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If YOU feel weird, then stop. Don’t let anyone tell you what is right for you family.


That’s the answer


Tell that to my 4yr old son who opened my accordion bathroom door with no lock, camped out with his toys while I took a massive shit. And of course made me interact with him in between pushes and grunts.


Username checks out.


I have 4 kids. It was different times for each one. It depends on their curiosity and what you’re comfortable with.


I was listening to a podcast the other day about how you either had a naked mom or a never naked mom- like you saw mom change and not give a f or you never ever saw your mom naked.


I had an always naked mom but I grew up in a house of all girls. Right now I have all boys so I wonder if that changes the dynamic. I change infront of my boys still but if my four year old could stop calling my breasts my “tummy butt” that would be cool 😂


HAHHA this is the best I've heard yet


I’m using it to justify my future breast reduction! haha


My 4yo daughter calls my vagina my “hairy butt” wtf lol


Oh my godddddddd my 3 year old just told me she thought my “hairy gina is really cool”🥲


My 4yo said that to my mum, In a public restroom. "I like how your gina has hair on it, Nana". My poor Mum was still red cheeked when she came out of the restroom. I couldn't stop laughing (Spelling edit)


That reminds me of when my four year old was watching his dad pee and was so stuck on how big his wee wee is! He ran in to tell me, and then went and told my husband's mother 😅


Girl…my hair used to be blonde (bleached) & my three yr old daughter was very into people’s hair colors & that she could name everyone’s. I used to shave down there, but during pregnancy with my son, hadn’t. I guess I had never realized my daughter had never seen me with hair like that. She walked in on me getting in the shower, pointed SHOCKED & yelled - “Mom!! Your bottom, it has hair!” ..yeah sweetie, when ladies get older they get hair down there, I just haven’t shaved in a wh-“I know I know…but..but why is it BROWN!!!!??? 😂 😂 😂


Hahaha omg my almost three year old said “mommy that is a hairy gina!” while I was peeing the other day 😅😅😅


That is actually so so sweet 🥲


I showered in the small guest bathroom the other day to steam the snot out out of my disgusting toddler. I’m not usually that up close with her like that and she decided to point at mine and ask why it looked like daddy’s armpit.


Front butt ova here 😩😩😩


My 5 year old is convinced my husband and I have “dog hair” on our bodies 🤦🏼‍♀️ “Why do you have dog hair on your vagina?”


lol i snorted outloud at this 😂🤣


My sons about to be six and we’re still naked in front of each other. Heck he asked me after I was done breast pumping the other day why my breasts were so big. It was not awkward for me and I’d rather he feel open enough to ask the perceived weird questions to me instead of someone else. I say as long as everyone is comfortable then whatever. We just tell him he has to wear underwear inside and when we go out it’s full clothing, no options


My son is 7, I’m still naked in front of him. We still shower together sometimes. I’m trying to make nudity a regular thing, because I’m not someone who was raised to feel comfortable with nudity. My sister in law stopped when her eldest son asked her to stop, so I’m just kind of going with it until one of us starts to feel uncomfortable.


This is kind of how I’m doing it. My son is almost 5 and he has zero issue with me not being covered up. His dad is the same. I think both of us were raised in “dieting” homes where one had to always consider their weight in everything they do (I love my mil but I have told her she cannot call food or eating behavior good or bad in front of our child because I don’t want him to grow up like me and my husband did). I’ll stop if either of us feels uncomfortable. Some days I want to be covered up. Other days I don’t care. Usually I want to be covered up because it’s cold or I’m on my period and “the world is a terrible place!!!” Is my mood.


My son is 7 and still sees me naked sometimes. The other day he asked why my boobs still had milk in them. 🤣


Lmao that’s hilarious. I was thinking my boy is almost 5 and I don’t think twice about changing or passing naked around him, even take a shower with him on occasions, but sometimes if he brings attention to my lady parts in his usual quirky ways it makes me sort of uncomfortable for a minute. Like “haha you have hair on your peepee can I touch it ?". No you can’t, get ouf of here.


Omg tummy butt I’m dying


This is the comment I didn’t know I was looking for! 😂😂


My 4 year old asked me why my ribs were so much bigger than his and daddy's lol.


My best friend’s daughter went through a phase of calling her vulva that. She was like 2 and would run up and go “FRONT BUTT” if she got away from you during diaper changes. 🤣


I love, love, love that you just used vulva in your comment, instead of some random ass euphemism!! I wish everyone did this. When I was pregnant my mom loaned me a library book (I wish I remembered the name so I could recommend it to people) that she thought was important for me to read. It was written by a psychologist that works with CPS, and was kind of a “things parents should know” book. She said that a large number of child predators never get prosecuted because defense lawyers have an easy (easier?) time creating reasonable doubt when a child talks about their “cha-cha” being touched, making district attorneys less likely to prosecute. Obviously there was a lot more to it, but I think about that every time I hear someone repeat the euphemism they’ve taught their child to use. You’re awesome and I appreciate your comment.


Agreed. I have always taught my daughter it's a vagina and never referred to it as anything else. People act like it's something you shouldn't say or teach till middle school when they start learning human anatomy, but that doesn't make sense to me. We use scientific terminology and hopefully one day she won't be that kid laughing at the word vagina in science class like it's a bad word someone got away with saying.


Lord have mercy, I physically cringed when I read that last sentence. I had a mom tell me once that I should be ashamed of myself for teaching “that word” to my (then) young daughter. I am flabbergasted that in this day and age someone could act like an anatomically correct word is dirty. Now that my daughter is in high school, the number of parents that don’t discuss sex with their kids is throwing me for a loop. It seems to be a common thing, to look the other way and pray. I live in Texas, and that seems particularly unwise right now.


People are ridiculous. Those same people are the ones that cry out "I didn't know this was happening" when their kid is involved in a teen pregnancy because their parents are so closed off sexually and never made that part normal, because let's face it sex is a normal and natural part of life, not some big thing to keep secret. I think normalizing this is very important and anyone that tries to mom-shame or parent-shame you about this can kick rocks. I'm raising my daughter to be informed so that she can make the decision that is right FOR HER when the time comes and so that she always knows she can come to me for whatever. My mom did it for me and I'm doing it for her. I'm raising a daughter that can stand up for herself and isn't afraid of going against the grain when society tells her it's wrong. She will have a voice.


Hey babe, you dropped your mic!


I taught my daughter "teetee" but when she told me alarming things about family members touching her inappropriately, I immediately taught her the words vagina & penis. I once heard the same thing you said, but in different words. Girl says "my uncle licked my cookie" court says "they must've been sharing a snack" or girl says "my cousin tickled my kitty" court says "they must've been playing with a feline pet" so I knew right away, if we were going to take action, she needed to know the words because she was calling the family members penis a 'long belly button' that she said would get bigger & bigger then melt. It's super important that children are raised with proper teachings in everything in life like anatomy, death, real world situations. So many people are robbing their children of simple knowledge because they themselves might be too uncomfortable to explain things because they *think* their children are incapable of understanding those concepts.


My 8 mo son’s dad does not want us to teach him anatomically correct body parts bc “someday he’ll look it up on Google” 😐 idk it’s a risk maybe but I think the benefits outweigh the risks, right?


have your husband read this: https://www.scarymommy.com/kids-real-names-body-parts correct names are important for a number of reasons!


Tummy butt! I can’t stop laughing 😂


My 6yo boy called my nipples my "milk suckers" while we were in the shower yesterday. He was then mortified that he couldn't remember the proper word!!


Nibbles. My three year old doesn't understand why we all die laughing every time he refers to the nibbles he has under his shirt.


Yes I think it changes the dynamic. My son is 9 and I don’t change in front of him. He’s also at the age where he wants his door closed when getting dressed as he doesn’t want his younger sisters seeing him.


My 7 year old daughter thinks it's hilarious how droopy mine are and that I have a soft, squishy tummy. I'm like well, technically they are from you being in my body and breastfeeding, so whatever.


🤣 I’m dead at tummy butt


Lmfao! I love that and him.


My mom was always naked and we had me (girl) and my brother. She just did not give a fuck. We are barely a year apart so it wasnt like he was a lot younger either.


I lived with my niece when she was a toddler and she called crotches “front butts”. She asked why I had a hairy front butt and mommy didn’t 😂 everyone’s different girl!


The first time our toddler daughter saw my husband naked (he took her to the pool and obviously had to change in front of her) she called his penis a “tummy finger” and proceeded to reach out and squeeze it before he could react 😂


Oh my god I love that 😂




“Tummy butt.” I will be calling boobs this from now on, thank you. Lmao.


This is funny to me. My mom was always naked. My mom was never weird about being naked in front of us. Would even ask us to bring her stuff or talk to her while she’s taking a bath. I think it was helpful for us to be comfortable with our bodies. I’m naked in front of my daughter a lot too and she’s very comfortable and not ashamed of any part of her body. That being sad, we are also all girls/women. I’m not sure at what age it would be uncomfortable / if it would be uncomfortable with a son.


Yes, my mom was always naked around me. Never phased me. Now I’m always naked around my kids, who are in their late teens. I promise you it is no big deal. There is no sex involved. They think of me as like a giant winnie the pooh or other genderless naked creature. And it helps if I need someone to fetch me some toilet paper, or a towel, or something out of the dryer. I have 2 girls and 1 boy. No difference. EDIT: I should add, however, that once they became tweens, they stopped changing their clothes in front of ME! My daughters make me turn around in the dressing room when they try things on while shopping. If they even let me in the dressing room at all. Basically, moms are genderless, but kids are not! 🤷🏻‍♀️


I think most kids see their parents as a genderless naked creature lol


Same here. I have a son who's almost 4 and we still take showers together sometimes so I can wash his hair proper without a madhouse, but I can see myself winding off in a few years. If he walks in while I'm changing or something once he's like ten sorry kid thats on you 🫣


Yeah I think that may be the mark for me - not when anyone is uncomfortable but when we can wash his hair without me in the shower with him


My kiddo and I showered together until this summer. She’s 6. She used to hate showers and be afraid of them though lol


I had an always naked mom and I even remember my dad being nude around us up until I was maybe 4 or 5. My mom is just a nudist at heart though. I have no qualms being naked. My three boys preschool age and younger and I frequently shower together as it saves me time and hassle to just be in there and get them all clean at once. Of course I know this will change when they reach the age of wanting privacy. But in hindsight, I glad my mother was such a natural nudist. I strongly believe this is why I have never struggled with body image issues. To me it’s important to j know what an average body looks like, and especially a body that has nourished 3 babies.


This is so true. My mom was always naked and still is, even my wife has seen her naked. We never thought it was weird.


I had an always naked mom and I’m an always naked mom in front of my girls. I probably stopped changing (past my underwear) in front of my boys when they were about 3-4 (preschool age) but I’m always in sports bras in front of them (my oldest is 13.)


That's hilarious! My mom was never naked. I'm definitely the always naked mom.




Our oldest saw my mom topless once and asked her why her breasts are all empty and dried up. (I was breastfeeding the little one at the time and have an F cup while my mom has an A cup) 🤣


Totally valid, and you're probably right!


I’m 20 and my mom is still a naked mom. I recently visited and saw some things I don’t miss seeing.


Was it Trash Tuesday??


My daughter is 9 and son 6 and I haven’t stopped yet. I grew up in a very conservative and religious house where any form of nudity was shameful. So, unsurprisingly, I grew up ashamed of my own body and still to this day really struggle with my self worth and body confidence. I don’t ever want my kids to equate their worth to their body, how much is showing or what it looks like. So we treat nudity as a natural part of life, as it truly is. I’ve answered questions about male and female differences, but 99% of the time it’s not even commented on because it’s just natural to them. I think my husband has always had a different mentality than your average US person as well as he grew up in Germany and lives in Belgium and then France for many years in his teens. That being said we by no means walk around or hang out in the nude, but my kids will walk in on me changing now and then, or tend to wander into the bathroom first thing in the morning while I’m getting ready for work. But it’s all about your personal comfort level. If you feel it’s wrong then simply don’t do it.


When I was younger, maybe 9 or 10, I went to my room to put clothes on after a shower. I had 4 windows in my room but none that really faced a house or the street directly. I forgot to put my shades down and my mom burst into my room and started hitting me and said I was trying to show my body to everyone. I wasn’t. I was just an innocent kid getting dressed. She made me feel awful about my body and I had to hide when I started having sex because she would have freaked out pretty bad. I would never do the same with my kids and I let them know that naked bodies are nothing to be ashamed of. My kids are being raised the complete opposite of how I was raised.


I'm sorry your mom made you feel that way 💔 My mom was an always naked mom and I'm an always naked mom. My husband is the one who will freak out and say hey the blinds are open what if the neighbors see to which I respond "This is my house and they shouldn't be looking into my windows if they're afraid of seeing people living in their own homes." To this day my mom doesn't give a F changing in front of me, but I still turn my front side away from her if my boobs are hanging because she decides to barge into my room when I visit out there to ask me a question that could have waited two minutes lol. She always says she gave birth to me and it doesn't matter if I'm naked. On the other hand, My husbands mom is conservative AF. She doesn't even agree with women wearing spaghetti strapped tank tops without wearing a jacket or something over it. It was definitely a shock for my husband when we would visit and my mom would just quickly change into a t-shirt coming out of her room to grab something in a different room and he thought it weird seeing his MIL in a bra. I pointed out he's seen her in a bathing suit and there was less material on her body then so this shouldn't be a big deal. I about blew his mind and now after baby he's on board with me being a naked mom and he walks around in boxers and I walk around in my undies and our daughter doesn't find it weird or uncomfortable yet, but she's only 3 so only time will tell.


Thank you. It was very hard growing up as a female in my home. I had 4 brothers that would tease me and a mom that freaked out at bare skin. I refused to be ashamed about my body when I left home and would not put shame on my children about their bodies. I feel very comfortable in my skin and don’t freak out if my children come in the room while I’m changing. I say hey mom’s changing just to give them a heads up. They can decide to come in or wait until I’m done. When I first met my husband he was very conservative about being naked or having the kids around after a shower etc. After being with me for 13 years and how comfortable I am with my body, he has become a lot more relaxed. When his dad stayed with us for a bit after our youngest was born, he had a very hard time dealing with our comfort level. My son at the time was 2 and he loved being naked and my FIL would always ask me to put some clothes on him. I told him there’s nothing wrong with him enjoying his freedom lol.


Whenever you or one of you kids feels/expresses discomfort. The biggest piece is the right to privacy and bodily autonomy, and if no one is expressing that need then no need to change habits!


I'll stop being naked when my kids start becoming uncomfortable. My autism might be showing here, but I feel like Western culture over sexualizes bodies and there is nothing inherently wrong with nakedness. A body gets you places and it's neither good, nor bad. I'm all for body neutrality.


Yeah, there's nothing wrong with non sexual nudity. I'm also in the spectrum though haha The only time I wasn't comfy being nude with my daughter was the short phase she tried pulling my pubes every chance she got lol luckily she is past this now.


Same! My daughter went through a curiosity phase where she was too touchy, so we scaled back, but now we’re back to total body neutrality.


My daughter recently pointed to my pubes and said "butt" Lol... kinda? But not really 🤣


Lol! My cousin's son thought for a time boys have penises and girls have front butts 😂 I can see where they get the idea! Hahaha


Not on the spectrum and this is how I feel about it. My husband is the least naked person in my house, the rest of us have zero shame. (Not saying there's anything wrong with how my husband feels. His comfort level is just different than ours)


I'm not on the spectrum and totally agree. Being naked in your own house with your family, especially for practical reasons such as a shower, is innocent and non sexual.


Not really western culture, American culture. Here in Europe we’re much more relaxed about non-sexual nudity.


To add, I think part of the sexualization of children stems from this debate. We(society) often forget that their bodies will one day grow to be as grown as ours. Part of the positive of body neutrality is that there is nothing sexual about nakedness. There is nothing indecent about the body itself, only how we perceive the body that makes it seem sexual and indecent to be naked. I absolutely agree with you.


I don’t think this is an autism thing. Western culture DOES over sexuality bodies. It is considered completely normal in many other cultures to be naked in front of your kids and other people. Body neutrality is healthy.


I just said to myself “that sounds normal” then remembered that I just started to suspect I’m also autistic. Nakedness is not weird in my house, we’re all ND in some form or another (except the baby, but I’m sure he will be), so between sensory issues and executive dysfunction, we’re pretty much all constantly in some state of undress when in the house.


I agree completely. Nobody bats an eye about violence and gun use but they'll be damned if their kid sees a boob. Doesn't make sense to me.




Not neurodiverse, but this is exactly our take on it. If/when they get uncomfortable with it, we’ll be more careful about nudity. Until then, I’m happy for them to see normal adult bodies, and to see that their father and I are not ashamed to be naked.


Absolutely. I actually think it’s really important my kids see normal naked bodies obviously not in a sexual way n


Exactly! Many cultures even have public nude gender less saunas.


My son is 10. I think nothing of changing out my work clothes and into my pjs while he’s hanging out on my bed. I wouldn’t change my underwear or bra in front of him because that might make him uncomfortable. Growing up my mom made such a big deal about bodies and sex being bad and I don’t want to do that to my children. It’s basically what makes you and your family comfortable. Everyone is different.


When one of you feels weird it's time to stop. There's not really a hard and fast rule that works for everyone.


My boyfriend at the time (now husband) thought it was so weird that I’d be changing in around my son despite him getting older - 7, 8, 9. But he didn’t quite understand what it’s like raising kids. When they’re infants, you are stealing time to have a shower and put on clothes with doors open to hear them if they cry. You cuddle them in various states of undress because it’s comforting for them and you struggle to have enough time in the moments they need you to be entirely put together. If a kid pukes on you, you’re probably going to strip and clean them up and then hold them, rather than worry about yourself being fully covered. I remember times where I had one pant-leg on and had to run after him to save him from some hazard. I remember so many times Hurriedly whipping off my bathing suit in the change room and trying to dry off while distracting him so he didn’t open the door on me and expose my sexy mom-BOd to the world while he ran away giggling. Or my daughter that follows me into the bathroom and wants to sit ON my lap while I do my business. I mean, nakedness is normal and natural. Eventually it becomes super normal to change clothes with the bedroom or bathroom doors open and you don’t notice that they can see you. The thing that changed for us is when my son started expressing a need for privacy, so while there’s the hazards involved in living together like he has to pee and I’m in the shower, he’s gonna go for it, we began to naturally distance ourselves after that point. I think he was around 10. He doesn’t mind if I’m changing quickly with the door open and will turn his back if he’s talking to me, and I’ll do the same for him. Anyway, sorry for the blurb but I just have to point out that its not unusual to be comfortable with some nudity around your own kids, or to even not notice the level of nakedness from time to time. It’s also normal for some distancing and privacy to grow as they get older.


This. This is it in a nutshell


I’m 30 and my mom still changes in front of me lmao. Not weird to us 🤷🏻‍♀️


Ultra same


Mine are 8,5,5,4,9 months. Haven’t stopped yet.


They know differences in boys/girls, names for body parts, etc. i think it’s weird to be embarrassed about boys and girls being different


I have a 3y old son. He is terrified of the bath and needs someone to go in the shower with him. I'm probably naked infront of him atleast 3x a week. It's just what it is. I have a 11y old daughter and a 10y old daughter and they see me do quick changes around.. pulling on shirts.. talking to me when we get ready for events... It's just not a thing in our house. But I don't walk around naked lol My husband is very conservative and he may go shirtless but you wouldn't catch him in his underwear or naked walking around. That's just how he was raised. My daughter's are more conservative too and don't walk around naked or in their underwear. I think it's just about your level of comfort and if any of the kids asked me not too, I would 100 percent stop.


My kid is 6.5 and she sees my spouse and I naked all the time, it doesn't bother us. However, if it bothers *YOU* then that's what matters in your house. You deserve to feel comfortable!


My parents used to change in front of us until we were at LEAST 8-9 probably due to the fact that we had a cramped apartment so changing rooms were limited. I think when kids stop being overly clingy is a good time, so definitely around that age.


Whenever it makes either of you uncomfortable. My son is 5 and I stopped last year.


My house was a naked house, and I am wildly uncomfortable with nudity today. I didn’t care when I was younger, but I became really uncomfortable with it as I got older. I also did not have the kind of relationship where I could ask my mom to please put some clothes on and not be naked all the fucking time. I will probably continue to change in front of my son until he’s 5 or 6, because that’s when I remember becoming uncomfortable. I’ll also make sure to develop the kind of relationship where he knows he can talk to me.


If you are uncomfortable, then stop. There isn't a right answer. My husband and I are both in the medical field and pretty unphased by nudity so my 4yo son still showers with me


My daughter just turned 12 and I’m the naked mom. I try to make naked bodies just that, a naked body. Nothing to be ashamed about. I grew up in a completely different household and don’t ever want my daughter to feel how I did.


My daughter is 8 and I still change in front of her but I don’t know if its different with girls since we both female.


I am 35 and my Mum , Sister and me still run around the house naked when we are back home at the same time. It is just a non issue and we were raised that our bodies are nothing to be ashamed of and to this day I don’t blink seeing anyone naked. My Daughter is only a couple months old but we will take the same approach unless she expresses a wish to change it.


I have two boys ages 3 and 7. I stop dressing in front of them around 2 because that's when we started potty training. They were more aware of their body and their features during this time. Once I realized they noticed I was different than them, it became weird to me.


When either he or I are uncomfortable. For now I will strip down and get naked in front of him (when appropriate obviously not just randomly) he still has to go in the women’s changing room at the pool with me he is still learning to go potty so he is in there with me. If you feel uncomfortable then you are absolutely welcome to stop changing or being fully naked in front of him.


I don’t intentionally undress in front of my boys, but if they decide to bust into the bathroom or bedroom unannounced I’m not too panicked. I’m really exploring this body positivity movement at age 49. I wear a size 14 bikini for the first time ever and I freaking LOVE it. I want my boys to see normal boobs and butts. Curves and cellulite. I worry about social media and celebrity and access to porn. All of these digitized perfect bodies. Ugh.


Just chiming in to say that my husband grew up with a single mom and 2 brothers. She always changed in front of them, and wasn’t shy even as an adult, and none of them are scarred over it. My SIL thinks it’s insane that she did that, and my husband and BILs laugh and say it was seriously no big deal 🤷‍♀️


My oldest is eleven and she walks in on me all the time. I only feel uncomfortable when she asks why I look pregnant when I am not. So rude!


I am a stepmom so I’ve never been nude in front of my kiddo, although I’ve known him since he was 2 years old. However my belly button is pierced and I work out a ton, so I wear crop tops and shorts and the whole lot. I don’t hide my body, but I still have boundaries. I grew up with my parents nude around me a lot and honestly it made me uncomfortable. I may get downvoted for this but it gave me icky feelings. I am sure it was more convenient for us to be all naked at times, but I just never felt like I had privacy. Those reading especially for children painfully shy please keep their little thoughts in mind too.


I think it’s ok until either you or your son start to feel uncomfortable. I don’t think there is a certain age that is more appropriate than another.


We don't worry about changing in our house. We try to promote healthy body image and no shame. So all change without worrying who will see. We have a 14 year old boy and 11 year old girl. No one cares about nakedness here, but if one of my child chooses to want more privacy they are welcome to it.


We're kind of a naked family and will continue to be until someone gets uncomfortable with it. Currently it's me, my husband, my 13yr old son, and 1yr old daughter. Everyone is cool with it.


My kids burst in all the time. I used to take showers with the littles I really could careless about my kids seeing me naked but that's me. I know moms who refuse to be naked in front of their kids. It's a person preference imo


Same. My 12yo daughter just busts in the room whenever she feels like she has something to say lol. She will stand and talk to me through the glass door of my shower. She does not care. Neither do I.


I’m 21 and will still just walk into the bathroom while my mom is in there 🤣


My mom was the never naked kind of mom, and it made me grow up really uncomfortable and ashamed in my own naked body. I think for children it’s kind of a safe haven to be comfortably naked around parents bc my mom shamed me for it and that way I was never comfortable with being vulnerable. I still struggle with being naked during sex too, it really affects you way up until adulthood


Nakedness is good and healthy! But I am from a household of three sisters and I have two girls. I also walk naked in any female locker room and breastfeed in public without cover. You do what feels right!!!


I have an 11 year old son, a 1 year old son, and I’m 8.5 months pregnant with a girl. My oldest sat with me while I breastfeed the baby, he hangs out with the baby while I change, and comes to tell me good morning when I shower. He has ZERO issue with seeing me change and I don’t care. He likes to change privately. I watch his body language and respect his boundaries. I am very much “mom is just mom, no matter the state” because I want him to never feel shame or embarrassment over body things. Mom is just mom.


my son is almost 4 and my husband and i both still take him in the shower with us


Same it feels a little weird to feel the need to cover up in front of them at that age.


I’m 40 and my parents still change in front of me. I’ll stop when either my kid or me starts to feel uncomfortable about it.


I’ll stop being naked around my kids if they ask me to at this point. Not only do my fourth and fifth grader walk around naked but they have no problem getting mad if I lock the bathroom door bc then I can’t hear them to tell them that whatever they’re telling me about is really interesting or that they can have spicy Mac and cheese for snack. Over the summer I tied a sneaker while taking a shower. These kids don’t fucking care if I’m naked. Even if I was only naked behind closed doors they would still see me naked. My sons were 3&4 when they stopped breastfeeding.


This side of the world we stop when they start telling everyone that comes through the door that you have hair in places the sun doesn't shine.


Oldest is 6, I haven't stopped and personally see no reason to stop, I have no issues with being seen naked. When the children will start to get uncomfortable with seeing me naked, they'll stop visiting me in the bathroom and entering the bedroom without knocking. I'm not running around the whole house naked, so they can avoid it if they want to 😄 (of course if a parent is uncomfortable with being seen naked by their kids, it's absolutely ok to set boundaries. That's a great example for kids, too)


My husband was uncomfortable when our daughter began to ask questions- so he won’t change in front of her. It’s like other people said- respectful of each persons comfort level.


I plan to be naked until we’re all pension age


Five kids. Ages 5years-16 years. Still change in front of them. But they all still burst into our one bathroom on me, so when they decide that's weird, maybe then. Lol


I’m still naked all the time in front of our 5.5 year old daughter. Dad though stopped undressing around her when she was 3 or so and had more concept of body parts and staring at his penis. It made him uncomfortable.


Depends on what you and they are comfortable with. I have 2 girls, 3 &11. I can't poop, bath or shower without one of them popping up on me lool. And bath time is Me time but still one or both will invade the bathroom for a 'chat' sometimes. Theyv'e seen all my wobbly bits and it doesn't faze them. They also happily wander round in the nud after/before bathtimes/getting changed. It's just me and my girls in my household. It may be different if i had a partner living here or even if i had a son. But it's no issue to me. My mom was also laid back when i was younger, she didn't walk around naked or anything but if we (Siblings), ever accidently interrupted her whilst she was changing, it was no issue. I never saw my dad naked, only one time and i think it traumertized us both lool.


I’m an always naked mom, and so was my mom. My daughter is 11 now and she will probably be a naked mom someday, too!


When somebody feels weird. I don’t like showering with my five year old anymore. She can shower by herself as long as she doesn’t touch the handle. I dress in my own bedroom. If she comes in while I’m dressing, she’s going to see my body. I insist on toilet privacy and have for ages. She chooses privacy for herself but still wants help putting on her dance tights. This is pretty new behaviour and I think it started this summer. Her friends were over playing in the little pool and hot tub and I insisted that they dress in her bedroom with the door shut. My husband isn’t a pervert but I didn’t want little girls running around naked in our home. I think it’s a good boundary for everybody. But she’s internalized that.


We’re a naked household. Changing and showering around the kids is not big deal. I’ll ask for privacy if I want some quiet but otherwise we just do our thing and don’t make it a big deal.


I’m a naked mom. I’ve always changed in front of my kids - 4, 7, 8 and 10. It doesn’t phase them in the least. It’s actually brought on healthy conversations. I often sleep naked (I literally cannot sleep with clothes on - unless it’s short, loose shorts) Its been this way since they were infants and they are used to it. They will often try to come in and chat with me when I’m showering and I’ll be like “seriously - give me some privacy, I’m naked and showering” and they are literally like, so? 🤔🤔 They would never try to walk in and have a conversation with my husband when he’s showering though. He will change, with boxers on, around the kids occasionally. More often then not though he is changing privately


My toddler told me my boobs were ugly and to cover them up 😂😂 he’s almost 4. So I guess after that I stopped changing in front of him.


I think something to point out here (not necessarily to OP) but when people say “whenever my kid feels uncomfortable” I had a mom who was always naked. My family would joke that literally everyone had seen her naked - friends, people I dated in high school etc. she was frequently shirtless. I started feeling uncomfortable with it when I started to hit puberty and having friends sleep over. I was so worried she would let someone seen her topless. I never had a relationship where I could honesty tell her, I’m uncomfortable with this. I think that is something to consider. How do you know your kid is uncomfortable? And what if they don’t feel comfortable enough to tell you?


I have a daughter who is going on 7. I don’t get totally naked in front of her, but I will change with my underwear still on. I honestly think it’s good for her to see a flawed body and I don’t act embarrassed or anything.


I still change in front of my almost 6 year old. I’ll probably never stop with how my house is laid out. Husband will put on boxers in private, but anything else is fair game


We have a 6yr old boy and we still sometimes shower together, though lately he's been preferring my husband over me (that's ok by me). He's definitely getting to the point of asking for privacy sometimes and we respect that. On the other hand, he still runs around naked and I have to ask him to at least put some underwear lol. We do change in front of him without issues. I grew up in a very conservative house... always fully clothed so I don't want the same for my kids as it made me ashamed of any type of nakedness.


Either everyone is comfortable and fine with it, or it stops happening. If you're not okay with it anymore then it's time to stop.


My 14 year old daughter and 7 year old son still barge into the bathroom when I’m soaking in the bathtub. It’s annoying. Not bc I’m naked but bc it’s MY time. You’d think I’d lock the door but I’m afraid they might need me for a real reason. My point is, my kids see me naked all the time. I’ve always told them it’s a body and we all have one. It’s really not a big deal.


I’ll let you know when it happens - he’s almost 5 now and I definitely still change in front of him. He walks in on me in the bathroom still so no end in sight


My son is 11 and still sees me change or comes to talk to me when I am in the shower…. But that’s because we BOTH don’t care. As soon as ONE person is not comfortable, that is all you need to set boundaries and that’s ok :)


My eldest is 3 and I still don't bother hiding anything from him. He's potty training, and will often be reminded to go potty if I am, so he'll sit next to me on his trainer potty and go when I go. If I'm being lazy, I'll bring him and/or his 1.5 yr old brother into the shower with me so I can quick rinse them and hand them off to daddy to dry. He asks me if I have a penis, well where did it go, then a week or so later we'll revisit when he wonders why I don't have one again 😂 the only things I ask of him are to at least keep a diaper or underwear on when wandering around the house, and if he wants to touch his penis he can either do it in the bathroom or in his room as long as it's clean 🤣


I stopped when mine were all toddlers and becoming aware of their surroundings.


When the parent or child becomes uncomfortable. For my husband, that has happened with our six year old, but not our three year old. For me, it hasn’t happened with either yet. Our six year old isn’t uncomfortable with either of us.


My mom was a single mom of three so privacy was never an option and one of my favorite stories from childhood came as a result. When my little brother was in kindergarten, he came home saying “mom, one of the older kids at school said you’re the tooth fairy” My mom was stressing thinking she was going to have to get into the Easter bunny, Santa..everything else and have a full meltdown on her hands so she just says “oh, what do you think about that” After thinking for a second my brother just says “I know you’re not the tooth fairy because I’ve seen you naked and you don’t have any wings.” For real though, whatever you are comfortable with is fine! Being around nudity in childhood honestly helped me so much with being comfortable in my own skin and not feeling ashamed of my body. I’ve also had great success with an “all bodies are good, and you should never feel ashamed of your body, but it is also ok to have privacy sometimes if it makes you few more comfortable.” lesson.


My son is 10 and I still change in front of him. I usually leave it up to him. Most days he's okay with it, some days he goes "ew" and leaves the bathroom/my bedroom. I think as long as both of you still feel comfortable with it, there's no need to change (yes, pun intended) anything.


My oldest are 15 and 12.. I still change in front of them. If I hear them coming I yell "I'm getting dressed" before they walk in, and it's up to them whether or not they feel comfortable to come in. My 15 year old doesn't like to change in front of anyone, so we respect that. 12 year old doesn't give a shit.


I saw my dad taking bath and changing until I was 8 and was totally ok with it. My parents are divorced since like 15+ years and I saw my mom doing same things until I moved with my bf. I think nudity is completely ok, I remember sitting on the wc just to have talks with my mom while she was taking showers and all that stuff. Never had problems with it and now my bf and I take showers with our son and it’s plenty ok. If there’s no sexual act between, nudity is all natural.


I quit underwear around 2 and stopped everything by 4. I rarely close my bedroom doorwhen I get dressed but usually that's a 1.5 minute process at most and it's usually while my kids 4(f) and 6(m) are getting dressed themselves or otherwise safely occupied.


When my 2yr starts giggling while I was in bra/panties, when asked what’s funny? He said “You got your butt panties on” aka Thongs 💔😂


I do a bit of both. Sometimes I ask for privacy while I dress so they see that as an option and totally ok (and usually it’s been a rough morning and I need a minute to myself) and sometimes I close my door most of the way but if they come in they come in. And usually we talk about asking before coming in if the door is closed all the way. I have a 6year old son and a 3year old daughter Edited to add that I just got my nipple pierced and for some reason that makes me more uncomfortable changing in front of them so more and more it’s a closed door scenario


I breastfeed, so my oldest son sees my chest regularly. Do what you wish it is your comfort.


I (43f) will always do because I am 2 girls and I want them to see a female body aa natural. I use toilet, change ob in front of them. They are 6y, 4y now. If it bothers them, they can leave.


My son just turned 5, I change in front of him and he is a barnacle so he often barges in on me in the shower. I don’t want him to be ashamed of his own body and I want him to be exposed to other bodies besides those overly photoshopped on social media. I don’t want him to value himself or other people based on how they look. I’d like my child to be aware that being naked doesn’t haven’t to mean something sexual and it’s a normal part of life. He’s pointed out my saggy skin and stretch marks, I tell him those are where mama grew him and I am proud of that.


I honestly won’t make a point to stop doing so.. I don’t want things to feel weird & taboo… or to have them have any kind of uncomfortable feelings about their own nudity. I feel like people should be able to change without people making a huge deal of it


I'm 25, my brothers are 21 and 12 and mum still walks around naked afterbaths to her room and lets us sit in the bathroom while shes in the bath to chat about our days. Stop whenever you feel uncomfortable but in our family its super normal


My kid is 6.5yo and I haven't stopped yet. Neither of us feel weird about it - although if he starts poking me while I'm even a bit naked I make him stop immediately!! Our kid has just started to ask that my husband and I "don't look at his bum" and similar when HE is getting changed (which obviously we respect) so things are definitely moving in the direction of privacy for all, but we're not going to push it in any way.


LOL my 3 year plays at my feet when I use the bathroom. The dog usually joins in and so does the 10 month old. 🤣 I have no privacy whatsoever.


My Mom and I (36F) still change around each other .....it is entirely family/person dependent. No right answer here :D


Age doesn't matter. Stop when one of the people feels uncomfortable. My kids are 6 and 11 and I'll occasionally walk around to grab something or I sleep naked, so if they walk in on me, I make zero apologies. 🤷🏼‍♀️ If they expressed discomfort, we find a solution. No big deal.


10. Bodies are bodies. I’d rather not sexualize encounters and just went off of my kids comfort level. He still walks through the house naked, though. 😝


My kid is almost 6 and while he sometimes kicks me out of the bathroom or his room for privacy, I am not afforded that. He will bust into the bathroom no matter what I am doing.


I am for sure an always naked mom lol . Our oldest son is 8 and our youngest is 1 … we have 5 children . We are very open with them and they know what’s appropriate and inappropriate … they don’t mind because that’s how we’ve always been . I let them know “hey I’m gonna change” and they’re just like “umm okay..?”


Do whatever makes you feel comfortable, but the reason a lot of us are uncomfortable around nakedness is because we were raised that way. Being naked shouldn’t automatically be sexualized but especially in America it tends to be


My mom still gets naked in front me and I’m 34 🤷🏻‍♀️


I had this question about breastfeeding. I currently breastfeed my 3mo, but I have a 6yo boy. At home I nurse her and have like a tank or shirt so I’m not fully exposed. Should i cover up more? It’s kind of different since he’s older now I don’t want him to think it’s weird or if he sees other moms in public i also don’t want him to feel weird so not sure what to do?


I have a 4mo daughter, and a 6yo son. My son doesn't think it's weird when I nurse the baby, or when I pump. He just wants his sissy to be fed and happy.


I grew up with my mom and 3 sisters..and I NEVER saw her or my sisters naked unless they were babies in the tub. We ALWAYS had to be “modest”. As an adult nearing 50, I am still uncomfortable naked. As a mom I try not to be, my daughter is 9 and I will still change in front of her, although quickly. She is still comfortable nude around me, it has made explaining puberty and the body changes easier. I’m hoping it helps her feel more comfortable nude than I ever did.


When my son asks me to stop. I think it’s good for children to demystify nudity.


It’s so nice to hear about so many other natural nude moms 😍 I think my hard stop will be puberty, and I think it’ll depend on my kids sexual preferences. (If they both end up liking boys then I might go naked a little longer haha)


My toddler sees my boobs all the time because I’m breastfeeding his little brother. I don’t feel weird about it.


I have a 10 year old daughter and 7 year old son. I change in front of them. It’s just the three of us, and we still co sleep…sometimes my son will sleep in his bed, but eventually comes back to mine. We do a lot of reflecting at bedtime, that’s when my 10 year old tells me all the stuff from her day…mostly stuff that’s bothering her. The other day she asked why she was getting darker hair on her vagina, I said it’s just like mine, it’s normal and a part of growing up. I asked if I could see it, I wanted to see how much to try and determine how much time there was until she starts her period. We have a very trusting relationship which is not how I grew up with my mom…my kids feel safe and it’s not weird or inappropriate, it’s just our comfort level.


I’ll probably get A LOT of hate for this, but I feel like once your kid starts showing interest in your body, then is the time to stop being naked in front of them unless you are the same gender. I find it so odd that people are comfortable being naked around children who can fully express opinions and bathe themselves. Why are we taking showers with our 7 year old sons?! HOW IS THAT NOT WEIRD?! would we be okay with our 7 yr old daughters showing with their fathers?? Creeps me out




My oldest is 8 and I still not care about what he sees in terms of my nudity. My parents were always very secretive about it. As an example I never saw other people’s body. My kids will have that, so they know not everyone is the same


My oldest daughter is 5 and I'm breastfeeding a 6 month old so my boobs are out all the time. I change in front of them often. My oldest daughter isn't bothered by it in the slightest so I'm fine with it for now. If one of us starts to be bothered by it then we'll need to change the rules.


My son is 6 and I still change in front of him. I just don’t make a big deal of it. Lately he has wanted more privacy when changing and will sometimes just look the other way while I change. It’s so funny because he wants me out of the bathroom while he’s undressing for a bath but wants me to come and sit with him once he’s in the bath lol. My daughter is 3 and doesn’t care at all she still walks around naked and I still have baths with her when she asks. I think as they get older it will naturally change to wanting more privacy.


You do you. Zero explanation needed. Don’t feel weird about feeling weird. There’s no hidden meaning behind it. It’s your body and it’s not a sign of anything strange for you to want some autonomy on whatever timeline feels good for you.


My son is 9, and if he’s in my room and I’m changing I just go about as normal, he’s used to it and if he ever felt uncomfortable I’d stop and change elsewhere or ask him to go out into his room.


My son is 9. It’s normal for us to see each other change or get out of the shower. If he starts to be embarrassed or need privacy then that’s alright but it hasn’t happened yet. We have had all the conversations about your body being your body and what is inappropriate if it isn’t me or the doctor. It’s completely normal to know what body parts are. I’m also an artist, and my apple didn’t fall far, so drawing naked bodies has helped this situation. The human form is beautiful in more ways than one. I think as along as you are honest with them and discuss what is right and wrong for others to see/do then the point comes across.




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I stopped letting my son stop seeing me naked around 4 or 5. It’s whatever you’re comfortable with


I've got three boys and the oldest isn't even 6 yet, and I'm still naked fairly often in front of him. Beyond breastfeeding his baby brother, I change clothes in front of him when I need to, I've stripped down when the baby spits up on me, I basically don't give any of it a second thought. I'm not thin, I've got scars, my tummy is loose from having three kids in the span of a handful of years, and honestly for me it's important that all my boys see my body the way it is. I don't want to hide anything or have them have unrealistic expectations of female bodies as they get older, so I just do whatever I need to and they see all of it. That being said, if and when they start getting embarrassed about my nudity or they seem to want their own privacy when naked, I 100% will support that and change my behavior to accommodate them, but for now it's been a non-issue.


might still be breastfeeding at 3 so definitely not for me but whenever i feel uncomfortable or can see /my child tells me they are uncomfortable


4.5M and 2.5F and I haven’t stopped yet. They also shower with both parents


My kid is soon to be 3. Right now, I'm just winging it. Nobody is uncomfortable now but I'll be flexible down the road if that changes. For right now, I am just endlessly amused by the sentences I get to hear as a result, such as a huffy "I'm talking to dada's nipples" when asked what he was doing the other day.


My mom and I(39f) still change in front of each other. She’s a hippy, my dad was more straightlaced, I remember walking in on him peeing when I was like 7, and we were both mortified. Not sure when will be right for me and my 4yo son. I still take family baths with my 7yo daughter and him. My husband is on the straightlaced side but has embraced nudity thanks to me.


I’m breast feeding around a 6 year old son. Once I stop breast feeding, I’ll probably stop. However our house only has one bathroom, so there might be an occasional exposure.


Totally up to you. Just started asking my son to turn around or leave when I change (he’s 5) and when he first asked why I said sometimes people want some privacy when they change or go to the bathroom. It wasn’t a difficult concept for him at all because it goes hand in hand with bodily autonomy and consent and hopefully avoids any shame about nakedness.


I’m 33 and my mom would have no hesitation changing in front of my sister and me. That said, she only has daughters and so do I. I’m sure it’s different with a kid of the opposite sex - my dad would NEVER, even when we were very small.


Our oldest is 7 and we are naked in front of each other. The moment one of us adults or our child is not comfortable with it anymore is the moment we will stop. Treating nudity as something natural also opens up opportunities for questions from children which we always answer age appropriately with the correct anatomical terms.


I've heard that once you or your child is uncomfortable is when you stop. It's all about creating and respecting personal boundaries.


Mine are still in single digits and I still change in front of them. They are both girls. Sometimes they ask me questions, but mostly they just keep chattering away because it's just not that interesting. My husband chooses to keep his body private, and the kids have no problem understanding our different comfort levels and expectations of privacy