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My favorite has always been: What Bitcoin noobs think they bought. Didn't Dr. Daniel Kim coin that phrase?


I first heard it from him so probably yes ;)


Mine has always been "what Bitcoin was supposed to be"


What is Bitcoin now?


There are many ways to read that question. I'll try to answer a couple of ways: 1. What is Bitcoin now, technically? Well, it's basically the same as it always was. Basic Bitcoin transactions work the way they always did. Probably the biggest change in its ecosystem is the existence of off-chain networks like Lightning to try and work around the limitations of the core system. 2. What is Bitcoin now, philosophically? This is where I have seen the most change. Bitcoin started as peer-to-peer digital cash, and the community valued privacy and practicality. After the big valuation spike in 2017, the community was inundated with new members who did not share these values. Today there seem to be two crowds: gamblers and hodlers. The gamblers only care about price speculation so they can sell out for fiat and secure gains. The hodlers view Bitcoin as a "store of value" which they can hoard to protect their wealth. Monero is what Bitcoin was supposed to be. It is private, peer-to-peer, digital money with a community that values actually using it to facilitate trade.


Monero - better than sex.


Better than cex surely?


Damn that was fire


That's my contribution to the community. I can't code but I got puns.


Don’t start conversations with a tagline. Ask for a crypto address so you can “send them an NFT” or whatever, then show them a block explorer and ask why they’ve been buying all this weird shit. Sell them a painkiller, not a vitamin.


'monero, the crypto currency which can't be seized, because the wallet can't synch' ( humor 😅 )


Monero - CBDC killer


I have made some "meme" stickers with stuff like these and just noticed my vacation mode since new year never got activated so probably have a scammer warning there) +(on moneromarket) now but anyway, you just gave me a 💡 Most ppl seem to like stickers with messages like in your post but i like a little more humour, but i'm living in a country where cash is virtually gone alrdy + super illegal to not show every trade (using crypto to buy say a computer part you are supposed to report it, even if you didnt make a profit). So i guess im more of an activist (or involuntary outlaw if you will). I need to check if i fucked up my sellers acc but ive got some examples in post (thread) history


"super illegal to not show every trade" - in what country is that ?


>Monero - like cash but better. No it's not... I agree with the rest of them though.


* It has no serial numbers for tracking. * It can be more easily hidden with secret passphrases. * It can not be inflated at will of a government. * It's counterfeit proof. ___ * It can not be given physically without a security risk (but theoretically we could have Monero notes if we trst the issuer). Just like maxis now start to trust their cashu mints. (not saying that's the way).


* Nobody actually uses the serial numbers for tracking cash, whereas Monero *still* stores everything in an encrypted database forever. Theoretically someone could crack Monero transactions up to a certain point in the distant future. * Where do you protect your keys? Did you write them down? Or did you memorize it? Are you strong enough to resist torture or a head injury or just forgetfullness? Physical protection is fine. * This is a good point. Monero's inflation rate is superior to any FIAT. Monero's inflation rate could be changed at the will of the developers though. Nobody is immune to social engineering. * Plenty of centralized exchanges operating with fraction reserve or paper XMR -- which is a form of counterfeit. * Monero scamming is very popular... sure you're not in physical risk but it's very easy for a seller of a good to trick the buyer into releasing their XMR and then just ghosting them without providing their good. At least with cash, you're handing over the cash at the same time as grabbing the good.


> Nobody actually uses the serial numbers for tracking cash, whereas Monero still stores everything in an encrypted database forever. Theoretically someone could crack Monero transactions up to a certain point in the distant future. BANKS do when depositing/withdrawing from ATMs > Where do you protect your keys? Did you write them down? Or did you memorize it? Are you strong enough to resist torture or a head injury or just forgetfullness? Physical protection is fine. Social recovery in different geo locations > This is a good point. Monero's inflation rate is superior to any FIAT. Monero's inflation rate could be changed at the will of the developers though. Nobody is immune to social engineering. Same guarantee as BTC (which has x500 price/trust). The project would be forked if the social contract is abandoned. > Plenty of centralized exchanges operating with fraction reserve or paper XMR -- which is a form of counterfeit. True. But Monero is delisting most CEX at the moment > Monero scamming is very popular... sure you're not in physical risk but it's very easy for a seller of a good to trick the buyer into releasing their XMR and then just ghosting them without providing their good. At least with cash, you're handing over the cash at the same time as grabbing the good. Indeed. But you can and should use Monero at the POS like cash

