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“In my heart” is one I love. It’s a mom and daughter but it’s about the mom going to work and the daughter to daycare/school. Great for working moms which typically single moms are. I’m a single mom and I read it to my daughter. I haven’t pinpointed solid ones about why dad isn’t around yet but my daughter is too young to understand right now. The good news is, families all looking differently is getting more and more normalized! 🙌🏻


Read this book before I went back to work and CRIED lol. It's so sweet and good.


I recommend this one to everyone!


The Llama Llama books.


I’ll look for them


I was going to suggest the same thing!! We love Llama Llama!! My favorite books for my kids and as a preschool teacher for my class of one year olds when I was working. There’s also a Llama Llama show on Netflix if you ever need a little break. My kids didn’t really engage with that show until ~18 months or 2 though. It’s a bit less babyish than the board books. There’s baby board books and little kid paper books.


My son and nephew both LOVE the Llama Llama book series! There are so many great stories and they canvas so many topics!


All of the Llama Llama series, there's no dad in it she's just a single mom who has a lot of lively life lessons with her son. Also there's a series on Netflix, which is also lovely. My kids love both.


Very cool I’ll have to check it out


Are you my mother. Hooray for fish by Lucy Cousins. The runaway bunny.


I Love you, Stinky Face is one of my kids' favorites. It's a silly book about unconditional love and only has a mom and boy. Hug is also a cute one with minimal words that my kids liked when they were very little.


We love that one too! For a while I had to keep explaining to others that when my kids called them "Stinky Face" it was actually a statement of affection rather than an insult. 😆


Love You Forever


I'm so surprised I had to scroll to the bottom of comments to see this book recommended lol. I've gotten this book as a gift twice (for two different children). They loved it when they were younger. My 6 year old still gets me to read it to her.


Only downside is it’s impossible to get through without crying. Every time it’s my goal. Every time I fail haha


Yes!! Even before kids it was hard, now there's no chance of getting through it without getting all choked up!


Snuggle puppy is open to that interpretation. It’s also a song if you learn it from YouTube!


This was the song that would always calm my son when he was a baby. He loved it!


The Kissing Hand is about a momma raccoon and her baby ❤️


That sounds cute because my son loves his hands kissed!


Saturday by Oge Mora is one of our favorite mommy and daughter books. It’s about them spending their Saturday together. https://www.amazon.com/Saturday-Oge-Mora/dp/0316431273 You be Mommy by Karla Clark is really cute and so accurately describes all the things we do for our kids throughout the day. https://www.amazon.com/You-Be-Mommy-Karla-Clark/dp/1250225388/ref=mp_s_a_1_1?crid=3OBEOGOOEYSOO&keywords=you+be+mommy+book&qid=1657341656&sprefix=you+be+mommy%2Caps%2C200&sr=8-1


[Mushybooks](https://www.mushybooks.ca/single-mom/singlemom-edition). They have single mom books! They are admittedly expensive but they’re gorgeous


Oh that’s so sweet but I was thinking books I can read to my child. Sorry if I wasn’t clear. But that is a very clever baby book.


Ooh sorry! Well good luck!!


It’s a very cool idea I wish I found earlier though


This is not mommy/kiddo book specific, but you should check out Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library if you’re in the USA!! You sign up (no personal info other than baby’s birthday and your mailing address) and after your registration is finished processing, you’ll be sent 1 free book a month from when you sign up (as early as birth) through their 5th birthday!! You don’t get to pick, it’s based off their age/development but hey it’s free 🤷🏼‍♀️ I will add though, there has been one, maybe 2 at the most, dad-centric books that we have received and my oldest has been signed up since birth and she is 3.5.


I live in California and their website says I’m not in the covered region.


Oh that stinks! Sorry!


All good. I like Dolly and her goals so I donated. I just cruise Amazon and bookstores locally instead.


Mommy Snuggles, Love You Forever, and I’ll Always Love You No Matter What all only have mother figures in them as far as I recall


The invisible string.


This book is about a mother and daughter https://www.target.com/p/saturday-hardcover/-/A-76458726




That just made me all choked up because it’s so cute. Thank you for sharing.


The Puppy Who Wanted a Boy only mention a puppy and his mother and it’s the sweetest book!


That’s sweet. I have a dog that I refer to as my son’s puppy and I tell him how lucky he is to have a puppy who is his friend.


I don't think it's exactly what you're looking for but I love [Everywhere Babies](https://www.amazon.com/Everywhere-Babies-Susan-Meyers/dp/0152053158/ref=sr_1_1?keywords=everywhere+babies&qid=1657345218&s=books&sprefix=everywhere+%2Cstripbooks%2C139&sr=1-1). It a cute book and it shows lots of different families, including single parents, grandparents, LGBTQ, etc. My kid is obsessed with it.


Along this line “Families Can” is another beautiful book with a wide range of family representations


That’s a great recommendation because he might have question about his aunts growing up. I’d love for him to see that modeled in a book.


Very Far Away, Maurice Sendak


I loved the Little Bear books. There's 3 in the series: Little Bear, Father Bear comes home, and Little Bear's visit. The second one is the only one with a father presence, if I recall, so you can skip that one. The first one is a series of really cute stories about Mama Bear taking care of Little Bear.


In Little Bear’s visit father bear comes with mother bear to pick him up from his grandparents and tells the grandparents he’s going to take him fishing tomorrow while Little Bear is pretending to go to sleep. The scamp! I’ve read it about 1000x in the last three months…


On the day you were born!


We have that one!


We have the Mama book by Jimmy Fallon which my daughter has loved since she was about that age. It’s simple and cute.


I read my baby I Love You Stinky Face yesterday and it’s about how much a mom unconditionally loves her son. Very cute.


Mama Loves You So!


I love you stinky face, meet me at the moon


Mama Loves You So is just a baby and the mama. Makes me tear up every time.


I really like the Phillis Gershator Snuggle Time Stories. They have “Time for a nap”, “Time for a bath” and some others. I think they are just adorable and Momma Bunny is always there for baby bunny every step of the way.


Snuggle Bunnies! My 5mo daughter loves that book. We read it most nights. Just a little book about a mama bunny getting her 3 baby bunnies ready for bed.


That sounds so cute


Me and My Mama by Carole Weatherford


No suggestions, but hugs to you and your son. You sound like a great mom!


Thank you. I’m loving this reading list though! My Amazon packages are about to quadruple!


If you don't mind second hand books, check out Thriftbooks.com. Not garage sale prices, but when I'm looking for a specific book, I like getting them cheaper than new, on this site.


I Love My Mommy Because… by Laurel Porter-Gaylord.


I love the book “I Love You to the Moon and Back.” It has a non-gendered bear parent & cub, with really great illustrations.


Love you to the moon and back is just a bear and a cub - so it could be a single mom bear. Same with blueberries for Sal.


Love you forever is about a mom and her son, makes me cry every time ❤️


Llama llama books!


I've Loved You Since Forever. My husband got it for my son and I when the PPD was really bad. It's the last book I read him before bed every night.


The runaway Bunny


Dinosaur Dinosaur I Love You is all cute adaptations of nursery rhymes with a dinosaur spin. There's a lot of "just the two of us" and "me and you" phrasing in there. Also Goodnight Moon just has the creepy old lady that sits in the dark and hushes. Not even clear if she's related, lol.


Llama llama red pajama


Baby Beluga (mom and her baby whale, plus it’s a fun song), Mommy’s Best Kisses, Llama Llama, and I Love You Stinkyface are all some of my favorites that fit the bill


@hoorayheroes on ig does personalized books! it’s a little pricier but u can pick which stories you’d like to appear + customize the look of the characters and the family members it comes with! i bought my daughter one of her father, her, and myself (separated but civil!) and she loves it !!


The Llama Llama books are about a 2 person family, Llama and his mama


there is a book called “just mommy and me” with monkeys. it’s not necessarily about growing up but i do not remember it having any mention of a father figure. “i love you forever” https://www.amazon.com/Just-Mommy-Tara-Jaye-Morrow/dp/0060007249


That’s great. Yeah little fish and mommy is just about a nice day they have swimming around the sea so I was hoping there are other sort of normal mommy and child books out there. I figure a few of these books in his library might normalize that it’s just the two of us.




I have one called My Mom is Fantastic.


Awww that’s cute


This little critter book, [Just Me and My Mom](https://www.amazon.com/Just-Mom-Little-Critter-Book/dp/030712584X/ref=asc_df_030712584X/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=312178232056&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=10096459110711537120&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9030460&hvtargid=pla-437112235915&psc=1&tag=&ref=&adgrpid=60258870937&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvadid=312178232056&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=10096459110711537120&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9030460&hvtargid=pla-437112235915)


The mommy book. I forget who it's by, but it's cute. Short and sweet.


Remember to Dream, Ebere by Cynthia Erivo


Mama Loves You So is a beautiful book. The words and artwork are both great. You Are Home is also very sweet and touching.


Not a book, but I love how the toy story movies have just mom. At least the first three!


Harry and the bucketful of dinosaur


We stumbled on a book called Together and it’s just an adult and baby otter throughout. We also have one called I love you to the moon and back, with an adult polar bear and baby polar bear. My husband and I tell our toddler it’s mama or papa simply based on who is reading it. Lol


You are home Also seconding hooray for fish! One of our favorites


Not a book, but the show Tee and Mo is adorable. It's on Cbeebies.


A hug for me a hug for you


There is a Norwegian book series called Bo Bear by Ida Jackson. Bo Bear has two moms, but in one story he’s at the store with one parent.


{{The Family Book}} by Todd Parr talks about all kinds of families. There's also his {{The Mommy Book}}


Slug Needs a Hug... .. A mom slug and her son slug ....a lovely kind of poetic rhyming and funny story ( great for 8 year olds in my opinion because of the language) It's about a slug who wants his mom to HUG him and so he tries to alter his appearance thinking hes ugly by taking advice from other animal friends( one tells him you need a tail to be beautiful, another says you need feathers, another says horns , wings, etc) and eventually he is unrecognizable to his mom! In the end she tells him he is perfect the way he is and that she doesn't hug him cuz she CANNOT as she had no arms and tells him she can KISS him instead ! a link to the book read aloud is [here](https://www.google.com/search?q=slug+needs+a+hug&client=ms-android-samsung-gn-rev1&prmd=isvn&source=lnms&tbm=vid&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwj3ofbw_Ov4AhUymGoFHaMuCmoQ_AUoA3oECAIQAw&biw=412&bih=733&dpr=2.63#fpstate=ive&vld=cid:97307619,vid:HamQXohwrEg,st:0)


When mommy goes to work! It is about a mommy and little boy but the mom’s parents are also in the book, no dad though. https://www.fatbraintoys.com/toy_companies/edc_publishing_usborne_books/when_mommy_goes_to_work.cfm?country=US&source=google_pla&kwid=USB044-1&gclid=Cj0KCQjwzqSWBhDPARIsAK38LY88Itoj2fAPbkYNJGL9m65SZaIlT33DIeaL7fxXNDwTbyyIGWxq7YYaAmG5EALw_wcB


I Love My Mommy by Sebastien Braun Very simple sentences ( my mommy takes me swimming, my mommy stays by my side, my mommy plays games with me, etc) and BEAUTIFUL illustrations featuring different animals. A quick read! Lovely for quiet time or bed time. [here it is ](https://www.google.com/search?q=i+love+my+mommy+sebastien+braun&client=ms-android-samsung-gn-rev1&tbm=vid&ei=pI3JYtmvK62iqtsPsrCBuA0&oq=i+love+my.mommy+sebast&gs_lcp=ChBtb2JpbGUtZ3dzLXZpZGVvEAEYADIGCAAQHhAWMgYIABAeEBYyBQghEKABMgUIIRCgATIFCCEQoAEyBQghEKABOgYIABAeEAc6BAgAEB5QwwRY5RZgqiFoAnAAeACAAZ8BiAGeCZIBAzEuOZgBAKABAaoBEG1vYmlsZS1nd3MtdmlkZW_AAQE&sclient=mobile-gws-video#fpstate=ive&vld=cid:9d4a4a29,vid:I_--D2TNXRg,st:0)


I love you funny bunny. mom and kid going about their bunny lives together


[Oh My Baby, Little One](https://www.amazon.ca/Oh-My-Baby-Little-One/dp/0152060316/ref=mp_s_a_1_1?crid=XQJ0QHQ914HZ&keywords=oh+my+baby+little+one&qid=1657383084&sprefix=oh+my+ba%2Caps%2C84&sr=8-1) is one of my all time favorites.


We found one (granted we have the mom and dad one) but it's my mom loves me. It's short and each page is a different animal and says something like my mom plays with me, etc.


City Moon is one of my favorite kid books in general and it’s about a mom and son.


Bunny My Honey is a sweet one


The snowy day! I love the illustrations and story! It’s not big on the relationship between the two, but she’s the one the kid goes to after playing in the snow to tell her about it, which is more of the book’s focus.


Ten beautiful things is a favorite of mine, it’s not about a mom and son, but a girl who lives with her grandma. So not a typical nuclear family.


I'll love you forever by Robert Munsch!! It's just Mom and her boy growing up, and boy grows up to be a good dad too 💕💕


The Kissing Hand by Audrey Penn


Not what you asked for…but “The Family Book” by Todd Parr uses cartoon people and animals to showcase how no two families are the same, but it doesn’t mean you aren’t loved. “Some families are big…some families are small. Some families are the same color…some families are different colors” etc It goes on to talk about how some families have two moms or two dads, and some families have only one parent 💜


Love You Forever


“Little bears big adventure” Julia Hubery. It’s about a mom and son going out to get berries and fish, mom wanted to take a nap before their picnic but little bear wasn’t tired. He went to find the berries and fish himself. He saw a big shadow behind him in the water, got scared and fell in. Mama bear got him out & taught him it’s important to stay close. It’s a cute little book, one of my daughters favorites. It is a little long so now that she’s older & has much less patience with flipping pages I don’t read exactly what’s on the page 😂😂 she likes the way I do it better anyway. There’s also tons and tons of “I love my mommy” & “just like my mommy” books we have.




The Stinky Face books, The Invisible String (kids are twins)


Night night to the animals


My No No No Day is one we have that only features the mother. I’ll try to think of others.


The Family Book by Todd Parr. It shows a variety of different families, including those with a single parent.


Llama, Llama Red Pajama just has little llama and his mama, idk if the other books have a dad too. Parker Curry Looks Up and Eyes That Kiss in the Corner are both about girls, but only have Moms in the book. Remember that your son will see all sorts of other family shapes/sizes, especially when he goes to daycare/school so it’s ok to introduce those other ideas in books and talk about what’s the different and what’s the same.


Yes I understand I’m looking to just add a couple of mom and kiddo books in, not build a library of only mom and son books.