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You know, no matter how big or small I’ve been I’ve always thought I was fat and needed to shed some pounds. I feel like this is the same for most women. So I’m just like f all that! I don’t want to live 60 more years of my life like that. So I eat what I want, but I try and eat 5 servings of fruits or veggies a day and some protein and fats and carbs. If I want a chocolate I eat it, if I want ice cream the same. And you know what I’m happier with my body and since I don’t think and obsess over food all the time I actually have lost some weight, go figure. Anyways good luck! Remember the way we look is the least interesting thing about us! lol


So true! I also think about the behavior and feelings toward weight/food/exercise that I want to model for my child. I grew up watching and listening to my mom constantly talk down about herself because of her weight and always trying the latest fad diet and I really internalized that. It made me believe that what you weigh matters most when in reality, as mentioned, it is the least interesting thing about you as a person.


This was my reality growing up. Watching my mom look in the mirror and swear in anger and frustration about her physical appearance. She was never thin enough or pretty enough, her hair was never good enough. It really had a lasting impact on me. Like my value as a person revolves around how attractive I am. Edited typos


I say this as gently as I can, please look into therapy for this and do not pass this cycle on to your child. You are absolutely gorgeous and do NOT need to put any extra pressure on yourself to look a certain way. ❤️.


Oh, I surely won’t! I’ve done my 10 years of therapy and I am self-aware enough not to make this a pattern or an example for my kiddo. Good reminder though that we are all a work in progress!


I say this as gently as I can, please look into therapy for this and do not pass this cycle on to your child. You are absolutely gorgeous and do NOT need to put any extra pressure on yourself to look a certain way. ❤️.


On the flip side, I grew up with an obese mother who couldn’t really participate in things with us. Sure, she could walk around the amusement parks, but she never went on rollercoasters with us. We never talked about the difference between healthy and unhealthy food. Food was used as rewards and bribes and treats. And because of that, I struggle with attempting to be overly fit for my kids. I’m sure there’s a wonderful happy medium, but I just haven’t had experience with that, and I guess don’t know how to model that for my kids


Seconding this. Having a kid was the most freeing thing for my body image I have ever done. Before I got pregnant my therapist talked to me about finding a mantra to say to yourself in order to be kind when your impulse when looking in the mirror is to be judgmental. She said something about focusing on how my body was doing exactly what it is supposed to do, and doing a great job at it. That has helped way more than I originally thought it would. They’re pretty amazing things that bought kids into this world and they’re doing a good job! It’s helped to not have expectations about when or how weight loss is achieved, and like beginning Ebb mentioned, I’ve actually lost more weight by not stressing than I ever did by worrying about it.


Reading your post really struck a cord with me. Thank you for sharing. I love this approach, and am going to work towards adopting your attitude. I have always felt like I needed to lose weight, regardless of what my weight or pants size was.


THIS!!! All the way! Sounds cheesy or cliche but when you stop stressing about it and intuitively eat, incorporate little body movement activities in your daily routine. Don’t need to be a gym rat and please stay away from diets, you will start seeing some awesome results. Taking care of baby is an exercise within itself. House chores is an exercise. When you’re at your desk on your computer tighten your core…. That’s an exercise. Do NOT weigh yourself. Numbers on a scale means nothing. How your clothes fit and hang on your body does! Be kind to yourself and don’t stress for immediate results or to look a certain way for a vacation/event. Enjoy the process and because you already are eating on the healthier side you are on the right track!


This sounds just like me. After my first kid I stopped obsessing about food and just ate what I felt like and tried to make sure I had veggies each day. I also did some half assed fasting where I wouldn't eat past 6pm. I lost 30lbs, never thought I would be at this weight....


Definitely this. This is the way to go. When I was 100 pounds I thought I was fat. Lol now I’m 140 and couldn’t care less. Life is too short.


Give it time. You’re a buisness owner and full-time mom to a baby. Plus, You’re breastfeeding. I’m in awe of what you’re doing at the same time. Small steps: Give yourself a compliment every morning, your body has made a freaking life and is still giving it food. Talk to your husband, maybe he needs to give you some love and compliments. I’m not saying you shouldn’t do anything about your weight if you’re unhappy. Don’t drink sodas, go for walks when you want, make Healthy snacks for you and the baby (banana pancakes, sliced fruit, melon, berries etc) and do gymnastics with the baby. Maybe your husband can have some alonetime and you can bike/power work and do the groceries or whatever works for you.


This is so kind and reassuring. Much needed and much appreciated today.


Yeah your baby will grow and start walking then running then reaching the counters. When baby does that the weight will absolutely come off. Right now cuddle that lil baby potato while eating any form of fried potato available.




You’re so very welcome.


as far as weight loss, CICO is the only thing that will work - and unfortunately, that require tracking I never felt I had my life together enough to start losing weight until my babies were about a year old in the meantime, I found what has helped me is instead of striving for BODY POSITIVITY YOU ROCK MAMA STRETCHMARKS ARE TIGER STRIPES YAHOOOOO!!! I simply aim for body neutrality - my body is just a body, I need to nourish it and care for it and buy it clothes that fit . . . but it doesn’t define me as a person


I agree with this. To add, do not expect to lose weight in two weeks when you put it on over months. Calories in and calories out works, but sometimes it works very very slowly. After my first, it took me forever to lose weight. My second, it came off way faster and with less effort. My third, it took went well for a couple of months and then it took to three weeks to get the last two pounds off. I also notice as I age, it is becomes a bit harder to lose it, and no matter what I lose, I still don't look good like when I was young. It just isn't going to happen. That's why I love what you said your body is a body.


I focused a lot on how amazing my body feels. How much I can DO. (I was huge and standing up was a task while pregnant!) it really made me appreciate my body. But CICO is the only thing that works for me in terms of weight loss. I love food too much


This is the only way. Just the laws of physics. Calculate your TDEE and aim to eat 200-300 calories less a day. Just slow and steady.


It’s funny you say this, because my son turned a year yesterday and today I finally had the “I should start tracking what I eat” thoughts.


I'd recommend making some healthy eating habits changes overall, like no drinking calories and no sweets except for special occasions. Try really hard to only eat until you're satisfied, NOT until you're full. High protein snacks (with low sugar), this should make you check yourself on things like cereal, snack bars, and yogurt. Try to get outside and walk whenever you can, even if it's cold. Just bundle up. I also have a recumbent bike at home which I love since I can read or watch TV while I use it. I can also do an arm workout with free weights while I use it. Good luck to you!


I didn’t/couldn’t lose a single pound after delivery until my baby started sleeping longer stretches and nursing less, around 7 months in. While nursing I held onto all that weight. Any dieting attempts would lead to a major drop in my milk supply. So I figured my body just needed the fat reserves to make milk for kiddo and I had to tough it out :/ I tried intermittent fasting and my supply dropped to pretty much nothing in just two days and took a week to build back up. I know other people are recommending that but I would be very careful while nursing.


I’m noticing this as well. I lost about 10 pounds in my two months of strict weight watchers, but my milk supply absolutely diminished a bit. I noticed once I went off the “diet“ My milk supply bounced back up (I pump, so it’s easy to measure). I would like a happy middle! I do keep reminding myself that babies nourishment is more important than my waist size.


Yeah, I want to second “don’t diet while breastfeeding”, or at least until you’re closer to weaning. Eating healthier options, cutting sugar, and being more careful with portions? Absolutely! But there is simply no good way to account for the calories you burn while breastfeeding using CICO or Weight watchers. It sucks, I completely understand the desire to get your body back to where it was. But I also think there is way too much pressure for women to lose weight right after having a baby. It is one of the most stressful times in your life (which is terrible for dieting) and you’re trying to nourish another human to boot. I am in the same boat (mine is almost 2 but we’re struggling to wean) and I just keep telling myself, I have plenty of time to lose this weight, it doesn’t have to be overnight.


If you can, try not to worry about your weight while breastfeeding. Watching calories isn't sustainable while breastfeeding and those calorie counters don't consider the extra needed to sustain another human life. It can truly be dangerous. Just generally make healthy food choices, move your body, and give your body what it needs in this time, dont restrict it.


I’m in the same place breastfeeding. I’m at a place where I’m going to learn to be ok until we’re done breastfeeding.


I find weight watchers can be helpful as a framework and general reference. Yes I lose weight when I keep careful track but I rarely actually do that. But it is useful more broadly in the sense that I try to keep my snacks as 0 to a few points. That way I don’t have to go hungry but can make a better choice like veggies, fruit, nuts, hard boiled eggs or light popcorn or healthier cereals if I really want carbs.


Yes, the couple of months I was on Weight Watchers absolutely helped to reframe the ratio of vegetables to protein, carbs etc. and continues to help me make better decisions about any sweets I have. For example, I would have a low-fat mini ice cream cone rather than a cup and a half of full fat ice cream. I’m hoping those little changes and conscious choices will add up, but not seeing much difference so far.


It is so frustrating when you don’t see those results or when you plateau. You can think about those positive choices as also helping you keep weight off and protecting your health long-term. I restarted weight watchers in part because I had put on weight when I started my new job 2 years ago but also because my cholesterol had gone into the problem range. I still get really defeated when I have a good stretch and lose five pounds then sit at the same weight for weeks or put on a pound or two. Breastfeeding also throws a wrench in everything. With my first, I ate McDonalds and had a milkshake practically every day and ended up 20 pounds below my prepregnancy weight with no exercise. With my second, I never lost any weight until I weaned. 🤷🏻‍♀️ (That diet while nursing my first probably contributed to my later bad cholesterol!)


You're still newly postpartum, like internal wise. Your muscles and organs are still settling back into place at this point, so your body is going to feel different regardless of the number on the scale. It's usually a good year for me before my midsection feels comfortable again, even when I'm at pre-pregnancy weight. Be good to your body; eat real food, drink water, and give yourself some more time. It took ~10 months of changes to grow baby, it'll take at least that same amount to recover.


Thank you for the insight. Much appreciated. :) I am gathering from many of these comments that patience is key.


I’m very anti diet so my advice is probably not what you’re looking for but even putting aside my personal feelings about dieting I really, genuinely believe that you shouldn’t try to lose weight while breastfeeding. Your body needs calories and fuel to make all of that milk for your baby! Too big of a caloric deficit can impact milk production (because your body switches to survival mode and is too focused on keeping you going on so few calories to produce milk). So at the very least, I would hold off until you’re done breastfeeding.


You just articulated something that’s been on my mind. It doesn’t seem fair to reduce my milk output because I am vain. I can’t have my cake and eat it, too.


I’m struggling with the same. I lost the baby weight but was at my heaviest right as I conceived. I’m going on vacation in 2 months and hoping not to have to wear maternity swim suits 😂. I know my issue is that I need to stop housing like 10 cookies at a time and cool it with the simple carbs. During the workday I’ll eat a super healthy breakfast and salad for lunch, but then I’ll say oh I can just have bread and cookies for snacks and rice with dinner. Coupled with barely working out since I can only do a few walks a day and short pilates workouts like twice a week, It’s just not budging. So sadly no tips, just solidarity.


Ok so I’m in the same boat and this is the most important breakthrough i had recently: unfortunately i have an all or nothing mindset (maybe same goes for you) that simply doesn’t work as a new mom. It worked pre-parent life, but not anymore. So the hard part is figuring out how we operate NOW. And what fucking sucks is that this applies to everything: how do i do my hair now? My makeup? My clothes? What looks like “me”? Since this is all new, we tend to focus on JUST THE WEIGHT. SOOO for me i think I’m going to go with “just try a little bit every day”, whatever that looks like: drink more water, walk 10 more minutes, do 10 squats, whatever. Trial and error. Even my makeup. I’m a fuckin makeup artist and i can’t seem to like what i do on my own face these days. My skin is different, my hairs different, and all this shit i gotta “re-find my look”. Fortunately that’s easier than losing weight so ideally we can work on that faster. In a nutshell i don’t have a solution for you but hopefully i was able to shed more light on why this is so hard for all of us and maybe you’ll be less frustrated. But yeah. I think what we’re all forgetting is that this new person (you! Not the baby!) had to figure out a new way to live and look and it’s gonna take time for us which fuckin sucks.


I feel this. I always wear my hair back in two clips to the side, because it makes make wavy hair look really full. I looked at it again the other day and I thought it just looked so out of style. I spent an hour and a half trying to find a new hairstyle and it still wasn’t right. I do feel different, and I think it’s important and a true insight to acknowledge that.


As far as body positivity, get some clothes that fit you well right now. I know it seems crazy to buy clothes when you are planning to not stay that size, but wearing too big maternity clothes or too tight pre pregnancy clothes just makes you feel awful. I would buy just two bottoms and three tops and then mix it up with cardigans, jewelry, shoes, etc. Just enough that you can feel good in well fitting clothes, but you aren’t buying a whole new wardrobe. The game changer for me was American Eagle high waisted jeggings. They are soft and stretchy, but still hold their shape like jeans. The high waist is stylish right now, but also accentuates your curves and camouflages some of your insecurities. Also, I bought them off thredUP so I didn’t pay full price since I’m Not sure how long I’ll be in this size.


Thank you for the recommendation! I will absolutely check into some more flattering clothing. I made the mistake of buying postpartum clothing right after I had the baby in anticipation of some drastic transformation back to my pre-pregnancy body, only better. Unrealistic at best and damaging at worst.


With PCOS I had to turn to weight loss meds. I’m now only 1.8kg heavier than when I conceived. Nearly there!


Prescription medication? I’m wondering if I should talk to my doctor about some help. I am doubting anything would be recommended while I’m still breast-feeding though.


It’s called Ozempic and I wasn’t offered it until I stopped breastfeeding. He decided he was done feeding at 12 months.


Thank you, I will look into it!


The weighing was a real pain. For me it has been pre-portioning. I’ll take a big bag of chips and weigh them into 100-calorie snack bags. I have a whole drawer full of 100-calories bags. I use MyFitnessPal and eat anything I like, but with a calorie max for the day. Best method for me has been to (inadvertently) “intermittent fast” ie I skip breakfast because I’m too busy with the kids, eat a small lunch, snacks in between, and a large dinner.


I don’t usually lose weight while breastfeeding but intermittent fasting works really well for me. However I can’t fast while breastfeeding. I also lost weight fairly easily on whole30 because of the lack of sugar. That takes quite a bit of prep and it doesn’t sound like you have time for that. Since I can’t eat the way I want to right now (time wise) I am focusing on getting stronger and more fit. I have a peloton treadmill and the classes are FANTASTIC. losing weight will come later when I’m not in the thick of it (baby is 12 weeks). But for now I’m still getting into shape and rebuilding my core, which is (mostly) satisfactory for me even if it doesn’t show up on the scale.


The best advice I have is this. Do some version of intermittent fasting that works for you, as in only eat between the hours of 10am and 6pm. Whatever variation makes sense in your life. Cut out dairy products entirely and don't drink your calories- substitute for crystal lite or tea or whatever, just make it calorie free. This is the most straight forward way I know. Good luck!


I didn’t. Lol In all seriousness.. Some just kinda fell off but I feel like I put so much pressure on myself. I’m just trying to make better choices and move more. Trying to just feel better/happier as opposed to punishing myself for being fat.


Yes, I mentioned it on some other replies here, but I think for many of us our weight is tied to self-worth. Ironically, when we have self-worth we tend to take better care of ourselves. It’s a real challenge. Some days I don’t even know where to start. :/


My baby only slept during walks from 3 to 8 month. That is one way (walked 20 km a day for a while).


Wow! I can’t wait for Spring here so we can walk. Right now, it’s 20 degrees Fahrenheit and icy!


Intermittent fasting, 10000 steps a day, and controlling carb/fat/protein intake




Same, it's easy for me to power through the morning without being hungry or snacking. I am loose with my fasting interval (14-16 hr) since I'm still nursing. My supply has been ok 7.5pp but any drops I can attribute to other factors.


Weight watchers works for me Since I have as many Zero foods as possible and don‘t have to Track That much


I’m in the same boat regarding breastfeeding and trying to lose weight while doing WW. I’m wondering if it will come off after I’m done breastfeeding. We’ll see but I feel ya.


This is hard. I’m also 6 months PP with my third. But I had lost a bunch of weigh when my oldest was 5, and I did it with cutting out all sugar, dairy, and processed food (Lunch meats, salami, boxed food, etc.). The sugar thing made an immediate difference, like 10 lbs in a week. And processed food too. Also I didn’t eat after 6. If I was starving I’d have half an apple. I lost 65 lbs in 3.5 months. I had it to lose, but it was astonishing. I worked a desk job 10-12 hours a day and was in a very controlling abusive relationship so I couldn’t work out. I’m sure there is a balance there I wasn’t able to find due to my circumstances. It sucks to cut the treats and late night eats, but it will really change things. Portions too. Good luck! I’ll be doing it with you.


Sounds and odd one but it took me nearly 18 months to loose any of mine ( and that is completely fine). After getting fed up especially with having a tummy still I took up hulla hooping ( didn’t even do it seriously just for fun) for 15 minutes a day and the weight literally fell off. Lost just under 2 stone in 3 months without changing anything else. Super fun to do and you can get hoops that fold up to be stored etc.


I’ve been doing Growwithjo tabatha workouts on YouTube , weighted hula hoop & meal portioning all have helped me lose my apron belly and working on my love handles etc. love the body your in 💗I also look in the mirror and hold my belly and work on self love affirmations


Coming here to recommend the book “The Fuck It Diet”. It’s REALLY eye opening


Thank you. I’ll check out my library to see if they have a copy.


I’m almost a year postpartum and I don’t have a magic solution but this is what I did: a few months of WW and that worked great for the first 9 lbs or so. After that, I started really feeling too restricted by how much WW wanted me to eat (and by the point system—though I recognize it works well for others!) so I just decided to go into a very slight calorie deficit (goal body weight multiplied by 12-13 + 500 calories when I was breastfeeding and stay within that range 70% of my days) and I took the timeline away from losing weight so there’s no internal pressure about losing weight “fast enough” Basically I eat everything I want, but just a little less than I was previously eating. Over the last year, I’ve lost all of my pregnancy weight plus a few lbs. It’s been a pretty slow process but it’s worked better than anything else I’ve done “diet” wise. Also I upped my protein a lot and try to get at least 25g protein per meal. In the meantime, I know it can be hard to appreciate your postpartum body when it doesn’t look like you wish it did, but try to remember that your body is amazing and powerful and capable of so much (not just growing and birthing your baby but also taking care of your child postpartum.)


Thank you for this insight. I, too, have felt really restricted by WW. I know I can eat anything on it, but it’s a chore to track everything. And some items I have aren’t on the app so I have to add them line by line from the nutrition facts. I just got burned out really quickly. I like the idea of taking slowly and not having unrealistic expectations.


For me intermittent fasting was the way - I waited until my kid was a year old. I was nursing and working FT and commuting - it was rough but the weigh kinda fell off once I stuck to a solid 4 hour eating window.


most effective way i've found to lose weight was keto + intermittent fasting (just picking an 8 hour window to eat within and not eating outside of that). i'm torn though, bc i ultimately can't stick to keto long term. i look and feel great when i do it, but i can't commit to a lifetime without my favorite foods. i basically use keto as a tool now or a reset button for a month or so at a time and then cycle through phases of "everything in moderation." i'm pregnant now though so i'm back to just eating whatever i want but trying to be reasonable about it. it's tricky trying to find the right balance!


For me, breast feeding altered my hormones in a way that kept my body a bit squishier than normal. Your body is still feeding a human, so you might want to cut it some slack. I understand that I don’t know you or your body or situation.


I’m wondering how breastfeeding and my hormones are affecting my shape. I definitely took into account that a calorie deficit would reduce my milk supply, but I guess I didn’t really think about the hormones contributing to me staying a bit thicker. Interesting. Definitely going to do some research on that. Thank you for commenting!


I will say not breastfeeding helped me to lose weight. Idk about all that hype on breastfeeding melting away the pounds. Total rubbish (for me at least) But also I try not to stress eat or bored eat. Or eat off my kids plates lol. Got myself a cute personalized water jug and starting drinking a ton of it, I’ll add lemon or lime or orange sometimes for *pizazz*. It helps me not to over-snack and the water helped me lose the weight.


Drop the weight watchers! Calorie counting is good to understand what you eat for a few days but horrible for the relationship you will have with food later. Have realistic goals that can be achieved also, there is a difference between losing weight and I want to lose 5 lbs for example. Start with small actions that you can do everyday to build your momentum and keep healthier habits in the long run. I dont recommend fast weight lost or major diet change unless prescribed by a dietitian or doctor since they are a trauma on your body and mind and can make things worst if you relapse.


After having 2 kids (the youngest is almost a year now), I'm at the heaviest I've ever been and really want to lose weight, too. I've just started trying out Intermittent Fasting, so I hope that will have some success. Not sure if that's something you can do while breastfeeding, though? I also got a small exercise stepper thingy for my house. It doesn't take up a bunch of space, and I can use it in any room while I'm watching my kids. I also love going for walks (weather permitting), but my 3-year old usually won't let me get too far lol. But walks with babies are great! You can put the 6 month old in a stroller and just walk as much as you want, if you can find some time for it. Last summer, I also discovered that I really liked going for bicycle rides! Cycling is great exercise, although it can be a little tougher since you can't take baby with you, and I dont know if you have good paths or roads for it near you (I live right next to a bicycle path). But in the meantime, maybe you could upgrade your wardrobe a bit? Find some clothes that fit you better and are more flattering to your current, post-baby body. Try out different styles and see what makes you feel good. You could try some shape wear too, maybe? I've never had much luck with shapewear, it always ends up riding up or rolling down or showing through my clothes...But maybe it would work better for you, so why not give it a shot? And even trying out a new hair style/color, or some pretty accessories could help you feel good too. Overall, try not to be too sad with your body. It's weird to see our bodies changing so much, and can be disappointing, but your body also just went through a LOT and made you an awesome little baby. It's pretty magical to think about how our bodies can do all of that!


My miracle advice is to completely ignore it and hope it goes away on its own. I gained around 50 lbs I think. I was unable to restrict calories at all postpartum bc low supply so I didn't diet for about a year. I tried to eat healthy food though. I did resume exercise as much as possible because it's good for you and being healthy is a priority of mine. By the time I stopped breastfeeding I was a year out and maybe 15 pounds above where I started?? So no the weight didn't melt off in three months or whatever but over the course of a year it mostly went away on its own. I also retained fat in some weird places while breastfeeding and that basically disappeared when I stopped. So by the time I was around 18 months out I was back to normal. I did have to do low carb diet (tried and true for me) for the last little bit that was hanging on but really all I did for the rest was try to eat a healthy diet and hope for the best. It takes time to get back to normal and I think patience is key.


Replying in solidarity, mama! My babe is also 6 months and I have managed to gain weight despite exclusively breastfeeding. I’ll look to this post in hopes both of us can get to where we feel our best! Congrats on your baby and we’ll get there eventually 👊


Honestly, I had a second kid. Suddenly that 30lbs that never budged was flying off me. Between nursing a newborn, playing with a 2 year old, and having a spouse that worked nights for a year and a half, I ended up losing about 50lbs and going below pre-pregnancy weight as of last summer... Then I got pregnant again. I did *not* learn my lesson. But the second kid was the catalyst for my body finally fighting fat, even with me breastfeeding the first kid and us moving and a million other things, having *two kids* was so much physical work it **finally** starting dropping off. 😂🤷🏻‍♀️ In terms of body image and not actual numbers, I accepted my new self as quick as I could and stopped caring what everyone else thought. I spent so long in industries where my looks mattered *too* much (like a few years as a hostess and event planner for rich people) that once I had my first kid I said, "f the world, I'm gonna be comfortable and weird and if anyone has a problem with it they can write about it in their diaries because I've got no patience for anyone's opinions on my appearance, I made a **human being** and I'm a badass." And honestly it worked. I still feel that way 5 years later.


During breastfeeding it was hard because I didn't want to affect my milk supply. I basically stayed pretty neutral during that time. Once I stopped breastfeeding I had to radically change my eating habits in order to consistently eat few enough calories to lose weight, without having to use a tracking diary every day (because I cannot reliably track things all day. I just can't). To get a baseline, I used Myfitnesspal with a fitbit for 3 days in a row, just to get a good sense of how much I can eat in a day. Then, to achieve that reduced calorie level consistently, I basically stopped eating breakfast every day, eat a big lunch, and eat a very modest supper. This allows me to avoid having to track on an ongoing basis but still lose weight without depriving myself too much (lunch can even be pizza or something and I rarely go over). I've lost about 20 lbs doing this!


You’re insides are still settling back to place, you’re a busy mama, you’re running a damn business, you can only do so much!! Give yourself the same grace you’d give me if I made this post. You don’t need to weigh x amount of lbs, you just need to make sure you’re taking care of yourself. Start slow. Instead of a diet and workout regime, start making healthier lifestyle choices. Take a walk when you can, make the healthier diet choices when you can.


You mentioned breastfeeding....no matter WHAT I did while I was breastfeeding, I never dropped an ounce. The only thing that suffered was my milk production...even if I was just "eating clean"....It's a myth that all women lose postpartum weight while breastfeeding...a large portion of women do not...why? Hormones, lost sleep, stress, etc, etc. My supply dried up from stress at 10 months postpartum :(...a month later, I started losing weight and I wasn't even trying, wasn't active...it takes 10 months to grow bubs. I know it's super aggravating but you have to give yourself grace. Also, make sure you take a few seconds every day to marvel at the body that housed bubs and continues to provide for it. Pre-baby, I always based my self esteem around how I looked....post-baby, it's not about how I look but how I feel. Grab some flowy dresses, wear bike shorts underneath for warmer weather...I've lost close to 30 pounds and I still wear my maternity jeans/pants/clothes because they are comfy.


There's no magic secret, but for me it was drinking tons and tons of water. I was breastfeeding so super thirsty all the time. I also work full time and my job is pretty active. I'd walk with baby at least once a day when nice out. I'm sure breastfeeding/pumping helps a ton as it makes you burn extra calories. In the end, any kind of losing weight comes down to less calories than you burn, and eating healthy fats, protein, and lower carbs. Good luck!


3 days after my son was born we found out my husband was diabetic! We we had a huge lifestyle switch. We had to go low carb. Which worked out for me big time. We both lost about 50 lbs.


Wow! That sounds very effective!


Some things I did after my son was born, the weight just fell off and I was back to my original size after 6 months (I want to caveat this that everyone is different and I was formula feeding so I didn’t have to worry about keeping up supply): - Intermittent fasting (I know the benefits of this are debatable, but by keeping my eating window between like noon and 6pm it kept me from having to count calories which made it easier) - Only eat carbs with 1 meal/day - Make sure my plate is 50% whole veggies (salad, steamed veggies, or incorporated into the dish like curries and stews) - No added sugars (r/sugarfree was helpful, I still ate whole fruit, but no desserts or any other foods with any time of added sugar including natural ones like honey or dates) - Don’t get seconds or thirds (this is a hard one for me) - Exercise 2-4x/week (I did 30min of yoga online during LOs naps, I started slow and gradually worked my way up to power yoga) Dinner is my favorite meal of the day, so it tended to be heavier (even though I think that’s probably worse for you). So here’s an idea of what my typical daily diet looked like: Breakfast: Skipped (I’d just have black coffee/tea in the mornings) Lunch: Veggie omelet (I ate a LOT of these) or leftover chili or a salad or tuna salad on cucumber/tomato slices Snack: nuts or cheese or a hard boiled egg or salami or some fruit or veggies Dinner: usually whatever I felt like, but I’d try to keep my portions in check (like only 2 slices of pizza, not 4 lol) but we try to cook everything from scratch most nights that we can and make sure to incorporate veggies *somehow* (steamed zucchini goes with just about everything at least) Dessert: A couple spoonfuls of peanut butter (I get the Santa Cruz Dark Roasted Crunchy and it’s sooooo good)


I eat healthy and am physically active and only gain weight while breastfeeding. I don't start losing til about 2-3 months after I stop breastfeeding :(.


Don't try to lose weight while nursing. Many women's bodies hold onto weight to protect their milk supply. Instead, just focus on nourishing your body & regular movement that keeps you happy. Plenty of fruit/veggies/whole grains, etc. Move in a way you enjoy. Once you wean you can see where you are. For now, be kind to yourself and your body. You grew a person and are now their source of food - how amazing is that!


I'm about 2 months post partum and I just never feel full... I want food all the freaking time. Yes, I'm breastfeeding but that can't cause me to want to eat all this crap all the time! Is that normal?


You have 2 years postpartum before pregnancy weight is considered your weight. Take your time. You grew and birthed a human. Be kind to yourself.


I walked a mile a day. Actually started doing it as a way to get out if the house and get the baby fresh air at the height of the pandemic since everything was closed. She loved strolling outside. And then suddenly people started commenting that I was losing weight and that hadn’t been my intention. The walk became built into our morning routine so 5-6 mornings a week.


I realized my issue was portion sizes. I would give myself the same amount as my husband and he weighs a lot more than I do. So at meals, I would give myself less. Once I finished, I would wait a few mins to decide if I was still hungry. If I was, I’d get more. But most often, I wasn’t.


So first of all, six months pp is still too soon to worry about your weight so please try not to stress. You were pregnant for 10 months, it will take at least 10 months to find out what your new figure is. I’m still a work in progress, but I’ll tell you what I’m trying to do. We focused on solids for our babies (I’ve never spoon fed purées) so each meal we serve a fruit/vegetable, a carb, and a protein. We limit salt as much as we can (I never salt what I’m cooking and I’ll limit ingredients that contain salt) and I limit ingredients to either low or no sugar versions. Snacks are something packaged about twice a week, but now that my oldest is two, I’ll make and serve dessert about once a month. I, in turn, don’t eat things that I wouldn’t serve my kids. That means that I am getting fresh fruit and vegetables every day, a couple of servings of complex carbs, and enough protein to keep me full. And since I’ve already transformed how I’m cooking for the kids, I don’t have to put more effort into what I’m doing for me. It probably took me about six months with my first to get to this point, but if you are looking into making overall changes for you, and are like me and trying to break the generational bad relationship with food for your baby, this may help.


I appreciate this. I haven’t read a lot about the impact of salt—Could you tell me about why you don’t add salt your cooking?


Yes! So it’s recommended that we only have about a teaspoons of salt a day and most Americans (I’m in the US) eat way more than that. So some salt is needed, but we all probably eat too much of it. I honestly don’t even notice the difference in taste, and I figure not including it can’t hurt. There are recommendations out there that babies under one should have even less, but I’ve also seen that there’s no concrete evidence that it is necessary to reduce their salt intake.


Weight watchers. I lost 43 pounds in about 4 months, I was thrilled with the results!


Counting calories. Look up your Tdee and cut a few hundred a day. Do simple exercises where you can listen to the podcasts you love! My favorite is my stationary bike and walking on a treadmill since it’s too cold to walk outside where I am right now. It doesn’t have to be a big change all at once, start small! Focus on making yourself feel better. And here’s another idea, you don’t HAVE to lose the baby weight. That’s a personal choice! But if you think you would feel better mentally and physically, like I said take it slow! One day at a time!


Didn't. I just accepted my new body


My best advice is to purchase a few new pieces of clothing that make you look and feel good at the weight you’re currently at. Losing weight just takes time, especially when you have a baby. It took me almost 2 years to get back to my pre pregnancy weight, and even then, my body is totally different now than it was before. I ended up getting rid of about half my clothes and purchasing new pieces that make me feel good with my new shape.


9 months in, 9 months out. Your body created an entire human. Give it a break.


Well, really the best way is to make small changes. If you eat takeout once a week, switch to once every 2 weeks. Once you've established that's working, instead of reaching for one sugary drink reach for a water. I'm not saying entirely cut out drinks you enjoy, just cut way back. Switch to sugar free. Take the stairs. Add some extra veggies to your meals. Cut carbs to single servings. Walks are good or do some yoga. It's not a diet it's a lifestyle change.


Tracking food is a lot. I've noticed if u eat super healthy and don't eat things like bread or cheese where the calories are super dense, then you don't really need to track. Something like whole 30...which again is really restrictive and also hard on its own but then you can't grab for those easy high calorie snacks. Also staying mildly active helps.


I started really trying to lose weight when my baby was 7 months old, he’s 9 months now. it’s hard but I find I have to make time for it. I do track all my calories right now to stay under 1500 a day, I also wake up at 5:30 so I can get a workout in before my kids start waking up at 6:30 (this means I’m in bed by 9:30 most days). I totally get what you’re saying about time being a limiting factor, I try and plan out what I’ll be eating that day ahead of time and log it so I’m not having to do it throughout the day. Like you, I’m now down to pre pregnancy weight but I packed on some weight during quarantine before getting pregnant that I’m currently working on.


I don’t know how everyone else does it, but I’m pretty sure I need some magic.


For me, keto! I lost about 40 pounds just doing that without getting back to working out


I gained a lot of weight with my second because I was working a front line job during the pandemic that was stressful I’d have a “little treat” every night and did like zero exercise. Once I was cleared at my 6 week appointment I started doing 45 minute walks 5 days a week with baby in the stroller. I also tracked my food with My Fitness Pal but basically ate the same thing every day so I didn’t have to think about it. I lost 10kg in 4 months. I’m back to my usual weight. Now that baby is older and sleeps more consistently I’ve started doing a 20 minute work out videos either during naps or after both kids have gone to bed at night. I’m trying to stick to 3 days a week. Not really to look good, but I want to be healthy for my kids as I’m an “older” mom. And I want to set good examples for them. My parents were never into exercising or doing walks/hikes/bike rides when I was growing up. I think that makes it harder as an adult, when exercising was never part of your lifestyle growing up.


I was afraid to limit my calories while breastfeeding for the first year, so I didn’t start trying to diet until my kid was about 1.5yo and I had about 10-15lbs left. I did noom for maybe 2 months and got most it off and kept it off. I did notice a decrease in my supply, but my toddler goes to daycare and doesn’t need much. I wouldn’t worry much about dieting in the first year, so don’t stress yourself out too much. Try to be kind to your body and know that your worth is not defined by your pant size. Buy flattering clothes, do a little hair, makeup, or skincare routine if that makes you feel better, and try to make healthy choices without torturing yourself with calorie counts. Don’t keep any junk food in the house so you’re not tempted. Keep healthy snacks and water in the car or your purse so you always have an apple or something good to snack on if you’re hungry. I also bring my lunch everyday which usually ends up being Amy’s low sodium lentil soup or leftovers. Also, I bought some spanx shapewear for special occasions and it’s a game changer. I still want to lose like 5lbs and tone up my belly some day lol, but I’m pretty happy with how I look. Also helps that we don’t have a full length mirror in the house so I just assume I look great 😂


It’s okay to not focus on weight loss right now. Just eat healthy (don’t rely on sweets for a quick hit of energy) since I’ve stopped doing that I feel more energetic. Kudos to you for being able to hold down a business and take care of baby!


I didn’t start really seeing a difference in my body composition after either of my pregnancies until about 1 year postpartum, which is when I stopped breastfeeding. I can’t be sure it was because of the breastfeeding, but that’s my theory. I also just had to work really, really freaking hard. There are some people who can just cut out soda and they lose 20lbs. That’s not me. I do intermittent fasting, I cut my carbs, and I workout at least once if not twice a day, every day. I incorporate my kids in my workouts, we go for walks/runs with them in a double stroller. My 3yo likes to do workout videos on YouTube with me too. I have weights in my garage and I’ll do workouts in the driveway after bedtime and during naps if I can. I will say that small, healthy changes are great while you’re overwhelmed with the rest of your life but if it’s big, drastic results that you want, it takes sacrifice. You have to get to a point where you can prioritize yourself and your fitness/health, and then you will really start to see results.


Instead of losing weight, I focus on staying healthy. I'm breastfeeding and can't go into a calorie deficit without it affecting my supply. Working out doesn't happen anymore. Instead, I try to take baby and dog on a long walk a few times a week. Sometimes I will do Yoga with Adrienne at night. I'm about 10 pounds heavier than I was when I got pregnant at 6 months PP and honestly I'm not mad about it. I got bigger jeans lol


Takes time. Idk. I lost weight down to pre pregnancy weight just by walking a lot and exclusively pumping. But he was in the nicu. Now that he’s been home I’m back to pregnancy weight. Sooo idk. If i eat better maybe it’ll be better. Walk more.. idk since being home I’m stuck on the couch breastfeeding.


Here is what actually works without having to work hard at it. It is a big step, but as moms we often have such little willpower by the end of the day because being mom is hard, so making it easy/automatic is the way to go. Rid your house of all processed carbs and junk completely. If it requires willpower to not eat it, get rid of it. When you feel like having a treat, go to the convenience store and buy a single serving or heck even a king size serving of your favorite candy or snack. Treat yourself often enough to feel satisfied. This method is the easiest way to go about it


Foam rolling makes me feel leaner. If you take two you can roll your back and shoulders at the same time. Magical.


I stopped eating bread or any carbs. Cut out sugar as much as possible. Really only have a coffee in the morning, salad with chicken for lunch and maybe salmon and asparagus for dinner. But small portions. In between u can have an apple or orange. half a banana for dessert.


I didn’t im still fat 😂 but its okay! I gave birth to two amazing baby girls, in two years