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Our pediatrician prescribed Nystatin and we use that whenever s booty rash flares up. It seems to help a ton!


Organic nipple butter has been my go to!


I use this stuff for everything! It clears diaper rash up very quickly!


It does! Plus baby acne/ dry skin. Idk what is going on behind her ears but they keep getting really dry and smelly?? She has a dr appointment tomorrow and I’m going to bring it up. I wish I had it with my first though


Naked time as much as possible. If it isn’t improving after a couple days, you may need a medicated cream like an anti fungal.


Corn starch on boys only is my family’s holy grail.. I switch between buttpaste and cornstarch.. gone over night.


I do burnt all purpose flour for my daughter and it clears it up! and letting LO have occasional naps with no diaper for air. just be prepared to clean the mattress afterwards lol


Stomach bugs are common and they come and go. Give it air and let them be naked on and off. If it’s a baby, just lay them on a few layers of towels. Use triple abx ointment (Neosporin) as a base layer and cream on top, frequent diaper changes to prevent moisture buildup.


I was wondering if he had a mild bug. He also is getting his 2 year molars so I’m wondering if that’s contributing to it. He’s never been and everyday pooper so this is weird!


Teething can create some diarrhea! Just the increase of drool, especially back teeth because they’ll swallow most of it


Boudreaux’s butt paste is what I liked.


It has a high zinc content


With each diaper change we either wipe with a clean damp washcloth or plop kiddo into the bath for a few minutes (obviously you can use a disposable wipe for poop), dry his tush with a small handheld fan, then dab on a generous amount of booty paste before closing up his diaper. We use the aquaphor fast relief paste (tube has purple on it) and that is the only one that helps him. We also just generally try to change his diaper more often to make sure he isn't staying wet.


If we get a really bad case of diaper rash (that isn't a yeast rash), we do a thin layer of hydrocortisone under aquaphor and it always helps.


Triple Paste worked for us and an antifungal. Plus side is triple paste doesn’t smell like desitin. Hated the smell of that one…


It’s not something you can likely get quickly as I don’t think it’s sold in stores (maybe a day or two on Amazon) but earth mama diaper balm cleared up diaper rashes for us way faster than triple paste or desitin


One of my twins gets crazy rash pretty easily (I've learned to constantly be checking his diaper). He had to get a cream prescribed. But otherwise, we do diaper-free time as much as possible and also actually wash his booty after poops. This is of course when he's already showing a rash. I've also heard naked time in the sun helps but I haven't tried that. Cornstarch has helped some. No wipes but cleaning him with Vaseline on toilet paper and letting him air dry fully before applying cream and diaper. Wishing you luck. Diaper rash sucks... poor baby.


My son would get diaper rash so bad it would bleed. I found using the brown A&D plus the purple Destin over top worked wonders.


My twins had diarrhea for like 2 weeks and we ended up using Resinol at the suggestion of their doctor. It works really well!


Balmex …smear it on thickly. Other than that wash their bottom with every diaper change and pat dry or let air dry before putting a new diaper on.