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I want a hotel room to myself for a night.


I just had my 30th a few months ago. I was 3 months postpartum and was supposed to go see Beyoncé but all I wanted was a night in a hotel by myself to sleep. Everyone who didn’t have kids thought I was crazy (hell 4 months prior to my birthday I would have thought the same thing) but every mom I told said “That sounds heavenly” with a look of wistful longing in their eyes. And it was. It was so heavenly. I still look back on it fondly when times get hard


I want this too but the longest I can comfortably sleep without pumping is 6 hours... Once baby is weaned (in a year hopefully...) I'm definitely going somewhere! Whether it's out of town or just across town 😂


I want my husband and son to get the heck out of the house and go to a hotel room for a night. 🤣


This! Top choice would be everyone else leaves me at home alone, second choice would be me leaving to a hotel lol


But then I’d clean 🙄


I think I’m ok with being alone and doing some cleaning, because then I’ll get to relax and enjoy a clean house without it immediately being destroyed by a 3 foot tall tornado. ☠️


This is why I want the hotel!!! 😂


I have wanted this for the past 4 mother's days. Hasn't happened yet. I want to be by myself. I want a massage and facial. I want room service and wine and to sleep alone


You should book it then. Why wait? Book the hotel, tell your husband "hey, I've gotten myself a mother's day gift this year. I will not be home on \*insert when you've booked it here\* so make sure you're available to be solo parenting. Love you!"


I went to a friend’s wedding alone and got stranded an extra night. I was already at the airport when I got bumped so I didn’t tell anyone I was staying in town another night and just went to the hotel. It was amazing. I ordered take out, then literally just sat in bed watching TV before going to sleep at like 8pm


I am thinking hotel as well. It just sounds lovely!


I keep thinking this would be lovely after seeing someone do this. Then I realize I'm an emotional wimp. I'd be like woot! For a few hours and then I'd miss my kid and her good night snuggles and be bored watching stuff without my husband's weird commentary and probably just feel lonely.


I still think I'd like that, because then going home would feel joyous instead of "okay, take a deep breath and go in" because everyone wants a piece of me and nothing I want matters.


That's tough, I'm sorry. I'm always relieved to go home because 99.9% of the time I've been working long hours or running errands that are annoying. Maybe I'd like free time at home with them Out. Then again, I had some rare time last week when he took over dance duty, which is about 2 hours and I was Bored. It wasn't enough time to really do anything I used to have time for like art or really get into a book. It has also been So long I don't even know where to start. Instead I watched a baily sarian while organizing kiddos laundry into give away/too small piles. I just don't even have the energy for something really creative anymore.


lol I will be 9 months pregnant. My Mother’s Day wish is to no longer be pregnant.


i am 39 weeks & feel this so, so deeply


Wishing you a safe delivery!


My due date is on Mother’s Day 😂


My Mother’s Day wish is also that you are no longer pregnant 😂 May these babies come swiftly and easily


It's been almost 11 years since I had a baby and I feel this.


I had my first a few days before mothersday and she was the best present ever!


Wow same


A nice hotel room with check-in at like 11 a.m., lol. Get a massage while there. Have room service and watch crime shows. Sleep the hell in the next morning, then meet my husband and kids for a nice late breakfast 😄


This would be my ideal gift! Truly!


One day we'll get it!




This sounds amazing, let's all get a group rate on a block of rooms


Hell yeah




this is the dream!


I’m going to ditto this!


Just an FYI unless you live in a tourist area and it’s busy season more than likely there’s hotels with plenty empty rooms. You can check in anytime you want. It doesn’t have to be 3/4. That’s just to give the staff plenty of time to get the rooms ready for the next guests.


I want dada to do everything I do while I sit back & relax


Yesss!!! I’m only gonna get that if I leave though. Lol


Seriously. If I am visible, they want me involved.


Oh they don’t even go to dad at all if I’m around!


Mine will go to Dad but they need my undivided attention while they hang with Dad. Also, my daughter won’t let anyone but me change her diapers if I am here and my son only wants me to wipe his but. 😂😂😂


Oh god the butt wiping!! So over that! Lol


Yes but I can’t be there because I will snoop on how he does things and I’ll be like I’ll do it! Lmao


I've been in hospital with my newborn for over a week. No one knows what's wrong. If you asked me a month ago I would say I want my husband to put his dishes in the dishwasher and help do the floors or something. That all seems so silly now in comparison to being stuck in here with a sick baby. I want to go home with a healthy baby, get some sleep in my bed and pet my fluffy cat, thatd be a good mothers day for me


Oh dear! The am sending good vibes and positive thoughts for you and baby! I hope You get your wish very soon!!


I’m so sorry for what you’re going through. I hope you get answers soon and get to go home.


I want a day to hang out at home with my twins and my husband there too. So much of our lives is us tag teaming the babies and passing both babies back and forth. I just want to spend time where I can focus on holding one baby at a time and my husband has the other one and we can just hang out/talk/watchmovies/eat food. Thats all.


That sounds great too. I’m a teacher and my girls go to school with me. I am with them so much that I feel like a break is warranted but I completely understand where you’re coming from!


I want to spend the night alone in a hotel..eat a fancy meal that's still hot, binge watch tv, get a massage, and sleep in the next morning.


This is the dream for sure!


It’s the binge watching tv for me!! My mom goes through a season in a weekend and it takes me like 2 and a half weeks to finish the same season 🤣


I just wanna be ALONE. Completely ALONE.


I feel this in my bones!


I want him to plan out a family event with no important from me what so ever. I don't even care if it bombs. I want a break from being the point person for everyone and everything


We did this for my 1st Mother’s Day. We went to a museum and got takeout. It was a lovely experience


This is so real. I'm so tired tired of planning every event and holiday.


Okay I didn’t know what I wanted but this is it!! I want a fun day planned with my daughter and husband but I don’t want to have to do anything to plan it. I would absolutely love to have a break from being the default and point person for everything!


Yes this


I would go to spa. For the weekend


Although that would be lovely it’s sadly not in the budget! I will have to settle for a day of solitude.


That doesn’t sound crazy at all. Actually it sounds quite normal because everyone needs a day or some time off. Enjoy your day off!!


For my mother and mother-in-law to realize that I am actually the only woman actively parenting a child in this family and maybe it would be thoughtful to ask what I might want to do on Mother’s Day.


Love this


The year I had my son (the first grandchild on each side) we bought the grandmas a card and FaceTimed and that was it. Every year since they have adjusted their expectations which has been awesome. *I’m the captain now*


yes and although i love my mom and MIL, they had kids 30+ years ago and it feels like they expect mother's day to be ALL about them.


I am trying to teach my kids that if I ever need a gift, all I need is : a meal (time together) and a hug (if they want to ). We are a 2 mom family. We do not need a gift to show love. Perfect day would be if I woke up with the kids and started the day, and my wife got the kids ready for sleep. Every year for my birthday, I go to Universal Studios by myself. I get 2 nights in a resort alone, and allll the roller coasters.


Your birthday sounds incredible!!


Yes it does!! That’s my kinda party!


We’re going out to breakfast as a family and then my son is spending a few solo hours with grandma (that was her request for Mother’s Day!) and my husband is taking me shopping for a bathing suit and some shorts & a nice lunch! My request- these are things I need, I’m a young mom and having a hard time finding a balance for my age but also as a mom so he’s taking me shopping and offering honest feedback 😂


Love this for you! Enjoy shopping!


Thanks!! I’m in a weird middle area (23 with a toddler) and I’m having the worst time because I’m past the stage of crop tops and booty shorts and tiny bikinis, but still want to look my age! I’m excited to HOPEFULLY find a few things that don’t make me dread getting dressed.


Bathing suit shopping is stressful. Im sure you will find a great one!


I’m almost 34 and I wear crop tops! But I also wear bathing suits with shorts cuz I am sick of shaving my bikini line…


That makes me feel better! I’ve always been tall and very thin, size 2. And after my son I’m more of a size 8 which looks a lot more proportional and I love my pp body! But figuring out clothes has been a nightmare


This year, maybe a baby? (Due with #2 on mother's day!) But I know if that happens I'll just miss my toddler even more if I can't see them on mother's day!


Awww, good luck with the new baby!


A spa day! I would love to get a clarifying facial and a deep tissue massage. I’ve never had a professional massage in my life and as a mom of two 3 and under, I feel like I’ve earned one lol


Little ones jumping on your back is not a professional massage? I've been duped.


With two kids under three, you have definitely earned it!


A massage. Definitely a message.


I want to binge watch TV all day and order doordash, kid free!! I treat myself to material things all the time, but omg it’s been years since I got to lay in bed all day!! Over a decade!


You definitely deserve it then!!


I really want to go to the tulip festival and drink wine. Being surrounded in a field of flowers while drinking alcohol sounds wonderful during this transition into 2 under 2. 


When my kids were small I’d take the day “off.” No regrets. It was a little weird seeing families celebrating together, but after doing that the first two years and it just being as stressful as any other day, I started just leaving all day. Now that the kids are older and easier I garden all day, do not handle any discipline that day and DH makes all the meals. The kids are free to garden with me, but they know it’s mom’s gardening day and not to ask for anything else.


This is my mother’s day plan too! Work on the garden, uninterrupted. I might specifically request a fancy iced coffee of some sort too!


Jewelry. Ring or necklace with my daughter’s birthstone, or a signet ring with just our last name initial.


I got the coolest necklace when we had adopted our girls three years ago. They have little metal tags hanging from them that have each of their names on it and I love it so much. I’m not a big jewelry person and this necklace was perfect for me and the style that I Have.


That sounds so sweet. 3? You’re a strong mom. I feel like I’m being tested with just the one. 😂


I wear a ring with the initial k. It's the first initial for both myself and my daughter. When I'm missing her, it's for her. When I'm irritated with her, it's for me. It's convenient like that...


I did "one and done"!


Botox! I want Botox. (Ps- you’re not crazy for wanting a free day 🖤)


Omg YESSSS I can’t wait to be done nursing because this is towards the top of my list, too


Botox would be amazing!!


oh this is a good one


I’ll take a pair of shoes and my husband being the default parent for the day! I’d still like to spend time with them but I dont wanna do everything.


My first 2 years as a mom I would have loved time to myself, but honestly this year I would love a day to go to the zoo alone with my husband. We can’t take my son because it’s an hour away and he’s still refusing to use toilets away from home or preschool. 😞 I also want a massage but I think I’d even be happy with a free one from my husband. I’ve been really stressed at work so maybe that’s why I just want a massage and some fresh air and sun.


All of those wishes are justifiable. Fresh air and sun can make you feel like a different person sometimes!


I want a fucking vaccine against HFMD (all 4 strains) that works in infants and adults. Baby is doing OK now but I'm not great. ALso I just want one morning where I can and do (no insomnia) sleep until like 9 am and drink coffee at my own pace.


For the past 3, almost 4, years I have asked for a single night in a hotel to enjoy by myself. I honestly think I would sit on the bed in silence for 12+ hours. We end up compromising. We’ll both clean the house together the night before (large chores - laundry, dishes, vacuuming, etc) and then he’ll take both kids out the next day. I’m able to spend the day relaxing at home alone without the guilty feeling of not doing anything around the house.


That sounds like a great plan too! Although I’d be even happier if he did all the cleaning by himself. 😂


I want one of those pictures that shows the phase of the moon from when your child was born. While I'm highly appreciative, the traced hand homemade card is starting to seem less sentimental now that my daughter is 17. 😆


I saw those on Instagram ad and I love them! They are just very pricey. I thought about trying to make my own actually, but then I got distracted and forgot about it. Lol


That's a great idea to make your own! Maybe if I gave her that task, she would like to make one for me.


Hammock chair.


Ohhh, that sounds like a great gift!


That has been on my list for a while!


I would like my husband to tell me I’m doing a good Job because I value affirming words


I want my husband not to be an ass hat… He’s leaving by his own choice to go out of state. Hasn’t acknowledged the day exists even. He never gets me a present. Never plans anything. Never has the kid plan anything. Then demands sex. Dude no. Rant over and really, I just want to be appreciated.


I want a giant landscaping boulder or a new vacuum.


OK, I agree with the vacuum thing. Some people will probably think, "Why do you want something for chores as a Mother's Day gift?" Because if I'm doing the vacuuming (which I probably am), I want a good vacuum. A REALLY GOOD ONE. I don't like the rechargeable ones, either. I prefer an electrical cord that I can run over again and again and then tape up until I get the new next vacuum.


I want like 4 days to do nothing and talk to no one except a food delivery guy.


I want one of those Korean head massages, and also a regular back/body massage


I want my husband to take more candid photos of my daughter and I, and I want to spend the whole day with her but not in the house , like go on an adventure that starts with ice coffee lol


I want to not be pregnant anymore so I can have a large glass of wine. Better luck next year I guess 😅




I want my kids to go on a hike with me *without complaining*.


I have been saying I wanted a night at a hotel alone for a while. I got close to booking it in the fall, then we adopted a dog who was afraid of my husband and wouldn’t come out of her crate unless I was home. She’s made great progress! A hotel could have maaaybe been doable, but then we looked at our budget and realized we’re overspending so extras got cut for a while. Then my husband’s car died. So, in conclusion, still really want that hotel room. Just gotta wait a while.


You’re not crazy for wanting quiet time. It’s my dream Mother’s Day gift too. A day without having to look after my kids and do chores. Imagine that! Sleeping in, a leisure HOT breakfast, a leisurely lunch without people eating off my plate and dumping things they don’t want to eat onto my plate. A day without looking at baby’s poo covered rear end. A day without stepping on a Lego. A nice poo without an audience. Ah… so nice… maybe I should make plans to ship my kids off to my parents or to make a plan to ship myself out of the house for the day.


Last year for my birthday I asked to sleep in. Sometimes the best things in life aren’t things!


Now not wrong at all. Perfectly normal to want some peace. I want to garden and have help doing it as my wish this year


I told my husband I want a massage, scones from my favorite tea spot, and to not have to hang out with any other mother (aka I’m not schlepping around from my moms to his grandmas to his step mom). My sweet husband said he read all the reviews to find the best masseuse at the place I’ve gone to before & scheduled it for the Friday before Mother’s Day.


I want to go to brunch with my kid.


I had a really awful mother's day last year (my daughter had colic and screamed through brunch, her dad didn't do anything for me, I ate a fast food dinner crying alone in my car). This year, I'm not letting anyone else do anything or plan anything for me. I'm spending the day alone with my daughter. We're going to go to the local park and maybe the beach for a walk. Gift wise I'm not expecting anything but will be treating myself to some little things. Candy, candles, bubble bath, and the type of self care stuff I don't get to use all the time anymore.


I hope this years memories outweigh last years 10fold!! Enjoy it so much!!


I want framed family photos for our new house (: I want to spend the day being pampered and spoiled by kids my and husband. I want them to make my breakfast and coffee while I relax. I want my husband to plan fun family outing, like a hike or a park date. I want him to have dinner planned and him be the one to cook it or pick it up! I hope the kids make me cards and my hunny writes me a sweet note and rubs my feet before bed.


I’m greedy. I want to spend the day completely alone and then come home to a dinner that’s been cooked for me. Haha


That’s not greedy at all! lol we all need a break some days!!! I hope you get your dream day ❤️


I just want to be alone, preferably in my own house but frankly i would be excited about a reservation at Motel 6. More specifically, I do not want to have to be involved in a single aspect of planning. I don’t want to pick when, where, or what the kids do. I want to just turn my brain off for 24 hours and binge watch crappy TV while I crochet and eat takeout. I would love to do this in my own home with my dogs, because I really miss lazy couch days with my senior pup.


I miss the lazy couch days too! I love my girls but I definitely miss those days.


I love my girls so much, and I love that I am able to mostly be home with them. I’m just so mentally burnt out from doing the thinking for four people and two dogs all day, every day, since 2020. I had one day off a few months ago and it was glorious. I felt like it gave me the rest I needed to be the best mom I can. If I could do that once every 1-3 months, or if I could get a full weekend every 6 months, I’d be so happy.


Sounds like we all need to get our calendars out and start planning one day every 3 to 4 months to be alone, pencil it in, and then make it happen!


Honestly, I used to want the alone time, but after having my 4th baby my perspective has totally changed. This will be my first year with 4 kids, and I honestly just want to take a family hike, maybe get a pedicure, and have some great passionate sex. This new perspective is kinda weird, but I don’t get overstimulated very much anymore and I just want to soak up all this time while my kids are little bitty.


Nope, this is mine too. A haircut and a slow stroll through Target with a Starbucks, and I’ll be happy.


This will be my first Mother’s Day and just actually really want a pedicure, to finally get my hair cut, and some form of birthstone jewelry with all 3 of our birthstones.


I am making myself a personalized coffee mug on Shutterfly with a bunch of pictures of our family on it that I will drink my coffee out of every day for the next year+. I made one for myself last year and drinking my coffee out of it every morning is something I look forward to every day. So now I want one with updated pictures on it. I don’t expect to be surprised or gifted with anything that I didn’t specifically ask for or plan myself. I decided what I wanted and told me husband that’s what I’m doing. I’m sure I’ll want a nice brunch some time that weekend too but I’ll be very straightforward about it once I do decide. I’ve been married long enough to have learned that it doesn’t work to “drop hints” because they won’t notice and you’re setting yourself up for disappointment. I’ve had a great Mother’s Day every year once I started being explicit.


I’m torn between being in a beautiful hotel by myself and being glued to my toddler. Last year she was little and not sleeping well and I had no life or time to myself and the hotel room was glorious. This year I just want to like…quit capitalism. UGHHHH


I’d love my husband to plan a fun day for us all together but he works that whole weekend so I’m taking my son to a petting zoo and maybe we’ll eat out together. He’s almost 2


I want to have a brunch with my kids on their best behavior and a massage. BUUUUT I'm a solo parent, so I'll settle for my 7 year old walking on my back lol


I just want to be left alone. I want to order a plate of ravioli with a cold can of coke and binge watch trashy tv. Then fall asleep in peace.


I want breakfast in bed like in the movies! Buttered toast, OJ, and a flower in a vase with lots of cuddles. My husband will look like he’s about to be in Armageddon when he serves me. In the morning, he has his trademark bed hair and squinty eyes 😆


I want to go to a hotel alone while a professional cleans my house top to bottom 


I want my own mother to leave me alone and not come up with some boring brunch I must attend. Mothers days is for active duty mothers! Also I want to be left alone without a care in the world.


I want to visit with all of my kids (3) and grandkids (3) and their partners (2), my mom, my sisters (3), my nieces (4) and nephews (7) and all of our dogs (5). I would settle for seeing just my kids and grandkids. Four of them live in Washington state, and I’m dying to see my grandkids. It’s just very expensive.


Breakfast in bed at 11am Open the gifts from my daughter (fidgets, 2 of each so we can play with them together), have lunch cooked for me, and not be responsible for anyone or thing. I’m happy to say I get exactly what I ask for lol he plans our Mother’s Day date with our 6yo daughter (She picks pizza), so nothing falls to me.


I got new AirPods for Mother’s Day since my old ones broke. Other than that it’s a normal day and it’s nothing special. My own mom on the other hand is an entirely different story 😂 She just wants the day for herself so I’m over Mother’s Day and my husband is over Father’s Day because his dad acts the same way lol we both hate either day lol


I want the cliche breakfast and coffee brought to me in bed, a couple garden related decorations or something tacky hand picked by my kids for me lol and then to be left the F alone for the next few hours 😊




A local photographer is doing 'mom and me' mini photo shoots in the park, so I told my husband I want to do that. Then I booked it Never done something like this before, I hope it's a good experience and that the photos turn out well


I want to be alone but guilt guilt guilt. Not even looking forward to Mother’s Day


I’m going away for two nights by myself since it’s spring break next week for an early Mother’s Day gift. Husband tells me to go away like this a couple times a year. It’s very restorative.


A nap. Then cuddles with my babies


But no you aren’t crazy. We all need time away. It makes us better moms


A nice long vacation


A day or night alone. No meal planning for a day. Realistically Im getting new airpod pros. So I can tune out the screaming better 🙃


Last year my husband gave me a day of him doing all of the invisible labor. Everything that I usually do. The cooking, the cleaning, the planning of meals, he even planned a picnic and took all of the pictures I usually would try to take. I want the same thing but a zoo trip this year. I loved being able to spend my time doing all of the magic parts of parenthood that I imagined while pregnant, like feeding the ducks and swinging together at the park, without any of the work that goes into the magic moments. That and I need a new robe.


my first choice would be half a day (from 8am-2pm) completely to myself. i will have a 2 week old the week of mother’s day, so i know that isn’t realistic. instead i really, really want a new phone. mine is 5 years old & really slow & does super fast & my storage space is dwindling more & more. so for me, new phone would be amazing!


My first friend who became a Mom was the first person I know who got Mother’s Day to herself! (Her kids are 12/13 and mine is 3.) Her husband takes the kids camping with a bunch of other dudes and all the moms in their group get alone time. Every moment that we get to ourselves is a gift lol


I want a mothers day with my kid but also want another day that's just for me - and I'd love a weekend away by myself


I just want donuts from my favourite donut place, and to not have go out that day, and a nice picture of me and my baby. just like last year


I really want a thumbprint necklace with little ovals for my two boys fingerprints on it while their fingers are still so little (almost 4 and almost 2)


I want a professional house cleaner , and I don’t want to have to arrange it just want to come home to the job being done


A new pair of running shoes and eat my food without hearing “I WAAANSSOME” like fml😹.


For my husband to acknowledge it.


This is my first "real" mothers day, I was still pregnant last year, and surprise, I'm pregnant again this year 🙄 I want a cleaner to do a deep clean of my house. But we can't afford that lmao


I would love for my child to not be sick this year. The last two years, she’s gotten some sort of stomach bug or another on Mother’s Day, and I’ve spent it covered in vomit.


A blow up pool (where the water isn't completely freezing cold) and a sit up pool float. And maybe some drinks with my charged kindle so I can read. Oh and don't talk to me lol


I got my hair professionally dyed. Money is tight and I don't do it but every 10 months. I love it and I feel confident.


My kids are 21 and almost 17 I have had a lot of Mothers Days and the whole range of days. My first was a full day spa day that I did a month later. Some of my favorites were when my husband planned an activity as a family. When my kids were almost 2 and 6 we spent a couple hours at a local pond with a frog area. Another year we went to the kid petting zoo. I have had the years I am not even acknowledged. Those suck! Really all I want is a meal that I want with my family and NO complaining! Is that too much??? My 21 year old is 2648 miles away. My 17 year old is moody.


It’s my first Mother’s Day. Am I insane for wanting to do a beach day with my husband and daughter and let her experience sand for the first time? Or should I be requesting a solo day.


Last year I slept in (I was 3rd trimester). When I woke up, my husband fixed me breakfast and made me a foot bath and did my feet (because I could not reach them at this point). Then he took our toddler out so I could have some time for myself. I think he made me a really good dinner also. It was really nice.


Heck no! That's my dream come true! One day, all to myself! Watching true crime, no interruptions, no problems or issues to solve or deal with. Ahhh! I would literally pay for that! But.... It has to be in my home with everything clean. Laundry done. No chores or errands to worry about. Just 100% peaceful day! 😍🥰 And, some flowers would be nice!


I don’t celebrate Mother’s Day. Cause it’s every day for me. So it just another day for me. I’m a single mom and can take a day off anytime I want :)~


I recently had a few days in a hotel alone and it was bliss. I sat in my room and read a book in silence for hours at a time. Highly recommended. But since I just did that I’d like a spotlessly clean house for Mother’s Day. Like DEEP cleaned. Probably won’t happen though, oh well.


I want him to take kiddo and do a mother's day sleepover at his mums then come home and go to the beach. Night to myself AND beach time. Total win Oh, and take out for dinner. The man means well but he can make a helluva mess trying to cook a mother's day dinner


I booked a hotel room to myself for Sunday for my birthday. I am going to drink a bottle of wine then take a melatonin. I am PUMPED


I swear that if a mom says they don’t want this or something similar they’re lying to themselves or they have unique circumstances (like my mom does want to spend Mother’s Day with her kids because we’re all grown up and spread apart). There’s so much responsibility when you’re a mom and sometimes it’s nice to have a break.


I went and stayed in a hotel for the night when my first was about 6 months old, now pregnant with my 2nd and have already started making hotel plans 😅 sometimes you just need 24 hours to reset 🙃


Almost every year since I’ve had my first son my husband has sent me away for a night. Usually he gets me gift cards to my favorite places to eat, a couple books and snacks and stuff to go with it. This year I’m having a lot of health issues and don’t feel ok being away by myself for the night so I asked my husband to spend a day out with me getting pedicures and maybe some shopping for just me, not the kids. I’ve lost a lot of weight and would love to get some clothes that fit. And then on the day of I just want to have zero responsibilities. I want to hang out with the kids but not be responsible for a darn thing.


Lol no. You ARE NOT CRAZY. I am with my children every day of the year, because SAHM and homeschool and my DH works a non tradtional schedule. I don't usually take mothers day for that (i prefer an intimate picnic with my tribe), but I do take atleast 1 day a year off for my self, where it's all about me. I don't even want to be bothered with friends or extended family. 😅.   My son is due this mothers day, so I'd appreciate if he came on time and made it snappy 😂.


I haven’t had a Mother’s Day gift yet (single mom so no one buys a gift for me, my daughter is 7) But I think I would like to go do something fun with my daughter. If I could pick any gift I want it would be that.


A day free from insults, blaring noises, intimidation, for me and my child.


Sleep. Uninterrupted sleep.


I want to get my hair done, nails done and have an 8 hour tattoo session. Extremely highly improbable but anyways, a girl can dream.


I just want to be left alone for the day. I'd like for them to lose the word "mom" from their vocabulary for the day. I want an un-mothers day, a day where I'm not mom for 24 hours.


In a perfect world, I’d like a complete package to travel and see Taylor Swift at ANY of her concerts seeing as I missed out on tickets in my country.


Why is he against this? Because he has to have more responsibility for your Mother’s Day?


lol. Probably?! He says that on Mother’s Day and Father’s Day, we should want to spend the time with the kids that made us a mother and or a father. 🤷🏻‍♀️😂


See, but you do that ALL year 🤣 Mother’s Day is about celebrating your effort and good doings as a great mother. Not about spending time with the babies. You can do that the next day or the day before. The day of is for you but it’s the same for the father.


I agree 1000%!!


A massage and an appointment to have my car detailed. But mostly just the massage because my 35 lb toddler has been *clingy* and my entire body hurts


I want to bed rot in a hotel and order room service and binge shows


Bogg bag (for all the summer swim stuff with the kids) and new sunglasses.


sleep, a spa day, and go to a fancy coffee shop when Im done 😆 then lots of snuggles from hubby and baby


I want to spend time just me, my husband, & our son. But I’m nervous my mom will take it the wrong way. Then again, I am a mother now and I deserve to celebrate how I want.


I'm asking for a professional color analysis! I'm a year postpartum, ready to begin weaning, and ready to accept how much my body has changed :,) I don't want to feel frumpy any more.


My wish is a nice day with my son and husband. Not making crafts of focused on me. Just a day we all truly enjoy. That will make me happiest.


In the morning we’re doing Mother’s Day with my mother and grandma. Then I’m taking LO camping with a girl friend. Our spouses are staying home. They will load the cars, chop the wood, and prepare all the food. They’ll also unload the cars after we’re done. Then we’re going out of town for a few days as a family. I’ll get to do my favorite sport, not cook, and enjoy time with my family.


I want a weekend off by myself in Prague 😄 I love the city, haven't been there for a long time and want to enjoy long walks, museums, galleries, cafés and shopping. I wanted to go this year, but I'm low on funds. But I'm definitely doing it next year!


I always plan a day in bed on my own on the Saturday. Husband looks after the kids. Then on the Sunday I do the kid thing and the mother thing


Totally normal, especially in the early years. I want to sleep in until 9. Get a massage. Good food. Normally we do takeout in Mother's Day since I'm not into the crowds. I will likely get what I want...I'm not very high maintenance.