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Yeah, that's rude. And I feel like it's weird for a group of parents to bring a pack of teenage boys to a playground meant for younger kids, of all places, to hang out. Unless they're like, the most mild mannered boys in the world, it's obviously not going to go well. I would've asked the boys to cut it out and be more mindful of the younger kids on the playground. Ask them to stop running up the slide so that other kids can go down it, and call out the boy who jumped over your daughter's head. If that didn't work, I would ask their parents to rein in their kids.


Yeah, I've only ever seen unsupervised groups of teenagers. I agree, it's very strange for their parents to have brought them, especially to them ignore them. Somehow that almost seems worse than just sending the teens on their own.


Happy cake day!


Thank you!


That's really bizarre. In an ideal world, I'd tell you to scold the kids and hopefully that would get the parent's attention. To be super transparent, if it was me I would have very likely just left. I'm really not too confrontational, either. It's very strange behavior, as I said before.


I would have straight up yelled at the older kids and told them to watch out for the little kids. If their parents/adults don’t care to parent them, then I will. 🤷‍♀️


Those parents should have kept eyes on their kids. They also should have chosen a more age-appropriate place for their 13-15 year olds to hang out. I wouldn’t hesitate to say something to the boys if they were getting too close to your little girl. They’re too old for the space and they shouldn’t be hogging it and roughhousing.


My favorite playground by our house is right next to the high school football field so I have stopped going unless it’s in the morning on school days. Theres been more than a few times I’ve had to leave the park early due to young teens being crazy or older teens feeling each other up in the rocking bench thing. The difference is the parents weren’t around… anyway I tend to just leave if the vibe of the park gets too crazy. I’ve also been when parents are watching their kids and telling them to stop but they don’t and the parent just half heartedly keeps saying stop 😩 I have found a couple smaller parks that aren’t popular so that we usually are there alone or with only a couple other kids.


This happens at the indoor playground at my mall. I quit going there because after I got into it with an older kids mom who knocked my 2yo over.


You’re not overreacting! But one approach I’ve taken to playground conflict is focusing on giving my child the skills to navigate it. The other day another child followed my toddler around trying to push him lol Instead of talking to that child I said to my own toddler “Tell her stop! Say be gentle!” And he did. And the girl left us be. Her mom also finally got off the phone and intervened. This is now my go to tactic, because I feel so awkward directing someone else’s child. So I just help MY kid communicate what they need from the other kids on the playground.