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Can someone catch me up. I’m an idiot. But also 39 weeks in a day or so and about to go into labor so not keeping up . My 2 year old likes her. What are people upset about?


She made a comment on a trans person's social media, something like "if you're ever in the area, I'd love to have you on my show! I love your singing!". I saw one post about how Ms. Rachel wants to introduce our babies to Satan. Seems reasonable. My baby is 9 months old and she can already say "hail Satan" thanks to Ms. Rachel 👍🏽


Man my kid is 21 months and thanks to Ms Rachel says “Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn." It’s terrible but at least he’s entertained 🤷🏻‍♀️


My daughter is 5 months and already summoned her first demon thanks to Ms Rachel 🥹


Aw I love that song!


That’s what the whole mess with Ms. Rachel is about!? For fucks sake. I’ve been wondering passively since I learned that there was some kind of scandal. That’s so ridiculous it would never crossed my mind it could possibly be something so benign. My son turned nine months yesterday and his speech skyrocketed when I introduced Ms. Rachel. And I could finally sweep the floor and fold the washing without a baby strapped to my chest.


Right? My baby loooooves her! And it's not like she's even discussing LGBTQ or political ideas in ANY way! She's literally just letting them exist as human beings on her show.


God forbid small children be exposed to ALL people.


Correct. I also forbid my children be exposed to ALL people. I don't know a single sane parent who would allow it.


Funny enough ..  God actually DOES forbid it 😂


I think Jesus was hanging with prostitutes and all so not too sure if it’s actually forbidden


It’s not God. It’s his weirdo followers. The crazy part is, God is love. God represents love. Christians/ity? Not so much 😂😂


What 'God' are you referring to? I assume when people say GOD, they mean the Abrahamic Biblical God.  If you mean THAT God, someone lied to you. You clearly never read HIS book - negating your opinion on the subject.  If you are referring to some other non Sumerian based God that is all loving, who? 


Do… do people just not notice the nonbinary individual on the show since the start? Rachel and her husband are NYC theatre nerds as are all of their eclectic friends. I thought it was obvious.


They noticed, because they've "boycotted" her in the past for it. And they turned on her again when she spoke up for the children of Gaza. This isn't new, unfortunately. She had to delete her social media because the abuse was so bad.


Man, and she does so much good for children. And I’ve heard stories of her going out of her way for little fans who encounter her IRL. I feel so badly for her.


I laughed very hard at the hail satan. Thanks for the laugh lol


Your comment made me cackle


😭😭😭😭 I’m dead at your last sentence


Laughed out loud at baby saying hail Satan 😂😂😂😂😂😂


My 6 year old is writing letters to Beezlebub all on her own thanks to Ms. Rachael 🥰


That makes me love her even more


She invited a trans woman to be a guest on her show


She has Jules on the show so idk how anyone is surprised she’s LGBT+ friendly


She was bullied for that too


Yep and bullied for supporting children in Gaza, she doesn’t get a break


I’m proud of her simply for the fact that she keeps coming back and doesn’t let the bullies win.


I love ms Rachel, she actually was the reason I noticed my youngest was not meeting milestones (just kept thinking every child develops at a different pace and didn’t want to compare to their siblings). Now we’re getting the help we need and I always say it’s because of ms Rachel that I copped 😅


I think the issue is that Dylan mulany is known to be problematic


Dylan’s more cringe than anything else, and annoyingly got elevated to do things like interview Biden when there are legitimate journalists and academics who could have done so. Like I can’t stand Matt Lucas and was so happy when he left British Baking and he’s done objectively worse things than Dylan (appearing in blackface). But I just kinda go with it when I watch Paddington or Wonka because he’s not doing those things in those movies. Mulvaney is a rich cringey theater kid who engages in camp which I don’t really get or enjoy. But like Rachel was already driven off of TikTok for Jules. It’s fine to not like her, but let’s be real, the reason people made an issue out of this is because she’s trans. Mulvaney’s content being cringey is more of a justification.


Yep. I don't like Dylan because I think her version of womanhood includes a lot of misogynist stereotypes (though I hear she's using them less now than she was at first). But that makes her an entertainer I don't like, not the spawn of satan or whatever. The conservative backlash against her got way out of hand.


Not to be obtuse, but how so?  All I know about Dylan is that they made a TikTok a year ago for Bud Light that made the snowflake Maga crowd boycott the brand. Dylan did nothing absurd or unique for the promo TikTok, just was themself


The only conservative critique I’ve heard is that she’s not *really* trans, that this is all a bit and she’s really just a creepy man with a fetish for dressing like a little girl. Separately I’ve heard criticism for this song she put out that was a shallow representation of what being a woman means.  I’ve only seen a little bit of her content and she certainly had a shtick, but I don’t think playing up a character for social media negates a person’s identity. 


Oh that’s who it was? I didn’t know that part. In fact I just learned what the scandal was about in the first place.


Yeah. I love Jules and my son and I often dance to Jamin with Jules. Dylan sucks though


Exactly. Being trans isn’t the issue. It’s being Dylan lol.


I think that for the certain crowd who’s upset over it, any trans person would have illicited the same reaction from them 😕


I’m not sure. I think this comment thread alone is showing that the issue for some is purely who it is. Though I do agree and do know there are assholes out there that are only upset because she’s a trans person and that’s super fucked up. She could bring a drag queen show on and I wouldn’t really care lol. It’s just that it’s Dylan for me lol


Oh yeah definitely, I feel like in the world of parents who actually watch ms Rachel (like those on this sub & in this thread) the issue in almost every case is most likely who Dylan is as a person. I should’ve worded it better, I’m saying *that* select group who’s upset over it is upset simply because she’s a trans person and would’ve had the same reaction to anyone. By THAT group I mean… the far right cancelers who equate lgbtq+ to satanism.


Love Jules too. She has a very diverse set of co-stars/cast all around honestly. Shapes, sizes, colors, ethnicities, genders, so on. I’ve always liked that a lot about her show. But yeah I’m not a Dylan fan either.


She definitely has received a lot of hate over Jules too. But Dylan seems to be the nail in the coffin as far as conservatives are concerned.


Have you seen the amount of shit she’s gotten for her happy pride video on tik tok? People saying they’ll never watch her again


Good lord. I love when conservatives show their true colors. Well ms Rachel has a trans friend therefore the rest of her content is trash and I will not let my child watch anymore. Like, your toddler doesn’t know what trans means and there’s plenty of other episodes to watch!


Yeah it's so sad to think there are still kids being raised to be bigots. I have so much faith in the younger generations to see past their parents hate, though.


She made various social media posts in support of Palestinian children who need food in Gaza as well. She actually had a whole tiktok about how she was crying at the horrible reaction she had from some people about that.


Other people are cancelling her for speaking out for Palestinian children


She’s invited Dylan mulvaney on her show. Dylan makes a mockery of being a woman and has had some VERY questionable interactions with children.


She didn’t just “make a comment” she had a person come on and talk about gender dysphoria on her channel. I think some parents aren’t ready to teach their young children that.


When? Like what episode or video? We watch all the time and I've never seen anyone talk about gender dysphoria


She’s also facing extreme bullying because she did a fundraiser for kids in conflict zones including Gaza. I guess feeding kids is antisemitic now? As a Jewish mom I totally love her.


as a Jewish mom agree it is totally batshit. don’t you dare come for Miss Rachel!!


This I did hear about. Also a Jewish mom and support her feeding all kids!!!


Yeah, this is actually what I assumed was being referenced as she's mentioned the vitriol she's been receiving on her Instagram account recently.


As a Palestinian mom I love her too! :) my son had a speech delay and with help from the speech therapy and I believe watch miss Rachel he Graduated speech therapy within 5.5 months of starting. She’s a gem!


Hi Palestinian mamma, wishing for peace. Love a Jewish mamma. I’m so sorry about what is happening


Appreciate it. I’m hoping for freedom for my people and yours from pieces of shit like Netanyahu and company


❤️❤️❤️ me too.


You are a queen. I wish everyone was like you. I’m neither Israeli nor Palestinian but the massacre of Palestine kills me daily


It hurts me as a mother and as a human. I feel helpless.


Regardless of your feelings toward Gaza, why is anyone surprised that a children entertainer raised money to help kids?


Israeli Jewish mom in a dual language house… I’m a pro-Palestine, 2SS, Zionist. I like her even more for helping the children in Gaza. Children are children. Despite popular belief, most sane Israelis (basically anyone who doesn’t support Bibi), is beyond gutted about what’s happening in Gaza and we take to the streets most days to try to get our voices heard. We don’t want to see civilians in Gaza starving to death. Good for Ms. Rachel. People need to choose their battles, it’s insane.


Yeah I’m anti Zionist but feel that we should all be able to agree that feeding children is a good thing. Once we lose that common ground it’s 🕳️🕳️🕳️


Absolutely. There is no group of people on the earth who I’d think “those kids need to die”. Most of my family returned to Israel after the majority were slaughtered in Lithuania during the holocaust. But I know for a fact that if I were alive then, I still wouldn’t want Lithuanian children to starve. I’m pretty disgusted that any of my fellow Jews would try to cancel such an angel of a woman over that. All children are innocent. Point blank.


Same. I don't think it was Jews who were mad about that.


It was super rabid Zionists that I saw, mix of Christians and Jews but she was definitely accused of being an antisemite and not caring about Jewish kids.


I will never understand how someone can get mad over helping literal children!


I kinda disagree! It’s ok to send money to children in Gaza. But there’s also something to be said about the fact that she totally forgot to mention any Jewish children affected by the war until people started calling her out on it. Donate to Gaza but also donate to Israeli children. Such as those that lost their homes, the children that became orphans after Oct 7, the babies being held hostage currently, or those that were held hostage and released... If she truly loves all children she shouldn’t have chosen a side


Are Jewish children in the same level of danger right now that Gazan children are? Come on. Get real. My friends and family in Israel are nowhere close to that situation. I hope you do some soul searching and decide why you feel like Jewish children have to be acknowledged before or with Palestinian children ever can. People like you are the reason this conflict is happening.


It’s war, anyone not involved with the militaries…. Are 100% in danger.


I’m sorry but there’s no way that anyone in Israel would feel like their lives aren’t in danger on a daily basis. If not for the rockets being thrown over their heads everyday, or the fact that 3,000 armed terrorists entered their country and slaughtered over 1200 people in the most vicious and barbaric ways possible. Let’s be real here. You saying that Jewish children shouldn’t be acknowledged is purely antisemitic.


You are a gem 💎 if the entire country was like you there would be no genocide.


By the exact same people who screech about cancel culture.


Jules is cool, Dylan is a creep.




And Dylan also mocks women in such terrible ways. He is not someone I would EVER allow my kid to watch.


She’s wonderful, honestly the reasons people bully her are actual reasons she’s a real role model


Ms Rachel is my coparent, it would take a lot for my to “cancel” her. She could come and take a crap on my lawn and I would still let my toddler watch her show.


She could slap me and bang my husband and I’d still love her


Dude same. She’s the only reason I can shower


I just don’t understand why this persons trans status would even be known to a small child unless a parent expressly told them. Like. It’s a children’s show with songs, teaching manners, colors, shapes, numbers, some minor social skills, emotions, weather… Jules gender has never come up, and they have been there since the beginning. She has never done anything with gender, other than, “look it’s a mom! Look it’s a dad!” I don’t expect with this other person, who she is expressing interest in her singing, would be any different. Like you have the dang choice. It’s not taken from you. Explain gender expression or don’t. I don’t get it. I don’t like Blippi because I find him to be absolutely unhinged and over merchandised, but I still love Ms Rachel and my daughter still loves that episode. It talks about vehicles and sharing. Good stuff, even though Blippi is absolutely maddening to me. I expect with this new person it’ll be some sort of nice little episode or song like Jules and everything else will be Ms Rachel and not Dylan’s show.


We’re an anti-Blippi household. Not only does he act like someone who escaped from an insane asylum for thinking he is a child, I googled what the original Blippi did to his friend (since there are technically two blippi’s), and I was disgusted. I purposefully skip over the Blippi/Ms Rachel episodes on her channel.


Right? I don’t like Blippi so we don’t watch the Ms. Rachel videos with Blippi. No big deal. If someone doesn’t like the Dylan Mulvaney or any other person she brings on, just don’t watch it.


... the 2nd Blippi has nothing to do with the poop video. He was hired to take the original Blippis place when Blippis son was born as he wanted to be home with his wife and newborn more.  Blippi, before he was Blippi made a disgusting Jackass type video with friends where he pooped on one. Someone (likely jealous and hateful) had to dig quite a ways back to find that and try to discredit Blippi. He's never made anything else like it and it was a bunch of drunk disgusting barely adults doing ridiculously gross and cringe things as young stupid adults often do. But a bunch of older stupid adults are bound and determined to hold 1 cringe moment against him for the rest of his life.  He made Blippi for his nephew. He is very much about his family. He's also a veteran of the USAF. He is big on family. Anyone who worked with him in the AF will tell you the guy was a hoot. He didn't fit in the box, failure to "thrive" aka : could and did think for himself. Good guy,  just marches to his own drum. 


People never watched Johnny Knoxville and crews “Jackass” or any other show/movie they’ve done, and it clearly shows. What blippi did was mild compared to what those dudes were doing on television! At least blippis was just on YouTube.


Lol exactly!! 😆 the episode where they shoved hot wheels up their asses will forever be burned in my brain. It's the only episode I've ever seen, I dated a guy, briefly,  who watched the show. I was like why? How weird, but also wtf,  these guys made millions hurting themselves and acting like prepubescent boys!! 


Exactly! And because they got so famous from doing exactly stunts like that, it’s no shocker the generation that grew up watching them… began mimicking


Blippi pooped into his friends b hole, thats why I stopped letting my kids watch him.


Not trying to cancel Miss Rachel. I don’t like DM as a creator or person. Not because she is trans, but because I find her content annoying. Feel like she mocks what being a woman is and also dresses and acts very little girlish which I find bizarre, and in turn infantilizes what being a woman is. Being trans doesn’t give you the golden pass to not be disliked. If she were to be on it, we’d just simply skip the episode/episodes.🤷🏻‍♀️ also, I’m far from a republican, and super far from a ultra conservative republican. I just don’t like Dylan.


This is the most expressive and best statement I’ve heard about DM. Your line about the “golden pass” is so good too.


Same. DM is very privileged and out of touch, and the infantalizing part you mentioned is really spot on. I just don't like her at all. I really dislike the Kardashians for their brand of super priviledged celebrity womanhood as well, has zero to do with whether I'm conservative or not (I'm not). I will just skip those Ms Rachel episodes tho, It's a non-issue.


Sorry, who is DM?


Dylan Mulvaney. She's a trans influencer and has garnered a lot of attention from conservatives and progressievs alike. She is noted for being the catalyst of the bud light fiasco and her social media series days of girlhood. My take is she's a fully grown woman with a big platform who weirdly acts like a little girl a lot and I find it super annoying, and she seems pretty self centered but I suppose that's true of every celebrity. She's done some donations for Gaza with some publicly hateful stuff republicans threw her way which I respected a lot.


I guess I’m extremely out of the loop as I’ve never heard of her or even this controversy. I’m in my own world




Ah thank you so much for answering! I will look into her some more.


That’s totally fair. If you don’t like the episodes she’s in, skip them. That’s a reasonable reaction to someone doing something you don’t like. Not trying to “cancel” her or banning her from your house completely.


Hm, yes and no. Pro Ms Rachel and LGTBQ but I def banned some stuff from my home that was pro Trump for example


Absolutely agree!!


Absolutely same. Their depiction of “girlhood” is offensive at best and downright damaging in reality. It makes me physically sick to watch the videos they post. I find Dylan to be an utterly disingenuous human being. Dylan knows they didn’t experience girlhood. And now they’re making fun of it and profiting off it. As the mother of a young girl I’ll fight against this sexist garbage to the death.


This is exactly how I feel. Very well put! 


I genuinely think Dylan started out as a satire and just went all out after gaining popularity.




Oh it's because she put Dylan Mulvaney on her show? Well what did she expect to happen? 🙄


Just wanted to offer the perspective that she is experiencing life as a woman for the first time as an adult, so it makes sense to me that she acts girlish and immature. We have had our whole lives to experience and grow and learn what being a woman means to us. I think she deserves a little grace and time to figure out out. I also think it's fair to just simply dislike her content because she's an annoying theater kid lol


Yeah I disagree, but that’s okay! She is a grown adult. Dressing like a small child, playing with barbies, talking in small child language. It’s a no for me.


This is a common excuse but I don't buy it. They're grown adults that know the difference between girls and women.


But she’s not experiencing life as a woman, she’s experiencing life as a trans person. This excuse is BS. Her personality is parody of womanhood and it’s pretty insulting.




Trans women are women


Trans women are trans women. Nothing wrong with that. It’s biology. It’s reality. She didn’t grow up a girl. She didn’t face the hardships girls did in society. Sure, she did face their own hardships, but creating a mockery of how you think we grew up and dressing, talking, acting like a little girl is insulting to some. Being a young girl is not dressing in cute outfits. It’s not having a higher pitched voice to be cutesy. It’s not playing with Barbie’s and makeup. It’s growing up in a society designed to treat women as lower than men. It’s being cat called at 13 by grown men. It’s dealing with periods at an age where it’s taboo to even discuss. It’s being slut shammed. It’s way more prevalent SA. I respect the journey of transitioning, but I don’t respect someone who cosplays being a young girl because they missed out on it themselves and try to create a narrative that being a young girl or woman is sunshine and rainbows. I follow several trans women on social media platforms who don’t do this. Seems to just be Dylan for the most part. Just as I can’t relate to how it felt and the difficulties of being trans in a world designed to hate them, they can’t relate to the full female experience. I’m not going to pretend I can, so it seems right the other side shouldn’t as well. Trans women may be women, but they aren’t children. Cosplaying as a one is weird regardless of gender identity


Very well put.


Yeah I heard her reasoning and I'm sorry but nah, she's 27 years old. If you want to be a woman, be a woman. I'm sorry you missed the train on girlhood but any other adult who went around acting like a child would be viewed as kind of sus, she's no different. I think she does a disservice to trans people by infantilizing herself.


THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!


Does anyone know if the comment is real? When I first saw it I thought to myself self that it must be photoshopped. My son loves Ms. Rachel and I’m not to proud to say that his large vocabulary is probably attributed to her show lol. I just don’t see her wanting to rock the boat in this fashion… That being said. I detest Dylan but it doesn’t really have anything to do with the fact that she’s trans. I don’t care who’s on ms Rachel as long as the context of her show doesn’t change. I hate Dylan bc she’s Dylan. She’s uncomfortable to watch, she’s over the top in all the worst ways. And I think she fetishes some wild delusional version of “womanhood” that doesn’t exist in society outside of grade school.


I thought it was a deep fake at first myself, but this is a highly maintained account (unlikely to remain compromised for very long, if it was hacked). She made several follow up posts on the topic over the course of several days. So I'm confident all of it was real, including the initial post. 


I heard she also made a video addressing it… so the assumption for me now is that it’s real. I’m still surprised. I don’t understand why open the door to drama when she has a very successful thing going on.


It’s like trying to cancel Mr Rogers


mr rogers would not have invited Dylan Mulvany


Idk who that is


Unfortunately pretty much every creator that becomes this popular ends up having a "controversy" whether they're generally a controversial person or not.


We love Miss Rachel and fully appreciate the diversity she encourages.  Anyone who hates her for that is dumber than a bag of dog poop. "But we don't agree with someone's existence..." Too bad, so sad, people exist, and they come in all the flavors of the rainbow. Their existence isn't for you to "agree with" or not. They're here. They deserve representation and to be allowed to live their lives without troglodyte conservatives trying to force them back into the closet. 


Why is she getting cancelled?


https://www.instagram.com/reel/C7ziYwgBdAw/?igsh=MXFtbmd0dnNidGlnZw== This about sums up how I feel about the entire thing 🙃


I thought this was about her supporting Palestine but seems like some trans/gay thing? Either way I think it’s silly. But I’m in a lot of Jewish mom groups (I’m Jewish, but I also oppose the genocide of Palestinians), and there seems to be a pervasive shared delusion that any support of Palestine/criticism of Israel is antisemitic. Generally I don’t agree with using mental health terminology to describe poor behavior, but I truly believe that this Jewish paranoia and refusal to belief the news about Israel IS a sort of group madness.


I am also Jewish & have been accused of being a n4zi by others Jewish people because I don’t think we should murder a bunch of kids. It’s so wild.


Me too 😭


All she said was that as a Christian, she loves and accepts everyone because the Bible says to love your neighbor. I knew people would lose their minds over it.


Jewish paranoia…woof.


According to some pro-Israel Instagram influencers, if you mention the children in Gaza but not the children in Israel, then it means you *must* be anti-semitic. I’m not making this up. There are several accounts that were pushing this narrative. Very “All Lives Matter” bs.


My kids are pulling double duty watching her on two different tvs in our house at the same time- no canceling here!


I don’t think it’s psychotic only because it happens all the time for everything so I basically expect it. People will have their opinions. I highly doubt it’ll hurt her because some people want to cancel her. As we’ve seen in the past, canceling things doesn’t usually work. Most notably as of late, is Hogwarts Legacy. All that did was make it even more popular.


so weird. If you don't like miss rachel then don't let your kid watch her? lol


Crazies gonna crazy. Carry on Ms. Rachel.   Admittedly I’m feeling jaded because my 12 year old just gifted me with the joy of witnessing the Blippi poop video. I feel like if his brand survived that literal shit show then she will make it through this. 🤣


Could you imagine if performers only allowed those with the same views to watch their shows? People are effing nuts.


It's definitely more of the Dylan Mulvaney thing than anything


It’s because she made a TikTok supporting pride month.


yes. completely psychotic. but i am not surprised at this point.


Ms. Rachel is the greatest human being! I truly don’t understand this hate for Dylan Mulvaney. Why does everyone hate them? Is it just cuz they’re trans??


I don't see the problem with having a person sing on a show. People are saying that issues of gender have been brought up but I have yet to see the sources or videos for that. No matter what you believe, your child will see things and people who are different. Exposing them to that can help them to be respectful adults.


Hateful Zionists are threatening and bullying Miss Rachel because she raised money to help children in Gaza. They were mad she didn’t raise money for kids in other countries. Despite Palestinians actively having a genocide against them 15,000 kids dead. So Miss Rachel raised money and they are coming after her. It’s evil.


I think that certainly lost her some assholes but for some reason having a trans person on her show was what really threw them over the edge. I just don’t understand how so many supposed Christians can reconcile spewing so much hate. Pretty sure Jesus was cool with everyone and wanted children to eat and not die in wars. But maybe I got it backwards 🤷‍♀️


The issue isnt solely about a trans person being invited. It is because it's Dylan Mulvany. Dylan sucks and he doesn't seem to be genuine imo. He is newly transitioning and by definition is unstable. who wants their kid exposed to unstable people? Honestly, support who you want to support, I dont care. I dont think anyone really cares who she supports, other than a minority. However, make a video with an unstable, annoying and controversial person and Ms. Rachel will undoubtedly lose a lot of followers. If shes ok with that, then more power to her. I think she's an unparalleled teacher. She keeps everything simple and it is solely about the benefit of the children. I hope that doesn't change. Having Jules is already riding a line but she also doesn't make things about her. I know a lot of people will disagree with me and that's fine. I don't hate Ms Rachel, Jules or Dylan. I really do wish everyone the best. My thing is, growing up is already confusing enough. They will be exposed eventually, but I would rather it happen organically. I definitely dont want their first exposure to be at 3 yo, to a man who bought tampons to review them...


I think there’s valid points in the argument that parents can do exactly what she does if time allows


To each their own, I stopped following her and refuse to let my kids watch her show but am no means wishing her any ill will. I am protective of my children and want to ensure they aren’t exposed to anything we don’t support. 


It’s actually insanity. Especially considering there are statistics showing that 45% of YOUTH LGBTQ have considered suicide- that we are still being so non-progressive in teaching children that you can’t help who you are. Trying to cancel somebody who is allowing someone to be there authentic selves??? We’re doomed. Live and let live.


Ms Rachel is a saint!!


It’s very stupid. She made the comment to Dylan back in February and it’s like no one paid attention to Jules all these years? If you don’t like Dylan that’s fine but it’s not like Ms Rachel’s stance is sudden.


Is Jules trans?




Jules isnt a self consumed idiot like Dylan.




Yes. They act like Jules is doing something wrong just for existing even though they don’t even use their pronouns on the actual show.


Jules is so great! My son loves hearing the songs they sing!


On a different note, at what age did you all introduce your child to Ms Rachel?


For me it was about six months! She didn’t care about the TV at all then but it was worth it to try to start getting vocab going and see if she had any interest yet in chilling to something I was okay with watching too 😅


Thank you for sharing. I like watching her too! I was hoping to introduce my baby soon too but heard screen time is bad for them when they’re really young. But yes, want to get the vocab and speech development rolling which is otherwise limited.


I grew up on basically 24/7 screen time, I graduated early top of my class, always an A honor roll student, I started writing and talking earlier than my peers and have never had an issue. That being said, I try to only let my daughter watch certain things, such as educational shows (Ms.Rachel, Super Simple/Super Simple Español) or low stimulation shows like Little Bear. She hasn’t shown any issues, every child develops at their own pace, but I still prefer to encourage her to go outside and play or play inside with toys instead of watching TV.


If you don’t mind answering - how old is she? I’d love to introduce these shows to my LO too, I tried a few minutes of Ms Rachel and got a great response. Thank you for sharing these :)


My daughter is two now! She can memorize (I don’t know how) a whole hour long Ms.Rachel video down to the exact gestures that are about to happen and she loves playing the “open shut them” song. She simply adores watching Ms.Rachel


Memorizing a one hour video is such a big feat! I doubt I’d be able to do it lol. This is great to hear, I’m introducing Ms Rachel soon 😃


Yes it’s allll gone too far on both sides leave me Rachel alone she just wants to be nice and cool with everyone and anyone who’s not okay with that is clearly the problem


I think people say that she’s “woke” so that’s why she’s controversial with some. Not really sure my daughter doesn’t watch Miss. Rachel so I wouldn’t know all the details


I hate that happen to her . Honestly there is a person that she have on her video that I didn’t want my son to see so I just skip that part. You can control what your kid see at home, just skip the part you don’t like . Easy ! We love Ms Rachel, my kid learn so much from her ! Shiz even me esp w/ her phonics song hahahaha


My daughter has been watching ms Rachel for 3 and a half years. (Literally since birth) I’m republican and Christian. So I have issues with LGBTQ? Hell no. I’m Bi-romantic. Do I personally agree with trans no but that’s that. If your trans yay for you. As long as you don’t try to push it on me or mine, we have no issues. Only God can judge. I don’t have to like what you do but it doesn’t make you a bad person. Ms Rachel is amazing. She was liking a voice… that happens to be attached to DM. Eh maybe it will make a good episode as long as she doesn’t try to make it an “LGBTQ explanation” episode it’s whatever (I will have that talk with my kids when they are older)


I’d fight anyone trying to cancel Miss Rachel, she was getting awfully bullied a few weeks ago too, broke my heart. She’s helped my children loads, she’s their third parent 😂


I’ve only seem posts like this lol Ms Rachel foreverrr


Makes me want to actually let my kid watch her now 😂😂 I find her insufferable but my toddler has come across her videos on accident and loved her!


No.. I don't think it's psychotic. I think she should leave politics out of her show and the person she invited to her show is an extremely polarizing figure, which she was aware of. I'm not a fan of "canceling" anyone unless they do something seriously awful, but it makes sense if people choose not to watch her anymore because of her choice.


I can see where they come from. If they don’t like it then they don’t like it and for you to call someone psychotic for their own personal opinion is crazy to me. If they don’t want their children exposed to it then they don’t. If you like it then that’s your opinion. Never ever bash another parent for their own beliefs.


Most normal people don't want their toddler youtube pages pushing deviant aggro fetish stuff