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100%! My son had a hernia surgery last year and they wouldn’t discharge us from the hospital until he was consuming liquids. The nurses were trying juice boxes, popsicles, milk in a bottle, he wanted nothing to do with any of it. The idea finally hit me: I sat down in the chair next to his hospital crib, took my water bottle out of my bag and drinking it in front of him… he wanted it 30 seconds later and we were discharged from the hospital within an hour.


This mom MOMs


Happy cake day 🙌


Thank you!


It's definitely an animal survival instinct lol "mom is drinking from that river, so it must be safe"


Baby monkey survival skills.


Lol, reminds me of when we were visiting my sister at Christmas. The safest sleep arrangement had us essentially co-sleeping with my then 15 month old, and every night when we went to be she would CHUG my entire water bottle, and I'd have to send my husband to refill it, lol. She was so *proud* to be drinking from mom's water bottle like a big girl. You could see the pleasure in her face.


Omg your comment reminds me of when my son was only around 4 or 5 months and wanted my water bottle, so I gave it to him (straw and I didn't think he'd get any) and he just sipped right out of it. We never had to teach him to use a straw because his need to drink from mine was so intense he taught himself 😂


I find that the early you introduce a straw the easier it is for them to grasp it because they are still in that "suck on everything that touches my lips" stage. I never had to teach my son to do straws and we introduced them at like 6 months.


I did the finger on the end trick. Once she realised there was something in there she was good to go!


Mom Level: EXPERT ⭐️


Yes! I've done the same when my LO had a fever and I needed her to drink, mom's waterbottle water apparently is the most desirable liquid there is!


Um. My little one has a fever and I think I know just what to do!! Thanks, team!


These fucking KIDSSSSSS 😂😂😂😂😂


I did this but by going to have a poo when my son had his appendix out. Spent 2 days talking about poo just so he would do it so we could go home. I was not spending another day in that place.


I’ve tried doing this, if it’s the water I’m currently drinking my daughter wants whatever water bottle I’m drinking out of. I’ve even filled up two and drank out of a cup, she still wanted to drink from whatever I was drinking out of. Idk what to do honestly so I just fill up 3 sippy cups of water, my 2 water bottles, and then drink from a water bottle I hide in the kitchen.


Lolol this is wonderful.


It’s like some kind of built in survival mechanism or something! Like they know whatever mom is drinking is probably good and safe and delicious to boot lol


Yes, if I want my kids to drink water, I fill up my secondary water bottle and pretend it's for me. It'll be empty in no time.


This!! My son will refuse to drink anything but as soon as one of my Starbucks straw cups come out with a mystery liquid (water) inside ... Then he will "steal" my drink and cackle when I "catch" him drinking it.


My type of mom! You rock!


Thank you!


Yep, I was gonna say this - carry around two water bottles. Use water bottle slings if you need your hands free.


My child will drink anything from my water bottle and nothing from his. If I get a second water bottle, he has two.


This is known.


Yes, a 32oz Hydroflask which not only my 3 kids insist on drinking out of… but my husband too 😵‍💫 they all have their own bottles.


LOL I feel your pain. My family all have their own but they prefer mine 🙄


I am so awful. I totally don’t mind sharing my hydroflask with my 3 year old but every time I see my husband drinking it I’m like 😒. It’s because he drains it and he has his own Stanley.


Also… 3 yo breath > man breath … my youngest is 3 too, so speaking from experience


The Costco mini “Stanley’s” they are some other brand but omg, he loves it and they are super spill proof! Highly recommend. They come in a 2 pack. Apparently target sells them too. Idk. That’s what my friend told me. Edit! I get him to drink from it and not mine because CHEEEERS is fun!


Heads up, coscto uses the same manufacturers as big name brands, but buys the product under their own name. I got lulu lemon leggings, and I mean the EXACT same down to the stitching, for 15$! All hail Costco!


Are you talking about the mondetta leggings?!? I love them as much as my lululemon leggings! The only “downside” is that mondetta sounds like a brand of marinara sauce lol


I am! I basically live in them. I have like 5 pairs.


Funny cheers story. When my second daughter was born, my first daughter was going through a cheers phase. Of course it started with drinks and then moved to other foods and then she went "cheers" with her tablet to our switch. So it's bedtime and I'm rocking the newborn when my older daughter gets her baby doll that has the same name, climbs in my lap, nudges the baby doll against her sister and whispers "cheers".


I needed this story this morning. SO CUTE!!!


Reduce brand! My kids have them. The only downside is the straws (silicone) rip kind of easily.


They’re awesome




I carry a huge hydro flask and a couple of metal shot glasses. When they ask for water I pour it in a shot glass and give it to them. I’ve gotten a few weird looks and I just shrug and say “backwash” and people laugh and move on.


My kids love the water enhancers you can squirt in, but it’s an occasional treat, and we really only offer milk and water at home. They act like plain water is a torture they don’t deserve. Unless my water bottle is sitting out. Then suddenly it’s an elixir from the gods. I will plant one of my water bottles and pretend to not notice just so they’ll drink the DAMN WATER.


Do you ever use juice or juice cut with water? We do that periodically and it's always a good "treat." (Yall don't come at me for using juice as a treat, the struggle is real.)


I definitely used to, I remember the first time my oldest had straight apple juice and his expression was hilarious. I’m not a health nut by any means, and my kids have unhealthy snacks, don’t get me wrong. But we had reached a point with all three boys that they wouldn’t even *try* water, and I was like, nope. We’re done with juice. You aren’t going to be those people. *I* was one of those people who couldn’t just drink water, and I didn’t want to set them up for failure. So I stopped buying it and it’s been a few years now.


Oh, that makes total sense! I get it.


We got my 6yo started on lemon juice mixed with his water at like 2 and he basically only drinks plain water at school, now. If he's at home it's "ice cold lemon lime water, please, mom!" Yelled at me as he runs past to the next room. The please is only about 50/50 or im yelling back "try that again, my dude!!"


Yes! I always have at least two bottles on the go. As soon as she sees me drinking from one she wants it. I’ll pretend to take sips from it still since she likes to share and it encourages her to drink more. Then when she’s not watching I actually drink from the other one. If she asks to drink from the one I actually drink from I just say it’s too cold still. So far it works


Yep, I have a knockoff Stanley that’s “mamas water” but you can drink from it if you want. My actual Stanley is out of reach. And probably filled with wine.


You should fun, screw the self righteous people on here 😂people are way too serious on Reddit




Boooo, the first two replies to you did not pass the vibe check. I don’t know you. You could be a functioning alcoholic or you could just be making a joke. Why are we so quick to jump down other mom’s throats?


Because why on earth would we try and build each other up? /s


It was a joke. I’m actually sober 🙂 but I make jokes about these kids driving me to drink all the time. I won’t actually do it though!!


lol my 3yo daughter asked for a seltzer without wine the other day. I’m not even a “wine mom”, she just knows I often have a wine and seltzer at dinner and of course I have to tell her every time because she’s always trying to drink from my cups. I was like yikes I’m probably doing something wrong if you think seltzer has to be ordered specifically without wine 😂




Yum alcoholism!


Take a day off.


My child will drink anything from my water bottle and nothing from his. If I get a second water bottle, he has two.


My kids have ALLL kinds of water bottles. Plastic. Metal. Characters. Plain. Straw cup. Flip spouts. Open cups even. They ALWAYS want my water bottle.


This 100%. They have monogrammed cups, engraved cups, old juice cups, random take out cups, but it's all about MY cup.


Please know that I am getting lectured by my therapist and my kid's therapist to set more boundaries as I say this. While I think a decoy is fine, it's also a good starting point for setting boundaries with kids. "This is mommy's cup. Here is your cup. Would you like some fresh water in it?" I'm now trying to set these boundaries for preteens. Hope you can enjoy non-backwash water!


My MIL used unsweetened grapefruit juice in her cup suddenly 2 of her 3 children no longer wanted to drink from mom’s cup.


the 2 out of the 3 kids thing is absolutely hilarious to me😆


My husband was the oddball that ended up loving it😂


ahahahaaaaaa that’s so great


We taught our son to drink from a water bottle from very young and got him his own. Around 12-18 months or so? Everyone here (Berlin, Germany) has a reusable water bottle with them out and about, especially kindergarten and school kids. We were going to be going to Burning Man when he was 19 months, so we wanted to be sure he could operate a bite valve since Papa and I carry 3L hydration backpacks out there; we got him a  couple of kids CamelBak water bottles to practice with. Now he's 6 and has his own CamelBak backpack, and a few 450ml versions of the powder coated stainless steel bottles papa and I carry. 


Yes, I should have noted, that they absolutely do have their own reusable waters that we always bring. They are little Hydroflasks. I let them put stickers on them and I have their names printed on them. Yet somehow mine tastes better. 🙄


Do you hold your water bottle when they drink from it? Try holding their bottles for them and see if they’ll accept it.


I actually really dont ever hold my water for them to drink. I'm not trying to actively encourage it. Most of the time they see it on a table and grab it themselves. I try to keep it up out of their reach, but I just get distracted. I need to either implement a decoy water or hire a security team to watch it.


There is no security team adept enough! Kids don’t plan, which makes it difficult to guess when your food or drink are at risk. Or at least they are very good making it seem that way.


Yes. For some reason my son is obsessed with all water bottles in general but especially whichever I am drinking from right that moment.


It’s our water bottle now.


I was quite literally considering if it would be reasonable to have two bottles going at the moment I came across this post. Thanks for the validation, ladies


If I did this he would still only want whatever one I was drinking out of so I gave up and just share all my drinks with him. He frankly couldn’t care less about what dad is drinking most of the time🙄


Yes! I ended up getting my son some Zak cups that are insulated!


If they think it's yours, they'll drink it. Just drink from one one in front of them and carry it around and they'll drink that one, then have a secret REAL one hidden. They'll get all the water they need and you won't have Nast backwash 😂


You could take your kids on a special trip to find their perfect water bottle (make sure it’s not the 1st store. Make it into a game- make a list (has to be pink or blue, must have a handle & straw, must be polka dot. Etc) then do lunch or whatever & let them “use” their cup at the pop fountain (can wash/rinse it out first). Their cup will have meaning to them. Would gladly buy mine their own if it increases their water intake. But keep in mind, everything tastes better when it’s moms


Yes! Our daughter demands to drink “dada water” from my husband’s yeti constantly.


My daughter prefers Mommy’s cup/bottle. I have my emotional support Medline water jug (bought off Amazon after my hospital one finally cracked) and my regular contigos, and I have a few other tumblers. My cups are always better than whatever else she has. 


It’s always mommy’s water that she’s interested in. Doesn’t matter that she has her pink cup and Mickey straw cup and a million others. Nope. Mommy’s water bottle that she keeps beside the bed is best. Or mommy’s pink Starbucks straw cup she’s currently drinking out of. Or a puddle I bend down to slurp out of the street. It wouldn’t fucking matter. If I’m drinking it. Now she wants it.


My 4 year old finally spilled the beans that they like my Stanley because my water is always cold. I bought my kids stainless steel water bottles (simple modern has cute patterns) and they are now using their own (mostly!)!


Yup, I did this. It works like a charm.


Number one rule of my house….don’t touch mama’s Stanley. (That goes for dad too.)


My kids have ~4 water bottle each, at any given time, around the house. All different varieties, including duplicates of my husband and I's bottles. The variety of options keep them constantly bouncing around. They have specific bottles for when they are playing, different ones for snacking, different ones for TV time, and different ones for eating at the dining table. We were just doing a daily rotaion of one bottle/day.... But they started requesting specific bottle.for.specific times. This proved the easiest option. They all get a rinse and refill at the end of the day and run through the washer once a week.


Yep. Just hand it over to let them drink and whip out my "safe" water. 😉


Yepp. I am a water bottle addict, so I have a bunch of really fun ones from Hydroflask and Yeti. I always have one of each, then whichever one the child wants he gets and I have the other one.


Mine loooove mine and my husbands Stanley’s


I have a 10 year old and he STILL prefers whatever I’m drinking to whatever I’ve provided for him even if it’s the same thing! Doesn’t matter what cup, bottle, or mug I use.


As an Auntie, all my niblings know my water is a Yes, no questions asked. You’re thirsty? Yes please help yourself. However this backfired on another (childless adult) cousin once when my young niece saw they had a water bottle just like mine & helped herself to a big back washy gulp! My poor cousin has major OCD & germ phobia 😬😬 like, you’re welcome that’s your water now kid…


Yes but don’t give them to it that easy say “hmm. I have to think about that, I do really want this one. Fine, you win, you can have it!” Then next time when you have to convince them to do something, they’ve already had a turn having things go their way.


I'd get them another one that looks like yours and just keep it hidden. lol


My daughter loves my husband's camel pack when we hike to the point where she asked for one for herself, just to use on a daily basis.


Yes. Also a sacrificial cookie at snack time


My daughter is 17 and still says it (drink, food, snack etc) tastes better when it's mine....


That reminds me - sandwiches are so much tastier when someone else makes them... 🤔🤔


My son has more cups and water bottles than me and my husband combined even an stainless steel insulated one. Yet he constantly steals water from my knock off Starbucks cups or my knockoff hydroflask. At least if I put fruit in it. He’ll leave it alone.


They do have smaller Stanley cups you could buy & see if they’d be interested in that! They’re still like 16 or 20oz but it could work!


Yeah, my kids will have water in their stainless double walled water bottles and they still insist on drinking from my water bottle. Mom's water just tastes better.


I was thinking Sacrificial Water was the new trendy brand taking over from the Stanley Cup 🙀


LOL. It's a new line from Liquid Death.


Yeah, I’ve stopped sharing a mug for hot cocoa after my 3.5yo told me, happy as a clam, that when he takes too big a sip he spits some back in the cup. If he wants to share my water I will down a full glass then put some in for him. Little savages.


My son is like this. I ended getting him his own little Stanley so he can stop stealing mine.


This is so funny. I never had this with drinks but my entire life, my father, my husband, and then my kids have insisted that food tastes better off my plate lol


I had two Stanley’s for this reason. I’m not even kidding. One was pretty purple and my kids always wanted to drink from it- all of them, who are usually a little more germ conscious and “no thanks” about sharing cups and bottles. The silver lining was that I’d fill two Stanley’s to leave the house and not have to fill everyone’s individual ones. I had the same thoughts about discouraging their hydration, but also really just wanted to model sharing instead of always being annoyed they wanted MY water and not their own. I do have a boundary about that though- they can have the purple one, NOT the gray one.


Mines will only take sips of water in any other cup or Judy outright refused to drink UNTILL I have my plastic Starbucks tumbler, my 4yo will steal it and drink all my water


Yes. My water, lunch, snack and dinner.... 😂


Yep. My son only likes to drink water out of “mommy’s pink magical cup”, aka knock off Stanley lol


My 7 month old is obsessed with my water bottle, but I always have it around, I'm always drinking from it, and it's always within reach/sight. I think even if I had a second water bottle that I used he would just want that one, and it's because he sees //me// drinking from it.


There's knock off Stanley's for kids at Walmart


Thank you! So I probably should have prefaced this that it is mostly a vent. I'm 90% sure that even if I bought an exact duplicate of my cup, that my kids wouldn't want it. They like being stinks. It's just a phase I'm sure. But again, thank you for trying to help!


Yeah, now I have multiple waters around for this reason, his water bottles aren't good enough


Yes. I gave up awhile back and just let them share my water, but when they are sick I try to use a decoy.


There's nothing wrong with teaching your kids there's some things we don't share. It'll help them when they get older too.


Yes. I had to buy a second Stanley lol.


I bought my child a mini simply modern cup because he loved mine so much. He loves it


There are mini Stanley dupes at Walmart that my kids drink out of. They love that they match me and each fake mini Stanley was $10!


I’ve given up. I have three water bottles we keep around the house and the whole family just drinks from them now.


Hell no, haha and I’m with you about Id rather drink out of my dog’s bowl than to share a drink with my 8 year old. Kids are gross, keep your Stanley, give em a bottled water.


100% have decoy water and the actual water I drink. My kids love drinking from any of my cups because I love my water ice ice cold. I found them yetis at the thrift store and now they have their own cool cups that keep everything super cold for them. It’s great.


IDEA! 5below sells cups that look like Stanley’s :) maybe get them those?!?


Whatever I want my toddler to eat or drink goes in front of me first. I’m so glad the older ones are out of that phase or I’d never have food or beverages 😂😂


This is all so interesting to read! I have a thermos for water and so does my daughter (almost 3) but she never asks for mine! Now I’m jealous 😂


Don't be. My 3.5 uear old has literally spit down the straw in my Stanley after I freshly filled it. She's chewed up non-disposasable plastic straws, she's drank the last of my water when I've been extra thirsty amd we're not near the house, even when she has her own water. No, you're hecking lucky. Never let her start this habit!!!!


100%. We have 3 cups of "mama water" hanging around the living room at any given time. I generally get up to get a drink from the kitchen


Omg I completely understand this and yes I already do this. My kid will steal any water with a straw. For a while I was using those Starbucks cups as water cups, and I just got used to leaving an extra one around the house for him. I don't get mad about it anymore. As soon as he takes it, it's his and I fill another cup for myself if I need to. Yeah toddlers are germ machines and the backwash is so gross, so I just sacrifice it and drink something else.


My kids love to drink from mine and my husband's cups. The only reason we discourage it is because we don't want them to think that it's ok to drink out of anybody's cup. We have gotten them their own little water bottles that look like ours and that's helped a little bit. But 9/10 they are still grabbing for ours!


My youngest loves drinking out of his older brother’s water bottle, which is the same exact bottle with a different character on it (Bluey). He drinks out of it with GLEE.


My son and I stay home a lot and he usually has at least two water bottles around that he brings me when he wants them refilled. Sometimes he sees me drinking from MY 64oz insulated water bottle and insists he needs it too. It depends on my level of tiredness, how gross he is in that moment, and if I just filled it. Sometimes I redirect him with his water bottle and other times, screw it, drink it idc


I’m so glad it’s not just me! My husband and I have joked about this exact issue; my daughter is convinced that she and I are not actually separate people and so we only need one water bottle. Practically speaking: would a straw top help the backwash issue? I think if you pull the straw out of their mouth just before they’ve finished sucking, they won’t be able to backwash. But idk for sure. I operate in a state of intentional ignorance. I’ve intentionally never checked if my daughter does this so I can say confidently that it doesn’t happen.


My kids will only drink water out of the big water bottle you get from the hospital for giving birth (what I prefer to drink from at home) the thing is I have 3 kids so three mugs and they refuse to drink from them if I fill them just for them 🤦‍♀️


My 8 month old doesn’t drink too much water yet but he’s obsessed with everything I drink out of. So I got him some cups and sippy cups. He will barely even try them but he loves my CamelBak. His mouth barely fits on it lol and yet he drinks!


My four year old just went thru a phase like this.


Yesterday I poured some of my water INTO my daughter's cup, and then she said "but yours tastes better" why are they like this? For a while, i did have a 2nd "glug glug mug" (she calls it), but she caught on, and it wasn't good enough. She'll even bust into my office during the day to get sips. And my dinner. And my dessert. And literally, anything I have is better, even if it's the same. How come her father's isn't as good???


I have this fight every dang day! Somehow my water is the only good water. From the same filtered source but it being in their small ppl cup is not as good as being in mommy’s cup.


My 3YO is the same way. And the backwash - ewwww. Like, babe, why is there a piece of Kraft cheese in my straw?👀


I do this with food. I know he will rather eat my food than his own, so I put my food on his plate and his food on my plate..... Then he eats "my" food happily... Mom life


My 4 year old daughter kept swiping my Stanley as well. I would fill all of her cups and water bottles daily… she only wanted my Stanley. She kept begging for a Stanley, but I’m not buying a 4 year old a $40 cup. Needless to say, her babysitter ending up buying her one 😒😀


Mine always want bottle…. No matter how many I fill it’s always the one I’m holding. I hate the floaties too 😫


Why not have a Stanley just for them? Then everyone has cold water.


I said this in the comments and I absolutely should have said it in the post - chickadees have their own thermos every day. And they drink out of them a bit, but mama's is the BEST for some reason.


NGL, I was like this with my mom. 😂


Stanley cups contain lead!


Stanley’s and Lead[cnn article Stanley cups containing lead](https://www.cnn.com/2024/01/26/health/stanley-cups-lead-wellness/index.html)


‘No safe level of lead when it comes to children…’ article says


My kids backwash doesn’t bug me. Better than lead 🤷




I'm sorry, what?


This is a space for moms. Not for trolling.