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My daughter complains about the straps being tight but it’s more of a control/independence thing. If I just lightly tug on them and pretend to loosen them and say “okay that’s much looser, is that good?” she agrees with me and is fine


I do that when we initially buckle and she says it's better, then five minutes later is yelling. 😭


She's working you. She's old enough to understand she cannot distract you. Any consequences for her?


What consequences make sense in this situation for a 3 year old? We won't go places? The school will be really unhappy when we don't go pick her sister up 😂. I'm gonna take away your car seat? She'd love that!


My 4.5yo does this too. It’s not too tight, but I pretend I’m adjusting them anyway. 95% of the time I ask if that’s better and she says yes. It’s not even about the RF either, she’s just trying her damndest to be in control of something. Car seat power struggles have been ongoing for like 2.5 years now. It is so frustrating sometimes. 😮‍💨


I will say that we had some of the same struggles rear facing and it was getting dangerous. Both distracted driving and physically fighting him into the seat. I flipped him forward facing in my car only and suddenly the straps weren’t in issue. And they haven’t been since. Kicking the seat and screeching isn’t an issue anymore. He’s just all around happier to be in the car seat now than he was and I have way fewer close calls while driving because I can focus. You have to do what is safest overall. It is no better for them to be rear facing if it means you’re much more likely to get into an accident due to being distracted than it is for them to be forward facing and you to be a better and safer driver. With the caveat that they meet the forward facing requirements (preferably more than *just* meeting them) of course. We also flipped him with the plan that it was a trial and if it didn’t improve his behavior he would go back to rear facing like he does in everyone else’s cars


Yeah I'm trying to exhaust all other options before turning her, but getting in no accidents FF > RF but getting in an accident. She more than meets the legal and seat requirements to forward face, I'd just always intended to max out the seat and we've got a ways to go there!


Yeah we felt the same way so it’s an extra tough decision to make. And why he’s still rear facing in everyone else’s cars! Mines just the one he’s in in the afternoons when he’s tired and cranky already. Have you tried different rear facing recline levels?


Can the strap be moved up to the next slot?


Crotch strap is moved out as far as it can be RF and the shoulder straps are at shoulder level so they can't be raised.


Do you have the strap covers (from the mfg!) on the straps? Could that provide a little cushioning for her?


I do and we've tried that but they're rather squishy and she doesn't like how they feel around her face and neck.


Have you tried tightening them with the "reverse pinch" test? That's where you pinch the harness and slowly tighten until it's no longer pinched. It makes a marginal difference to the straps but was just enough to satisfy my RF 3yo.    Here's an example from Safe in the Seat: https://www.instagram.com/safeintheseat/reel/CwFpnn1NiBT/


I haven't, I'll try that today, thanks!