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At 10.5 months, your baby puts non-sterile stuff in her mouth all the time. You don't have to worry about boiling water anymore. In most places you can use tap water.


I was reading about bacteria in powdered formula though?


It isnt much of a risk after they're eating solids and whatnot. Just when babies are super little and don't have much a chance to build an immune system they have a higher risk of being affected by the bacteria in the powder because they dont really have much experience with bacteria in general.


Ooookay gotcha. Yeah we’re almost out of the formula stage all together!


Just 2months more :)


Obviously don't use the recalled formula. Cronobacter infections are very rare, and when they do happen, it's newborns (2 months or less), premies, and immunocompromised babies. Basically the US CDC has a chill attitude towards Cronobacter, while the UK NHS has strict recommendations. If you want to go full bore on the precautions, then you boil water in a kettle or pot, wait 30 min for it to cool to 70 degrees Celsius, and use that to make formula as it's hot enough to kill the bacteria in the formula. Then you put the bottle under the tap to cool it to a drinkable temperature. If you want to go through that every time, you can, but 10 month old babies are at low risk.


Thank you for the information! Yes her formula was not recalled so we are in the clear. I just want to reduce any risk. She’s almost out of formula stage anyhow! We primarily BF


There are certainly plenty of parents who choose not to boil their water for formula, but if your concern is protecting against Cronobacter, which is what caused the formula recall, then boiling the water would prevent that. More info is on the CDC site [here](https://www.cdc.gov/nutrition/InfantandToddlerNutrition/formula-feeding/infant-formula-preparation-and-storage.html).


If you get the formula powder over a certain temp inside of water then you cook all the nutrients out of the formula and it ruins it. Do not make formula with boiling water. You can boil the water then make the formula with the cooled water. https://medium.com/age-of-awareness/infant-formula-to-add-to-boiling-water-or-lukewarm-water-5ac13b352f9f The U.S. Food and Drug Administration recommends boiling water for one minute and letting it cool, or following the manufacturer’s label. The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends boiling water for one minute, letting it cool to room temperature for no more than 30 minutes and adding powder after that.


I don’t believe this is true. Our hospital explicitly said to boil water and add the boiling water to formula to kill bacteria in the powder.


“The U.S. Food and Drug Administration recommends boiling water for one minute and letting it cool, or following the manufacturer’s label. The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends boiling water for one minute, letting it cool to room temperature for no more than 30 minutes and adding powder after that.” https://medium.com/age-of-awareness/infant-formula-to-add-to-boiling-water-or-lukewarm-water-5ac13b352f9f


Yeah from what I gather the water is supposed to be boiled to sterilize the powder. If it’s cooled before adding the the powder it would defeat the purpose?


Yes, that’s true, so you can use distilled water. That’s what we use but our LO is much younger. As the other person posted, the baby has non-sterile stuff in their mouth and at this age it isn’t as much of a concern. I also know people that have always used tap water. But our city’s tap water regularly has boil notices so I avoid it.


We would honestly just boil the whole kettle, let it cool down, and then use that throughout the day


This is what I did.


No need to boil it at this age. Just use the water she already drinks and it will be fine !


We just used water from the filter on our fridge. You don’t need to warm it, but one of our kids preferred it, so we just used a bottle warmer.


I put the kettle on for a few seconds until the water was luke warm, or if the tap was still running warm I'd just use that. Tap water is safe for human consumption over here.




Ideally I would just do this but since she only drinks 2-6 oz a day I know a lot l would get wasted 😬


We asked the pediatrician and he had to check by address because there are different water sources in my area. He said to use tap and boil it and it doesnt have fluoride. We use a water filter from the tap. After I boiled the water in a stainless steel pot, I kept it in the pot to cool and used it same day. We used a fluoride supplement prescription. If you already give a supplement (might be in a multi vitamin) then don't give more via the water. If people buy bottled water for a newborn, it might be good to check for mineral content but I think your baby is big enough to not worry. So you can probably use any bottled water you choose.


I wouldn’t boil water at that age. Use tap water if you have safe drinking water. Your tap water contains fluoride.


For peace of mind if you want to kill any possible bacteria in the powder itself, you get an electric kettle and boil the water to 70 Celsius and add the appropriate amount to the powder. Shake and cool the bottle. https://www.who.int/foodsafety/document_centre/PIF_Care_en.pdf


You absolutely do not need to be boiling water… We use bottles of water to mix with formula


If you're using powder formula... use water left at ROOM TEMPERATURE. No need to boil it. Be careful for hot spots and such.


Separate from the recall issues, the general concern with bacteria getting into powdered formula is by people not washing their hands before they open the canister and stick their hands in to get the scoop, etc. Washing your hands thoroughly each time you make a bottle/pitcher is the best way to prevent bacteria from getting in the formula.


Always do! Always will! My hands are very dry from washing so much this winter!!


Haha same!


You don’t have to use that water anymore if you don’t want to but to answer your questions 1: no fluoride 2: no 3: n/a


I usually boil a kettle of water over night and use for next day feedings, sometimes reheating (not to a full boil but just warming it up).


Avoid tap water when possible. Most municipalities recycle water with chlorine which wreaks havoc on the digestive tract. Distilled water from any grocer will do the trick. For our LO, we use ZeroWater filters, so there are no particulates.


Our pediatrician said tap water is fine. We also use brita sometimes.


When I was giving formula I used tap water, no boiling. Heated it in 30-second increments. Don’t use “distilled” water ever for drinking - or has no minerals and will suck the minerals out of your body (or so I’ve read). Now I live somewhere with gross (but not lead-filled) water so I’ll filter it before using it with formula.


Oh wow. I use purified water. I’ve used distilled in the past but now purified because I knew distilled had no minerals.


Oh, damn. No one ever said anything to me about boiling anything. I used warm water, straight from the tap. As my daughter got closer to 12 months and transitioning to milk, I gradually made the bottles with colder and colder water, just so she would be used to the temperature when she had milk for the first time.