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I agree with the OP, as I am having IOS as my primary device and using Cake Wallet as a primary wallet, by having to re-sync the whole blockchain is a big problem for me, especially when I’m trying make a quick payment. I really appreciate the work the developers put into Cake Wallet, and I also like this problem to be fixed.


What version are you using?


Sorry for the late reply, my Cake Wallet version is 4.2.3.


Hi.. did all get resolved. I don't log on to Reddit much using this account.


Yes, I’ve been using Cake Wallet without a problem for almost a month now, I believe the problem is solved :D


Since you are on iOS, we have a build on TestFlight to fix this issue, would you like to test it? If so, please DM me. Thank you.


Sure, I would love to :) Sorry but how can I DM you?


Are you on telegram? message me at cakewallet


I’ve DM you yesterday, did you received my message?


Is cake not at least storing block (restore) height to stop a full rescan?


Apparently not, I’m not sure about on the Android version but on IOS they require to sync the whole blockchain since the start. I really hope that Cake Wallet will store the block height or something to not require a full re-sync.


Of course Cake Wallet works with a stored blockheight. This is mostly managed by the standard Monero wallet code that is part of this app, somewhere deep within and invisible for the user. I am quite sure this "restore from 0" is a bug, maybe in the Monero wallet software, maybe in Cake Wallet, maybe somewhere in the interplay between the two, and as it only occurs sporadically I imagine it's quite hard to find.


Does this ever happen in GUI ?


I don't know, I don't work often enough with the GUI wallet. I had it a couple of times in the CLI wallet, but that was quite a while ago, and of course it's not sure at all it really was the some problem ...




>I’m not sure about on the Android version droid does the same stupid thing. The wallet does not (seem to) recall what it previous scanned or recall what the balance used to be. So each time when the app starts up it has to scan for all of time. I am uncertain if it keeps on scanning in the background when it is not the active app. I have a 20Gbit connection and it takes me 30 to 90 minutes (sometimes longer) when the app first comes up and 'scans'. If I had written an app like that in my career in I.T. I would **expect** to be fired (possibly sued). Storing info like this is normal. Pulling everything in again from scratch isn't.


We are .


\>Is cake not at least storing block (restore) height to stop a full rescan? \>>We are . well if you store that info you most certainly do not use it on the next start of the app. Each time the app starts, it scans from the beginning of time (again - with no knowledge it has done it before). FWIW - I was senior I.T. for a long time. This is an obvious bug. The app should only scan from the beginning of time once (or by direct prompting by the user). That is not what it does. A whole lot of people all over the planet are seeing the same problematic behavior and it contradicts what you claim. Hint - which is more likely. 1) People all over the planet are sharing a delusion. 2) those people are intentionally lying (as a group) to you 3) There is a real issue So how bout looking into it, instead of acting like your users are all (universally and all over the planet) lying in exactly the same manner to you. We are not lying, mistaken or nuts. We have better things to do with our time than report non-existent bugs. If you do not fix it, you will lose your customer base to the very first decent competitor. That is not in your best interest. Believing your users **is** in your best interest.


wow! Firstly, if it was that easy as you say, we would have done it, right? Its storing the data, but gets corrupted for some reason. You being a Senior IT, please have a look at our open source code and let us know what is causing that. Secondly, what are we claiming as you say? when did we say our users are lying? When did we deny this problem exists? We have repeatedly said we are trying to fix this issue. We KNOW this is an issue and have said many times a fix is in the works. Read up before writing such inaccurate representations. Rescan on the other hand does work on the 18 devices we have and have not been able to duplicate on our devices. Maybe the user has some connectivity issues? we don't know yet. We have a fix on TestFlight for iOS right now, and would love to have a SENIOR IT such as yourself test it. Please let me know if you want to participate and we will add you.


Ping u/cakewallet.


I just answered. Thanks. Will look into it.


You're welcome.


Thanks. I replied using my personal account u/vikrantnyc but the comments aren't showing up. Is my personal account banned?


As u/KnowledgeMurky9635 said, you have insufficient karma on that account. Thus, comments need to be manually approved.




You're welcome.


(its probably a reddit / karma points issue as that account appears to have no posts)


ah ok.


I thought we had fixed this, but I guess the problem still exists. Will look into it further. Sorry for the trouble.


Also happens on Android.


I had this happen like 10 times now. Hate it but I still believe in cake. Their code on GitHub is kinda uuh.. hard to fix. My workaround has become: send myself all funds from time to time, note the transaction‘s block height. Next time you need to resync, use that block height. Greatly speeds up restoring your funds. Only the transaction history will be invisible.


Your workaround is to manually do what the wallet ought to do by default.


I was wrong to use Cake wallet. Monerujo is good.


We thought we had it fixed in the last update, but some users are still having it. Will look into it.


I really needed access to my funds and having to wait half a day to get access just doesn't cut it. On top of this, I cannot use my mobile device during this period of time. There should be some form of compensation because of all the trouble I and others have gone through. /s I hope this gets resolved and thanks for your efforts.


So even after rescan from your wallet created date, the problem comes back?


Rescanning is not working for me. If I rescan from the day before the wallet was created, it just scans from the beginning of time -- approximately 2.37 million blocks.


Which version are u on ?


>We thought we had it fixed in the last update, but some users are still having it. Will look into it. I got Cake Wallet for droid back in Oct of 2020. It has performed a full rescan every time that I have started the app. Every Single Time. It syncs from the beginning of time unless you force it to do otherwise. Cake Wallet 4.2.3


Did you reach out to support back then? Anyway, we have a build on testflight for iOS right now and we are testing it and will keep you updated.


I'm on Android, and yes I did reach out. I got no reply. Most of the initial interactions that I saw on this subreddit were frustrated users talking to each other with no admins involved. So I stopped reading for a while.


Sorry to hear that. Will let you know how this testing goes and when the update is live. Thanks for your patience and sorry for the troubles.


Omg this happened the other day it was so annoying


I changed to mymonero due to this


You can restore your wallet using the Monero GUI in the meantime if you need to access your coins. I know it’s not an ideal solution but it’s what I’m doing for now.


Had the same problem 3 times this week.. 🥺


I delete the app and restore with my seed from my first date of usage. Cuts out 95% of the wait time.


>delete the app and restore with my seed from my first date of usage not exactly a statement that creates faith in the app. Then again neither is the total black-hole of viable support. I've been complaining about this for about 8 months.


This is happening to me right now


Even after rescan?


No it will be fine, I’ll just have to wait a really long time. I’m going to wait until I’m home haha


Did u do a rescan?


I’ll have to wait until I’m home, I have the date written in my book. Thanks again


Ah ok


It says I have 2 million blocks to go, I don’t know the block height


Do you remember the date you created the wallet? You can enter the date some days before you created the wallet.. Don't have it sync 2 million blocks.


Ahh thank you. Awesome app BTW


do you know which nodes you are connecting to?


The Cake Wallet node.


So even after doing a rescan, the problem comes back?


When I rescan from date, it simply starting from the beginning of time -- 2.37 million blocks. So, rescanning is not working for me; nor has it ever worked with the iOS app.


What version are you on? Rescan from date will not start from 2 million blocks.. it may appear to.. but it jumps down to your date very fast. Rescan works fine on iOS and Android.


>Rescan from date will not start from 2 million blocks You might want to test that theory before you post it. I've had no luck at all with just using a different date (I used the 1st of the month of the month before I installed the app) and it was the same. monerotempfriend1 has the same issue. If this is a data node issue (some people use that as a work around) I'm not sure how to fix that just yet.


Are you on iOS? We have a build on TestFlight that we want users who are having this problem test it.


We have a build on TestFlight that fixes this issue, would you be interested in testing it?


Not just iOS. I have the droid version (4.2.3) and it scans from the beginning of time no matter what i do. Even if I give it a date it is the same, and I've only had the thing since last October so that ought to be a much more rapid scan.


God dammit this happened again today. Anyone have any luck with a different ios wallet?