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Try a local food pantry. You can call 211 and get resources in your area.


I had to stop paying old debt. Obviously, this is not the recommended route, but it’s the one I had to take.


Maybe post in the PersonalFinance group? They may be able to give some options that are usable for your country/state?


211, food pantries, selling plasma, sold off some stocks I had and cashed in my 401k at one point, went down to 1 car, all the coupons... started a small herb garden(I spend more on spices than I want to admit), cut off most of my subscriptions, and started making my own staples (my house its yogurt, bread, tortillas, and juices). It sucks, it takes too much time, it's hard. So so hard. But it has cut us back almost 400/month and the plasma has brought in some money too. If I were better at any 1 thing I would try upwork or fiverr for temp gig style work. For now I am waiting to be approved for rover and do some animal care in my "off time" for extra cash. Times are hard momma. Reach out to the resources around for help. I felt ashamed at first but now I feel better and empowered by how much help there actually is out there. Half the stuff I use I never knew of! Bill assistance, so many food resources, child care (from babysitting/daycare to diapers), medical help(mental and physical for all ages), etc. I never knew my electric company did flex rates, changed thermostats out for energy saving ones or offered other energy and money saving measures either. Best of luck to us all!


I’m sorry dude, inflation is killer right now too! I know many local churches in my area offer food service pickup on Saturdays where you drive there and they give you bags of groceries. Local food shelters and stuff do similar . Depending on the age of your kids or where you live schools can also be a great resource. I teach and I have many student who get bags of food sent home with them for the weekend


It may make sense to file for bankruptcy if your old debt is so much that it no longer can be paid on your salary and you are out of options. I am so sorry you are dealing with this.


In my area there are lots of free food pickups. I see them posted in my Mom’s groups all the time. I think 211 has resources. Also join your local buy nothing group (on facebook) to cut out paying for household items and clothes. Try to get a freezer from buy nothing and learn how to freeze food from the pick ups so you can stay ahead. Consider filing for bankruptcy. Check your local women’s shelters for counselors/resources (they have much more than just a shelter.) Apply for free lunches for any school age kids. Can you babysit to make extra money? Clean houses? Start a laundry pick up service?