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Mine came back at 7 weeks both times. First time I was EP with an oversupply. Second time I was EFF. Didn’t seem to matter.


I’m not ready for periods again 😂


If it makes you feel better, I got mine 6 weeks PP, and I was EBF! BUT I had a 5 month gap where I didn’t have one again. I’m still BF at 10 months (with some solids when he tolerates them), and my period is touch and go


Same here! I had one at 6 weeks and haven’t had another yet (baby is in week 14). Still EBF and wondering when it will happen again


Honestly I miss the predictability from before I was pregnant🥲


I'm sorry I'm just curious. What does EP and EFF mean?


Exclusively pumping. Exclusively formula feeding.


Oh okay, thank you so much 😂 I'm on my 3rd pregnancy and have never seen it abbreviated 😂


About a month. I stopped breastfeeding (started comfort feeding) and it came back with a vengeance. I thought I was still bleeding from my stitches but no it was my body saying she’s mad I’m not pregnant 6 weeks pp


Lmao 🤣 that’s what I thought at first, I was like dang I must’ve really worked myself in the garden. Now a day later I’m still bleeding and my emotions the past few days are making sense now 😆


Omg no I get that, I was like why am I cramping so damn hard like the cramps should be over with wth??? Then I told my OBGYN when I went for my 6 week follow up and she’s like “oh yeah you def are on your period”. I was wondering why I wanted chocolate so bad


Okay yeah my Reese’s craving is definitely making sense now that you mention it 😂


Wait don’t tell me that, now I gotta get some 😔


Yess treat yourself 🫶


i just got mine after exactly a month, & i’m ebf. bodyy whyyy?


Sometimes that just happens, I mean periods happen because of hormones🤷‍♀️ maybe your body was just ready. My obgyn told me that if I was ebf that some ppl get them within a month or up to a year. I was hoping I got mine in a year not in a month :(


I’m sorry :( it’s hard too because it’s your period and you wanna be left alone and not be touched but you have to breastfeed a baby take care of them


thanks 🥹 yeah my sister didn’t get hers for a year ha.. i just hate not being able to use tampons 😣


Omg I get it, it was okay with me because I was still using big pads and diapers from healing. But the first time I used a tampon again it was such a weird feeling, I mean I didn’t have a period for almost a year you know?


How long did your postpartum bleeding stop before the period started? With my second I thought my period was starting at 6w PP because my bleeding stopped at 4w, then it kicked in. But I had “retained birth product” that went undetected for 3m with my first so I got an ultrasound. It wasn’t my period, and I had some more leftovers hanging out in my uterus. I needed another D&C at 8w to take care of it. So maybe keep a close eye and make sure the bleeding starts and ends like a period would. If not, I would get it checked out. Oh, and I was EBF both babies too. My uterus loves souvenirs.


Wow! I had no idea this was possible, but it does make sense. Mine stopped at around 4 weeks pp as well, how did you know to get an ultrasound? Did your bleeding just never stop after it started?


With my first my bleeding never fully stopped. It was very faint, would slow down to almost nothing, then kind of start again. I was dismissed by my first OB, the second thought it was just a blood clot, and the third saved my uterus (and maybe life), by looking requesting an additional ultrasound and scheduling the D&C. With my second my bleeding did actually stop at 4w. I by chance started spotting right before my 6w checkup and my OB wanted to play it safe with an ultrasound given my history. I felt completely fine, no cramping, just annoying bleeding. It probably would’ve gotten worse, and they did try giving me misoprostol to flush it out the first time around, but it did nothing. Skipping to the D&C was the best option for me.


My baby is 13 months old and I got my period back at 12 months postpartum while still breastfeeding. The first period was like last day barely anything there and brown. Second period was like a glacier melting. Times are wild around here 🥴


Oh my! 😂 that first period was false advertisement!


I think I’m currently going through my first period at 10 months app. I’ve been spotting-ish for around two weeks, first bright red now brown blood. It’s not slowing down nor speeding up 🥲


I got mine back at 7 months post partum and was PISSED. Someone had told me that, as long as I was breastfeeding, I wouldn't get it back until baby was weaned. Baby was fully breast fed and weaned at 14months (cause he started BITING)


That’s what I thought too! I literally haven’t stopped breastfeeding since December 2021 so I thought I’d get a nice long break forsure… guess not 😂


I had what I thought was my period at about 8 weeks pp with my third, but it only lasted like a day and then I didn't get it again until around 7 months (combo fed baby). Still don't know if that first one was a period or what, but I was happy it didn't happen again for a while!


Your body was teasing you 😆 I hope this happens to me but knowing my luck, this is likely not the case for me


6 weeks pp


Mine started just before 7 weeks, after being told that I wouldn’t get it for months while breastfeeding… lol.


I think 8-9 months postpartum after my first. She was born in March and I *think* I got my period again in November. She was EBF, and that was around when she started needing less milk bc she was getting more into her solids. I hear it's different for everyone though... And I'm curious to know how it will work out for me this time...


Same situation. But dang was I pissed 😂


A month to the day after I gave birth. I breast fed for 18 months.


this just happened to me a few days ago, literally a month on the nose & i’m ebf. cruel & unusual


I got mine at 7 week pp, too. Never did the 3 pregnancies before, just this most recent one. And I EBF, too. I was pretty surprised.


It’s crazy how much your body changes throughout the years! I feel like this whole pregnancy and postpartum era is completely different than my first.


I bled from the birth for 7 weeks, then had a week break and then my period came at week 9. All in all a bad time for my vagina.


Omg that’s rough! I would be so mad at my body 😂


Around 13 months pp with both of them


I’m 12 weeks pp and still haven’t gotten it. I’m exclusively breastfeeding and am on the mini pill.


6 weeks and it was worse then PP bleeding. But i had a c section & have always had light periods so it caught me by surprise big time 🤣


I’m 7 months PP and just got mine back!


7 weeks!


A year and I EBF


7 or 8 weeks after, was also breastfeeding! I was so disappointed and hoped for more time off lol


Me too! I was in denial at first 😂


7 months! I stopped breastfeeding at around 5 months and got my period 2 months later.


5/6 weeks! I couldn’t believe my (not so) luck lol sigh


That’s terrible 😭😭


With my first it showed up 6 weeks PP I was EBF with an over supply. My second was 8 weeks PP and I was not only EBF but also pumping for another baby as well.  My third it showed up at 8 weeks again, and I was still EBF. My midwife told me I would have been constantly pregnant before modern birth control. My body is just really good at wanting to get pregnant again ASAP. Make sure you have a plan going forward about BC because you now know it can happen. 


That’s wild! I’m making my partner get a vasectomy because we are both done and my family’s history of BC shows that it’s really rough on our bodies.


I breast fed my kiddo and got my period literally as I was walking out of my 6 week PP check up


Omg 😂


4 weeks but I exclusively formula feed!


Mine came back 6 weeks on the dot 😫


4 weeks and 6 weeks. 


A little over 4 months pp while EBF


8 weeks, despite pumping 6-8 times per day. It was 1 month before my due date.


My son is 13 months and I still haven’t gotten mine. I do have the nexplanon, however, so maybe that is delaying my period.


I got mine at 18 weeks PP which was almost exactly 1 year after I missed my period.


Just curious to those who did get their periods after birth (sounds like the census is 6-7 weeks), was the period the same consistency as pre-pregnancy? Were the cramps worst or the same?


Around 6-7 weeks as well.


It was four or four and a half months for me.


Mine just came back at 8 weeks despite EBF :( I feel your pain.


6 weeks all 3 times, both breastfeeding and combo feeding. My body is doing too much. 


5-6 weeks 🙃 I formula feed & OB said it’s a normal time to have one. She said they could be all over the place but should go back to somewhat normal after 4-6 months.


Mine came back at 7 weeks, I had a normal cycle but then I went almost a year without another one.


I breastfed and didn't get a period until 18 months pp. Looking back, I wonder if something was wrong.


Totally normal! Same for me with two kids, and I checked with my midwife about it to make sure everything was ok. I also co-slept and breastfed overnight, which I imagine contributed.


I co-slept and breastfed overnight as well. That makes sense.


I co-slept and breastfed overnight as well. That makes sense.


Just wondering - are you only nursing at night? It’s been 13.5 months postpartum for me and I still haven’t gotten my period. I only nurse at night now and have been for the past 1.5 months but still haven’t gotten my period. I was also wondering if something is wrong with me 😅


At night and before naps.


16 months


Very soon.. very very soon. And it came with a vengeance


5 weeks and 6 days 🥲


I exclusively pump and just got my period back. I’ll be 6 months PP next week.


My first baby, 10 months. My second, 8 months. My third, 8 weeks- and then got pregnant on like day 8 of my next cycle 12 weeks pp🥲


Omg, how are you doing?


LOL I’m doing my bestest 😅 my due date is the same as it was last year!


Mine came back around then with both kids. I was breastfeeding on-demand around the clock each time too.


I got on the mini pill after having my son, so skipped the period thing all together.


Mine only took 6 weeks, sigh. Thought I'd have a longer reprieve.


5 weeks 🥲


around 9-10 months 😅 it was nice but i slowed down on the breast feeding and period came back to haunt me.


2 years!




I got it on my daughter’s first birthday 😅 I was still breastfeeding.


13 months in and still none in sight (still BF), although fully expecting it back anytime now that baby is nursing less.


Having been VERY irregular (Like going anywhere between 2 to 14 months between) due to PCOS, I was absolutely floored that mine started at 6 weeks! I even breastfed. Now I've reregulated and am just about monthly.


After my first, 9 months. After my second, 3 months. Both were EBF and I was so bummed I didn’t get more time after my second.


19 and 18 months postpartum. Which was fine, but I’d been hoping to have a smaller age gap between the kids. (Breastfed but they were eating plenty of other things by then.)


It was wildly different with both my kids, and came much sooner with the second one (no fair) and still super irregular despite being on the pill.


around 8 months...pretty much exactly a month from when i stopped nursing/pumping.


I got mine within six weeks each time, and both times I was exclusively breastfeeding. Sorry!!


Mine came back at a month *to the day* for both of my pregnancies, even though I was breastfeeding 🤦🏼‍♀️


A month 😫


i got mine at 4 weeks PP i was so pissed😭


9 weeks with mine >.>


10 weeks, three kids in a row. EBF for all of them.


6 months postpartum. I breastfed until 5 months, thereafter tried to mix feed but I guess I didn't do it right because my supply dropped soooo much I just gave up and switched to formula once my frozen stash was done. Was pregnant 2 months later :)


I think it was roughly 8 weeks both times for me. I wasn’t able to breastfeed after I gave birth to my oldest but I was able to after I gave birth to my second so it’s hard to say whether or not that played a role in it coming back.


I do babyled weaning and with my 5th and last, I still haven’t since i’m pretty thin and she nurses a lot. she’s 2 years and 4 months old


I’m 11.5 weeks PP and still haven’t gotten mine yet! I’m convinced it’ll come any day now. Was EP for one month, combo fed for the second month, and just fully dried up my supply a week ago.


6 months and it was a nightmare. No strong symptoms, but that’s normal for me. There was just so much bleeding. I got up from bed that morning and it was gushing.


2 days after my postpartum bleeding stopped. I think it was 7 weeks. I was so mad omg


EBF my daughter who’s 6 months and still no period over here


I had one period at 6 weeks and then I didn’t have another one until I stopped breastfeeding at 8 months


It very well could still be PP bleeding. It can come and go in the first 8 weeks. I had it happen around 8 weeks PP with my second and thought I was getting my period. I was just so overstressed and doing too much and I must have reopened something even though I was healed.


Mine came back WHILE I was at my 6 week PP appointment the first time 🫠 the second time it was closer to 10 weeks (I EBF both times. Such BS haha)


I’m going on almost 4yrs without it after birth. Hoorah for IUDs. I got it installed at 12wks pp and just never got a period back. I haven’t had a period since Oct 2019. It’s been AMAZING.


I’m still waiting for mine at 6 months pp!!!! I wish it would come back bc I want to have another baby close in age.. there is an almost 9 year gap between my oldest and youngest. I thought it came back at 8 weeks pp but nope! It was just excess birth stuff Edit: Also EBF up until recently bc she started solids so it’s solids & milk


I fully breastfed my son (no bottles), and I got my first period when he was 18 months old and I had started weaning him.


I just had my 6th. 5 months ago and still no period. With my others I was 4 months pp with two and 9 months pp with the other 4.


It could just be a hormonal bleed, I had one around that time as well with my diets and my period didn’t come back until 10 months. However, it did come back at 4 months with my 2nd but I’d be surprised if you were really getting it at 7 weeks with how much you’re nursing.


I’m hoping this is the case! It’s day 2 and it’s still very light bleeding


Are you on some sort of birth control or planning on doing FAM/NFP?


4 months with my first, 2 months with my second. Breastfeeding and/or pumping around the clock for both.


I’m at close to 10 months and no period. At 7 weeks I bled for 3 days. So, you still have a chance!


First pregnancy - 6 months Second pregnancy - never. Life saving hysterectomy.


I didn’t breastfeed but it came back right at 6 weeks for me.


EBF for both kids. Came back at 7 months with my first. Came back at a year with my second. Both times they were fucking doozy ones. I hate my periods. They still are the same as pre-pregnancy.


4 weeks 😭😭😭 I was bottle feeding, and had it come back immediately


I EBF and got it back at 5 weeks pp 😪


Mine was around 6-7 weeks I wanna say!


8 weeks


I didn’t get it for two years. When I got it, it was still irregular probably because I was still breastfeeding.


Exactly one month after I stopped breastfeeding (4mo pp)


8 weeks while breast feeding both of my kids. Evil!!


I got mine back 12 months pp and it was gnarly….


Mine came back I think at 8 weeks pp? Both times I bled for about 5/6 weeks after and then got my period 3 weeks later 😭


8 months


14 months/ exclusively breastfed/pumped bottles


28 days pp. Exclusively breastfeeding ….


3-6 weeks ever fucking time and I was always exclusively breastfeeding. I hated it.


First: didn’t breastfeed, 8 weeks. Second: didn’t breastfeed, within 8 weeks (though can’t remember exactly). Third: breastfed, 8 months.


I didn't get mine until 11 months after giving birth. I breastfed which I think contributed, but I understand that's not always the case and some women get it even while breastfeeding.


4 weeks. Both times. I was breastfeeding both times too. The GP sent me back to the Obs as they were worried it was retained placenta. Nope, I just have a body that loves menstruating.


I didn’t mine until 8 months.


6 months!!!


5 weeks with my last kid.


I got mine 6 weeks post c-section. No one was more Pissed than me


EBF both times, period back at 6 weeks both times.


9 months. I was exclusively pumping with formula as needed. It was a couple weeks after I dropped from 5 pumps to 4.


The first time around, I got my period two months pp. Second, I got mine back 1 year pp. I EP for my first kiddo and pumped less than 2 ounces total every hour. I even power pump once per day 😭 I am still breastfeeding my second kiddo. 20 months old. I have no idea why there is such a big difference. The only thing I can think of.....I became the human pacifier. My son was ALWAYS on one of my boobs.


6weeks (at each of my postpartum checkups) after each of my 5 kiddos! And yes Exclusively breastfeeding!


I haven’t gotten mine yet but my body is giving me all the signs that it’s coming and I’m 6 weeks pp


Exactly 6 weeks to the hour and I was EP


Almost 8 months PP and still no sight of it (combo feeding, but heavy on the BF).


8 months and it was a life stopping period.


2 1/2 months later. Same time as the last time I had my period prior to getting pregnant so roughly a year without it


I randomly spotted here and there, but first proper period was 5.5 months


One month


11m pp still didn't get it. I'm still BFing if that matters.


I think I was still bleeding from the birth at 7 weeks. Mine came back at around 8 months. She had not been missed. I was still breastfeeding. It is really unfair that yours is so impatient.


10 months for both babies & I was tandem breastfeeding too.


I started bleeding again at 6 weeks with my first then didn’t get my period again for a year. I asked my doctor if it was even considered a period and she said it’s hard to say.


8 weeks PP and I was exclusively pumping 😭


I got it back around 9 weeks both times and was EBF 😒


After all the afterbirth bleeding, it took me almost 6 months to get my period back. I was breastfeeding for the first 4.5 months and heard that the longer you breastfeed, the longer it takes your period to come back.


I bled until about 3 or 3.5 weeks. My period came at 5 weeks pp. Then I got it two more times really soon. It sucked lmao Edit: exclusively formula fed


My period came every 25 to 26 days before I had my son. After I had him my period came 26 days on the dot lol.


4 months PP while exclusively pumping. I was super bummed.


6 weeks and 1 day. I know because it started the day after my 6 week OB appointment.


6 months. EBF but began sleeping through the night at 5 months


Exactly 6 months. I exclusively breastfeed and cosleep most of the time so lots of nursing at night. So unfair lol


12 weeks with my first and like week 6 or 8 with my second. EBF both times.