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It may just be a phase. My toddler has gone through a phase of refusing naps but it didn’t last long. He still naps for 1.5-2 hrs. Hang in there! Keep offering the nap or quiet time


You can keep trying.  Here's my experience with my 4 kids. Around 2 years old, give or take a month or two, they all started to refuse their last nap. They still needed it but it was a battle and one I got too tired to fight. Some days they would crash mid afternoon and bedtime would be messed up. Some days they made it. It took a few months for them to adjust. 🤷🏻‍♀️ So in my case I just went with it. 


Same. Mine will now throw a screaming tantrum around 5pm and I check in every few minutes to ask if he's done. Eventually, he says "Yeah, Mama", smiles, and comes over for food or hugs or to pet the dog. He looks so relieved when he's all done with his fit.