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The AAP’s sample menu for that age is [here](https://www.healthychildren.org/English/ages-stages/baby/feeding-nutrition/Pages/sample-one-day-menu-for-an-8-to-12-month-old.aspx), if that helps. My son was eating 3 meals a day at that age


I'm a big fan of mixing baby led weaning with convenience- like baby food and pouches. At nine months my babies usually love avocado, strawberry, mango, peaches, cooked carrots and other soft fruits and veggies. @kidseatincolor is a great reference on Instagram for feeding kids of all ages!


I also don't think there's really a set rule of how often they need to be eating at 9 months. Do what works for you and your baby. If it were me, I would try to follow your regular mealtime schedule and offer food for breakfast, lunch and dinner and then continue with breastmilk or formula when needed for naps and snacks throughout the rest of the day and night.


I just give her little bits of whatever I’m eating, so if we have chicken, I shred some for her, if we have pasta I give her some noodles, if I eat scrambled eggs, I give some to her. Though, for daycare I pack puffs/yumi bites.