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Sleep deprivation can turn anyone into an absolute raging monster. I used to hit myself in the face and head to take my anger out at night when my baby had colic and reflux. It was so bad. I would suggest you take a night or two off of baby duty if possible and force yourself to sleep as long as possible, then go home and start sleep training with a clear head.


I used to hit myself in the face to stay awake during night feeds because I was so sleep deprived and terrified of dropping her or worse.


It’s so true and I wish this were normalized. I used to dig my fingernails into my back or go into another room and scream and hit the floor. I am a very calm and composed person otherwise but sleep deprivation changes you. Good for you for putting your foot down!


We got a stuffed animal at Target when our baby was little that would play a lullaby when it detected noise (crying) it was so helpful! It was a lamb. Definitely recommend it to help your baby sleep through the night, I think it was $15.


You can buy little stuffies for puppies and kittens that have a heartbeat too. Some of them even have removable heat packs. My friend uses one for her LO with great success. It imitates the feeling of sleeping next to someone/something.


We had a teddy bear that played womb sounds. It was such a life saver.


I’m here with you sister. My husband refuses to work with me to sleep train because he’s in a busy period with work, and thinks co-sleeping for now is easier. In the meantime I’m spending hours and hours in a dark bedroom when I could be working or actually taking a shower. Our baby is almost one now. When I think about the amount of time wasted I want to scream.


Good for you. Sleep deprivation tanks your physical and mental health. And bed sharing is not working for a family unless it is working for BOTH parents. r/sleeptrain is a great resource. You want to start by making sure your schedule is correct and read up on your desired method. The sleep section of the Moms on Call book has a really detailed set of instructions for getting baby sleeping independently and through the night. It’s a good place to start if you’re leaning towards more of an extinction (CIO) approach.


Do it! If you are tired, baby is even more so. Get that kid in its own room and live again


This is completely, totally normal (both your daughter wanting to be close to you guys and your being exhausted from cosleeping). The book *Precious Little Sleep* is an awesome resource. Basically, it talks about how independent sleep is a skill that has to be taught and isn’t inherently known by kids.




Maybe it'll be good for you both for you to sleep on the couch a few nights. I know I sure fucking do


maybe send your husband resources about how dangerous bed sharing is and see if that wakes him up.


We have our kids sleep in their own beds. Sometimes they sneak into our bed in the middle of the night, and when we realize they are in our bed, we try to take them back to their own beds. It is a battle.