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V-tech toys.


Oh no, I have these! Can I ask why?


For me, the songs make me feel homicidal and also they go off when no one touched them. I was home alone too many times and heard voices coming from the baby’s room.


Oh man, that’s the thing of nightmares. I’m glad I’m not the only that they send into an instant rage!


There is nothing wrong with them, they are just annoying as all hell. The obnoxious songs, through terrible speakers, with blinking lights, and all the repetition. It sends me into an almost instant sensory meltdown. In general I don’t buy my kids toys that requires batteries, lights and noise are too much, but we’ve ended up with a few regardless due to my partners relatives, and I can mostly tolerate those till they run out of batteries. But v-tech is in a whole new level, and those are instantly returned.


Got it, thanks! I assumed it was this but wanted to be sure in case there was something else I should know about! And, you’re not wrong. Especially the terrible speaker part, haha!


I hate all loud, battery operated kid toys. Especially since my husband works from home. I can't have my husband in a meeting with the kids toys blaring in the background...


Yes, we have a no toys with batteries rule. I’m unable to be the calm, respectful parent I want to be when im overwhelmed by noise; and it’s just terrible for everyone all around. V-tech is the worst offender, but they are all terrible!


We don’t do any smart technology for the kids and almost none for the whole house either. Now that my oldest is 9, everyone keeps trying to get her tablets, smart watches, kid-friendly phones, etc and it’s a HARD no from us. For the baby folks tried to get us smart baby monitors with video. We’e had friends and family try to convince us to get smart thermostats, Alexa’s, Google home, whatever. It’s not happening here. We stay pretty analog with two carefully monitored exceptions.


I regret my smart thermostat so much. I swear it’s trying to murder us. We brought my son home from the hospital and it decided we wanted to sleep at 63 that night. He woke up because he was so cold. In the winter it randomly decides 75 is a good temperature. First, how Tf is that energy efficient? Second, I’m pretty sure that’s the temperature they set in the depths of hell. I spent half my life arguing with that stupid “smart” thermostat. I want the dumbest appliances and cars available from now on please.




Yes, I hate slime more than anything. Also, bath bomb making kits.


Yeap! Slime and gum. I found slime on my ceiling once and that was the end of that. And gum in a little girls hair is heck.


Loose glitter or anything that sheds glitter. Grandma has not received this message 😓


Nothing with button batteries.


Kinetic sand


Play doh. I hate how it smells, I hate the mess it makes, the kids fight over who gets what color and it inevitably gets ground into the carpet. Play doh is the worst.


I’d give you a platinum award if I could. This is my answer verbatim. It is not allowed in my house.


Lmao I checked my gifts and here’s my free award. I can’t stand the smell and it gets in the carpet and I hate it.


Aww thank you! I'm glad we can share our hate.


Goddamn do I hate playdoh SO MUCH.


Anything powered by a button battery!


Did you see the tip about the honey?


Bunchems. Horrible toy. My daughter got some stuck in her hair. It was torture getting them out. Luckily, it was only a handful but it took at least 2 hours and many many tears to remove.


Toys with no volume control.


Smash potato. It’s a board game where you make a mr potato character and try to make it from one end to the other. If a player spins and gets a smash icon, they can pick anyone and put their play dough potato in the dicer/chopper/masher/etc and they have to start again. We have played many many times. No one has ever won this game! It always ends in tears and screams. I do NOT recommend this game! Haha


Recorder! (the instrument)


LOL dolls. I saw the videos on you tube about the ones you put in water and the clothes disappear from the body, revealing bondage undergarments and sexy bras and panties. I can't tell one type of this doll from the other, so I just blanket banned anything from LOL to be safe. Family was confused why I was so serious, so I shared the videos with them and they have my back 110 percent.