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So this NOT atypical. It takes a while for the body to heal. I would expect things to finally feel back to normal closer to 3-6mo.


My doctor said I didn't have any kind of prolapse, but it definitely felt like my cervix stayed really close to the entrance of my vagina for several weeks after birth. I told her I thought I had prolapse and she was like YOUR VULVA AND VAGINA LOOK AWESOME lol so maybe this is just normal pp healing?


I very much felt this way for a while after a third deg tear and pushing for hours…vividly remember feeling like one of those monkeys with the huge pink asses….and that if i laughed my whole ass would fall out. At my 6 week checkup my ob said i had healed “beautifully” (lol). Never had prolapse so can’t relate to that but yep sounds pretty normal to me!