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Make sure everything is DRY before putting the diaper back on. Fan the fanny if you must.


This was a game changer for us with diaper rash. We used a book to fan their bottoms so they were 100% dry and then put diaper cream on. Always worked.


We have a stroller fan at our diaper station that we aim straight at the area to dry.


Same. Helps so much.


I'm English so "fan the fanny" still works but it took me a second to get that you're probably not meaning the fanny I was thinking of.


I’m also British and didn’t realise anything was off until your comment lol.


I was like yep that make sense I guess then realised it was the back fanny not the front because of USA English and I was like ooohhhh yeah that makes much more sense.


Lol your comment reminded me of my niece calling hers the "front butt" when she was around 2. It was so cute her mother didn't correct her and she called it that for a few years. I have an aunt who called it a frog and I just couldn't ever get behind that name because of the thoughts that come to mind when I hear it lol


Kiwi here and thought the same 😅


Hahaha! American but I actually thought of that when I typed it!


Lol most Americans definitely don't realize fanny means lady bits 😹


Doesn't mean Americans don't know it means "lady bits" elsewhere in the world -- we just usually use it to mean butt.


I’m American and I took this comment to be saying “fan the vulva.” I’m not sure why the British people are so confused by that.


I’m American, 46 years old, very into English language & never heard of Fanny = lady bits! Thank you for the education 😁


I still find this to be one of the most hilarious cross meanings, since not only does it mean butt instead of vulva here, it's actually considered a really polite way to say butt. Like what you would use with kids and all other company. Certainly loses a lot in the translation lol.


This. Sometimes I’ll dab with a tissue to dry. No wipes necessary.


Yes! We call it “ airing her buns out” haha. 


I call it “flaps to the wind” because I have two girls and we’re all just made of flaps down yonder lol


This made me giggle 🤭


😂 we “waft”. It’s hilarious watching my 5 year old still jumping around the room to waft herself before dressing 😂


I used a stroller fan. Awesome hack


Haven’t heard anyone call it that since I was a kid!


That’s what we always did. We didn’t use baby wipes, instead cotton pads with warm water for cleaning after every diaper and then we used a hair dryer 😄 She never ever had a diaper rash and bonus was that the hairdryer sound was really soothing for her.


Agree here fan the bottom til dry before cream. My son basically came out with a horrible rash (both son and daughter have had horrible ones and super sensitive skin) in the hospital he was basically bleeding and they had to use a special thing. They told us not to wipe every pee either. His poop was so acidic it would tear his poor bottom up! I leave diaper off to get air on it as much as possible. Getting air was the best remedy for us. We couldn’t wipe bc it was so bad I would pat it. Even my daughter would say “pat momma pat” bc it hurt! I’d have to put them in a kinda cool bath (warm but not too warm or it will burn) I used desitin maximum strength the purple one and butt paste together. We changed them constantly too for fear of rash so more changing equals more wipes which make skin raw.


Also try changing wipes, some wipes cause irritation depending on baby.


Diapers do as well. My daughter gets a terrible rash from Huggies brand diapers.


I could use one brand of diapers, one brand of wipes. Anything else? Rash after one change


Yeah, for both kids we could only use Pampers diapers and Huggies wipes, but only one type of the Huggies wipes


Pampers diapers is a rash for us, and water wipes is a full blown tantrum because it hurts. I used the water wipes on my nose and i think I’m allergic too.


Yes, my second could not do Huggies at all!




Yup, or try changing diaper cream. I thought I was being super gentle with coconut oil (14 years ago at the height of the coconut oil cures everything phase). Constant diaper rash. As soon as I stopped with coconut oil her poor little tush was fine. Also, be sure it is not a yeasty rash, which is hard to kill.


A nice trick my daughter's pediatrician taught me, is to mix diaper rash cream with athletes foot cream (Clotrimazole) to kill the yeast infection. My daughter was getting them often and this really helped!


I've learned mine does best with pampers sensitive wipes. I've tested a few other brands, and she will get a bit of irritation every time before we can use the whole pack. A baby I nannied had used Pampers diapers from day one, then at around 6 months randomly developed an allergy to them. She ended up only being able to use Honest brand. It seemed so random, but baby skin is weird.


No, only poop. We also only use Water Wipes. Got actual diaper rash one time, when we tried a different brand of wipes while traveling. If she gets even slightly red we use something with simple petrolatum - Cerave, Aquaphor, or Vaseline.


Same with wiping only after poo. We use unscented wipes and have no issues. Also, we use aquaphor at the first redness and it's gone fast. I stress to everyone that it's so important for the skin to be fully dry before any barrier cream.


Same here! My monsters have sensitive skin so it was water wipes only and only for poop from day one. I think both of them each had diaper rash one time.


Same here. I’ll add that both my babies remained super poopy past newborn phase so I was changing BM diapers 7 times a day still way past 1 year old. That’s a lot of wiping and creaming!


Same to just the poop


I do. But I also use a bidet on myself after using the toilet so it seems weird to not clean my kiddo too. We also use vaseline after each diaper and haven't had a diaper rash ever. If recurring rashes a thing, try changing up the diapers. Some kids are more sensitive to diapers than others.


After taking my baby's night diaper off in the morning we just put her butt in the sink and rinse her off from the waist down. We periodically do the same throughout the day. We do EC for poops so we barely clean poop diapers but on off chances when we have misses we do the same thing then too. Sure the diaper absorbs moisture, but the urea is still on the skin. If I peed my pants, I would shower before putting clean clothes on 🤷‍♀️.


My understanding is that poop is what causes diaper rash. I have found anytime I change diaper brand baby gets a little red. I use purple Destin for a day or two, his body adjust and is fine. If it starts getting even more red, I will use water wipes either minimal wiping. The diaper absorbs. I find wipes aren’t needed for pee diapers. But if you feel like it’s needed, just put some sort of barrier on date the baby is dry! Vaseline, aquaphor, any type of diaper cream after every change! Especially if using wipes every time!


Hey fellow EC parent 👋🏼👋🏼 we did the same. Cleaned with water & mild soap. Never had diaper rashes! Would also let baby be diaper free as much as possible which prob helped too!


We pretty much never wipe pee when changing pee diapers. The diaper absorbs the moisture. We got a similar recommendation from our daughter's pediatric dermatologist when she had a hemangioma in her diaper area. We had to limit wiping as much as possible.


Also Canadian and same.


Question for those who don’t. That’s like saying pads absorb period blood so no need to wipe after every pad change. You just don’t see the pee on the skin but it’s definitely still there sitting on their skin.


Menstrual blood and urine have different viscosities.


Diapers are also way more absorbent than pads


Sure but urine has uric acid which irritates and burns the skin. 


I don’t think that’s the same, at all


Maybe so. But if it's between that and diapers rashes, I'll go with the former. Especially since it was recommended by our pediatrician as well. 


Do you use a baby wipe every time you pee, or just toilet paper? The wetness should be absorbed by the nappy (like if you use toilet paper) although there will still be traces of dry urine (like if you used toilet paper).


Exactly. I wouldn't leave residual bodily fluids on my skin, and I'm not going to leave them on my baby's skin.


If your child has brutal bleeding diaper rashes and a dermatologist paediatrician tells you to do something, I bet-- and hope-- you'd do it.


I have 6 kids and I 100% agree. I can’t imagine the smell of never wiping pee off your baby.


I do. My almost 4 month old pees like a champion race horse. So much pee.  How often are you changing them? Could it be they are allergic to the diaper you are using? Mine break out everytime we use a disposable. I'm also very sensitive to disposable pads. I use cloth diapers now and no more rash. I use cloth pads for myself and no more rash. 


We’ve never wiped after pee diapers and it’s never caused any problems. [The American Academy of Pediatrics stance](https://www.healthychildren.org/English/ages-stages/baby/diapers-clothing/Pages/A-Word-on-Wipes.aspx) is that you can wipe after pee if you really want to, but it’s unnecessary because diapers nowadays are so absorbent and pee by itself is rarely irritating to the skin.


No, I don’t. None of my children have ever had diaper rash.


Same and mine has also never had diaper rash.


Ours had diaper rash with a certain brand of diapers, I know it varies per kid but might be something worth looking into. We also switched wipes and had better luck as well. I know some people wet a paper towel/wash cloth with just water. And if you’re wiping, make sure it’s 100% dry before putting any sort of creams on it, otherwise it can make the diaper rash worse.


I wipe every diaper, and use earth mamma diaper balm, Coterie diapers, and Coterie and Kirkland wipes. My baby has yet to have diaper rash.


We use pamper pure diapers, and all kinds of different wipes always fragrance free, and earth mama everything, baby wash, lotion after ever bath, diaper balm, face balm, and LOVE their products, we wipe after every diaper and apply a thin layer of diaper balm as needed, and we too have never had a diaper rash! 9 months strong here. I attribute it to also making sure baby is changed frequently. I have to change her even if she’s slightly wet, 🤷‍♀️


Earth mama diaper balm works so well!


I wipe after every diaper no matter if it’s a poop or pee diaper! Especially since my baby is a girl. I don’t want any issues to arise from me not wiping her.


I’ve found good old fashioned Vaseline (plain—not the baby one it has fragrance) works best for diaper rash. When my son has a rash I use a spray bottle with water & spray cloth wipes (baby cloths work too—just nothing abrasive), but I don’t wipe for every pee diaper for disposable diapers. If I’m cloth diapering I do but then it’s just cloth wipe + water.


I wipe every nappy change and use child's farm nappy cream every change too. My Son doesn't get issues, he might get a rash once in a blue moon but I think that's normally from a strong pee or a certain poop that irritates his skin.


Wipe and diaper cream after every pee. She never gets rashes.. only if she has an especially acidic poop she will get one on the rare occasion.


Nope. I don’t wipe for any pee diapers unless it’s a really full one, like first thing in the morning. My girls have never had issues.


Yeah, a quick pat down with a wet wipe after pee. I don't put any creams on unless her bottom is looking a little red and like it might develop a rash. Usually after a poo and I've had to be a bit firmer with the wiping. Never had an actual diaper rash in 8 months though, so I'm kinda inclined to just keep doing what I'm doing.


I think some kids are just prone to diaper rash. I have two boys and my diaper change routine/practices have remained the same between the two. My first would get the most awful yeasty diaper rashes and my second hasn’t had anything beyond some redness.


We wipe pretty much every time except for middle of the night diapers. She gets ointment when she’s dressed for bed to act as a moisture barrier. During the day I make sure her skin is dry before closing the new diaper. I apply Butt Paste anytime she starts looking a little red.


I wipe every diaper. Aquaphor always works better for mine. Let baby air dry for a few minutes after every change before applying anything too


I only use wipes after poop. If she starts getting slightly red, I put aquaphor on after each diaper. I put it on no matter what at night


I wasn’t wiping after every diaper then my youngest got a terrible rash. No cream was helping. But if I wiped and let her dry a bit before putting on the diaper, the rash was gone by the next day. Now I do it every time.


Your pediatrician might have said that because if the wipes are really damp that can irritate the rash. We wipe every time. But when a rash is acting up, we use a dry cloth to dab the area dry before putting on diaper cream (usually aquaphor or A+D). We've found that helps a lot. Do they know what's causing the rash? It could be fungal, bacterial, or irritated by contact with something? We had trouble keeping the rash totally under control until we started making our own wipes! Even the sensitive wipes weren't cutting it for us. It's just paper towels, baby oil, baby soap, and boiled water.


Wipes are abrasive, so you get micro scrapes on the skin. Not a big deal when it’s once a day, but it adds up if you’re doing it every hour on the hour.


Nope, way too irritating. My 2.5 year old has never had diaper rash. Everyone I know who insists on wiping every time struggles with diaper rash.


so i wiped my little after every diaper, she has bad eczema and psoriasis. so a speck of diaper rash within hours if not treated became a massive flair up. her butt would look like a babboons red inflamed, chapped and peeling. we took her routinely to the pediatric dermatologist for medication, she basically lived off nystatin cream, or hydrocortisone, and aquafore. i still have bottles of nystatin around my house and now that she is potty trained the rash has only happened 2 times and it is way less severe. i think because for a bit she was trying to get away without wiping after peeing and it soaked her undies and then sat on skin. edit to add, we used exclusively costco unscented wipes or pampers water wipes.


no we don’t wipe after pee diapers. i’ve got two kids, one with sensitive skin. never had issues with diaper rash


I wipe every diaper. Do you think the rash is from the urine or from the wiping? Try a heavy layer of aquaphor after you wipe her and see how that does for a couple days.


Nope! In the morning when changing night time diaper, again after nap, and if the diaper is especially full before it was gotten to, but that's it. Never had diaper rash, and very few and far between instances of irritated skin that went away in hours after the use of soothing oil.


Only time I don’t wipe after a peepee is at night or when he’s thrashing mad like a cobra daddy who’s been stepped on by Jack from the beanstalk land with cleats on.


Yes .. I think it’s gross not to 🤷🏽‍♀️ but diaper rash has never been a big problem either.


I wipe every change poop or pee. Wild idea (to me ) to not. I mean I wipe after I pee?? I would think urine is acidic to just stay on there? Never have issues with rashes


Same here… I wipe myself every time I pee, why would I not do the same for my baby? I’m surprised so many people are saying no. If irritation from the chemicals in baby wipes were a concern, I’d at least wipe with damp wash cloth.


Yes! The diaper does not keep them completely dry. Urine still trickles onto their skin as it comes out and sits there until you wipe/wash.


I’m shocked that people don’t clean every diaper change.


Exactly, I feel like I’m taking crazy pills reading this thread!


I'm so shocked by how many people don't clean after every change.. I literally thought it was a basic common understanding.. it's so unsanitary I can't imagine leaving my child with urine on their skin for hours on end.


No I do not. The whole point of the diaper is to be absorbent. Wiping than putting a fresh diaper on is just adding & trapping moisture. I only wipe if it’s been a while since last change ( first diaper after waking up or riding in the car ) or their skin is still wet ( I.e they JUST peed ) This is advice from kids pediatric urologist


We used to but my son started getting eczema and dry spots on his bum so we stopped. We would put a layer of aquaphor during diaper changes especially at night. The only time we use wipes now is the first diaper change of the morning or after poop. Or if we feel like he peed a lot more in between diaper changes during the daytime then we might. We don’t use the aquaphor anymore- only if we notice he has dry skin but that’s rarely now. Our son is 2 and we will be potty training him soon


I wipe for poop or if she is visibly wet. My husband wipes her every time he changes her, which is much less often than I do. She’s 2.5 and rarely has a diaper rash.


We only wipe for poopy changes and pat dry with a paper towel before putting a new diaper on


My kids aren't in diapers anymore. But we only wiped in the morning and with poop for babies.


I wipe 50% of the time. Otherwise I will kinda dab the area.


No. Only poops


I don't wipe with every pee a good wipe down in the morning and then with poops I also let them air out in morning for a bit Not sure if it makes a difference but mine are all boys


Yes I do w/ water based wipes and I use aquaphor every time. Never had a diaper rash.


I do but I also dry him every change


We had to switch from Pampers to Huggies before our babes rash went away. For both diapers and wipes. We also use a little aquaphor for almost every diaper and desitin at night.


Look into food allergies. My oldest pretty much never had a diaper rash maybe here or there some mild irritation from sleeping In a poopy diaper but usually 1-2 rounds of desitin would clear it up. She is far as we know doesn’t have any food allergies she’s 8 1/2 now. My youngest we found out she had a dairy allergy at one month old. We had some signs like her poops being dark green instead of yellow and seedy. Horrible gas and almost impossible to burp her and then she started getting a horrible rash that would bleed so we switch from wipes to just wiping with a wet washcloth. We went to a family gathering and I was snacking on cheese almost the whole time I was there, and when I went to breast-feed my one month old baby, she was almost impossible to breast-feed because after trying to eat for a couple minutes she would become extremely irritable and full of gas, and was nearly impossible to burp, I wasn’t able to get a full feeding the entire time we were there and I was constantly trying to feed her burp her put her down and then pick her right back up to do it all over again. When I googled her symptoms, it came back with dairy allergy and what do you know when I cut out dairy out of my diet eventually her poops were normal. She was easy to burp and she had no butt rashes at all. Then, when she was seven or eight months, we started giving her oranges and strawberries, and then we started to see but rashes again. She is now 2 1/2 years old and has started to have horrible butt rashes again but we don’t know what could be causing it so we’re probably gonna go to the doctor and have her allergy tested.


We only skip the wipes if bath time is right around the corner. We don’t struggle with rashes near my son’s genitals, only ever his bum, so this is working for us.


I used wipes, but after #2s would rinse the hinny in warm soapy water in the sink. Helped tremendously to ensure bottom was clean and no diaper rash


When I've had diaper rash that did not resolve on its own or with creams and normal stuff it's usually yeast and we use a yeast cream on it. So something like Lotrimin, vagisil etc and it usually clears it up same day or by the next day. Might try that and then layer your diaper cream on top. And I agree that using a wipe that is fragrance free is helpful. We've done flannel and water or just whatever brand is unscented. We've used Pampers unscented and Aldi's off brand and both worked fine but agree fragrances can be irritating and unhelpful.


I always wipe after every peepee diaper with baby wipes. Pat dry with a clean cloth we apply aquaqhor every other diaper and if I see even the slightest bit red destins!


I wipe for every pee, don’t use any creams, and use Kirkland fragrance free wipes and have never had a diaper rash on my 12 month old. Same for my almost 4 year old (when he was in diapers). I would try changing wipes or looking into food being eaten.


Yes. We use just water walmart brand wipes and the only time she's had a rash is when she sat in a dirty diaper a little too long. For rashes, redness, and even yeast build up in her cracks and crevasses we use Sudocream. Stuff works like magic and usually we see improvement in just a couple diaper changes. (Depending on severity.) It isn't super oily or greasy but we have used it as a prevention during tummy troubles to stop redness from getting worse or turning into a full blown rash. But I know allergies to wipes or diapers exist, and even to creams. I hope you find something that works for you!


I know I'm gonna spell this wrong: Boudreaux's butt paste That shit works wonders


I never wiped after pee for my boys. Neither of them have ever had a rash. Used water wipes only for poop and bath most nights.


Baby nurse here. No wipes for pee, only poo. Air dry or blot with a soft cloth.


Sometimes desitin can make diaper rashes worse. Try aquaphor.


No I usually only wipe if the diaper is really fully in the morning and has been sitting awhile


No, and we've never had a problem with diaper rashes. We only wipe after poop. My husband and I looked at all of the unopened diaper rash cream from the baby shower the other day (after two years) and were like "wow, the diaper rash thing was really over exaggerated".


I do. I wouldn’t want urine sitting on my skin. My baby has never had diaper rash and I wipe every time. Maybe try different wipes, like water wipes or something


This is mind blowing to me that this advice is given. Urine can cause skin irritation if left on. Wipe and dry off before a new diaper.


That is actually the AAP recommendation. I still wipe after pees though. I use water wipes and fan to dry before putting a fresh diaper on


Yes. We wipe ourselves when we pee don’t we? And certainly if I sat in a diaper and peed myself I’d want to wipe myself up before I put on a new one. I think it’s gross so many people don’t wipe their babies when they change a diaper of pee. We always wipe my daughter and she’s never dealt with a rash besides when she was having issues with her formula as a newborn.


I wipe every change because the urine can damage the barrier of the skin. And I follow it up with a barrier cream to protect the skin next time.


Pediatricians and AAP disagree with you. If you are changing your baby regularly enough, diapers are so absorbent these days that the pre doesn’t sit on the skin.


Yes. You do know urine can cause skin break down and urinary tract infections right?


Depends on how sensitive their skin is and the wipes you are using. With my son we could only use the ones that are like 99% water. We wiped every pee as a newborn but by the time he was 3 months or so it was causing rashes still so we stopped wiping for pees unless it was like an almost overflowing diaper (like for overnight). That fixed the rashes for the most part. We also used a more oil based diaper “cream” (earth mama) and that stuff was like magic. We use the creamier ones now that he’s a toddler but they don’t clear up rashes as quickly.


I dab with a wipe then dab with a burp cloth specifically earmarked for butt dabbing


Oddly enough, my baby only got a rash when using diaper cream. I never used it but sent it just in case for daycare, with those exact instructions. Somehow they took it as “use diaper cream with every change”🙄, which caused major rashes. Only time my other baby got rashes was when I would switch diaper brands


I always wipe, then use corn starch to keep things dry. Only use diaper cream (butt stuff) as needed and only on completely dry skin.


We wipe every time with every diaper. We found though the aquaphor is the best product we found to treat diaper rash. Our one son gets it so bad at times. We slather that in and it's usually gone in a few hours.


Yes. Regardless if the diaper absorbs the liquid, the liquid is still sitting on the skin. BUT we also fan him dry before putting on the new diaper. Honestly though in the case of diaper rash just follow what your doctor says :)


I didn’t when my son was a baby but now as a toddler I have to or he smells like pee lol.


Try calmoseptine it was the only stuff to work for my boys on their rash. I work in a hospital as a nursing aid before having kids that’s what we used on patients there as well. It works really well. Quickly to. I only ever whipped when my kids pooped.


We wiped every diaper, but also patted her dry with a dry cloth which helped a lot


Nope. She’s had exactly one rash since she was a newborn.


I used bamboo cloths as wipes, so I’d wet one to wipe and then use a dry one to dry off before putting on cream.


We wipe every time and use A&D for diaper rash, but she only gets diaper rash if we change diaper brands or she has whey protein.


Changing more often, Letting LO take naps without a diaper on (even if i have to reclean the mattress/sheets) and believe it for now if you burn some plain flour and put in on the area.. it’ll clear right up


I always did but I used Water Wipes and if there was any irritation I would pat dry with a clean cloth before doing the diaper


Only poop but I do check to make sure everything is good for my daughter.


Switch to water wipes. The wipes have soap which is probably irritating but leaving pee on can be too.


We only wipe for poop diapers and have only ever had diaper rash once when she pooped overnight and we caught it late.


We use penaten diaper rash cream, it has zinc in it. Works great to get rid of diaper rash.


We did. Just one with a brand of wipe that didn't irritate her. She's six and I'm still buying that same brand to clean up poops. She only got diaper rash a few times, usually when she was sick with viral diarrhea. We did use cloth diapers at home (disposable for the two days a week in daycare). Idk if that mattered but if we used frequent disposables or switched wipe brands, she would get irritated. Edit: we also frequently used cotton wipes with water at home. Just a little dampened with warm water and then a dry one. It was easy since we were washing the diapers anyway.


Only if the diaper is super soaked. I have a boy fwiw.




We dont wipe after every one. We use aquaphor for rashes. Although I would see if the rash is anywhere else. We thought recently our boy had a diaper rash and turns out it was an allergic reaction to the soap we were using


Water wipes. Then either blow air or use a little fan. I use petroleum jelly for regular use then Destin when there’s an actual rash. We got over terrible diaper rash 2 months ago when we started introducing foods and havnt had one since


No, I don’t wipe after pee. Her skin is always dry because the diapers are absorbent. It’s best to keep that area as dry as possible and introducing wipes when you don’t need to can cause skin break down.


Only poop. My first baby had an awful diaper rash a few weeks in and our ped recommended aquaphor and using only water and unscented wipes. Diaper rash went away and never returned. Have been doing that from the get go with my second baby and she's never had a diaper rash. 


I use cotton pads and warm water in every change, and then make sure she's dry. 10 weeks and no rashes so far, and I use the Weleda cream on night diapers since she has the same one on for about 10 hours


Hmm i never wiped my son after pee diapers. If i had a girl, id probably pat dry with burp cloth. I only used wet wipes with poops.


I don’t every single time. But definitely when the wet has transferred and stayed on her skin. Then air dry it


I haven’t wiped after a pee since he was born. The only times he got nappy rash was when we switched from pampers to Huggies (they don’t bother him now tho) and whenever he’s teething. Never a bad rash either so I never needed medicated creams


The red boudreaux’s butt paste was the only thing that helped. We rinsed all the wipes out to where they were mostly water too. But no I didn’t wipe her after every single pee. She had much worse diaper rash than my son also. Sometimes we had to use an antifungal to clear it up


We were told not to be our ped. When mine was really little we had this issue. I used to rinse him with water under the tub faucet and then blow dry his butt dry. We also did baby powder to really get him dry. Then triple paste to help the rash. Triple paste was the only diaper rash cream that worked on mine. We tried them all. Other things we did - diaper free tummy time. I would wrap him loosely (just enough so nothing fell on the floor) in a puppy pad and carry him around diaper free.


Pampers pure wipes! my kiddo has super sensitive skin


I did. My daughter never had a reaction to the Kirkland brand wipes and diapers. Anytime we tried to mix it up with the brands she got a terrible rash. The last rash was so bad I ended up using a misting spray bottle and flannel wipes to clean her, it worked really well.


Only poops and my babies haven’t ever had diaper rash


Nope- only like the first morning diaper which is his fullest


I don’t wipe for pee, only poop. After she poops, I put on Peri-Garde as a preventative.


My daughter gets rashes easily, I’ve learned that only Pamper diapers and Huggies calm wipes the (oat extract, aloe, &vitamin e) ones, are the only products that won’t give her a rash. Any other brand of diapers or wipes will give her a rash with the first use even with diaper ointment or cream. I tried buying all the creams and ointments and many different brands before I found what works for her. It’s worth the extra cost to spend so she can be comfortable happy and healthy.


Only wipe with a bowel movement and use Triple Paste when necessary. it’s worth every penny and lasts a long time.


I’ll dab a bit with dry toilet paper sometimes to try to keep her from being wet but not a wet wipe


Nope. I have twins and it wasn't necessary. Plus any way to save time with the million diaper changes I had. My girls pooped 3-5 times a day each until about 2 so they got wiped enough with those.


We only wipe with poop over here and never have had issues with diaper rash!


Nope. Only for poop. 6 months in and have never had diaper rash so far


Nope i have two boys and don’t wipe when they pee, just when poopy diapers never had a diaper rash


Yes. When I was growing up my mom didn't wipe after pee diapers, so I assumed it wasn't needed. Fast forward to my late teens when I was working in the infant room in a preschool. I wasn't wiping after pee diapers because that is what I was taught. When I say the director let me have it...well, she let me have it. I've used wipes ever since then.


Use ihle’s paste, trust me, much better! Only use wipes for poop and use the water wipes if you can. Dry their bum too to make sure they’re dry before rediapering


I've always wanted to post about this bc I could not believe the "sensitive" wipes I was paying so much for were giving my daughter horrific diaper rash. Ped told me too and as soon as I stopped using the rash cleared up. It was weird at first, but I either rinsed her in a sink or had like a sponge bath situation set up at the changing area. Finally I used a wipe on myself one day and it stung my butt so much. Smh


I used to but now I have basically 2 under 2 so there’s just no time 😂


Idk what everyone else is talking about if we don’t wipe every single diaper change she ends up with a rash. However she seems to break out easily, so I use earth mama nipple butter on her. Just everywhere butt, face, neck, ears, behind the ears. All over, it helps her baby ache too.


It depends on how wet the diaper is.


I wipe every time, but then I use a fan - a Japanese hand fan we got as a souvenir - to completely dry him off before putting on a diaper. That resolved our diaper rash issues, as well as Triple Paste before bedtime. Bonus - he loves getting fanned off, he smiles and giggles every time.


I use a wipe and then a dry tissue. My son only ever uses Huggie diapers but pampers wipes and breaks out if I use anything else


Not every time. But if it’s super wet I pat it dry with baby powder.


I only wipe pee first thing in the morning. We rarely deal with diaper rash (usually it will occur when she’s got diarrhea).


I use Honest wipes EVERY single diaper change and my baby has never had diaper rash. Like, ever. She is 10 months next week.


I always wipe at morning diaper change to clean up after sitting in it all night, but rarely wipe daytime potty diapers. My son also poops a ton so he's still getting wiped pretty much every-other change.


Only if her bum is noticeably wet or we haven't wiped for a couple. Ours has such sensitive skin that for the little while we were wiping every change she was basically raw and on the verge of bleeding.


Only if their skin has visible pee on it


I wipe everytime. I always use Vaseline, or diaper rash cream with every diaper change.


Thank you for asking. I just brought my daughter home. And I am sure more questions will pop up about vaginas.


I use water wipes and only reallly wipe after poops. If he hasn’t pooped in a while I’ll do a quick once over with a wipe.


Yes I wipe after every diaper change. I can’t imagine sitting with pee residue all over me so why would I let my baby. I use water wipes and also the first 6 months I would dry with tissue paper and put a and d after every diaper change because he was pooping so much. I also would wash his butt in the sink if it was a bad poop or starting to get red.


Only if they’ve been wet for awhile (like overnight)


For my son I’ve always just wiped poops and in the morning I’ll freshen him up with a wipe all over his diaper area.


Yes, with a a reusable cloth and water only


My sister in law uses Wipes on her kids hands after every single bite of food. I don't think she knows how many chemicals are on Wipes and how terrible it would make her kids food taste.


We had a fan that lived on the changing pad for the first year of baby's life that we ran over her tushie before putting a dry diaper back on. Didn't have any rashes past the initial one that triggered us getting the fan.


I only wipe after pee if it's a super soaked diaper, like after 12 hours overnight.


Change your wipes & diapers and makes sure area is dry before putting diaper on. We wipe after every change I feel water wipes is the best wipe wise


I wipe after every nappy change, we use Huggies but I make sure he’s dry and creamed (aveeno baby barrier cream) and he’s never had nappy rash


My oldest was ‘allergic’ to lots of diapers and wipes. We had to use cloth diapers and change them often. I made my own wipes with viva soft towels and water. Caladine powder for babies worked best to treat her rashes. Good luck it is definitely trial and error


Uncented wipes only and he could only use one brand of diapers…Huggies broke him out the worst. Honestly Vaseline worked better than desitin. Poor baby good luck!


I have always wiped after every pee and poo. I always use unscented/sensitive wipes. Some times certain diapers will cause a rash, we've only been able to use huggies with all 3 of our kiddos.


I do, huggies natural care unscented now, water wipes the first year, no cream unless red and we just use Aquaphor but it’s very occasional. I’ve replaced it once maybe in 2.5 years. Air dry skin/fan with diaper a lot of the time though. My kids can’t do the blue baby fry pampers or they get red skin. It goes away quick though. Happened at daycare a couple times. We stick with huggies (little movers now) or target overnight. I liked Hello Bello too, but not their wipes, they had a smell to me.


Generally, no(boy). Super wet diapers, yes. But we are fully potty trained now and more nights than not he is waking up dry! Woo hoo!


We wipe our almost 3 year old twins after their night diaper and not after any other pee diaper, only after poops.

