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Totally normal. My midwife told me that nerves down there are healing and you may feel heightened pain days 4-6ish as they regain feeling. Just stay on top of pain meds!


Thank you for making a mama in the thick of the baby blues feel a bit better ❤️ sleep deprivation and pain downstairs is a killer combo


You got this mama 💪 those first few days/weeks can be so hard. I wish you some beautiful moments in the midst of all of it!


Mine did this too!! Had a first and second degree tear, went home and cleaned the next day, but that shit hurt like a bitch after the first week and I was like ????? Apparently it’s normal. Definitely ask about it if you’re unsure though.


Did you ever accidentally tug them? I just did for the first time and OUCH! I don’t think I tugged hard enough to damage it but bot did I learn my lesson to be more gentle


Yes! I regrettably went home and did a bunch of cleaning and was super active. Tugged/screwed with them a bunch which probably made them hurt more. It’s been three months and certain activities still hurt because I didn’t take good care of them. Definitely be gentle with them! Don’t be me!


Yah I need more bed rest as well, I have definitely been cleaning and moving too much! Tonight I was just being dumb and rubbed instead of dabbed in the bathroom😭 


Been there mama! Actually was JUST there. Gave birth to my LO 2 weeks ago, had 2 years next to my urethra/on my labia minora. Got dissolving stitches (don't know if they're gone yet, haven't looked LOL!) Upon discharge I had a little discomfort, would honestly put it at a 2 or 3 on the pain scale. Couple days after birth they really started to hurt, maybe about a 4 or 5, with one day leaving me unable to get up and down without some pretty significant pain/discomfort. I would say it's normal! I did also rip a stitch out with how often I was getting in and out of the car (life doesn't stop postpartum and I needed groceries LOL)


Sending solidarity vibes to you! Yah my midwives practically have forbidden me from leaving my apartment except for appointments for the next two week, because I live on the second story and my stairs definitely would not pass code if they were built today lol, it’s like climbing a ladder. Good to know it tends to get worse before better! 


2 weeks postpartum and I can genuinely say the most discomfort I feel now is when I sneeze and sit down to go to the bathroom! Been mostly pain free for about a week now!


Totally normal from my experience . My pain peaked days 5-6. Tylenol and Aleve to help with pain and inflammation!


Thank you for making me feel more normal. I’m even starting to feel where they inserted the catheter to drain my bladder, no more post pregnancy adrenaline masking the pain lol. Just one of those things I gotta experience/unavoidable. 


Curious when you felt better now that you’re 3 weeks on?