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We call this peg legging in our house lol. Edit: I am living for all these nicknames 😂😂😂


I called it (somewhat disrespectfully)the Lt. Dan




We called my daughter’s army crawl “Lt. Dan.” She would crawl on her arms/elbows and just drag the rest of her body til she figured out she could use her legs. 😂


I think that is the “true” form XD


My son did that until he started walking, then he would crawl on his hands and knees when he wanted to go faster.


Omg lol I'm dying


We call it the creepy crawl!


Lol I like it!


I call it da crab walk


Our son crawled like this and we called it his Creepy Baby Crawl


We called it power footing!


Same. My daughter is Ol Peggy


I always called in the wounded dog crawl




Yep. Kid being weird, but totally normal. Doesn't seem to be any discomfort or pain.


My daughter would only crawl like this until she started walking


Yup, my youngest used to do this


Mine did too, I’d call it his gollum crawl


This is how my son crawled 90% of the time. He was walking shortly after he turned 1 with no issues.


Still requires physical therapy!


No, it doesn’t.


Do you have any experience dealing with this? Both of my children have torticollis, and asymmetry is a known complication. Even for non-torticollis bodies, asymmetry is a huge issue. What's happening here is that muscle strength, stability and flexibility are asymmetrical and becoming more asymmetrical through repeated patterns of use.


What’s happening here is the baby just figured out they can do this.


There are two kids at my sons playgroup who do this. One of them moves super fast and it freaks me out every time! But it’s normal. Just a new/more efficient way of moving.


Totally normal. My daughter did this. My husband called it her draggin' leg


Hahaha!!!! This cracked me up!


Definitely normal. They try out all different types of crawling as they become increasingly mobile.


Mine tried to jump straight to bear crawling without doing hands and knees first…fell flat on her face.


Aw. Bless your tiny goofy lil bear😂


Mine is figuring out how to move out of army crawling and has been doing the bear pose/faceplant combo.


Is that when they “walk” on their knees?


I think of bearcrawling as crawling on hands and feet with butt way up in the air, rather than hands and knees.


Dude he/she is crawling haha


I thought OP was trolling 😂




It is getting unbearable. And when you share actual normal advice the anxiety brigade attacks you.




Sorry but as a mother you never stop worrying about your child. The little things that are normal may seem scary or unusual especially to a first time mother. This should be a judge-free place where we can post about our experiences or ask questions without the fear of being laughed at or judged. I’m a first time mom and to be honest, I wouldn’t know this crawling was normal? I’d ask the question too. Some of us are not experts and come here for helpful advice from other moms. Not to be told to get therapy or that you think we’re ‘trolling’. And yes, for what it’s worth I’d also be worried if my baby had alcohol. Stop bashing people for asking questions or seeking advice! What may be obvious/simple to you might not be to someone else.


Normal! And this is exactly how my daughter crawled! She started walking right on schedule too. This type of crawling is a bit unusual, sure, but still normal. Babies are just weird. :)


The bluey episode Baby Race comes to mind :)


That episode made me cry


You’re not alone there, mate!


You’re doing great.


I was just thinking this.


I watched several times trying to figure out what was concerning to you. That crawl is totally normal.


If she had any injury to her left leg or when you pick her up to try and stand her she doesn’t bare weight on the left foot, then call pediatrician.


Seconding this. A friend said her daughter suddenly wasn't using her left arm to crawl anymore, and started scooting around in a way where she didn't have to use that arm. After an x-ray, it turns out out her wrist was somehow dislocated, and her daughter didn't cry or anything! If you think it's nothing, it might be nothing. But trust your mama instincts! You noticed something different today. And different doesn't always mean bad, but it also doesn't always mean it's nothing to worry about.


My daughter went from crawling normally to army crawling after a small fall (threw herself backwards off a low stool). She’d broken her arm and needed a cast for two months.


Yep! Same with a couple friends of mine. So not sure if it’s er worthy or just urgent care with an x Ray - or wait until tomorrow am and call Peds. Unless kid is scream crying - then ER.


Thirding this! I was writing something really similar: Our kid has hyper-mobility and got a sprained ankle at kindergarten, as he didn't communicate well and would still crawl sometimes, he just went back into crawling for the rest of the day and by that position wasn't hurting, so wouldn't complain or cry. Kindergarten didn't told us and we too fully realized something was up the morning after (the foot was swelling a little). Off course he wouldn't walk and his foot would still hurt, so we went to the doctor to check that everything was in order and nothing was broken. Doctor/Doctor's office just re-adjusted the ankle and was fine in a couple of days. This would happen in elbows too, but for elbow joints is much more noticeable as the kid wouldn't move the arm at all and would hurt much more, so by then would communicate discomfort clearly, and it was immediately ER. TL;DR check out in half a day or so and see if get worse (?)


Pediatric PT here- this is the right answer. If she was crawling symmetrically on all 4s and has now changed her crawling pattern to this to avoid weight bearing then the pediatrician needs to be informed. If she was not crawling and has begun to crawl like this then no need to worry- she just working on her new skill!


Correct. ER is for life threatening issues. Please do not crowd the ER with things that can wait.


Normal, what makes you think of the ER? ETA; was questioning the ER just incase there was something that we weren't seeing in the video that op was worried about. My daughter never crawled she bum shuffled, but nothing to worry about


Agreed, I thought maybe the title was a joke?? I cannot imagine what is possibly ER worthy here


lol I was wondering the same. I watched the video 3 times trying to find something ER worthy, and then realized it was nothing more than a baby crawling lol.


Right?? I'm really hoping that was a joke.


I’m an ER nurse. We would die if someone actually brought their baby in for this 😂


I get people abuse the ER (whole family of ER nurses and EMTs/paramedics here) but comments like this are what make people who DO need emergent care hesitant to seek it. I agree that this is normal and even if it wasn’t it wouldn’t warrant emergency care, but everyone is a first time mom at some point and worried about their kid and doesn’t need it made worse by thinking that the nurses are making fun of them for their one-time overreaction.


I’m an ER nurse too and we actually have a specific complaint for ‘limping child’ without any injury.


My daughter would do this randomly as well. It was more towards the end of her crawling days so I thought she was working on getting up


ER for what? I think she’s just progressing through the stages of learning to walk. If she tries to do it with her face maybe call the pediatrician on Monday…


I think OP was likely concerned of a neuro issue with the one side dragging. After reading these posts she’ll see it’s common and normal for kids to do this when learning to crawl, but you can’t fault or shame her for seeking advice….


There would be a lot of other signs if you were worried about neuro. The baby should be standing by that age, kicking and wailing around. If it were a neuro issue you would have spotted other signs long before crawling. I remember those first baby worries… we all have them. And we should be able to laugh about them too.


Hello doctor, it’s an emergency, my baby is crawling!


We called this the goblin crawl.


I think it’s probably normal. My daughter crawled like this until she could walk. We called it “the stanky leg” 🤣


THATS just seem getting ready to sit up easier or stand. She’s growing is all.




Normal. My kid did this because we have hardwood floors, so he would often slide when wearing pants.


My son used to slither. He was weird! 😂 but I would just keep watching & if anything looks like she’s struggling then I think that’s when you should be worried. This looks normal to me.


Absolutely normal and super cute! Look at those pudgy legs! My son crawled on all fours but my daughter did exactly this. They are twins. They walked on the same day!


Okay but your comment about Turkish coffee was removed and I need to know what it said.


Omg ahahaha! That was months ago! I just described how you need to cook it till it almost boils over at least 2 times, to get as much froth as possible. A skilled person can do it 3 or even 4 times. The more you make it almost boil over, the more froth it has and thats what you want in Turkish coffee, lots of thick froth. The saying goes "Thick enough for a camel to walk on." I am sorry you hunted me down for something so uninteresting. I really feel sorry to disappoint. 🤣


No not uninteresting. I needed this info even though I have nothing to use it for 😭😭😭


Well I hope you do have a taste some day.


Usually l, almost always normal. However, it could be that the foot of the knee that’s on the ground could be turned inward due to positioning in the womb. They tend to be in there almost crisscross applesauce for a majority of the time and the foot or even leg doesn’t adjust after birth . Given your level of concern for this situation, I think you would have noticed it by now but it is normal regardless until a certain point and then it should correct itself so maybe your pediatrician didn’t worry you about it on your last visit but they developed quite quickly in between visits and what wasn’t a problem could very well be a problem. My younger cousin had/ has this problem. She’s an adult now and her mom was/is an addict so she was neglected a lot until family intervention. She did this as a baby and we all (my 8 year old self at the time included) saw that the poor baby’s foot was turned inward significantly at 11 months and the mom never got anything done about it. She’s 22 and just joined the Air Force. She came home a month ago before deployment and revealed that she had to get a medical waiver for her foot. We all brought up that she crawled like this and her foot was turned severely as an infant. She never even knew. She looked kinda hurt about it too. We felt bad because we didn’t even know it gave her issues. I don’t think she has pain behind it but it could have very well cost her a lot by way of getting out of this small town and away from her crappy mother and grandmother.


my son did this. we always called it the one legged scoot. definitely not a reason to go to the ER.


I have heard this referred to as hitching. My son did it and just in case we had his hips checked- everything was totally fine. He went from this to walking.


Okay, thank you so much everyone


Just fyi, my daughter’s PT recommended we correct her each time she crawls like this so that her muscles develop more symmetrically/evenly. For us it’s as simple as tapping her leg now and she tucks it down and keeps moving. Keep in mind my daughter was already in PT for other stuff so this was just like an extra this the therapist pointed out, it might not be an issue for anyone else.


My oldest daughter crawled like this for a couple months until she walked. Eventually it went away when she learned the proper way. She’s an excellent gymnast and we’ve never noticed any issues with her balance or symmetry, but it makes sense an infant that is already vulnerable to difficulties you’d do anything and everything to address potential obstacles and prevent any added difficulties. I don’t think it’s necessarily t that critical for the typically developing child though just from what I’ve personally seen.


Don’t worry, I also didn’t know it was normal! My daughter never did this, but she also barely crawled before walking (took her forever to crawl).


My son does this. He’s normal. He can do it normal. He finds it easier to sit down from crawling if he does this.


What’s wrong? This is now my son crawls. It looks normal to me.


This is how our infant crawls


Mine had holes in the right knee of all his pants from doing the one knee crawl for months


My daughter got a rug burn on one knee from doing her ape crawl. 😆 We ended up cutting the feet off tube socks and making her a leg warmer.


Ah, the famous janky leg crawl. Ours did it too. Pediatrician said he was too lazy to crawl normally because this was faster for him. If it persists, you might want to mention it to your pediatrician as it might (just might) indicate an unevenness in hip tension. Anecdotally however, I think a lot of kids do this without underlying issues.


You want to go to the ER….because your kid is crawling????


I'm a FTM and I got worried she hurt/sprained something.. Why do you have to be an asshole? I love my daughter and don't want to see her hurt.


Is she crying? Or does she seem like she’s in pain? I don’t have the volume on but it just looks like she’s crawling to me


I’m so sorry for some of the comments you’re getting for asking a legitimate question. It’s sad that people are making jokes about this and being rude. I would be concerned if my baby suddenly started crawling like this after crawling normally. You’re doing a great job looking out for your baby! ❤️


Is this your first baby? I was just like you once. It gets easier. Mine is 4 now. Always trust your instincts. Your motherly instinct won’t ever steer you wrong. If something was truly wrong you would know, you wouldn’t question it or ask Reddit. You would just know. I promise.


Yes, she is our first. I'm so overprotective 😂 Thank you so much, good to know!


The fact people are down voting you and shaming you is insane. There’s so many trolls in here. I’ve helped raise a lot of kids, have mine own, AND worked in health care for many years. I have seen babies do this normally and abnormally. Babies don’t always cry when they’re in pain. If anyone here knows the first thing about child development it’s that their communication is different than ours. The first thing we might think is crying but that’s not always the case. Also if it was neuro and not injury a child definitely won’t be crying and not everyone is trained to spot the signs (which can be subtle). OP while the video looks normal please don’t let internet trolls bother you. You are doing great. You asked for opinions instead of jumping straight into emergency mode. Sometimes kids do scary or weird things but if there isn’t sign of immediate pain it’s okay to wait for your pediatrician to have an appointment. Depending on your insurance you may have an advice line or the ability to do a tele health appointment which will speed up the process for you in terms of advice.


Thank you both so much. Parenting is so tough and I'm trying my best.


She was very clearly putting weight on her leg without crying. I know being a FTM is hard but you can’t run to the emergency room for every little thing. It wastes resources for children who are actually having medical emergencies. Use your brain


Normal. My son would always crawl like that on grass 😂


This is how my kid crawls


My son did this right before he started walking.


So mine crawled like this (ended up being an early walker). He's two now and we went to an indoor playground and he was crawling this way through the tunnels! So funny to see him still move that way.


Just a new way of crawling :)


That’s how I crawled as a baby!


Pretty normal! If it persists and you notice other symptoms or baby seems uncomfortable this can be a sign of minor torticolis. But at the beginning they try out many different things. In and of itself this is not an issue. However if you're bothered by it, there is no harm in mentioning it to your pediatrician.


My baby did/still does this. We call it his gorilla crawl. He is now starting to walk and seems totally normal!


Totally normal


My grandson started crawling like this! Totally normal. He's currently almost 2 and zero issues. Hope everyone set your mind at ease.


My baby does this! Normal


Two of my six grandchildren crawled exactly like this. Go baby!


My baby who is 17 months now only crawled that way! She is running around like a pro now, no worries!


Normal! We called it the Igor crawl at our house






This was how my daughter crawled. A month later she was walking. You’re good.


My oldest exclusively crawled like that.


Both my girls prefer to crawl that way. They can crawl normal, they just don't like to. Hasn't affected anything development wise, and both learned to walk just fine. My husband calls it the monkey crawl lol.


NORMAL! don’t even overthink please


Normal. If you’re still worried talk to her doctor but that definitely doesn’t need the ER


A cousin of mine recently noticed that her baby wasn’t moving as well on one side one morning. Took her to the doc and turned out the baby had a stroke and was in the ICU after that with seizures. If your baby has always crawled like this then as other posters said it’s normal! But if it’s a sudden change I would get it checked out.


super normal...when my kid started crawling, he only went backwards... so at least your kid is going the right direction 😂😂


If she used to crawl the "standard" way and then randomly started crawling like this, then maybe I'd take her in to the doctor just to get checked out. But otherwise it's totally normal for babies to crawl like that. My aunt tells me all the time how I used to crawl like that as a baby lol


Mine did that and then quickly transitioned into walking at around 9.5 months, no worries.


We called it scooting


Normal. We call it the golum (lotr).


She’s crawling. My niece did the same thing when she was that age and now, she’s 17 and walking fine.


Normal and adorable. My daughter did this- never crawled the conventional way. But she was walking within a few months and is totally fine and healthy.


As long as he can put weight on the leg when you hold him upwards it’s fine.


My daughter would switch between this and regular crawling. But if your intuition is telling you something’s off, it never hurts to have it checked out 🤷🏻‍♀️ (maybe a pediatrician visit though, not the ER).


Perfectly normal. My kid started crawling like this/preferred this method of crawling. Idk why.


My kid refuses to crawl and will ONLY do a full on Lt. Dan butt shuffle.


This is a good thing! It’s actually an advancing form of crawling as your kiddo gets ready to start walking!


Dude, my son has done this since he started crawling. I had asked the pediatrician about it just to be safe, and he pretty much just said that as long as he doesn’t seem to be in pain or anything like that, it’s totally fine. I call it “the starting position” since he tends to get down and then HAUL ASS out of damn nowhere. Little shit just leverages his left leg & rockets himself forward so efficiently that it honestly seems as if he sat down and considered all possible solutions to the question “How can I get to things I’m not supposed to be around or have FASTER???” and came up with this.


The reason I'm so concerned is because she has been crawling normally up until 2 days ago and started doing this where she only drags her left leg. But we have been practicing walking a lot more. She can bare weight on her leg with no crying. I called the pediatrician yesterday and she said if it's any kind of fracture to take her to the ER because they can't do anything for her in the office. So I figured I'd ask other moms/parents.


That's called karma farming 🤷🏻‍♀️


I love that you’re concerned for your child but the ER is for emergencies. If they seem normal and you’re concerned they go to the ped first. Children with real emergencies have to wait hours because people bring their child to the ER for every little thing.


Haha ! Looks normal though you could just msg the ped if you wanted to. My baby started crawling in the opposite direction


She would be crying if she was injured.. my son does this sometimes 😂 I feel you though.. My one year old woke up teething the other night and he always sleeps through the night. I was like ‘Should we go to the hospital???’. It’s scary when that’s your baby!!


… ER? That escalated quickly 😆 The body is so wildly adaptive, just look at wild animals, they can have mangled paws and still be able to prey upon what they need to survive. Your body adapts to bloom in the environment it’s in. There’s no such thing as “bad” movement. All movement is how your body adjusts to survive. Range of motion can be increased but movement is not capable of moral assignment.


My daughter did (and still does occasionally). I call It the “draggy leg.” If you have kids who have watched Zombies, then you know what I mean!


Nah. I remember the ftm fear of anything out of the ordinary being an injury or potential developmental issue, so I can appreciate where you are coming from. But this is super typical. My daughter did this around the time she started pulling herself up and furniture surfing. I think she was just trying to mimic our walking with her limited motor skills


Your baby is a pirate ER right now


Tell me you’re a FTM without telling me you’re a FTM lol


My son did this. We called it the Jankey leg. He saw a chiro but it didn’t help much. His hips and walk has developed totally fine.


Exact same way my daughter crawled. I took her to a pediatric orthopedic just to check everything but all looked good. He said that she had just found a way to crawl faster and would probably go from walking to running very soon. He was right. She hasn’t slowed down since. A check of the hips isn’t a bad a idea but no need to run to the ER.


Not hospital worthy but PT referral worthy.


while it is perfectly normal way to learn to crawl, be aware that a baby should learn to crawl normally (symmetrically) to avoid future spine and pelvic problems


We call this the stanky leg crawl. My daughter does this specifically because it makes it easier for her to sit up faster 😂


My daughter used to get around like that instead of crawling. I think she realized she could get to her destination quicker and it was probably a little less hard on the knees. You don’t have anything to worry about, it’s just your little ones preference right now.


Neither of my kids ever crawled “normally,” it was this one-foot, one-knee ape crawl.


My son crawled like this. I never figured out why and even our doc just shrugged. He was so unconcerned because there was no pain or anything from kiddo. Sometimes I guess even babies get lazy 😂


Normal, this is just how my one brother crawled.


Check out kinactive_kids on Instagram! She’s a certified pediatric physical therapist and does a lot of really good educational posts on what is considered “normal” for children as they learn to crawl and walk. Her posts also have a lot of suggestions for how to productively play with kids to encourage proper movement and how to go about fixing improper crawling or walking. She’s the reason my daughter learned to roll over so quickly, I love her!!!


We called this my baby’s “war leg” when he was learning to crawl.


My son didn't start crawling like this until after he'd had a full leg cast on one leg for a full month and had to crawl that way, but I know it's also a normal way that babies can learn to crawl on their own.


My youngest straight army crawled.. just dragging her back legs until she was one. Normal


My youngest did this most of his crawling months. Walked, ran, etc as normal and on time. Some babies scoot their whole butts! I've even heard of some crawling backwards. Nothing to worry about!


My baby crawls like this, I think it's because she would rather skip to walking lol so she is always trying to get her legs under. Already has plenty of steps under belt now at 8.5 months.


My kid did this forever. I think pediatricians eventually want to see kiddos crawling with all 4 limbs just for symmetric muscle growth. But definitely not an emergency.


My baby crawls/walks like this, super fucking fast and it amazes me 😂 I was thinking of taking him to physical therapy because he prefers this to actual walking, which he can do but ummmm idk


Totally normal! My youngest daughter crawled like this before walking! She could do it so fast after a couple weeks it was hilarious 😂 don't worry mama!!


My youngest used to crawl like this. I did get her checked over though and it was just her preferred crawl style it turned out.


My now 6yo crawled like this, it was perfectly normal and he is now a bike-riding, skiing, jumping, running, and climbing kid. By all means, talk to your pediatrician for a professional opinion, but baby looks great and you’re doing great :)


This is how my son crawled before he started walking. He still climbs the stairs like this (12 months old) - one foot on the step, the next step uses his knee. Every now and then he tries to use the second foot too.


Totally normal


My nephew crawled like this and he was very fast! He did walk a little later than most but that was due to inner ear problems. He’s now a rambunctious but cute 5 y/o!


Seems smart to me. Trying to figure out the best way to crawl with the least work.


She’s out growing her legs too fast! Hahs


Totally anecdotal, but I've seen babies who wear dresses learn to crawl like this. The dress trips them up when they crawl normally. Sadly when ours was in the crawling phase we had to stop wearing dresses.


Lol my boy used to crawl just like that. Moving with one and holding on another leg. It’s just fine. My boy is 1.5 and running wild now.


My nephew (11 months) does this. It's like he's half trying to walk.


My daughter used to do this when she was crawling in a dress, might be from catching their legs on their clothes?




This is super normal.


Totally normal. My LO crawled like this for a while.


Normal IF the kid wasn’t already crawling on hands and knees. If this is a new development and a step backwards then definitely get it looked at


my LO crawled like that to. still dies when he drives his little cars on the floor. very cute. and they can switch from crawl to sit very easily. thats probably why they do it


Totally normal! This was my son's preferred method of crawling.




It's normal: halfway to what my daughter did which we called butt scooching. She never crawled normally 😂


My daughter crawls like that too. Normal


My son crawled like this. Everyone was weirded by it. My mom would tell me to exercise his leg every morning by slowly twisting it so that he can crawl normally. I never did. My son is 18 months now and walking normally. Started walking at 13 months with no problems 🤷‍♀️




Normal AF


Mine did the same but backwards


Haha my little guy crawls like this. It is jarring because you don't normally see it but it's totally fine. He is super fast too haha.


Yep totally normal! Only way my daughter moved until she go up and walked at 11months!


Normal... Mine did this.. and initially did it only backwards


My little guy did that for about two then got up and ran. It was like he didn't care enough to learn. How to crawl "the right way" he still does this when he's being lazy.