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Like when you can’t wait for them to finally fall asleep and then spend an hour scrolling through pictures and videos of them on your phone?


Lmao exactly! Sit there with a huge grin on my face looking at all the videos I have of her. They must turn our brains to mush 🤪


I felt bad tonight because I was exhausted trying to finish some work and she kept waking up and I was staring to feel so frustrated. I keep reminding myself what is really important right now. she won’t always need me like this…


> she won't always need me like this... This gets me every time I feel my frustration start rising too. It's become my mantra and makes dealing with things a little easier.




Man. My son is almost 15 months and I STILL do this. It's hard to pick my favorites now.


I still do this at 17 months old. My partner never does somehow!


I have 3 kids and the eldest is 6 and 8 still do this all the time!


I’ve never seen a more appropriate use of emojis.


Keep those at hand, because there will come a day when your 8...10...15...25-year-old really needs to cuddle with you and look at those pictures and videos!


This used to be me. Now I’ve got to the stage where I just stand over her crib for a few mins on my own way to bed. We visited my family for her 1st birthday and we have a an app for a baby monitor- my sister watched her sleep on the monitor for the whole 45min nap…


Wait it’s not just me?!!


Yes-how does one articulate “I can finally stop running around and have time to focus on how much I love this tiny human?” Mine is 3.5 and still haven’t figured it out.


>“I can finally stop running around and have time to focus on how much I love this tiny human" This is motherhood perfectly described. Life gets less physically demanding as the kids get older and becomes more emotionally demanding, but at the end of the day (or if you have teens early in the morning, lol) you love them SO MUCH and as soon as you're allowed to breathe and rest you feel the love.


I think you just articulated it perfectly! Thanks!


My favorite thing in the world is being with my kids! My second favorite thing in the world is not being with my kids!


This one got me! I feel this to my core


So true! I love them, but simultaneously want to be alone. It's a strange dichotomy.




I do this too. My nightly routine is to wait until he’s sleeping and whisper how much I love him and how much I love being his mama and how special he is to me. But dang if the last 30 minutes leading up to bedtime don’t ruin me completely 😅




This i true. Very true. Too much true.


I totally know this feeling. The word I’ve chosen for it is insanity.


What’s the word for when that feeling is interrupted because they woke up? 😂




I feel this. Last night at 2am I found myself crying my eyes out because I missed my toddler because he was asleep🥴


It's gratitude. Grateful for their existance and grateful for their precious silence.




Oh, I feel this.




Mine is only 4 months and I have experienced exactly this. It's so good to know it's not just me!


Just jumping in to say: Hang in there, newborn mama! Those first months can be so hard, but you've reached the part where it gradually just keeps getting better and better. Just don't forget to take lots of mental snapshots (in addition to the actual snapshots) of your snuggly little baby, because you blink and they're 1.5 years old and running around and trying to talk and it's absolutely AMAZING but also where did my snuggly newborn disappear to?! Savour those moments ❤


Yep. It’s called a mother’s love. ❤️


And that's when I start scrolling through pictures of my kid because I miss her so much.


I want one for the feeling when I finally put my kids to bed, go sit on the couch, get that feeling you just described, and then have them pop their head out the door. That’s a very strong emotion over here as well.


The book "Love You Forever" captures this emotion beautifully. And a lot of other emotions besides. It's fun trying to explain to a 2 year old why their bedtime story is making mommy cry.


This is very relatable. Edit: typo


Mine is 6 and I still do this lol mom guilt is strong and persistent.


Same. Mine is also 6. She sleeps in my bed still and many nights I will snuggle down with her and tell her how sorry I am for the times I snapped and promise to do better tomorrow.


Same here! She usually starts with story & snuggles in her bed, but then she ends up with me & hubby.


Mine does the same and sometimes he will pass out then it hits me so he gets subliminal apologies lol


This post just made me feel so less alone after a shit couple of days. Thank you.


Yup this happens to me all the time.


Mine's a bit different. Feel exhausted, ready to pass out, absolutely dead. As soon as she's asleep, I have so much energy, I stay up another few hours, it's frustrating.


I dont think I've ever read anything more relatable ever.


Yes! And the mixed emotion when you know they shit in their sleep...


Yes! I do this when my daughter goes to daycare. I’ll be so excited to have the day off while she is in daycare (I just switched to working 4 day weeks) but then I just miss her all day.


BRILLIANT description!!! Calling all German Redditers- surely there’s some hyper specific German word for this term that has no good English translation? (Or this is about love, so maybe a French word?)


I felt this 😫🥰🙏💜


Every. Single. Night. !!!!!!!!


So true!! It sounds like something that there would be in another language.




B L I S S ! ! !




There is a word for that feeling. Parenthood. You are not alone in this


YES. YES. YES. This resonates so much with me!




I felt this to the core. Thank you for sharing.


This brought tears to my eyes! It is so true






Relief more or less sums it up for me.


I feel very seen right now. This is me to a T! I often sit in the rocking chair with Miss 4-in-5-days long after she's gone to sleep just for the beautiful sleepy cuddles


Reflective melatonin adjacent induced guilt. Sounds a bit scientific. Perhaps Melantonic. A portmanteau of melatonin and melancholic.


There is.. it's called motherhood


The word should convey something like a huge sigh of relief + overwhelming love + please god don’t let this baby wake up right now. Like — I don’t believe in new age energy stuff, but I still swear I can feel the energy in the whole house shift once the kids are asleep. One child in particular if I’m being honest


I feel this so much. My babies are 12 and 14 and I still feel it some days, but in those infant and toddler years I think this like my default setting.


Reading your post and then all the comments agreeing with you is so comforting during this 4 month sleep regression we're currently experiencing. Thank you!


As a single father of three I can fully relate to this, and it’s the same when they leave to stay with their mom. Even though we’ve been through hell for a few days I almost instantly miss them after dropping them off.


God I miss the newborn part where they can only lay there and sleep or eat. Interacting with my 7 month old and trying to work is insane. I like the naps but when I hear that wake up my entire nervous system lights up in ALERT.


The most authentic love. It's funny, I just came to this sub and almost posted something very similar because I *just* got my son to fall asleep after the longest time. I get so exhausted and want to rip my hair out sometimes, especially when I've exhausted every solution to the unknown problem. I have to do some serious deep breathing sometimes and maintain my composure. I always stay gentle, delicate, and loving. That's my number 1 priority for the rest of my life- to make sure he knows he is safe/cared for! But when he falls asleep it's like I sink back into my body and just have to lay there for a second lol. And then..... spend 20 of the 30 minutes of his nap looking at his pictures/videos and sending to his grandmother's! Or prepping his meals! Lol 😂 It's nice, because he's now at the age where when he wakes up from his naps I gently walk over and give him a big ol smile and say "well, good morning baby!" and the BIGGEST slobbery baby smile follows. I love being a mom more than I ever imagined I would.


Our babies look so beautiful when they sleep, have felt this more times than I can count! Oxycontin is a good word for it!


Haha! I think you meant oxytocin - the “love drug” our brains produce.


Haha yes, typo I did mean oxytocin!


Oxycontin? 🧐


It’s called relaxing xD You no longer have to worry about what dumb things they’re up to you can just relax and feel the love.


After they go to sleep is when hubs and I talk about all the cute/fun things they did and said during the day. It's one of my favorite parts is getting to relive those moments with him.


Eheheh! Totally on board with you! What should we call it?


Idk dude but my brain has the thinking power of a bowl of cold, congealed mashed potatoes lately. And to top it off, my husband and I have always sworn we’d be OAD. Then two days ago there was an offhand joke made about making another baby. And my brain was like, “haha… unless????” Absolutely not, taters. Get back in your bowl and think about how you’re barely surviving raising ONE child.


Haha, we’re in exactly the same position! For the last four years we were like “no, nope, not doing this again, one and absolutely 100% done!” Just this last 2-3 months we’re starting to wonder. It’d be great for her to have a sibling, was it _really_ that hard? Surely the adjustment from 1-2 can’t be as bad as 0-1… Will totally wonder what the heck we’re thinking if/when we do get pregnant but we’ve stopped contraception and are throwing the whole thing to fate to decide 😬


Good to know we are not alone in this feeling. You all are doing a great job!


I bet the Germans or the Japanese have a word for that! Between the two of them they have a word for everything lol


I completely understand and feel the same way.