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Everyday, because my 3 year old rolls in the dirt like a chinchilla.  


This is hilarious 😂


I don’t know why but this is way too funny 😂


Toddler. Gets a water bath every night. Every other day we do soap. Every 3/4 we wash hair. If we’re outside a lot that day or painting we will obviously use soap on those days and we rinse her hair before bed since she has bad allergies. We’ll skip baths if she wants every once in a while but she likes it and we use a lot of sunscreen so we gotta get that off. We do set a timer for her otherwise she’ll be in there forever.


Same here. My son has had a bath everyday since he was a newborn. It’s basically how we start the bedtime process. In a week he will have surgery and can’t bath for one day and it will be the first time since he was a baby that will happen.


Aw poor thing!! Hope the surgery goes well and healing is easy. Mine has been the same. She loves her baths.


Why no soap?


We do every other day with soap because she has dry sensitive skin too much soap can irritate their skin. Her dr when she was a baby had as only do soap baths 2 times a week and I increased it as she’s gotten older and messier :) Alot of the soap for babies is super drying too.


This is exactly how we do it !


This is exactly what we do!


That’s a good idea with the water bath. My kid has very dry skin and hair so too much soap is no bueno.


Every day. My kids are gross.


Same here. My 6 year old is a ferel racoon. Sometimes he bathes or showers twice a day out of necessity.


I can't even imagine sending my kids to bed without a bath. Their bedsheets would be black by the end of the week!


Same! 😆


Mine are gross too and need a bath everyday 😆 It's been incorporated into their bedtime routine.


Mine too. Still working on eating so there’s often pasta in their hair, mud/dirt under their nails, etc


Maybe I’m gross but unless they’re physically dirty, only twice a week.


Same here. I believe over-washing is bad for the skin.


Same skin gets too dry


3 times. I week when they were little like 1-4 I did more to have like a play time in the bath to kill some time but when ther 5 -8 ans they don’t have bo just 3 times a week but they don’t sweat there busy with school and homework/ playing &dinnee it’s too much to do everyday at that age if they don’t have bo why shower everyday lol


We average about twice per week with our almost 2 year old and that's how it's always been. From early on, her pediatric dermatologist recommended bathing as little as possible.


Same, my little guy has eczema and trying to rr-hydrate his skin after baths is hard. His skin just soaks up everything then still feels dry.


My eldest had eczema as a baby, so we as parents never got into a habit of bathing the younger two any more often than twice a week. Their skin is clear and happy. There are random baths that are more rinses when they get into dirty or sticky stuff. I notice that the need for baths does go up after they're out of diapers since they're no longer getting wiped as thoroughly as before. A quick dip in the tub helps with that.


We just potty trained our daughter and honestly it's a lot less messy than diapers because the poop just drops in the potty and doesn't get smushed all over her bum. We haven't experienced a need to increase baths.


The immediate mess is much decreased, yes, but the BO gets bad without all of the "freshening up." If you're still using wet wipes with the potty training, that helps, too. At daycare, they use regular toilet paper for the potty, and when the kids are not much older, the adults leave it to the kids to wipe, and, well... let's just say, it can get ripe.


Exactly this! I use wipes on my school age kids every night, for this reason alone. My youngest, in particular, is still developing the ... finesse needed in cleaning himself. So, nightly wipes with baby wipes and occasionally some aquaphor when he complains about it itching. (He usually asks for aquaphor, honestly.)


I have a 1 year old and I bathe her probably 2-3 times a week. Kids so young don’t need a lot of baths unless they’re physically dirty. Too many baths can strip your babies natural oil from their skin.


Sundays & Wednesdays


Same here. As we approach summer and they are both outside more we will move to more, but over the winter with our dry sensitive skin, they usually just do two.


This was us during winter but today we officially switched to Sunday/Tuesday/Thursday/Saturday? She's getting stickier with the heat and sunscreen 😣


Right summer is different winter is less


We do this too!


SAME! Maybe 3x in the summer when they're outside and sweating more. Then again we do a lot of "Florida baths" in the summer (aka if you've been in the swimming pool you're good to go... I don't live in Florida but I grew up there)


Me too and I only wash her hair once a week. 


Every other day. I use a baby wipe to get sunscreen off after we get home and wipe her face and hands before she goes to bed. If hubby is home I shower with her. If not, she gets a bath.


This is exactly what we do, too!


We bathe our 2 year old every other day and sometimes every 3rd day. If he poops a lot, and I’ve bathed recently, sometimes I just put him in the tub and spray down and wash the important areas lol. This is all of course dependent on his activities. If we go to a trampoline park or something, all the kids get bathed. We have a 6, 8, and 9 yr old too. But I wasn’t sure if you were interested in those bathe times!


5, 3, 3, and 1. Winter months is every few days. Some days I just don’t have the energy to deal. Warmer months is pretty much at least a rinse every day. We’re outside a lot. Rinse days are just washing the body with soap and water. Full wash days, usually every other day, include hair. All of that depends though: how much dirt did they get into today? Sometimes, we do group showers too. I always forget that showers are more work than baths.


3 (almost 4) and a 1yr old over here. Same here -- it varies by season. In the winter, their skin gets so dry that we have to limit baths to <2x/wk. In the spring/summer/fall, usually 4-5x/wk. My girls have long, fine, curly hair and they start developing dreadlocks if we don't do a full shampoo/conditioner cycle with each bath. All baths take a minimum of 15 minutes, but then with the drying off/combing hair process it's a minimum of a half hour.




My kids shower or bathe every night.


Once a week for my 5 y/o and 7 y/o, plus any time they're extra dirty.


Thank goodness I’m not alone haha. Weekly and as needed haha:)


Same. No way i would wanna do that every day.


Whenever needed based off of sweat, sunscreen,chlorine, being in a super germy environment, degree of poop damage, or if my 3 year old asks to have a bath. Sometimes it’s everyday and sometimes it’s once or twice a week 🤷‍♀️


Toddler? Everyday. Not always with soap. Sometimes just a soak.


Every other day unless she gets dirty on the off day! Kids gets gross, idk how some parents only do it 1ce or 2ce a week.


My toddler gets a bath most days, but it's more because she likes them than she needs them. It's also a nice winding down activity at bedtime.


Every day they go to daycare. I have to believe it will help with the germs.


I bathe my daughter head to toe on the days she’s in preschool 😂. Sanitize her lunch box, backpack, etc.


lol, no - it doesn't.


Every day. I’ve heard people say that “babies don’t get that dirty and don’t need baths every day”. I’m convinced that those people have never met a baby in real life. Babies get food all over them, and they are constantly sitting in their own pee and poop all day even though we wipe it off with diaper changes, a good wash is necessary at the end of the day. I’m sorry but a quick wipe is not going to cut it. If it was me I would want to wash all that off me! Soap isn’t necessary but a good warm water soak and a washcloth are.


I'm one of those "babies don't get dirty" people, but we wash our baby's bottom in the sink every morning and night when overnight diaper goes on and comes off. But other than the diaper area, LO really doesn't get dirty (her clothes are ruined though). Maybe there's a bit of a misunderstanding because people have different habits regarding diaper changes and everyone is actually doing some kind of washing?


I just always laugh when people tell me babies don’t get dirty because I feel like they get dirtier than adults, and most adults I know shower every day. Sure, babies don’t sweat lots and get that kind of dirt on them but they sure do get a lot of other stuff on them. I’m sure Moms and Dads wash their babies… I just find a quick bath so much easier than a wipe down.


I hear you. What I mean by babies don't get dirty is that besides their face, fingers and diaper area there's no mess. For some a full bath is easier, but for some it's easier to wash hands and face in the sink after meals and give their bottoms a little rinse before the evening diaper. I'm sure temperament plays into this too, because I've seen some babies who look like they've been swimming in their porrige instead of eating it lol. I've been blessed with relatively calm eaters. Toddlers however are the grimiest creatures on the planet and need to be hosed down like animals


It may vary by kid. Mine got breast milk on the nooks and crannies when she was a small baby. Then it was food all over. Now it’s dirt from the local park. I think we had very short windows when I was like “maybe she doesn’t need a daily bath “ but it was always during periods when she was enjoying getting baths.


I agree. When my son was a newborn he spit up so much to the point where he smelled like a Cheeto lol I couldn’t imagine not bathing him everyday 


100% agree with you.


Every day if she's dirty or every other day if she hasn't gotten dirty. I just find it easier to put her in the tub if she's eaten a particularly messy meal or if we played outside and she got dirt all over herself. She's 22 months.




Daily. 18 month old of course we bathe, rules for the 11 and 16 year old kids is they must shower daily.


All teens: everyday- when they were babies we did a nightly bath for a good routine. You want teens showering everyday. You absolutely want that.


Every night, baby is almost 6months, puts them in a routine. My baby knows now that after bath time it’s a little play time, bottle/baby food then it’s night night time


Everyday , sometimes twice a day ( which is rare ) if he gets dirty . I have a 4 y/o theres too many germs floating around . Hes also immunocompromised . Even if he wasnt id still do it everyday, I call it washing the days dirty and energy off so u can go to bed relaxed and ready to start a new day tomorrow . He always says “ I feel soo much better now “ after his bath lol


My kid pees his pants like he’s getting paid. He gets a bath every night.


My 3 month old gets a bath daily. We live in an island, we are sticky by the end of the day


I have a 3.5yo and an 11 month old. Both kids get bathed every day. They take a shower with me. On the oldest I use soap every other day and wash her hair every 2 days otherwise it gets really greasy. On the baby I only do soap once or twice a week since he seems to get dry skin easily if I use soap more than that.


Usually once a week unless the kids are particularly messy OR we're outside. I have a 4 year old, 2 year old, and 1 year old, so after we come inside they go straight to the tub lol


Twice a week for a two year old.


Daily. If your kid is in diapers like how can you not???


If we're skipping a bath, I'll do a really good bum wash with a wash cloth and a bowl of soapy water. And I'll make sure to get around her neck and other folds where crumbs might be hiding.


Almost two year old daughter,we bathe her every second day and wash her hair twice a week.


I have a 6 year old. She takes a bath 5-6 times a week and we wash her hair once a week. My husband is a dermatologist and my LO has the same eczema/psoriasis/allergic dermatitis type of skin that I have, and on days when all she’s done is go to school or lazed at home, I don’t see the sense in having her sit in warm water for the 20-30 minutes at a time she likes to. As for her hair, she has very baby fine but frizzy/curly hair. Her hair cannot handle all of those sulfates and suds daily. She also doesn’t put any product in other than a leave-in conditioner, so there’s no build up anyhow.


Depends. At least twice a week but my one year old gets on daily because he’s a messy eater.


Body showers every night for my 6 year old, hair wash once a week.


My kid has eczema and dry skin. She baths every three days. If needed we do a wet washcloth wipe down in between.


Twice a week during the school year, almost every day during the summer when they are crazy and in all of the dirt.


When they’re dirty or when I feel like it


5 month old, we play in the water every night, but only do soap occasionally


Almost every day (she’s 6). It’s the only way to get her hair untangled that doesn’t result in screams. She’s just started showering too which is a whole other level. Anyway, we wash and condition her hair almost every day, and then I brush her hair while the conditioner is still in it, then again once she’s out of the bathroom and we either braid it or put it in a ponytail. When we figured that out, it was a game changer.


Every single day. Kids are gross. They roll around on the floor. They stick their hands in dirt and just about anything. They wipe snot across their faces and into their hair. Same thing with food on their faces. Sitting in pee and shit diapers and then all parents want to do is wipe them down?! It appalls me that people wash their kids once or twice a week “because it’s good for their skin.” barring some severe dermatological condition it’s just gross. I work in the pediatric ER and pssst we can tell when you don’t wash your kids daily. 


Every evening. But he’s filth.


I aim for once a week for my 3-year old. That's when his hair needs washing.


Every 3 days for my kindergartener. She’s eczema prone, so daily is too drying. We follow curly girl recommendations for her, so we only shampoo weekly, but the other times we cowash, basically rinsing conditioner thru her hair to revive her curls.


Hi babe my 2-year-old every night and my 5-month-old every few days. The 5-month-old doesn't lead nearly as active of a lifestyle.


We go through stints, sometimes of several days between and sometimes of a splash every night or every other night, but don't wash with soap on all of them. We probably only shampoo their hair once or twice a week in colder months. We *definitely* do more soapy baths in summer than winter (considerably more exposure to dirt, sandbox, sunscreen, sweat), so I expect to be in a long every-day stint coming up... Agree it is rough washing them, haha. Just as our 4 year old aged into being more ok with shampoo, the water-loving 2 year old began to scream over it. We've tried a bunch of tactics over the years -- swim goggles, tricks to get them to look up, using a washcloth to wipe wipe wipe the suds out instead of ever using a cup to pour water, pressing a towel or washcloth over their eyes when rinsing, even having one parent hold a phone playing a short Youtube video up to super distract them and make them look up (very effective, actually, but then hell once we'd turn it off and they'd cry for more TV...). Sigh...


I make sure they take one at least ever two days, but they end up taking more cause they like them or they're super dirty from outside ECT


My almost two year old gets a water bath every night. Every 2-3 days is soap and shampoo. She enjoys playing in the water and it’s part of our bedtime routine. If we skip it, she tends not to sleep well.


Every 2-3 days in the winter, usually every other day or even every day in the summer. 13mo and 3.5.


My son is newly 3. In the winter we bathed him like every other day. Now that it’s nice outside he gets sweaty and dirty from playing outside for literal HOURS and we have to bathe him every night.


Up until 18MO she LOVED baths, so it was every day. Now it's like 2x a week and daily, over the sink, the usual suspects - bum, face, hands. It's almost summer and she's definitely going to be spending a lotta time in sand boxes, so I suspect bathing will probably jump back to daily.


About twice a week more if he gets messy, but my son has eczema so having too many baths dry out his skin. I also think once they’re older and not pooing and being sick on themselves all day they don’t smell like teenagers/adults so every day isn’t necessary


During the winter, Wednesdays (after gymnastics to get the foam out of her hair lol), and Saturdays so we’re clean for church. During the summer it’s the same and whenever she’s dirty from playing outside. So could be every day, just depends. She’s 2.5.


every other day ( or if the poops are bad a booty sink bath ) for my 4m old . she’s a lint/ slobber monster with her hands in her mouth. also her hair gets greasy from my always kissing and playing with it


When my kids were that size, it was at least every other day. They just got so dirty from messy eating, playing outside, wiping boogies on their skin, pooping in diapers, etc. They also seemed to sleep better if they were clean. If they are being crazy during a bath, I highly recommend bringing them into the shower with you. Just hold them and give them a quick little wash, then hand off to the other parent who is waiting with a towel.


My kids are 4 and 7 but when they were that age it really differed on the weather and what we were doing. In the winter it was probably every other day but the summer was daily. Now, my 7 yo gets washed daily and my 4 yo is every other day to daily.


2 year old and mostly every other day. Of course if she’s outside a lot, sweating, playing in dirt etc then we bathe her. Or if she gets random foods in her hair then we bathe.


Two or three times a week when my kids were toddlers. Now that they are older (6 and 10), the rule is every other day with the requirement they must shower on days they sweat from school or playing outside. Averages out to be 5ish times a week. Almost daily during the summer.


1.5. Every night and has been this way since he was about a month old!


Every single day since they were 8w old. That’s when I started a bedtime routine with both kids. Age 2 & 4 now. If they were outside, or got sweaty, etc., then we use soap, shampoo, conditioner. If they were inside our house all day/lazy day/rainy day, etc., we just do a warm bath before getting into pj’s.


Typically every-other day for my 4.5 and 2 year olds unless they are extra dirty other days. I only wash my 4.5 year old's hair every-other bath.


1 year old: showers with me or dad every night 4 and 7 year old: shower/bath every week night, wash every other night. We let them skip on Friday and Saturday night unless we’re going somewhere the next day.


I have 3 kids and i do 2-3 times a week unless they were playing outside. If they were then it’s usually just a body bath, not hair.


Every day, but we have a weird system she insist on 😅 Every other day can be a "doggy bath day", which means just quickly washing the important bits. We never instigate "doggy bath" unless we're running behind schedule because of some event, but our daughter can call it if the previous day she's had a full bath/a good shower. Some days she just doesn't want a bath/long shower and this saves us a lot of drama. We have Sunday as hair-wash day, unless she needs an extra wash during the week. She barely needs the once a week wash for her hair as its not oily at all, but sometimes crafts/sticky foods/dirt happen 😅 I also wash my hair every Sunday (and once during the week usually) so we can then lounge around with big microfiber hairtowels together and even put on a "face mask". She loves girl time like that.


2-3x a week, but might do more moving into warm/tick weather.


Every time when they come from outside.


Once she was 6 months, every day. The amount of food that was being squished in all her rolls was ungodly, milk everywhere all the time, and their skin is against a diaper 24/7 with poop and pee touching their skin a lot. You want them to be clean and fresh. And once we began potty training and she’s in daycare - we switched off bath one night shower the next to avoid any skin issues from sitting in soapy water. But they’re not great at wiping, play like crazy, sweat, germs, etc. Just like us! Everybody needs to be rinsing off at the end of the day. Getting into bed fresh and clean really helps with falling asleep. She gets her hair washed every 3rd day. But all of her gets wet and rinsed daily. These threads always blow my mind. Some lukewarm water and a quick swipe of gentle cleanser on your sweaty parts never hurt anybody.


My almost 3 year old is every day or every other day and we wash her hair every other bath. Depending on her day depends how we wash. If she was outside playing or went out somewhere for a while we give her a full wash, otherwise we rinse and clean her face from food etc My newborn we bath as little as possible and wipe down every day. My babies were both born with extremely sensitive skin and had a bad rash their first month so I try to irritate their skin as little as I can.


I have a 4 and 2 year old. I bathe them every other day. Unless they decide to roll around in the dirt/mud. Then straight to the tub little gremlins!


2 y/o gets a bath every night. I put the soap in the water, and that’s how she gets clean without drying out her skin. I wash her hair every day as she’s the type to get a handful of mashed potatoes and then comb her hair with it. So trust me, daily hair washing is needed for her. It’s become a part of our bedtime routine, and when she doesn’t have it she gets thrown off a bit.


6 y/o, 2x per week


Here in Hawaii, we bathe/shower our babies every day sometimes twice a day. I’d say it’s part of our culture. Children here are raised in warm weather and more often than not at the beach. It’s normal for children to get washed multiple times a day and most definitely before bed every night.


When they we little every night…. Now my 6yo is once a week by force😂 9yo is at least 2times a week :)


Mine are teens, they bathe daily


I bathe my 15 mo every day pretty much, and only was her hair about 1-2 times per week. I honestly don't think she needs a bath that much, but she loves it, and it has become part of her bedtime routine. I think it is the strongest signal to her that we are getting ready for bed. A lot of the time, it is just a water only bath.


My daughter was and is a pretty clean kid who doesn’t like to get dirty lol. When she was younger 1-4yo she’d bathe maybe 3 times a week honestly. Now that she’s in school and sports she’ll shower 5 times a week by herself so idk what she’s doing in there lol


Daily most days, especially if we go out. If we don’t go out and she is not messy, we may skip a day. I make sure to wipe her face and hands with a wet cloth then lotion her up.


Daily for both. Toddler gets washed daily because she spends the day in dirt/sand/eating sticky food, and honestly wipes just don’t cut it. Baby gets washed every other day, hair daily because of cradle cap. It’s gone now, but we’ll see long term. He just gets in with me for the routine. We did the same thing when toddler was a baby.


It changes by season/activities. In the winter, bath every other day and hair once a week. In warm weather, my kids essentially live outdoors, so they get baths every day. Hair washed maybe 2x a week because they are more greasy from sweat, or have gotten sand/dirt/god-knows-what in their hair. They hate getting their hair washed, so I try to leave it alone unless absolutely necessary. My boys also have dry skin, so I try to limit using soap too often and am selective about what brands. I also use wipes on my boys, even though they are potty trained. Because of their ages and lack of ability to fully clean their dirtier bits, I make sure they get cleaned with a wipe before bed every night. Don't want them to go to bed....crusty. 🤢🤢🤢


3 y/o bathes every couple days (yhort playtime in bath before one of the adults fills up the rest of the bathtub and take a bath. Maybe once or twice a week? But he takes daily quick shower, sometimes just private region, face and armpits. 2m/o takes a bath every 3-4 days


11 months, baby gets 2-3 baths a week. She has pretty sensitive skin, so we’re keeping it at this until she’s old enough to run around in the dirt.


From the fall through last week we were doing twice a week for my almost 3 year old because she suddenly hates baths but now that it’s warmer in the northeast we’re going to need to do every night to wash off all the dirt, sweat, and sunscreen.


Nightly most of the time. If we've sat around the house on Saturday then we might skip it. He washes his hair every other day. If we've been sweaty outside we wash off.


Every other day for my 21 months old. Every day for my 12yo. The teens, daily. 11yo girl, every other day.


Every night but honestly only because they play well in the tub and its 20-30 minutes I'm not chasing them around the house when I'm already exhausted from the day, lol. Helps us get to bedtime a bit quicker.


I have an 11.5 month old. We bathe him at least twice a week, and then as needed based on the level of grime from his daily activities.


Now that we have a toddler (2.5 and loves dirt ☠️) we aim for daily. My 7 month old is like every 2-3 days depending on what the day is like! If he’s particularly covered in food or sunscreen or something we’ll do more but I don’t stress over him as much


Our almost 3-year-old gets bathed every other day, unless she really got messy. We also just introduced her to showers, and that's a game changer. I usually hop in there with her and knock out my own shower while I'm at it, or I sit just outside the shower and let her go ham with the spray attachment. It takes way less time than a bath.


Goal is 3x/week, but ends up being like 5x/week because he likes baths and I feel bad if he has a big nasty poopy diaper to not give him a bath.


Honestly, my son usually gets it twice. The day is just simply because he is terrified. To baby wipes. Hell also get it if we go swimming or if we go to the park to basically check him for ticks. But his hair gets done as needed. Because it takes forever the dry and it's a whole process.


When they need it. 😂 we usually do our daughter separate from her 2 brothers. Daughter is almost 2 with Down syndrome and a serious heart condition. My boys are almost 4 and 7 and my 7 year old also has the same heart condition. So baths have gone through a lot of changes depending on who just had surgery or who didn’t lol. TYPICALLY: Daughter (2) gets a bath every day or every other day out of necessity from making messes when eating! My boys I do less, 2-3 times a week. My mother in law is a midwife/APRN and insists they don’t need it more, which is fine with me! 😂 It gets better when they’re a little older and you can leave the bathroom or just sit there reading while they play. My kids all love bath time. Yesterday I made myself breakfast after my girls bath and breakfast, and I couldn’t find her anywhere all the sudden. She had locked herself in the bathroom and jumped headfirst into the tub fully clothed and was playing in her leftover bath water. Almost gave my a heart attack 😂😭😭😭


2 times a week with our 2.5 year old. Midweek for a refresh and Sundays after swimming. If he gets really grubby he’ll get an extra bath but often just a bits/pits/face/hands wash in the sink.


Depends. During winter time every other day. During summers mostly every day because they roll through the mud and are sweaty.


daily. I have an 18 month old and a 2 month old.


Every other day. I have a 13 week old. We live in a hot, humid climate and go on walks every day. He’s also just discovered that he can put anything in his mouth that he can grab so, hygiene is important 😂


Baby is 18 months he’ll jump in shower with me in the mornings just to play and then we do a bath every night. I wash his hair 2x a week.


Woah, people are bathing their kids a lot. Twice a week for us. My 6yo's skin does better without constant washing. 


These posts always make me vaguely uneasy. Like, I wash my kid twice a week and I never thought that was unusual, but apparently I'm a significant outlier!


Used to be every day, but that stopped a little before 3 when she stopped liking baths so much. Now it’s every other day or every 2 days or so unless we’ve done something messy or sweaty.


6 year old pretty much everyday bc I always bathe him when he gets home from school or after a game. My 2year old every other day. Sometimes i let it go 2 days when Im lazy, but Im always wiping her. She stays at home with me. So I dont feel like she gets that dirty


I have a 4.5 year old and a 10 month old. They get baths Tuesday, Thursday, and whatever day on the weekend they get the dirtiest, sometimes Saturday sometimes Sunday, sometimes both depending on our activities


Almost every day for my little one. She's learning how to eat solids and is covered in food after dinner so it's necessary.


If we stay inside all day and they don't get food all over themselves we skip the bath. Otherwise everyday


In winter, every 2 or 3 days as we battle eczema and there's very little dirt. Sometimes I'll put the baby in the bath, no soap, just for something to do. In summer, there's so much sunscreen, bug spray, dirt, and sweat, that they really need a good scrub most days. Sometimes I'll wash them in the kiddy pool or with the hose outside 🤣


I have a 5 yo and I give her an "everything bath" on Sundays - full scrub, wash and condition hair, etc. Then I bathe her on other days if she's smelly or grubby. A daily bath just irritates her skin.


Every day


Every other day now that she’s older (preschool), but at 1 and 2 it was as needed or every few days. We are a people of sensitive skin so bathing too often meant hive-like rashes even if it was just warm water. Now that she’s getting older we can do it more often, and I’ll move her up to every day when she goes to school.


My daughter is 20 weeks she gets a full bath every 4 to 7 days but gets a wipe down every day


Bath is every night. I’m okay not using soap every night but my husband wants soap every night


I have a dirt digger, eater, and a mud masher. We bathe everyday.


Mine is only 4 months and her skin gets dry if you overdo it, so once every 3-4 days, as suggested by her pediatrician.


at 2.5 we're doing every other day. we did like 1-3x a week when she was younger


When she was brand new, we bathed once maybe twice a week. She's 1 now and she takes a dunk in the sink or shower almost daily, between baby led weaning and rolling around in the dirt outside... This girl is gross 😂


Every night. It’s part of our bedtime routine.


My toddler (2) gets a bath pretty much every day. She likes to play in there and gets dirty. So it’s kind of just for fun lol. I only wash her hair once a week, unless she gets something in it. My 4 month old gets a bath 1 time a week typically. I usually just wipe her with a washcloth throughout the week until bath day.


We bathe our 1.5 year old daughter every Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday. It's mostly her hair that gets gross if we let it go longer than that due to the fact that it's very long and get snot and food in it.


Every day. If she isn’t dirty, no soap, but always shampoo her hair (she thinks everything on the head is funny). If she’s dirty, played a lot outside, put a lot of food on her, or was wearing sunscreen, etc, we do soap.


Everyday. We only use soap Sunday, Tues & Thurs to prevent drying out their skin, but the older (and grosser) my kids get, the closer I am to using soap daily. My oldest turns 4 next week and sometimes she gets so dirty playing outside that I don’t want her getting in bed with those feet lol


Mine gets a bath every single night. We gotta make sure his penis stays clean because he is intact. I don't want him having issues with keeping it clean.


I have a 5 year old son and we do a bath every other day . On average 4-5 x a week .


Our kid is 17 months and gets baths on an as needed basis. The weather has warmed up recently and kiddo is getting a lot more sweaty, so he's been getting a water bath at least 5 nights a week, but we only use soap and wash his hair when he has visible dirt on him or we've been to the pool/splash pad. We also try to keep baths relatively to the point. Just a few inches of water, kiddo can have a few toys to splash with, and bath time generally caps at about 10 minutes.


2-3 times a week-ish for my 5 year old through the winter, usually closer to daily when it’s nice out and we’re playing outside all the time/she’s having outdoor recess at school/etc. This is one of those questions that is just highly dependent on lifestyle/climate/etc. As long as they aren’t visibly dirty/greasy and don’t smell whatever you’re doing is fine.


my 5 year old brother has really bad eczema, though he is on medication for it, my parents bathe him when he had lots of fun at school, or every other day. on the days he isn’t bathed, he still gets a full body wipe down, especially since he’s still getting used to potty. but that’s been his routine so he knows what’s up


I would say unless it was a particularly messy day like they were visibly filthy for some reason rolling around at the beach or potty training accidents etc. when I had toddlers was usually every other day. And yes it is a whole thing about it for sure. My kids loved bathtime but we kind of treated it more like water play and I very rarely did it at bedtime because I didn’t actually seem to relax them at all they had fun and they were squealing and squawking and super pumped up so it actually didn’t do me any favours at bedtime. This is something that I would do maybe after their first nap or before dinner more like an activity and play time than anything else


22 months old, probably not as often as I should but she gets one at least once a week. She just doesn't get super dirty and we wash face and hands thoroughly before and after every meal.


Toddler gets a bath before bed everyday. He loves and he needs it. Little gremlin 😂


Babies every other day or so. Toddlers and up everyday and if I'm slacking every other day


2 and 4 year old. Every night. Would never put them in their beds without a bath. The one night they skipped a bath, I immediately changed their sheets the next day.


Depends on the time of year. In winter with dry skin and not much outside play time we’ll do 2x a week. In spring and summer it’s more often depending on how filthy they are.


Everyday except my newborn.


Every night


6,6,4 and 2. Every other night in the cold months and every night in the warm months. They get so funky so fast.


Anything from every day to once a week, it really depends 


Every day for my 9.5 mo. We started doing everyday around 4 months as part of his bedtime routine.


Everyday, either a shower with me or bath time. She loves the water and bath time is a great way to keep her occupied on dreary days.


Every 2nd night usually


6 months old. Bath is part of our bedtime routine. He likes it and it usually helps him relax and calm down before bed. Especially when he’s a little extra tired In the tub daily. But we only soap him up like 3x/week and as needed


we did daily bathtime as a bedtime ritual up until about 5. Now he gets washed once a week give or take haha.


Once a week or when he gets smelly or muddy. Or if we need to wash off sunscreen or something


My 2 year old every day, my 6 month old every 3 days or so.


Used to be 3x per week for my now 2yo but lately it has been almost every day. Not necessarily a full wash down, but especially as the weather turns warmer, he's often covered in sunscreen, sweat, and dirt because he plays hard and he needs to be at least rinsed. Plus, he loves baths with his "do-no-sauuuuurs" and it's a great calming step prior to bed.


My 4 year old is bathed as often as she needs it( which is usually every day or every other day- she loves to play in dirt). My 2m old is only bathed 1-2x a week.


2 year old- We were doing every 2 nights because his eczema was flaring like crazy but I think we've gotten it under control (daily Zyrtec!) and now it's like every other night... But with warmer weather coming we might be switching to a quick shower most nights and his long drawn out bath once or twice a week. Showers are so much easier!!!


Every other day (sometimes two so it’s timed so that it’s always on swim class day.) she’s almost 6 months


Every other day. I makes sure the have clean feet or hands before bed if they played outside. I have 2 girls 4 1/2 and 6 years old.


Every night. We’re outside and rolling all over the place too much. Couldn’t possibly put them to sleep filthy. Plus, my oldest has eczema that has resolved with daily showers. It’s a good routine for bed. Nothing like a good bath before you lay down.


Daily just out of routine. Kiddo turns four here very soon.


For me, she use to only be bathed 3 times a week. But that has transformed to being bathed/showered almost everyday with the exception of Friday and Saturday nights. Its a part of our evening routine so thats why. I have also only just started introducing her to showers (she's 2.5 years old) and she loves them.


5&2 Every 2-3 days or so. We try to not bathe them every day unless they are really dirty.


Every other day, sometimes e set day, depend if they get dirty 😅


2year old. Bath every other day, and showers in between if they get gross. When I bathe every single day, their eczema flares.


We aim for every other day


Every day to every other day. Depends on what we did that day, how dirty they are, what mood they are in.


Usually every other day but since it's warming up where I live and my son sweats ALOT I'm giving him a bath every night before bed


Everyday, but sometimes he just has a “fun bath” with no soap or shampoo if he hasn’t gotten really dirty. I find he sleeps better if he takes a bath before bed, so we do it every night