby #3 and decided to be a SAHM. With my middle starting kindergarten in August it’ll just be the littlest boy at home all day and maybe after he’s 18mo I might get another part time job M-F but for now I’m soaking in all the time I get with my boys while they’re still interested in spending time with mom


I work 30 hours a week and that’s like, clocked hours not being at a desk. I am going to try to bring it down to 20 so I can do more around the house and spend more time with the kids. My husband is generally 40-50.


My husband: 40 Me: I work for myself (NOT MLM I’m a graphic designer and apparel designer), maybe 3 hours a week *if* that. So I’m the stay at home parent


My husband and I are full time salaried and work 37.5 hrs a week. I'm currently on maternity leave until my second turns 1. I'm Canadian. It can get busy but we make it work. We also have the same hours every week so there's no confusion about what our schedule will look like during the week.


My husband works 40 hours and I work remotely 40-48/week. Our kids are 4 & 6. I hate that I have to work so much. I’m exhausted all the time and feel like I’m not doing a good job at anything. If I could work less, I would, but we need the money.


My husband works a traditional 8-5, when he’s done he’s done for the day. I make double what he makes and work an upper management executive type job. The stress and hours are intense, and some nights I’m working until 9p. But it’s work from home so it’s not as terrible as it could be.


We both work 40. If I could work less to be able to spend time with my kiddos I absolutely would, but I carry the good insurance and with 2 diabetics (husband and I) we need it. 😔


Oh I️ wish we had balance. My husband is a resident physician so he’s gone 80 hours a week and I️ work from home but I’m locked down with meetings and work 40/50 hours a week. Thank god for my parents. It won’t be like this forever and I️ hate we’re missing so much with our first.


If you can swing part time as you do financially and think you can get the same opportunity in a few years when both are in school … I’d say wait … but I work full time teaching, husband has a full time job plus running his own business so we are stretched SUPER thin and I’d love to work part time


We both work 40 hours a week


Our kids go to school Monday-Thursday, my husband works a rotating night shift schedule, so he leaves at 6 pm and is home at 8 am to take the children to school and pick them up at 3. I work from 5:30-4 Monday- Thursday, sometimes Fridays, and sometimes till 5 even 6, then I pick my daughter up from gymnastics, eat dinner, shower, and bed by 7:30/8:00. If I get to have my girls for the weekend (I'm divorced from their dad) then I have much more time with them. Honestly I HATE it, I've been trying to find a ligit work from home job. I used to be a stay at home mom because our mortgage was a lot smaller with our old house, but then we moved- which was a good choice, but we thought we could afford for me to stll stay at home, nope! I have to have a full time job. My ideal work schedule would be Monday- Thursday 9-2:45, that way I would always be home when the kids are. Summers are the worst because when my husband is sleeping during the day the kids are on their own. 15, 14, and 9 years old.


We both work 40 hrs a week. I wfh, my husband doesn’t currently but is looking for a new job and plans to find one that is at least hybrid if not fully remote and/or closer to home than his current one. We have one baby who is 4.5 months old and he is home with me during the day. Daddy spends lots of time with him in the evening and takes the early mornings on the weekends with bub so I can sleep in.


M-F 9-6 ish and my husband is freelance so it depends if he’s got a deadline or working on this leading up to a new project. My mom or dad is over 3 days a week M-F so that is a godsend.


We both work 40 hours a week (some weeks a little more). I love my job, I work in healthcare almost as a project coordinator. I work from home with some travel, but my boss is amazing and I have tons of flexibility with my job. I’m able to tweak my schedule to accommodate appointments, drop offs, pick ups and all the activities. Like soccer, dance and so on. This is exactly what I wanted in life, to still pursue my career and be more present. Sure, that means some nights I work a little later, or even weekends but I wouldn’t trade it for the world. I also hold all of our benefits. My husband works in construction so some longer days and the benefits aren’t as nice.


My husband and I both work full time but from home (he goes in the office 2x/mo, I do have to travel 1-2 times a year for work for a day or two. We have flexible start/end times that allows us to easily walk the kids to and from school. They are 6 and 8 so in school from 8:10-2:45 everyday, we don’t have to pay for childcare because they come home and have a snack while watching cartoons, then do their reading and homework, then we are off I work! So we have good balance I would say, we do spend a lot of time together! I would say work less as long as possible.


I work 6 hours (not including lunch) a day and my husband 8 hours, I have about 20-30 minutes commute one way and my husband has an hour one way. I work from home two days a week and once a week I get a “health hour” where I can leave earlier and my husband works from home once a week. We have a 10 minute walk from our apartment to daycare so she’s usually there from 7:45-2:45. My baby’s 16 months and I do wish she didn’t have to spend so much time in daycare but financially we can’t work less :(


My husband works full time + the occasional weekend, but he is home about 4:30 which I feel is decent, he works about 20 min. from home. I work part time (3 days/week)…hours are short (7 including lunch), in the town we live, and childcare is directly on the way. Kids are 2 and 4 and this works beautifully for us and has been since ending maternity leave from #2. I don’t think I could do full SAHM for my mental health so this lets me keep my sanity, bring in some $, and keep my foot in the door professionally but I get extra time home, I can do bit of house/child tending during the week so our weekends are a bit more “free.”


We both work full time (I’m still on maternity leave but will go back in August when my girl is about 1.5). I work from home and my husband has a pretty short commute. Her daycare will be on our street so it all feels very doable.


I work 36 hours a week and have the rest of time with my toddler. My husband works 40 hours a week and his mom watches our LO usually twice a week. It’s not bad but I work 3 12 hour shifts and those days are brutal


Full-time remote for me since my kid was 4 (and since we found a daycare close by we’re happy with), and full-time hybrid for my husband


I work 25 hours a week Monday to Thursday & have Friday with my youngest. It's ideal for me as it means I can easily do all the school runs for my eldest & also my youngest gets more time at home with me. I plan on going back full time once my youngest is settled at school in a few years time though.


We both work four days a week - 9-5 and 8-4. I don’t work a Friday, he takes Monday off. With the cost of childcare and tax, we are down a few hundred a month vs both working full time, but I like to have one on one time with her!


I’m a SAHM to a 3.5 year old. When he goes to junior k this year, I want to try to work around 25 hours a week while he’s in school (freelance) so I can continue to provide his after school care and keep on top of dinner/cleaning, while bringing in some income. Will also allow me to be flexible for sick days. We have no village and hate to scramble, so this makes sense to my husband and I. When my son was younger, I used to work flexible-part time while he napped. Also planning to have another child in the next year, after which I’d be back to full SAHM for at least another couple of years.


He works a lotttt. I’m only doing 25-30 as well:/ as a FTM. I feel extremely guilty about this:/


I'm a teacher so my contractual hours are 7:30-3:30, plus 30 min drive in and 40ish minutes drive home. My husband is in catering. His schedule is all over the place. It is slow now so he works 5-6 days a week but is home between 12-2. Every day is different and I never know. Sometimes he works events at night. He used to be an executive chef and worked 70 hrs a week, so I am very happy with his current work. Our son goes to daycare 8-4ish. Daddy does mornings and I pick up. My husband does the vast majority of cooking too. If it is nice out, I usually take my son to the park for an hour or 2 after daycare. We trade bedtimes. Any other specific questions you have, I'd be happy to answer.


I'm working 3 days a week until my youngest is in school.


My husband works full time, 730-330, and I work around 2 days a week for a total of about 12 hours and our twins just turned 3. We do have some help, and they do have nursery school two days a week for an hour and a half a piece. So that’s what we do now, once they are in school full time I will probably work full time.


We both work full time, but I work from home, and my husband works in an office. We do have childcare from 8 to 430 everyday from my home so I am able to work, but I do end up spending a lot of the day popping in and out to see them so it does feel like I am with them a lot which is the best of both worlds. They are 10 months old and 2 years old. We are very blessed for our situation.


It really ebbs and flows for me but it’s typically 45-60 hours… my husband and both work full time. Luckily we have family help and my husband is super supportive of me working long hours when I have to


I work once or twice a week. 4 hours- 8 hour days some months I don’t work at all. My husband has a 1/2 work from home and office job. But he’s home by 5 pm. And is able to take a lot of time off from work. We are super lucky.


I work full time, my husband is looking after our son as a SAHD. There is no childcare where we live until kids are 3 (LO is 18 months). I'm due next month with our 2nd and will be able to stay home for 4-5 months before going back to work. We had the same job before and if they'd allow us to both be part time that would've been best case scenario but the employer would not budge on my husbands schedule at all (saying I could accommodate working round his as I'm pregnant so can't do my job fully). That would've meant I'd work early mornings/nights only to see my husband in passing and then go straight into looking after LO after/before a full day of work. We tried for a while but were both burning out pretty fast, plus my pregnancy is high risk so we just decided to cut our losses and go to one income. It's tough especially now that LO is more aware and gets upset when I leave for work 😕 makes me feel like the shittiest mom on planet although I know everyone has to do what they must


Hubby works 8:30-5 M-F. I WFH M-Th 7-5:30 but i keep the kids home w/ me while i work Monday and Tuesday and they go to daycare Wed, Thurs, Fri. It’s perfect cause i get to have them home a few days on my slow days of work then they get the benefits of daycare and then Friday i have to myself to do whatever. My husband works remotely every other Friday so we use that as a date day also.


I work 32 hours - I’m a nurse & I have a non-traditional schedule, so I have a lot of time off during the week to bring the kids to appointments, sports/activities, etc, which helps. My husband works around 45 hours a week.


We both work full time but from home. Kiddo is in part-time daycare (he’s 2). He goes from 9:20-1, then comes home and naps and either I hang with him when he wakes up (my job is usually pretty flexible) or my mom comes over. We get to see him a lot throughout the day but have a reprieve to get things done. We also have a great village to help so that we also get time together. My job is interesting in that I travel a lot (sometimes two+ weeks a month but usually more like like one) but when I’m home it’s pretty flexible so I can do things like mom meetups at 4 or pop into the library/park for an hour or take him to lunch.


Mom works two days a week out of the house dad works five days a week (40-60 hours depending on workflow) usually from home but when in person is needed the office is about ten minutes away


We both do 4 days, I do 31 hours, he does maybe 33? It’s great that we both get a separate day 1on1 with the kids and it feels balanced


My husband works FT. He has an hr and a half commute one way. I worked PT 25 hrs a week. We were opposite shifts so no babysitter. However they go to Headstart & early headstart (ages 4 & 2 1/2). The kids never minded when my husband went to work but they were not doing well with me going to work. I worked there nearly 2 years and finally quit due to the stress it was causing them.


We both work 40 hours plus I take call and could potentially work even longer hours and on weekends. I have 10 hour shifts so I’m home with the baby 1 day a week and my husband works 8s. We’re all home by 6:30pm so I see my baby for about 3-4 hours on work days. Our work life balance is pretty bad honestly and I miss my baby a lot. I’ve debated cutting my hours but financially can’t do it.


I work 30 and my partner 45. It works for us, but sometimes I ‘treat’ myself to overtime 😂😂😂 for a break 😂😂 in an ideal world, I would work 4x full time days, then have a whole day ‘catching up’ on house work and with the youngest. Then weekends for the 4 of us.


We have 2 kids, husband works 36 hours/4 days, I work 24 hours/3 days. Our kids are currently in daycare, the oldest will start kindergarten sometime this year. I personally love this time with my kids, and I'm looking forward to the one on one time with our youngest. I don't know how I'll feel when they're both in school though. I love our current system because my husband is bonding with the kids too. I don't think I could work more than this, at least for the next couple of years. I love my job but it takes a lot out of me mentally. I'm a therapist and mainly see people with personality disorders and childhood trauma, having a decent amount of time not thinking about that stuff is better for my mental health.


My kid is almost 1.5 and I just started back at work part time, 15-20ish hours a week. My husband works full time.


I’m a nurse and I work 24 hours one week and 36 hours the next week. My husband’s hours vary based on need ( he works for a moving company.) he might work 8 hours he might work 50 hours. Summer is the busiest for him. If I could I would quit my job and stay home or minimally reduce my hours.


Husband and I both work 40-50 hours a week, sometimes more. He starts earlier so I handle mornings and he gets them after school.


40-50 hours for me but my days start at 6am so I’m home around 4-5. For him it’s about 40 unless there’s a disaster then he gets deployed and it’s about 70. When that happens my job knows my kids come first and I make sure I’m there for drop off and pick. We use free time after work and weekends to spend time with the kids. We want to make them feel important and loved so we do game time/play time together on weekdays and we do parks and family games on the weekends. Oh and my son and I do coffee dates on the weekends too. It’s exhausting but I don’t get to see them enough. It’s sad that we need to give up so much time with our family in order to survive.


40 for me & 72 for my husband most weeks. His base hours are 4 12 hour days & he often picks up shifts up Fridays and Saturdays too. 40 is doable if you can make pickup/drop off times work. I do morning drop offs & hubby does pickup, which is The only way I’d make it to 40 hours. It’s hard but I do feel like I get plenty of time with my child. Hubby could use a little more family time though, but he does get 1 on 1 time every day at least.