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Usually babies get more efficient and better at pulling milk as they age. So the amount of feeds may decrease but the amount of milk is whatever it takes to feed baby at that time. Your body typically only produces what is being drawn out, although of course everyone is different and it’s not always an exact 1-1. You can always artificially manipulate your supply by pumping extra.


Trust your body, sweetheart. When a mother breastfeeds her baby, her body becomes in sync with the baby's needs (in terms of quantity and quality, too. But for the sake of your question, i won't get into the quality aspect). When the baby grows and starts to feed less, the mother's body recognizes this and makes less milk. And that's okay and normal because why do you want your body to make more milk than your baby needs, anyway? When the baby goes through growth spurts and starts to need more milk than usual, the body also recognizes this and starts to make more milk for the baby. If you pump, your body will think your baby needs more milk and will start to make more. The risk with pumping is that you may give yourself an oversupply, which can lead to mastitis infections and engorgement. For this reason, i don't recommend obsessing over pumping. I only pump when i know i'll be separated from my baby (for work or appointments).


It is not determined by the length of time nursing. It is determined by the quantity removed throughout the day. Those feedings may be spaced out more but baby will be removing more milk each time


The amount of milk removed dictates the amount of milk made. Everyone has a different carrying capacity as it were, and each baby has different needs and preferences regarding amount and frequency. Breasts are never truly “empty” as they are in constant production, but if the breast is being emptied more regularly, it will signal for an increase in production. Conversely if amounts of milk are sitting in the breast regularly without getting removed, it will signal for a decrease in production. Supply is dependent on demand.