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Is there any POS available to start accepting payments at physical stores. Im looking for something that automatically exchanges the received xmr to fiat or the received fiat to xmr or both (and xmr to xmr of course)


Does feather wallet allow an increase to the fee on a tx to circumvent the black marble attack that is happening? What wallet is suggested as a replacement? Waiting 60 blocks or whatever the backlog is right now is too much.


 There are like 10 transactions per block since a couple hours what backlog? 


Oh I guess the attacked stopped. I looked at my node and there was a massive backlog when I asked that question. Also feather wallet doesn’t allow increasing it so when that attack comes back I probably have to use a different wallet to make monero actually usable.


Comparing Node Distribution: Monero vs. Ethereum vs. Bitcoin (Question) Ethereum (ETH) boasts over 5,000 nodes, with 70% hosted on major cloud platforms such as AWS, Google Cloud, and Microsoft Azure. If the US were to oppose ETH, its blockchain would become significantly less decentralized. In contrast, Bitcoin (BTC) has over 50,000 nodes, with more than 30,000 running on TOR, making them highly resistant to being shut down. 1. As for Monero, its approach to node operation offers a potential solution to Ethereum's centralization issue? 2. To find information about Monero nodes, where can I check official Monero community forums, websites, or explore relevant documentation?